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8I--- pU225~' <br />Utsualtss CoveMarrra. attd I.mdM cavenaai and aftrtte as falbwa: of and interest on the <br />shaft promptiY WY whoa due fhe principal. <br />e ~, ~ t ~ lak charges as Pro~idod in the Nate. attd rho prittcipat of and iatersst <br />an pay )~ Ad°~ ~ thn ~~ ltcabk Iaw or to a written waiver by lender, Ban'a"a'er shalt ~Y <br />_, tgi~is !ar 1'an ari ~ fO t~ ~ , under the Note, omit the Nate is paid in frill, <br />m L as lira dsy tttttattily i~ of 1~°e1 satd tMereu arc payable u which tnaY ~ P~o~' , o"~ this <br />a t~ { "Fstadt~9 ~ to orte-tcrt~th -taxes attd assesstne++ i~l~ats .for hazard <br />pad grasta m t~ FtopsrtY, if asny. ~ i~ frra ce if ~~ al• ttabiY est+mated initially and: from <br />ootytwai[dt ~ Y~Y Psi tatttaihtmab-far trtottgage <br />tinx w riots by I:esldor on ~ t~ o€ ~ end hith pad toawnabk estitttates thereof. te~bY a-Ftuisral or <br />'tbs PttndE ~ be hold in ansnstitutian the. deposers or accounts of which are ittfur+sd err said taxes, assesstatents+ <br />pals sgeS+eY ttoclodtag L+mder if I~etder is such an imtitutian). 1-ender shall appfy t!x Ftmds to pay . <br />turd t~ rents, t..entkr may twt charge for sa ttokiing and ap~Yiag the Funds, analyzing satd ~ R <br />its and , uz~ lender pays >iarrow•cr Interest on the Funda.pad applica <br />~.+eriitYl~ pad ootttpilitt; said assessrttents r ,,,ay agree in writing at the time of execution <br />ppsaets [.ender to taake stxh a cltaxge. Botrttwer and t.ende is tttade or app-~ <br />faioatiga that ioea'at en the Funds shaft be paid to Borrower. Bitrrawe~r any ta~~trdngs an rite Funds. Lsadtn <br />tacit its~at to rte paid. I.eoder shat! pot be rs4ttired to pay <br />~ (im m Borroteu, Without charge., an annual accounting of rite Futtds showing crtdtta 8nd din for the swtts asacured <br />for arhidt amdt debit to the Funds was mods. 'lire Funds are pledged as additiotsal seuuity <br />by t!!u a(art/age. finder, together with the ftrturc monthly instatlmt:ats of P1mds payable [Mm to <br />~ the attsotmt ~ tht Ft~ ttetd ~ tutu and grouatt rents. shat! exceed the amount required. to pay said taxes. <br />the dsas dates of razes. u imtuance prerm lion. eithu <br />• inuurance premittma a~ ftrourtd rents as they fall due. such excess shaft its. at Borrovret's aF the Foods <br />pwmQtlY reFaid to Borrowv or credited so Botroruer on rttaathty mstaltntertts of Funds, 1fut~M ~n ~t thsy fall due. <br />httid tyY Lxoder shtd! riot he st~ieiaat to i~Y traces, aaamsments. insttrattee premitttm and gro <br />Batnoaeer shall IaY m L~ pay anwunt tteeessarY to make up the deficsenry within }D days from the date notice is mailed <br />~ Lander !o Bwrtta~ req~'°g pa7tne»[ thereof. refund to Borrower pay Fttttds <br />Uptzt pavtnetn m tuts of all stuns secured by this Mortgage. Ixnder .hall promptly <br />} fry Lander. ff ttitdrt paragraph iK hereof Efts Property rs solo ur the Property is otherwise acgtured by Ft:etds~held by <br />sialf apply, tta taper than sptpsediately prtar zo the sale c:€ the Prapsrry this Nottmgat~- by f..ersder. arty <br />Lender at the trine of applicarioet :.s a credit against the sums scarred by <br />3, A~Ytatiisa cif Tt9''taeaas° i.inless appticahle laa~ pravidss otherwise, all payments reGCt~ n LL ndor by HOrtower <br />Note artd paragraphs I pad 2 lure+tf shall rte applied hY i.ctttict' first {n pagmtnt ezf amounts pay <br />under fraragrtaph' txteof. t}xa to inttxest paY~ inn the None. then ro the principal of the Nate. and then to interest and <br />prntcrpal art pay Futtue Advances. ittctna attributable to <br />i. ~ ~, gorrowea shaft pay aIi taxes, A._..ssr"nts and .?t#ter ,harges,'ft tauttd tent~sf any, in the mattatr <br />the PropsrtY svhsch may attain x prwrtY aver this btmgagc, t+uf teaxhatld psyrnents =~ g nt. when due. ,litecdy to the <br />pr~dd tmde* p~y~app 2 ttstctsf ra. tf not pod m such manner, by Bt rrawer makin payrrte r attd is tlx event <br />payee thsmtf. Borraawr (hall promptly furtush t:z Lender ail ttottces of amounts .itce utulu t}tis parag ~- such payrnettts. <br />Ilormsser shall mate paymsrtt dtrertfy, f3ttcrawrr shalt faromplty tumtsh to L.ens3e ^n' ided, that Borrower Shari not rte <br />livXruw~ shall ptY disthargs env trop ••+nxth has ptxtrty over th:: ldongaXe: <br />tequtrett M dischar;a soy stu'tt lien so forty as Borrower shall agree to anisng to ttte tx 3efcnai,entM trt.~e z of lush tier a <br />atrc3lita in a atanaar ~ to Frasier. or shall m 8~sd #xtth caxuest Stich ?trn I?Y. <br />legstl ~, wharf operate to pres~cnt the cntarcetrtent c*t t;te ?~ =vr #orfetturc .tt the prtyterty ._y any part themtf. <br />5. igmrd [aaseawea• f3arrtrwerwithtn t}~ tsrmmprxtend a,<cragt YsU~ #tictavttrottter hratards tan l.ettder may sego rs <br />against tress by tars; hazards inctttded a;~; panmdcsf, that i_emkr snarl rntt rtatvtre chat ttx anuttrnt of <br />sad tit such sasatrtus sad Ettt sttct? Pei ~` '-ender rttay ietl <br />retch co'vcrttgc exceed that amstttnt cif u'ts-engte rega;resf trz v rtae ,utm ,c~sircu M tht: Mart rPaRE <br />tht ipwtatxt shatY Ise c#tztsen by Barrnwa.r sab¢ct to app[avai It7+ Itnsier: prtwtdsd. <br />Tea itrsuraax canter prav}dini tea shall to paid =n ttte manna <br />that ttsch approval sttaB ttszs `_t uareasnastt+Y a-tt9ttefd, :elf prttn+ums :,n xnwraact P~ when due..hrecttp to the <br />ttodaer Ttuttgnptt = hereur or, rf na paid an >ueh Wanner, sty Barsttwer macmg paYmmt, <br />tttlRttanGe .arias'. t { trc ;n term a<xeptabk to i..enucr anal strati +stclade a standarst ertart#Cage <br />,~ %~ poltCxs pad re»twats thereti xis. arts renewals ihereot. <br />clayt;a is fasxtr of arts in form ash to fznder. [xader shalt have the eight to hard the p~tutns In ttx esxm of tau. <br />pad 8~' abaft proasftdy furnish to itadsr all rtrasval txxttces :tro3 all receipts art ;"std prom <br />@OrtoaeK shd4 gyve i~tx nattoe to ttu tmurarue comer xnd t.enskr t.ettsfer Wray mate prorN .,t Iris ti tx*t made pmmptty <br />by vrttt ansurata:e pretcetWs snail tx apples '-o rs€tstratian qr repair of <br />Urdas lender std flarrstwer othtiv-lac Wa an ttg. Qf this Msmgagc is <br />tAe s lu'as stmt rastoratton 'x reps+r ,• e.:on.utttcaily ttasthk'f tsar sceur>~tt this ;vtortgage wruid <br />if such teatsxatton sx tgtrut n tt;x ccattttma:ilty teanhlt ` with the excess. if any. P~ <br />pot thxebY ipttpatrod. shall tin apptiad to the soots sstured hi ihstyort;aat, <br />its i~eetl tlYe u»straaca t to d..taskt wtthtn 34 days #rom tt+e <br />m 8orrosrer. (f the Property a xTtandatipl try t3orrewer. tx ,t Borrower tatb ti: respond heaelits, (.ender <br />eiaroe s marled by to Borret+'er t}sai the insurance carrtdr .tt[m is ,etik n cfatm for il14{tra9Ce ~ the Property <br />is astlllorirad ~ cofiett atsd apply tfx imttraffi-'e 4x+teads at I.eades's optttut etttscr let raetttraucm sx repair <br />oe m tlta soar sss;tued by tks Marsgtµe. .a writing. +aY tacit apQitcatron cd Itnt."'soda to fut~P~ sbstt na cztsttd <br />I~tdaas fea4er pad 8arro*tar txftrarrise sgr~ ` t lad 2 hcresrt .x change the amoun! of <br />sit potlpotte ttx dun s~K o€ the tttrxtthly irntatlmeats refetttcd to in psrtrgraphs t[k and inttrest at Borrawsr <br />sttCh: ice. if radar paragraph t$ heieaf the Prapttm as a;:getu'ed by tesdtr. aU nght. t iar to ttte sole <br />-and is ate to the proceststs tbereaf rsaufting Frain darna6e to the Property' pt <br />to p~a~.,d..t~o.~¢aya~Y~t~ l~ Ity tht4 Nongage unatedtatcly prtar to ,acts xatF or <br />ar ~'~'•^~'" ih~l (~ ~ i@Hded tf"+ diC e3teettt at the Sttraa saCt'UFdl <br />~'~°' L.a~ariaNsr Cods ILawd flay fAn' Borrasvcr <br />stslt har¢ ~ ~~ sY: ca~it wasu at pctratt tmPstrmeiE ~d M'fst ~~ ~~of the trait in a <br />aed ~ ~y „~ ~ pnnrow~oit stf arty ~ tf this a ss nn a teasehttld. <br />tms3 .~.-,~.~„_ •. 6cirsower shxil f~attrs a!3 of Btxntwtis c~t~tions under !hc dac3az~pauon <br />sx a @ ,nit develaptrsrnt. the by-lases and regulaticxrx ill the <br />sx ciaseslnnts asat}s~g w >~~mg the castdsttttietittm or ptaaaed ; <br />~ tarot ~, srd comtiturnt ctacuntcttt~lt a ctsndomtnttrm or p4xnrtcd~~iol svch~ra~t~rt <br />rda[ to ~ ~ and reed #agether ,vtth this Man +~ cots a1~ts ~ ~ i( the rifler <br />Sam red stsa8 ametsd asst stsp~ertraat tta: coretuntz ' agr <br />ttitatl.bis hta~tsnld <br />ss~sas a yal Aeitmaf= caatattxd in shin <br />T. }sadas~ar d tf.saials 5aawlig. tt Bbrrawtr tails to perform rite cns-caa 4tst~rkr's t~tctmsest in ttsc Prt+psrty. <br />u ~ which mat~rtasy 't- rags invaivittg a <br />~ ere d a+~ `* ~- tom., ende enfoecertteat. cir artaagemert}s or ptnceed <br />bra pat l to. taoaittwst daattma, tttake stwh appaaranc~. disburse such <br />~ ~ that tmdar u Tl~der>s apttsnt, upon tttuttx ui Borrower. tnaY <br />sstala awl cairn nsilt aalka as a y to Rtrm~t f.erxler's ttti+srest. ~ixltxfias. trot tort limited to. disbursement c+l <br />to crake tepatrs If f..etder rs4uind itttt''tgags insurance as ,t <br />raellsa atttrras~y"; faea std entry upsrtt ttte Ptapem rtquirasl to maintain wnn,le <br />ttf tapiirfng the lean tnaued by the lsfongatpc Ilanawrr shall pay t}ta pretaiurrts wuh Bornwer s std <br />~~ la, tattl siaM as the tsri+~ fax such it>,wrance terzai to <br />