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Form 808 B <br />8I- ~iE~2235 <br />[.ender's written agxwemeot or applicable tax. tiorrawer shall pay the amoum of all mortgage iasuratrce premiums in the <br />manner provided utwler paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amoums dis5unai by t-coder pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall baamt additional <br />iridebtedrress of Borrower stxured by this Mortgage. Unless Borcower and Lender agree to other terms of psymettt, strait <br />arataurxs shall loe payatde upon notice from Lender to Barcower requesting payment theratf, and shat! bear interest from the <br />dam of disburserrtetrt at t~ rate payable front time to tirrtE on outstanding principal under the Note unless pagmmt of <br />rirtaxt~t at ouch rate wtmtd toe contrary to applicable taw, in which event such amounts shag bear interest at the highest rate <br />pixmiasible tinder applicable taw, Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall requite Lender to tricot any exptmse or take <br />any ~tiott lxreatt~. <br />a. Itta~scsfae. Lender may mate or cause to be made reasoaalok entries upon and inapxtions of the Property, provided <br />that Loader shall glee Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasons~e cause therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the AroPCrtY. <br />4. Cam. The pmcecds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in cOnneCtion w#h any <br />cortdemru[ion or other taking of the Aroperty, or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigtxd <br />and sfratf bt paid to Lender. <br />to ilrt event of a total rating of the Property. the prrceeds shalt fx applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />with the exceu. if any, paid to Borrower. In the evrnt of a partial taking of tht Property, unless Borrower sod Lender <br />otiterwist agree in writing, there shall tx applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair matter vattte of tht Property immediately prior to rise date of taking- with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrmver. <br />Df the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if, after notice by tender to Borrower that the condemtror offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Barrtnver fails re respond m Lender within 3(i days after the date such notice is <br />mailed. (.coder is authorized to coileet and apply the proceeds. at Ixnder's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the sums secured by this Mortgage <br />l;nltss L.eodtr and Borrower otherwise agree in wrtine. any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />ar postpone the due date of the monthly instaiimtn[s rrferrrd to in paragraphs ! and Z hereof or change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />lA. 1lorrorrmr Not Relewsed, f:xtenston of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Mnrtgagt granted t+y l.endtr to env successor in interest +tf Borrower .halt oat operate to release, in any manntr. <br />±he iiabitity n} the origins! Borrower and Eirtrrower"s successors rn interest. i.eader shall nut be required to eommence <br />proceedings against such successor .,r rrfvst so extend tome fur payment or otherwise modify amortization cf the sums <br />secured by this Mortgage by rtssan of any demami made by rhr nri¢t=rai Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />11. Pnrieanrce by I.ewdev Nm w Vi'tdver, :ynv ?nrhtarartcr by I ender in r:ercrsrng env right or remedy hereufldtr, er <br />+xtserwrse atfordtd by appticable taw, ;halt riot he a waiver of nr ^rrctude the cxerrise of any such right or remedy. <br />The procuremem of insurance ar the payment of taxes ,ir other 4rens .'r rharrtes h, (ender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accrterate the maturity of rhr trdeMed ness scrtrrd ksv~ rhea Lton'cage. <br />d2. RswretBea Q'wwr}aM-e. .ail remedies pro:-:dad :n thn !slr.rtcage arc distinct and cumtriative ro any other right or <br />remedy ,ender this MottKage or atfi<=rdrd by tau =.,r evxuty, :rid may tX excr.+ud ,oncurrcntit~. ;nckprndtntty or sucrCSSivety. <br />13. Swetewara awd Asaigws )lewd: Jaiwt awd Several I-iabgitr: faptimn. the cm•rnants and agreements herein <br />.:oatained sfiail fried. and rite rights titratrtder shalt rmere t.5, .!re respect»'e successcrs and auigns of [.ender and Borrower, <br />subtect to rhr praristcrrts of paragraphs t? hereof ~ttF ~ovrrrar,n and ~+trrements of Aarraw•er shall fee iotnt and sevtral, <br />Tlse captions and headings ei ?ht paragraphs ,*? ,tits ~tortRaFe arc fRr ._omentence .+nls and are not to he used io <br />inttrptYi or dtRne the prevssiotts hereof <br />1#. Nef;re. Except for any nonce rciteirct} vn=try applicable law i, !+c Bever; rn snottier manner. tai any notice to <br />Borrower pravidtd far rn this Mortgage stroll he gsvrn by n:aeiiag such notrcc oy :xrtitled mail addressed to Borrower at <br />tht Pm}rtny Adtfrtss ;,r at s+t:h +xhtr :,<tdrrss as fI<nn.sscr ntav dtsagnait ry ratict tc Lrndtr as provided herein, anu <br />fist any nonce to S sinter shah he gtvtr: i+s .tnattrd maxi- rE°t;iru rcce+pt reytteated, to tenders address stated herein ur io <br />such ochry addrtas as Linder max designate *v n.*uc-r t<= Bornwer as provided barrio. :1nv notice provided for in this <br />Mortgage shalt tic dtrmed to ha+e heen g:vrn to Harrower or ixnder when Bryan in tht mamter designated herein. <br />15. Uaifwrrw u~wL'et Gaveewiwg Lar-: SeveraBfJitp. f7!ix tr=rm c?f mnngagr cnmbitwa emiferm corrnants for natittna! <br />ust and non-€tmforzn eovrnants with Simxted <anauum i++: ; ,.;s<i:cu:m to cunstitu!e a untfarm security instniment covering <br />seal prnptrty. This Mortgage shad t~ govtrtted by she tau- i~t rite ,urisdtc€ten in which the Pmperey rs located. In the <br />event that env nrovisisan or ciauu :.t this Mnrtaagr ~~r rhr tiara cuntiicts with applicable law, such cernflict shat( nt>t affect <br />o€t~r ptovrxions of this Afartgrige or tht ti.rte v.iitcn Harz hr Ewen effect without the conflicting provision. end to this <br />end Ilse provisions of the Mortgage and rhr ti<ve are ~ciarrd t^ ht stverable. <br />If,'s Copy. lorrower sttatt hr furnished a conformed copy ;af the ~iett and of this Mortgage at tfie tittrt <br />c*f execution cx attar rea-ordatitm heretsf. <br />17. TrawsEer of Ilse iPraysrls; .4sswwsrsiow. It ail or an}~ part at nc~ Frrsptm ar an interest therein is sold ar transferred <br />by 84trmrar wuhout Lender's prior writttn consent, excluding tal the creation of a lien or ericumbrance subordinate to <br />then Mortgage, fbi tht citation of a purchase money itcurim .nterest ter hctttsehold appliances. ict a transfer by deviu, <br />deacertt ar tsy operation of law upon. rhr death of a rotor tenant ar l,i ~ cite grant of any kaxhold interest of ihrce years or Itss <br />not containing an nptiat to pttrchast. Lrtsder may, ar Lender's o}xtan. dtctan alt the s;tms secttrtd by this Mortgage to he <br />rmmediattly dix amt payable. Lcmdtr strati have waived such nptton to accelerate tf, prior tv the sale err transfer, t_rnder <br />and tart persmt to wham the Prespeny is to be wed or transftrred reach ngraetnem m writirtg.tbat the credit of such person <br />is satofacttxy to I-ender and that rhr iMtrest payable en the utm5 sxzured b3' €his Mortgage shall 6e at such raft as I.rnd[r <br />sl~ll request. tf Lemier has waived the nptt<?n tc~ acceitratt pmvidext en Clio paragraph 47, aru! if Borrower's sttcctssnr in <br />:ntvctt has eateuted a written xssttrnM:ari agreement accepted in •xrttinX try l.tttder. Lender shall release Borrower from alt <br />rttbli,>Qattasrs cinder rho Mertgagt and tine'vote_ <br />If I.cndtt exercises such option to ac.--eltratr, lender shah meet &,rrswrr notice of acrelerauon in accordance with <br />paragraph id hCtx'df. Stich noa.tx shall provide a pen+~ct o? not irss than 30 days from the date the ncxice is,mailtd within <br />wh~rtt Bnrsvw,tr may pay the sums declared due. tf 8errower far!x ~o pay such sums pnc:r to iris rxpiraticm cf such ptncxt, <br />Lender tray, without further nottcr or dtmarsd er= Bormwer. ,nvcsitc snv rcmtdiex permuted by paragraph i R hereof. <br />:-ui>t~t-IIr«itvwras CovFat,st~rs. t3orn~sver and i.etrcir: iur.irer co,°crsant amt agree as :titows: <br />lEt, t4r~hatla~ Iltereriw Fitxxpt ws Rro+iided iw F'+-aRrgh 17 tseressl, wpww Bwrmwer's 6reack of way roeewl or <br />alRwwwaptt w1 Rerrwsser ~ this ittvrgiagr, istelwdieg for covewwWa to pay whew dwe rwy xama xeewstd by this ;kiorlgwge. <br />D.ustisr gaiws m wcaw stoat( stall make to 8eerw»tr si yrovided is pwragragrlr (# heresri sfarifyiwR: 41) the Irreae[a: <br />i2i tiW stMln tt4asleMi ~ awe wti kreaclz tai a doh. wwl less flow 30 dw» fans the dale /Ae wotkr b rwdied to Bwewwer, <br />b]' +driaft! ssA lewatit tanaY M cwrtedt awd {#} t6wt Isdlrre tar cme twcA b€taeh as ea beisn the dtt#e speeUicd Iw [Die rwr~ee <br />~ rascal( lw wt+teleaaefwe ~ tM wwrati trrewred ray tAh ilortmrRe: itsreelmwnr 6z proceedlsgt wad ssde of t!e sty. <br />Tttis et[Rsw sitltl;iertln[ itdwsm bwemwes M fine rildM to reiwspte attar atceterfliww awd tbt right to matt h the foretfwswre <br />pa#nr>n~tsrl duo- ~a wi : dr4atili ar awe attar iMfrrtse wf dwrtois•er m wccderwEiae aetd tgreelawee. Ef Fbe brtaek <br />b ewe €xpueA aw of Wlww die ~ teparlgad h tits wailer, i.esier h t radar's opFMsn ~f declare ~ e/ the sam seewrtd bt <br />iidtt Ddwgpyge is ter hemadisAdy dwt rrwi pYat$a rri/hwW twrtlrer aiewmi asd wmy fatteeisat bt jwYeiwi PseR• i,eadsr <br />sUeR Sw eaaif/wd tw [eiilatt iw asatir tlrvraeiis!B wB eapetwtes of loratirawre. tsairsdht[, but wal Narritrd t0. crMa of dacwntantsry <br />rxidawe~ tlsatsretw awd lMie rgiaiM. <br />lli. lilwinrMs Rttwlk fa RithwiMe. tiotsFuistttattdsng i Gr#i..,s:crteratNm .3t ttt¢ .~*ms cs~urtd i+v this Mortgage, <br />alssfi fiai€ tits rit{ht art b;avr snv prareedit€grs iseaun by i artdtt to cnfor:e tires Mc+rrgagc dtst;cmtrntsed at say tiros <br />