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Utraoast tbvartatm. Btsrnawer aad Leader canesant and agree as fotbws: <br />L, pR7aawe of tttd L1~rstd. Bottusrer shall promptly pay wMgt due tta principal of and interest an the <br />iadaboodoas evidaaoetl by the Noce. prcpsymeatt amt tart chatgsa as provided in the Note, and the principal of atsd intesdt <br />on say Ftaut:e Adwaces sent:ed try this Mortgage, <br />1 >Pti®tle tee Tateea trtl haawree. SttEtjact to applicable law or a a written wnitrm by Linder, Botroster tthaG pay <br />to Lewder tm the day ttsoathty itmtagEOeaa of principal aed ittetrest are payattk tEttdm the Noti, €EtNii the Note is paid itr ftdi. <br />s stem tttaein "Ftmda'ry ~ to eta-tsnrifth of the yeetriy taxes amt assaamnab which tnaY aMain !Y ~ t!~ <br />More, and grotaxd tetra tsa tht Praputy, if any. pJss oneattratfth d year7v premium i»saBBmata ftx haaard itsstttaeoe, <br />phn tttsatsritflh of ytarty premium iastakmeau for tawt~ge irswaaax, if say, au as renoeably estiatated initially and-flan <br />time to time M Leader oa the bar's of tnr~ntata and 6tfla and rduoEtabk etitttatea thaeaf. <br />'tLe t7uetdtt shall be hsW in an itatittuion the dt~aaits or accounnt of which are irrstmd tx ;twraaeeed by a Federal ~ <br />arose > finchsding Linder if Ltmder is such an imtitetion). Leteder shall apply the Futtds m pay acid taus. aweatteona, <br />itnixaos€e prttasiam sad gttotmd teats. I.etrdar tray etet chuge for so holding aed apptyin; the Funds, atutyz~ said- aasaent, <br />ar vseilyin; asd compilie~ said a~taearoatta sad tailmt. uakas i.mtder pays I3orranver itttereat oo t4ta Ftm~ attd appiicebia taw <br />pataWS Loader to rtwlta welt a charge. Borrower sad [.cedar may ease in wtitin; at the time of exectetiaf a1 ihiti <br />Mat'gag! that inttrest on the Petards shtA tae paid to Borrowu, attd ttnkss sttclt agtttstneat o nuttde or apphcibk- taw - _ <br />t atsdr inoaast to 6o paid, Leader shall trot 6e etdgttired to pry Borrower any lateral a ettniap on the Funds. teadsr <br />sitoil gins to Barroaar, withoet charge, an aanual ttECatotitt; of fir futt~ showing crndfa and deals to the FtEnds and the <br />ptrrprxte for which pch debit to the Futds was made. l2te Funds are plsdgat m additional siearity fax ti-e sorts aataated <br />by tar Aloaagage- <br />>f the ansatuu of the Funds hdd by tretder. together with cite ftntere tn,wtthly instailmenia of Fuada payaitk prim to <br />rho doe dates of texas, ~. itaarance pmnittttu and ;routtd teats. shad exceed the :aunEat mired to pay said taxes, <br />araMtstsorta, insw~inci pteafiutaa atsd ground rents ss they fall due. such excess atoll be, at Bortorner'r option. either <br />p[mptty repaid w Borrowr or credited to Borrower tea monthly installaxnts of Funds. If the antaent of the Ftsrds <br />bald Ia. i.eader shad ear be satgciut to pay taxn, ata~mamms. €€uwance nEemattttas sad ;rousd retua m they fact tkta, <br />Btxtasar strait pay to Lddu any amount parr to woks up the defscsency tvitiun 30 days froacr the dttm mice is ettiiled <br />by tstader to Bmmwer ta~axon; paymraa thrtteat. <br />tJptrt paytaamt in fttil cf all scans stacurort »y this Mort;age, t.a:mier shall promptly rc[uesd to torrower any Fonda <br />held by Lender. ff undo pitigriph t 8 ttereai the Propetty .a surd rrt the Property is othanriu acgatcd by l.sader. Lender <br />sJfdt apply, no laxrr than imewdistaty prior tea the sale of the Prtapetty yr i€s acaiutmtian by L.cattkr, any Ftm~ tteM by <br />teadet ac the time o! appticuina as a credit a;atteu the sums stxrued try thts Mortga;e. <br />!. ahgyYetM6as st !'ayastarr. Unreel app#rtabk taw prosrdd otfaerwiw, at# piytaettta received by [ruder under the <br />Nose sad gasadrapha l and 2 hxwaf shall be appfred by Lender first an payment of amounts payatrk to Leader by Borrower <br />utader ptrttvpaph Z lsea>soi. [hen to aareae parable ssa ehe Note. €hen tc ttte ptinc€pai of the Note. and then w inteteet std <br />ptasapnt on arty Fwnra Adviooes. <br />i. L'~taegtq Liua. Borroww shat! pay x!1 taxes, asaessnttnes a€nt crtlxr charts, itxa artd rmpwuicxas attribuuabk to <br />thelsrapaty which ~' seats a pctonry tavu thrs alrutgage. and Irasetna+d payEtetets cx gtwtrtd rents, it any, in the ttratwer <br />provided €mda paragraph 3 hereof err.:f nsa pond :a suet: tasutraer. hY Srxrawtr maf<tr~ paytnest. when due, directly to the <br />payee shsreod. ttorrasrsr shall pro~tly turaub to Leader sU rrc+trces i3t amounts :rue wader the paragraph, sad in the evert <br />BQrrtrwe! ills!! tnN€t ptyttasu ahrKtfy. 8orra€aer ttuid promptly turntah to !.ender rcretpts erittttscta; such paymeott <br />gerrDar~r shit! pror~xty dtat:bar;et aey Iran wtra:tt #€~ praortty ta>'tr tMs Nartyt;e. prarrdW. that I3wrower shat! tees be <br />rts;ursod to daebargs arty such fret so iweg as Harrrasrar strait a;eee u~ .rratara; € ~ the psytaent of the tabta;aEwn secured by <br />stECh sea to a raamtsr snoeptatate to t.ettdu, w thr#f ui good forth cortteat slats #srn bY. tx dtdend aafaatctsartst of sucfi Iran in, <br />~ proceasdarrgs wttECb eapssate to pravait the en{atceatsat of the tbtn r=te lorteature c.t ttst Proptrey yr any part thtenof. <br />'~, l~ar€A l~sae. Itoero±sa sis4t tcaipp #tae wap:ss:,tweets nom cssa€rsg or ncrcaftar crscts~tl cat ttte Property tasurad <br />agtast leas ray fort, hsratds artc4aded wrthat the team exttrarie.~ aprers;r" , and aaak'h c%ba hararda as Letaaer may ttqutra <br />std m such amrxrafs and for such perxtds u Latrtder nay rrxfr::re: ptwtdrd. that l.ttufer sfiafl eat reyuarc that €he amount of <br />such carcrage eaaeed that ttsaatsrst of :urtrag tc~tuutd €o pay t'sb wrrss secuten# tar €a:t b~~rt;agt- <br />'Stbi emurinoe tartlet pttrndw; the trwrra >rselt tat ctlosen ray Borrower rubjsrt to approral ray [,tttder. provtded. <br />there tattle ayprtrrit t~iid trot be ~satasab#y w~atgstl. All prttnataaa uts mwranse polseaes :hart tae paced :n the manasr <br />ptoridid under pari;esob 2lte:+aof or. at not yard un sueltt natnaet. try .tiarrowar ntatuy payment. •fien dne, claRCtty to !fie <br />ttrawttstte carrtar. <br />iRri isusa'inu patrtaes std taerrra€#s thrrtrer st~ali tae €n #orm acceptaatz to t canter and st€a#i .nc!•,ade ^ stE hard mortit~e <br />clarese m fataar at and to teas accaptabk t:s tsodar- !.ender sftaii here :he r€;be €u hold tht ptaiutes anti renewals thereof. <br />atad ttierraumr abaft proatpdy furtsbr w f.eadtrr all renewal rauiun acct ati rttYrpts cat patd rrernrutets. to the anent at toss. <br />gofantrst sha~;ts't prompt notscY w the aataYranr:e causer and t.erader. #.tnder may asale pres<at of law tt trot made ptomptty <br />by ftetstorra. <br />Uriots Lodsr and Harowu taWers+se agree rn Krrtrag, ursttraoas pruraada shall tae applttd to rtstarstson car repair of <br />the ~ ~. yec# rwQ rr rsprrr a ewacxnzs:afly ttastb#t artA ttw sr,CUttty rzt thrs Mortgage a <br />clot tlaanaby . Jt ssrEb rssrorattoe su rtpur u teas rctarKamtcalty '.tasab4r trr tt tIx security trf €hrs Mortgtt;e wrw#d <br />6a taapaieed, the rirsattaw procseds s{satl he appittd to €tre sums natured by ttus Muttgs;s, utth the exerts. tf any, pax! <br />m fesrawex. !f the t'rap~ty a absadonod tr; $rurowet. ~a rl Ltortowtt #a€~ t4 rmpttod €e t_tstder tv€tlun 3U xfays From the <br />doss aa~ s tnastsd ray ftmda ea Borrcaaes that rbt arawratetx arratr odeas to settle a ciarm for tttsariace txne5is, Lrnder <br />p ats~sxiaad fii ottetecit sad apply the uauxa~m proaescU at L.tadet s c,ptaarr arbor to reaurattan tx rttpssr of tilt PropeRy <br />rx m ale twos attrasatr by rho l€4m+pe0a. <br />t}eMra Lasader sad ti0rnaa~ei +rsae atgrae .n wtuang, atr such applrcatton of ptaaeesds to praac€pai shaft nut extarnd <br />err poarpoas the titre dace ut chi y matatttsaents rdrrttd to an patttgta#tfis sad Z tterem( err rbangc the amount of <br />sttai ttttab. f! stetdrar parapayh i 8 tsereof the t'ropert+ n trc^tteued AY !.coda. alI rtght, title and intenrest of Borratrer <br />rn and sa amt' €tsamance ptetisea amt! m sad tL !fir pra.,eeSa €ttereot resuttary tram darna;e to the Property prior to the sale <br />at ampstektaa shsM pm eo Lender to the chant ::t the sums secured iry the Marzyege :mntedrateiy ptaor to stteh sale ur <br />i, 14swtmtiss ttsi hisdutrasam d parsgrsesy; I.easaYOii: L:anisatiaittasi Phawd Usti! Dom. Ntxrawer <br />shag kettg< tits lsropagt m good esFats and shot sot :a%ttEnit aaataa tar piis$at urtpairmust rgr dearioratxm of the ProPortY <br />sad €thilt ~Y satith t!a psowiswaa of any leas of rhos Mpigatpe rs c+n a ieaaehod. It the Mort;a;s is can a unit in a <br />tit or i ptnaued E4att ~. Borrtawar sha8 ptrrfrum adl of Borrower's aaat~tten4 undR she datiunEton <br />err rovssaols tr pavseerag the a:sxsdatattatutn ut ptiartmd won deveioprnea(.:Ix by-la+ra and rc;ultrtmns cat the <br />err pititaaad wait de»dopasent, sad cowtatuent doettnacntx tf a c>sn.tummaan or ptanaed amt ckvttoprnent <br />ridis ~ a try goeruasir oat recorded ectt~rtitex wteh et€is ~- !fie coweaaota and agteaanbt<es oat assert rrder <br />s#teft ~, asbaty~isel iota sold sttaEt atsarrrt asd suCmtat the torenrets and a;reemeaut eaf etas Ikortgaga as t f the rider <br />w~ • pant tieeteet~ <br />?~ LBYrwielltaa ai t+idsrfr tf Botratwar faits tea peri~nr rite eortaanb and agreatscsts r~tetaitted an this J <br />of d aey saeeiea~ or rarer rs surd wtticb ttsaterrdty ati~ l cm4cr's anet~tel an !fie Nroperty, <br />her Net henMOd ~. tattaiust t#oatwa, ice, csidt cntitrca~rtt. car arrangrnettta oar prorraedaxp rnvdvin$ i <br />6Metlt err doe~t, tlrpa tmrdes at t.aatisr's sapttf3n. uptss r+saioe to Barrower, mart' taroks web appeataacns. d€sbutse such <br />astim atad estu6 ssttdt arnlete a€a a try tra psartct Larder's iatarep, cr~tudirag.. taut oat Grn+tod to, dasbursetttent of <br />trsetta6la trtaaewY"s t'i~w ttrd dstry rtp~aa the P+royratty to matte tarpturt;. if Lrnder regttiras nttxtg~,pe insuaart,cs as x <br />of ttse tosut t+stasrad ttiY [ttra ~ iiorr stroll pay ttre prsaiisnts gusted to rttae+tarn stn°tt <br />raesKaiiia fat tA[iett uatit ftuedF Ulfia as rho rarpstaaaasiat for t.uch €osssaa~tra rarer to aocnrdaace wrtfi ~rowar`s and <br />Cr~CrCt#j~~"r''~'G) <br />