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-2- 81- +)(i230~ <br />as a lien upon the Trust Property sub,~ect only to encumbrances <br />existing as of the date hereof, will cause this Trust Deed, and each <br />amendment or supplement thereto, to be filed and recorded as a <br />mortgage of the Trust Property in sueh manner and in such place, <br />and will take such other action as in the opinion of Trustee may <br />be required by any present or future law in order to perfect,- <br />maintain and protect the lien of this Trust Deed, as the-same may <br />be from time to time amended or supplemented. <br />2. Pa ent of Princi al and Interest. Trustor shall punctually <br />pay Che principal o and interest on, said promissory note in- <br />eluding any advances thereto as provided herein on the dates <br />and at the place and in the: manner provided therein and will punc- <br />tually perform all agreements, conditions, and provisions of any <br />other security instrument given in connection with this transaction. <br />3. Preservation and *Saintenance of Property. Trustor will not <br />commit any waste upon the Property and will, at alt times, main- <br />tain the same in goad order and condition and will make, from <br />tine to time, all repairs, renewals, replacements, additions and <br />improvements which are reasonably required to prevent waste, <br />impairment, or deterioration of said property. No building or <br />improvement now or hereafter erected upon the Property shall be <br />altered, removed or deisolished without the prior written consent <br />of Beneficiary. <br />~+. Dame e to Prooerty. In case of any damage to, or destruction <br />of, t e uzt no mss, improvement, ~r personal property constitutin^ <br />part of the Trust Property, whether such less is cave red by insur- <br />anee or othe r,~fse, Trustor, at its sole post and expense, will <br />promptly restore, repair, replace and rebuild the same as nearly <br />as practicabic to its condition i;m~ediately prior to such damage <br />ar destruction or with such changes ans3 alterations as Truster nay <br />deem appropriaee, provided such changes and alterations da not <br />materially lessen the value and utility of such buildings, improve- <br />;nents and personalty from that existings irrnediately prior to such <br />damage or destruction. Trustor shall ue entitled co reimbursement <br />from the Trustee to the extant of the net insurance proceeds re- <br />ceived by Trustee, brat only to the extent of the actual sum ex- <br />pended under this proE•tsion. <br />5. for orate Trustor. If Trustor is a corporation, it wi13 ao <br />all t ings necessary to preserve its corporate existence, righcs, <br />and privileges under the laws of the state of its incorporation. <br />6, lnsurance. Trustor, at it.s expense, wi31 maintain with insurers <br />approv~neficiary, insurance with respect to the improvements <br />and personal property, constituting the Property against loss by <br />fire, lightening, tornado, and other perils covered by standard <br />extended coverage endorsement, in an amount equal to at least one <br />hundred percent of the full replacement value thereof; and insur- <br />anee against such other hazards and in such amount as is customar- <br />ily carried by ovcsers and operators of simitar properties and as <br />Beneficiary may require for its protection. Trustor will Damply <br />with sueh other requirements as Beneficiary nay from time to tine <br />~ request for the protection by insurance of the interest of the re- <br />spective parties, F~11 insurance policies maintained pursuant to <br />this Trust Deed shall name Trustor and Beneficiary as insureds, as <br />their respective interests may appear, and provide that .there shall <br />be no cancellstion or modification without tifteen days prior writ- <br />tesn notification to Trustee anti Beneficiary. In the went any <br />policy hereunder is not renewed on or before fifteen days prior to <br />its expiration data, Trustee or Beneficiary may procure such incur- <br />axe-and the cost thereof shall be added to the ~.oan secur~:d by <br />this- Trust heed a:xd shall b$ar interest at the greater ofi the in- <br />K38lc'~st x'~tte ~-p«cified therein or the highest interest rate author- <br />- ism by ~ lags of the State of tdabraska. Trustor shall deliver <br />