<br />g~°- t)G~~~{~
<br />Ltxtdav's avri¢ten agtmetaeni or :pplicatde taw. Bortrnrar shat! pay the atnouot of all mortgage insurance ptemiufm in the
<br />mattnet provided under paragraph 2 heratf.
<br />Atry amounts tiisbutsed by Y-ptder purnmnt to this paragraph 7, with intetxst thereon, shalt ttecomt additional
<br />ittdebtt~eress of Borrower securai by this Mortgage. CTnless Borrower sad Lender agree to other tetnts of payment, street
<br />atsrounts slaaH be payable upon notice from I.ettdet to Borrower regtteating paytncart tht;rcaf, and shall bear interest fntrnt the
<br />due of tffabttn~ent at the raft payable trttm time to titer on tmtstanding prirteipal under the Note unless payment of
<br />lntFttat at tarcfi ram wattid be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amotmh sha0 bear ingest at the hlgheu rate
<br />parrtisrs~tle tender applicable law. Notbittg contaitxd in this paragraph 7 shall regtrife Lrttder to incur a ea
<br />aay action hereunder, ~ P~ or take
<br />>G erl~Daw. I-ender may males or cattle to be maw reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Irropsrty, provided
<br />that Lsndtr shall give Borrower trcrtitx prior Ea any suchrnaptxtian sisccifying reasonable cause tltetefor tttated to Len~r'a
<br />ingtrit in she Yresperty.
<br />!. f.6attetttaarita. The proceeds of any award ar claim for damages, direct or conugttentiat, in canreeciloer with any
<br />condemnatKn ar trther taking of rbe proputy, ar part thcrrof. or for Convtyatrax in lieu of condemnation. era heteisy as+figtaed
<br />and shalt be paid to Lernkr.
<br />In the seem of a total taking of the propett7t, t!u proceeds shat! be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with the excess, if any, paid ro Horrawer. In ehe event of a partia3 taking of the Propem•. unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, tbtrc shah be applied to the wens scctrred by this Mtxtgage such pmportion of the protxeda
<br />ss is egos) to that proportion which she amount of rise sums secured try this lortgage immediaeety prior to the date of
<br />taking hears to rht feet mater valtu ~ the Parperty imtesediatefy prrar to tfre date of taking, with the hereon of fht proceeds
<br />paid to 1lorrotver.
<br />f(tfae Y is ahandoteed by Harrower, car if. after native by i.errder to Horrawer that the condemnor aaRers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for dama~r, Horrtwer faits to resptirtd to i.endtt within 36 days after the date such etatice is
<br />mailed. i.cnder is atnJroeitxsi to collect aced appty the pracecds. at trteder's option. either to mtortstitttr or ttpair ~ rtes
<br />tsropem• rrr n thr sotto sercrtrext by this Mortgage.
<br />[Jnlas [-ender sort Harto.ear rrtherwiu egret an writing, env such appltcation of practeds to principal shall trot exttmd
<br />or ptastpatte the dtee dart „( the monthly itnialttstents refertrd to in ;vragraphs ;and 2 hettof tx change the amount of
<br />larch artstal{tnerets.
<br />tI. literattsr nett Raieaeal. t-3ict+siart of the event fro the-mint c,r mr-~dsf9caunn of amextiutton of the wm.t secuttd
<br />hY thrs Mortgage g'_a'txl by I.tnder to any sex.•eessar +n interest .,f &rrrower shalt not ntxrate to reteane, in am manner.
<br />the tiability crf the arisrnal Borrower and 8txrmver's successnn ,n intemt. Lender shalt oar Fre required ro commence
<br />prnceedisa~ sgarttvt such sucttcNnr rtr refuse to rxtrnd nme for paymem ,+r ;xherwise mtxlih amnrtiZitian of the sums
<br />.ocured M th# ?Mortgage try reason o{ any dettratxf made by the i+rigtnal &+rmwcr seed Hnrrrva^er's sacce><wn in interest.
<br />i 1. Ferhpesn idy f.eairr P4at a Waiter. Atav fc+rhrarar+;c t+v t ender in rxerctstng env right or rtmtd_v heeetmder, ar
<br />rxistrvrisc afi~rekd ray apipdxat+k taw. sheet :xet he a waiver :~( .*r preclude ?he rstrciu of env catch right ar remedy.
<br />1Zse pracuretraert! of ittnarant.'e ter the paytttent of taxes or r+sher liens ex Lharxes by !ender what) ntx f+e a waiver of Lender's
<br />right h'* accetet~tc rice matettity trf the indcbttdntcs inured by this efarrga{te
<br />t2, iRuredhs Catattttlee_ Art rctrudrea pravadcd rn rhea ttartgaac are .ttstinC.t and cu!ttutativc to any other right ar
<br />remedy under [hta Mortgage r>r alTarded to taw ar cyutty. and mat tr, z-vercx.rd _<+rt+:-urrentty, rndependendly ar succtasively.
<br />i7. 9reeeraw sad Antfttsts te®rr$ Ja4t seed itvarrai isa8ipty: t`aptists. the kasenants and ;rgrtements herein
<br />crmtaitatd shalt Iairrd. acrd the rights txtna~tr ,haN coerce tn.:tu respecter suczesar+rx and assigns <+f Lender and Harrower,
<br />st~a}tKt to the: pray;sierra a€ paragraph 1" hcrsa# Oft eavr~santx xna aprremenz+ ;+r $nrrnwer shad 6e loiter and several.
<br />'The i~ptlam ata# txaditrgs of the paragrp?as <-,f ?his 44e;-tgat~e err r.,r ;,~ravcnrenie ~•nh~ and are not to ht used to
<br />intcrtrexa tar tittAne the ptovtalvns tutrnf.
<br />I1.'thMre. Ex^ept far a»y Horace rettuirst! vndtr :rp,ticabtr ta4 e,. },r gzv~n m aM+ther tnanner. (al env notice to
<br />Horraswrr pmvtded for ,n this '.t{orlgagt xtaait tae g:vcn by matting :at4h •asttt-r t+e~ ~.rrtrtied mart at4drnsed to t?arrmvtr at
<br />the taropcrty Addrtsv av at vurh nttvcr asl6r~s xs Herren cr nay zlrsrgtaatr by nexicr to t.endcr at pravitLed herein. anti
<br />she any teatiCR to I.etttttr shelf M given t+z- ;erte}icet mat't_ rerern teerapt regrttctcar. te+ t ender's address stated herein ar to
<br />streh usher addrieae as i_ettdrr ratty dcsrg»ate M• turtrca to 8arxw-cr as pravvltsi ?rot-zn_ Any native )rrtnidttf for rn this
<br />Mongate shaf# he deemed to have tarter ,erven to Hc+r*,s+wrr ar i.endrrr when grvrn m thr rnant>Sr t~esigttatcd htr=in.
<br />;g- i-aailaeaa : Gsve*wiaK t.aw°t 5ts^rtsrtrrttf. This fvrtat .tf resr*rteagt catrisince ttnifarm covenants for national
<br />use recd Wort-uniform t~avenatns wtth titnited i~arinre~sta 6y xrrasae:tn~n to r3nuatstt a :setifotm ~,rs-urity inattutmni cavtrittg
<br />^aat Ixx+perty Tetra MortgaRt slralf !+e gat.errttd f+o-° the !av<° rrt ;hr rrartsdKitttn :n which tht Property ix iucatrd. In the
<br />=vent that sat prtyouauts rat' ctaurx ?! tttzs hfrwtgagt r+r the .'~ca¢ <austTicxa aa•ith apptksbfe taw. such cttnfliet shall not aRcet
<br />atbu pravesinats ,E this Mortga~ a7r tear 'Vote v:hxh tan tae ervrn rtfect wuh,~ut rht conftictirtg provision, sad to fhb
<br />~ the ptvrisitxar of the Mctgage and the 'vote arc dcc'.are$ to tx stveraMc.
<br />lJi. lirswa"t fray. Borruv.ar shaft tae furntafacd > conformed :stay c>t the Vote and of this Mortgage at the time
<br />,X t.=a"t~iott cvr after rteprdattoee httc+of.
<br />D7, 'fraatatseof iCte ~Tt Aaat~tittt, if art cx any part of the: !>rtapcrty cr as ietttreat therein is sold or tratssferred
<br />br lterawtr srtt6ettt laseder`s prior vrritts^n :.cxtserst, cttelaating tat the s-tearioar of a lien ar etec:mmbratta sttbatdinate to
<br />ftAis lbs. tbt the neuron of a purcttaac raonep accurrty rnoerest for hotnrthcsld appliances, set a rranafer by devise,
<br />deatrgtt or by apenr~n of taw aapps the death of a fattH tenant tu• id; the grant a! any leaattenid intettat of three wean or less
<br />teat ~ art e>pdaq w pesecJtaae, I_endter etasy, at i-ettder's saptrett, declare aft the starts rt>CVred try this Mortgage to tae
<br />ity dna and pa(rabk. !.ender sh~f haee +varvet! sucft optran ea aaxefetate af. prat to the salt or tramftt, !.ender
<br />tsed the peasotr to whom the pTUFt¢tty tt to tx said sx trarwferred tech agreement in writing the the credit of such petsratr
<br />is ste$actwy to I,enda and that theenterest payable sat the surest acxured t+y ttris Mortgage shall tae at such rats as I..trrder
<br />stsasl ragtreat. If I~teader hr awisee! the option to acctierate praveded to this paragr:ph t7. grad if Borrttwar'x strc'c~rr in
<br />i hu t a writatn t agtttment accepted in writittp, Mr I.cadtr, Lender shall release Harrower from a8
<br />o6titevimeea t this 1!ttrntpge sad doe Noce.
<br />tf Leatda a nrtr optioa to tacee3es?att. Ltttakr shalt mail Borrower tsrxice of arceleratisar in accagdaace with
<br />ptrtit !~ ,. SaeDt native ai~i ptBerxde a period at taex tea than 36 days ftxmt ttx rote the native is malted within
<br />sri~cDt Htateaairer may pal the steer dttlared due. !f &xrwer faa& ro pay seas-fr s;rtru prime to the expiration of sea:b ptrriod.
<br />Lasxla atti}'. wtl4atu itrsbttt notice ar desmaod cn Harrower. ,nroEt any remedies permitted by paragaph t $ hereof.
<br />T~Fots.~Dtttr4iaasf'•vrttr~tastrs, Boreovrcr sstd Ltrrder further covtnaru seed ap~rt+e as folEatrs:
<br />2fD.- e0sa~tg IttatotatYta. 16apM as ! ~ t+r~a~ t7 1lesrtet, upae verestesa's ~reaelt d r7 etasaaaat rK
<br />a/RNlawaa d letnwwtr u tki t bdttiiR rite ravaaarta m ttaT' wba dtte ~ stews euau~ for rYa lNartgttRa,
<br />t~stlae geiar as araewatlaE rltri wri retake w uteatwar r ptoritiad a rsaprt~Y 1• iteerset ttgiealtyit~ fl) dra batatJu
<br />(~tt~raariiawsat)Edtattst sera anal ltatW t~ t tJate, ctrl tss ~.. Ji ~ Naatt Na a~ Me trtHae k taaiiei ~ 8aawwer,
<br />l~ ss~tair- tkt»aNt tart lit arra/t rrd ~} rise !'aura- r errs tam iepdr oa ar terrace ter tote ,tpatslittf lr tYe aatieY
<br />awr,' sestet lit ataabrKta at Mr stew tanaatl i)r tbla ltyaeawa, fatseeasrar star irreieJtF grtwtatblleg_~d sic art qta Tt>syatf.
<br />`411ar raatlioa sirii ertDiiia 3reaatr f)tanarar ad tat r14it ti etJasaoe >~ atteMraaira sad tree ~ ~ atrwa fo tMt tancMrre
<br />t!a ~ ae a ltttattli e,r .rs otlrrr aldsraa at teeaaa.tr at ~ awe faetteeaatae: tI tla tr,esatt
<br />itttstES~atts(ksrwr~e~tiitrr~adiat! f^ tie snits, t,ardat as -.esri~ar`s elNa.- nary tler#ast at art elta seers seswsr! -y
<br />ti1WII '~ ~ ~wrtst t~anlatr t..taa a.tt awg tats~tl.aa 3r ~ia+iEw ~. [.ea+atr
<br />~ttawllwt a +~ ~ ~rattasa.te, tteMr~, sett .w Ntratrat tee era at t)rc+wa..twey~
<br />~- s`k ~tlrllt fiat Hlaiaririe. '`{otaiahssaaadf_ ~ l,aredur's ~ of test strras xectged try thin Martgye,
<br />lYartterttrx ttltasii IWiet Bet riper m have ieatlr t,ar~tr by f,xtrder tss eafaaes orris Mtsrtzaaoe diaccxttimred at any tirale
<br />
<br />