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81- t)(~224? <br />Leader's written ageeanetrt or applicable law. Borrower shah pay the amattm of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragaaph 2 hereof. <br />Aay amouma disbunetl by Lander pursuant to chi. pat~agraph '/, with interest thereon, 6ernnte ad~tionat <br />itedttees of Harrower aecitted by this Monyage. Unless Borrower end Lender agroe !o otheu trirrtu of ltaytreeM, such <br />attsouens sfe>tl 6e payabL upon ttotke from tender to Hovstrwer requesting payment eharcof. and atutl bear interest teen die <br />dace of eHabtet70lmrani uthe rue paysbk fret[ time ro there an outuandhtg principai ttttdar the None inlOe payeseM d <br />imrerert u sudt rate wand tx comrarlr to applicrbk Iaw. in which [watt sttrdt arnotenri shah bear ieNaeu at the hl{Frtet rate <br />~ t'asder at+pl6cab4t law. Naslrhrg sonta#ted in this prtagraph ~ shat! regteiK Ltendw to irtCrtr arty atpaase a taEa <br />arty estxidr heewrtdere. <br />R ~ tert~ may make or carne to ix made rteasaiable entries upon and itrapadiat0 ~ the Prcsfzartyt. ptateided <br />that Lender dish t~ ffiort+oster ttdice prior to any such inspection specifying reuwnabla carne tlrerefer raLeed to LreeMrs <br />inteeeat in Nee Property. <br />R ZwiOertadew. Tate praeeds ~ any award or claim for damages, direct ar awaagtteetiai, in'conrtaedort with arty <br />crnednntestion ar other taking of the Property. or pan thereof, or For aartreyartce in lien at condemnation, era htAeby anisnrd <br />and tdudt be paid to t.ertder. <br />In the esem of s total takietg of the Property. the proceeds shall 6e applied to the sttern secured by thu Mortz~emBe, <br />tsith Are taclaa. if any, paid to ]!arrester. la the event of a partial eking of the Property. unim HMrowtl' and Larder <br />otherwise agree in writing. there shah he appiiod to the sums secured by [his Mortgage such proportion of the ptecret4 <br />ears equal to first propartiatt which the amount of the sumx secured Fry this Mortgage immediately prior to the due of <br />taking harts to the fair make[ value of the Property tmmediuety prix: to the date of taking, with the balance o[ flea ptoceed6 <br />paid to tbrrosrer. <br />Ff the Pexzperty is abandoned by Borrower. cx if, after notice by [.ender to Honoster the the cortdartrtar otitta to matte <br />as award ar satk a claim far damages, Borrower faits to respond m Larder within 3Q days a#!er the date eoch ttodoe o <br />mailed, [.antler is atnleor~ed to calker and apply the ptircnedc a Larders opaiort, erMet to ratoration ar repair of !ha <br />Pro;~rty rv so cite sutr» soctttrd i}y this Monitagc <br />Utilass Letwter and Borrower ether arse agree m writing, any such appticatian of prncteds to principal shall not eaatd <br />or pwtpone the due dart of the montMv insfatlmena rtfernd ra in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />weA rnstallmenta. <br />1f. 1Mreowar ?feu RekasetL Extensnw at thr sane far payrnert or rnodifwatrnn of amortiZati>xt of she sums seetttrd <br />by ibes Mortgage granted by under to any stxresusr rn interest of Borrower shatl trot aapente to release, in any manner. <br />the litddiity of the origirsaf Borrnwtr and Barrawer's scrCitxsar4 rn inttresr. Lender shalt net tat T~uirtd F4 comntmtee <br />proteedNtgz a;sit~t szch sitecessnr c.r rouse w exttnd trine for payment or Mt[crwise rmctdify amartiutian of the burns <br />aerated it1' this Mangags by reason of any demand made by the arigtml Borrawet end Harrowes's strccesears in ineerest. <br />I1. FatAasrr tg ttaiftr !liar a Wahvr. Ar»' farttcaranct by Izezakr in extrersing am right or remedy iurcirntler, or <br />.Hhersttst aAorded by apptieataie taw. }hail trot he a wa:vet ~tf or preettt~ the cxcrrise o7 any such right or remedy. <br />Test procurrnttm of insurance ;m the psvmenr of !darts .~r cxhrr Ircns ar charges by tender shall nW be a waiver of Ceacter'a <br />right w atxtkrau [ise maturity ;>t the ~ttdetttrdrrr+s ~rcurrd by this Mortgage. <br />12. ` 4Sli reiitedics tar,=<tdrd :n thrs *sttxigagt are distinct and avmutalivr to any ether right or <br />rt:rnctrv rx atfardtd by isr :: cqurtq and may he rstretsrd snnrvrrtnety, indeperrtlently cir successively. <br />iJ.` ~satm/i IoMe aaA `ie•era! i2aiilyt t'gdma. Tttc covenants and agreements herein <br />ctantai shall ;n;,rc ra. the respeerrve su;ctasan and assigns ;af Lender and Ho:rower, <br />subyeu to the pravtscruss of paragraph t? taereat Ali cavrnanH and agrttrtxnts ref Barrawrr shad ix taint and several. <br />'The captatrns anti tieadrngs oaf ttst paragraphs ,3t [has .`dorrgagr err fnr _a:nverxrzar stilly and are cwt in rte used to <br />tRtef plat ~ rt4ti/te tt[t prayissettS trefetir_ <br />ti. !YOAce, ~xa'tp[ for- anq~ rwatrr:e rettrurrd rtnda appticahk !a»- to ere grvrn ;n aadixr manner, ta) any rxMice to <br />Barrn.aar prswrded !rn ;n toss Mtntytage shall tx gtvra br mailtng such natrce 6y zrrirfked coati atidttssed to 13vrra+rtr at <br />the Prtipertv Adtlrtss .x u sash .alert arednas as Ba+rtriwrr may rleugnett by nattr.e in [zre+ler u pravitled herein, std <br />zbt say notice to tzndcr sbaFl lx Styr. hs .nttt5cd rrari. nriam rtterpt regtintrd. to tznder's addreer stated isatin or to <br />stieh catlset address ax t.rrtdrr mat 3rstSnatt h> raaxtae to Botre+w~er as pro.-;~ tXrtin .Any sexier provided far in this <br />Mangagt slsaFF tae deetxttrt to ha*[ hetn grvrn ttx ticarrawrr .,r 7_ertdsr when g,vrtt rn the mrnntr designated herein. <br />±f. t?sttletee A4estttlr~t: taw; !severebiY}. lAes ,a.rm .~t znartgage cratrrltirns tanrfarm covenants far national <br />use and twat-spaifaxnz tO.taants svnh lhstrtrd sartatr~.ns nv yurtsdu:traxr to Gansu*.vtt a :utiform .eevtity instrurexnt covtriisg <br />real praprrtr Thn Afartgaie snaF} lee Scrvcrrust tw [Gtr ins. of the sunsdx~trtm m xhicia the Property is ta:atcd. in the <br />t+rcatt that soy prartixrri c>f riatt r eft then hiortgagr ,,r thr 4c~sr t~,nflxts ss-tth ap~icatde law, such conflict stub ttoi alter! <br />after pmvrsenrts of thn Morigagt yr the 'v Xc >rttrch can tx grvtn cater without the rontticting p[ovisan, sad to this <br />an+t the previsaasns .af =he Vlcxig:ge and thr !vtga are >ketarrd tr, tar +everabie- <br />ti. 3arsrerar"s CtsPy. 9ornwier shall br furntatttrt a :. c?ntarrrted copy n! the ;sett erns ref tbix Mangage at tht !irtk <br />z# aae.:setnti sat arrcr zccordatian hereof. <br />l7. T'ydar eat tftr h+gwwy: Arerotfuw. if all nr any ~rt of ti0 Property csr an interest titcrcin ~ aoW or tnmterred <br />try imrorer wtlitrattt Lrrdrrr`s prwr wrtttrn ccxisr._ rxclidirtg ±at the crcattr;n eat a lien ar encumbrance stahordttute to <br />this itotagare. tbt rtse ..rreatiws +sf a purctta+e risoriey security :netrest fen hauseboW appiiattcrs. tc) a irarafer hp clause. <br />dmantr ar At' aipaatsou at taw upon the death 3f a ;atn1 tcnattt asr . <br />tender may. as t.rruler's optitMa. declare all rift starts secured 1>Y this Mortgage to be <br />mewer~aeNy doe and peisaWt. l;ttda shall hays ratvtd sash upston ze acctlerrtt rf, prior to the sale or traaafer. Itnder <br />sad cis pataoe to w[aom Fhe Peopaty is to 6e sold ar trans#trrxd reach agreement in wRUng that the credit of such person <br />to seory izs Leer end that rks smerest pttyalsk on the sutets xeurad by this Mortgage shat be at such rate rA Lender <br />re+sNaeat. Tf f.aader hu waived tAe aptxxt,ta accekntt provided in this paragraph i"f, and if Bartower's staccessor in <br />trrreeat Ara e00estM6 a wr/fRgt zrwupesan agraetsieett accepted in writing by Lends. Lendw shall release Hortawtr tram aR <br />tinder rtes librt;age and tAe 'dace <br />If t..rrsiar eaa+reaes sssch aperoa to aectksats. Lrndet sAtll mats Barrawer natxt of acrekrstion in accotdutee with <br />p lA hereof 5each tiwta>t `\,H prts+ext¢ a pefw~d of net ;as titan 3Q d:ys from 3ht dam she tt0lire is mailed within <br />wlucb Oeera:aer may pny tttr ssama declared dtte If tatb to pay rich suttta prrrx to the tapinuon of such period., <br />Lar!sta tOay, warMase fuatlsir ttorssx ear deaand on Borrower, anvake any remtdxs pamute8 try paragrepit i g hereof. <br />hirit+i7trtafitr Ctxa!sutrs. Bwrsrrter std t.tnier (urtisa rovenan[ std egret u fotiasts: <br />t!. Aextdeeteiara ~sdis. tategt r we*~ tw tiarapegdt 17 Aasa!ss, ryes bteswe~'s iseacit ~ aey caaeor a <br />~ of ttlanrssrs i Mi MerrpaRe. tie caveeaela N i0Y wirN tirr set area secaad Ay +~ . <br />tarisa gteLe w sreaisealie4 siraB stems rsrttlrt ter tiatsworee as gaaviisi it prrrRtzgit to Asseag spelftieR ill tb AsaaeMt <br />tAtfla arlast ~ M tea ssedt isreelu t)l a MM. use fs Aeats ~! Ieya trace dta Mar Nr uarke b teraYN to Mteesvet. <br />tejr siiieti sass! iwOete access M tewii d ti- Ater (aliaer q crier tree! ilteei a a saber Bee [Lit rpsetin# !• firs cellar <br />att~ tseartt is recaYauie[s of tYs sates tetteresi fy ttW #fesltaiAi, teuudeeet+ by 1~'W gsecedtetg ae/ wit at eie !sr*ssiy. <br />tNrttstiiett'MEllitAsriagesw~faesuttae rf Ate r~M M raieslrlr a(irt ra~csirrtlrt aai ttte sittii ai assssY iO ttre teaaeeRrtree <br />rile al • 9e aYy aiAK drhst og tliaesaerar ti aceliaiatleO a'af #eeadrNte. ~ ~t inetlt <br />1a Oil stiOA eta M isMie Air MY ePtae~i Fa !lee eteske, LeaOet at lwaiers op1iM my tieelaes all a[ !re aei setwei sy <br />rile to ie iwrOa~aeilf Me eat py.rit aitleasrt /sasAw lsauai .sd r.f Peertlex by le+k~ ~ laastlev <br />+Balt •r aaAlid tr ta#aett r sacit gs«adYr(< A sagi,asw at tasaeiaasrr. LstOi~, ttsrs see tLteiOaf au rata aI ieeeare4ry <br />amliattee. eiatsaa0 a00 wet rg.eir. <br />i1B, lilaseewaPa tlGlgiii -ia itts8asirMi,. f^lorw+thOarsding tender's acira:trattan rsf the ascots sa+ctax+d by rein Mortgage. <br />ltrtsaesec sMN havs tAr rigatr to hatre say p+rotaa6ings brgsat by [.ender to ealot~rt this Man;tee ditcxiatznrred at any nine <br />