<br />t)xts+attM CovexAx'rs. Borrower and Lender cDVenant and agtte as follows: t•
<br />1. Paytae~t of PrYrlfal tsaii istareal. Barrawer shall promptly pay when dire the principa{ of and interest on the
<br />indaetedoea evidenced try the Nate, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Nate, and the principal of and intetts!
<br />ar aay Fut:rcc Advsnces sect2rtd by [his Mortgage.
<br />1 P>rie for 'H'tttua oars luaruatoeee. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Leadtt os the day rsosthly irtstaElments of pritrciaal and interest are payable under the Noce, until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a ttt~ Qterein "Fusty"? equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessmenu which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and grouod lento oa itu Property, it any. plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plan Otte-tvrelitfi of yearly premium fnstaNmenu for mortgage insurance. tt arty, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />dam trt t:"~ bS' Mader as the basis of assesstnems and hills and reasanat+le estimates thereof.
<br />The F•:tat#S shall be held in an iristifu[ion the deposiu ar accounu of which are insured or guaranteed by a Fet}ecal or
<br />state agency (including Lender if [xnder is such an institution l . Lender shall apps} the Funds to pay said taxes, asseastrurnts.
<br />i[tsaratfce premiutats and ground renu. Leader may not charge for sa holding and applying the Funds. analyzing said account;
<br />or verifying ass compiling said assesstrtenis and hilts, unless I.endcr pays Harrower interest on the Futu~s and applicable law
<br />permib Leader to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender ma} agree in wrifing at the time of esecudon of this
<br />Mortgage tkat interest on the Ft2nds shall be paid to Borrower. and unless such agrcement is made or applicable law
<br />t•egnirea atrett iatazsi so be paid, C_ettder shall trot rte rewired m pay Borrower any inters[ or earnings an the Funds. i_ender
<br />shaft give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accauming of the Funds shawia¢ credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />'turPose for which each debit in the Funds was made. 7'hc Funds are pledged as addnianal security "for the sums secured
<br />by tlsis Mortgage.
<br />ff tlu amount Df the Funds !raid by I~nder, together with the future manthiy installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the dos date of :axes, assessments, iaaurarxe premrums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount r~uired fo pay said taxes,
<br />asitostettutu, iruurana premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such escess shalt be. at BO(rOWErs aptivn, ci[her
<br />promptly repaid [o Borrower or credited iD Harrower on manthiy msrailments at Funds. If ]tit amoun€ of the Funds
<br />held by Leader shag not be suAiciest to pay r:sxes. assessments. insurance pnmmms and ground renu as they fall dtte,
<br />Borrasrer shalt pay to !..ender nay amount ueoessan to make up the detiC:ency wtthin 3tl da}•s (torn the date notice is mailed
<br />by Linder to Borrower regttes[tng payment therrnt
<br />iUpwr payment in ful{ of a!E sums secured by ihi+ ,L1.^rtgage tender shall pramptty refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />herd by Leader. if i,ttder paragraph Iri herrnf th£ Propene ;. ;ofd =rr the Proncrv .s utherw•ise scgwrcd by Lender, Lender
<br />shall apply, na later than tmrticdlau3} poor to the +aic .%t the Prnpenv .+r :ts acyutsi€ton h}` t.endtr, any Funds herd by
<br />I.traler ai else tttrse of appficatiDn ax a credit against t;u sum+ secured t-~}- ihi+ Morgage.
<br />3. Ads of Paymesta. L.'niess apphCabte 4aw pn>vtdes caherwrce. at1 payments received by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs I and 2 hcreo! shall t±e anptted hp- 1 ender first .n pas-ntent of amounts payable to ].ender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to tntcrest payable ern the ^:rtr_ Then to t!:c p:in::tpa1 of the ~otr, and then to interest and
<br />prtructpal as any Future Advances.
<br />i. C'fsa>taa; L>e~. Barrawer ?hell pay all taae+. ,sussments and :ether ~h.ugcs. tines and :mposiuons attributable to
<br />the Property which !nay attain a pnDritp s+ver this tfor[gage, and feasehr*kf payments .=r ground ten€s. if any, in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph 'hereof or.:[ riot pair: ir..uch manner, by Harrower making payment, when due. directly to the
<br />payee thereof. Borrower shall pramp[ly furrrsh to Lender atf nau~es :_! .imnunts due t:ndcr thn paragraph, and in the event
<br />lfotraw'er shall make payatent derecry, iorrower .hall crompti~, t~:r,u.i; ^~= f.endrr ;cs:cipts cvidenctng >uch payments.
<br />BW rower stiali pramptty discharge an}" ?era .Ehlers has pnar:ty =~•rr ti:n tilixtga};c: prov:,Jrd. that flormwer shat{ riot be
<br />rewwred to diseftarge any sorb lien sa i<>ng av tii.;reowcr ?hail .:grcc :*..~ri;:nR ;~ the payment <,t the uhtigatian secured t+y
<br />such hen iA a manner acceptalate to 1_en~r..ar .bail m gCxsi !arih c=+ntest s,:.h lien h-.--- .., defend rnlarzcmeot at such lien m,
<br />regal pttxeedrttgs which c*peratc to prcaent €he ert,~reement of rhr i.>... ~ .=tr!e:ture .rt the Nraperty ur any part theceo(.
<br />5. Roasts fat®ssce. SiDrrawer shaEi keep the :tnprc=eament. n„~(a.? i~tinC .'r itercattrr crutecl nn the Property snsurcd
<br />aga!nst foss by ore, hazards tnCfudcd wuhm the term '<<!rndtd :<:ocrage .and vuch <rthcr nazardt as Lerrde_r may reyu+rr
<br />and en such uaiounu xnd €ar sut;tt periods ::s t coda may reel u:re: l~r.r. ides. that !ender shai€ riot reyuirc [hat the '.,mount c=f
<br />srre3f Coverage exceed that amoun€ _~! cirvc:agr rry:r+.rrt! in nay t!sc .+:r.=, .-r~=:red t+: i^:. 4Serteage.
<br />T•Ite tnsuranu earner prvvsding the utaurancc shah tae ~€tc>sen i,.. Harrower 5nhtrct to approval by [.ender provided.
<br />Ihu such approval shill oat be uareascmahty wuhheld -1!! premiums ,rn maurancc paitctcs 4hail ire paid ~n the manner
<br />provided urxkr paragraph 2 hereof or, :t oat pats to -such manner. ha l3nrrr+wer making payment. when due, ckrectly to the
<br />insurance tamer.
<br />All inwnnce poitcnes neat renew-ai5 t'ter,cut shalt tae to t«rm .,+cent:rbfe m L.en+.icr and ehalE include a standard mortgage
<br />clatter tr^. tavar :r! and to form aisep!ablc to Leaczr. ..et~kt ~.,~._ .-air tRe risht t., hold the gralicies and renewals thereat.
<br />a~ Borrower she!! prampil}` turntah to Lender ail rcrtrssrl notices ~;nd ail recctpix of peed prcmtum+. In the event of }oss.
<br />Barrawer shalt givY prompt mitiee r.a the itauraace arr:cr end Lcadcr tender may make proof ~f lass et no! made pror,.ptly
<br />by Barrosvee.
<br />I:nkas Lender and Barrrnvrr athtrwrse agree m ~w erring. uuuraace pr=x Beds shah be appitcd to restaratfan ar repair of
<br />the Property damaged, provided sttctt rrstorauan car repair i5 ervnumicnlh' !eavhie and the st:curtty of this Mortgage i.
<br />tmt [Hereby itapatmi. If stte;h tcatarattaxr ar rzpeir is inn Ccanc:mtcaiiy fcaxtble nr ti the securuy at €hts Mortgage would
<br />tae imputed, the insurance peoxeds shaf7 t+c applied t<, tae sums secured h} ihts 3fartgage. wuh the excess, if any, pats
<br />to B©rrowtr. If the Prapcrtp ss aband<med '~} fiarrt~acer. =_rr i, Barrawer le:)s to respond tc l-ender wtthin ~0 days from the
<br />dart notice is matted h5` txtsder to Borrower iha: the snsurance carttrr i,t!ers ti: w_ttte a claim far :nsurance hzneBts, Lender
<br />is authartztd i+.a cat{at and apply the ttrsurance proccetfs at Lender-s .rptton ettltcr to restoration ar repair of the Prapeny
<br />ar itt the alma sxttned by EhiS Mortgage.
<br />I,tn9eas I,cader and ifarcvxr c+theswrse agree :r. +rrnng. am such appiicatian ut proceeds to principal shall oat extend
<br />or p2xtpoue !tie dine date Df the month}} iastsftmrnts reterrrtf to in paragraphs and '_ hereof ar change the amount of
<br />such inslafltneais. If under paragraph f Y hcceaf the Property is aCCiwred by Lender. aft right, title amt interest t?f Borrower
<br />in and to an}' tttturanee paLicxs and in and i~t [ne prtx;eeds thereat resulting from damage to the Property pnar to the sale
<br />or isu}uisition shall pass m Lender ti: the tricot cif €he gums secured he ihts §fartgagr inttttediateiy pnar to such sale or
<br />aka.
<br />li- Praaers•Mfaar aid ifa~tessscr of Pmpeev; f.casehaids; L'usdomisivesx Ptaatkd L!rtif Derefepmetsu. Borrower
<br />stglf keep ehe Property in good repair and shalt oat ctxnmit waste or petmti emgatrrnent ar detetiaranon of the Property
<br />and-sisal] comply wirft rite provustiotss n1 any base tf this 3tnrtgage ss cn a 3easehnid, If ;his Mortgage is vn a aria .n a
<br />crtiaium ar a ptaatued unit dcveiapmem_ Barrawer ,h«fi pezfo:m aN of florrawer's :+Wtgauans under the declaration
<br />or covesaau creatung Dr gavernrng the aY~ttdom€mum ar planned emit devekTpr[tent. the b.-taws and reguiatiDm of the
<br />ctrt>~rtsituuaru or pleased alai dtvelapmcui. and ca:suti€uem dDCtunams Lf a condammium ar planned unit ckuclDpment
<br />rniior ix estbcztttxf by Bmrawtr and reesrtied together ~.s-tih ttris Mortgage, the casKnanie and agreements of such rider
<br />t bs ia:taltapastttyed into noel shaft amestd arts euppletmnt the covenants and agreements ..tt this Mortgage as et the rider
<br />tetH~a a pnar itertetd.
<br />i. PtrNsc7ir~ d Lesrtia'a If Listrrower laity to pertarm the covenants and agreements cantatred in arts
<br />~ to if any aalrtas ter praererdittg is canuncactd whtCh materially atTccu Lender's utferest In itte PrDpeny,
<br />o1ci: I'aH oat litatttd to, etsti[tettt dtttnain, stist.Pvency. cads enf?rs~mcnt, c,r arrangxrttenu :,Y pracecdings fttvaivina a
<br />basdEntpt dr ritaesdant, rhea L¢sxfsr u I-audcs's opiivn, upcsn na[ttx try 8orrawar, •nav make such appearances, dsstwrsc such
<br />s2dnt nerd lades saeb action as is ttesesrary to pratctt L.etides`s mttrest, inctudsog. bolt oat iimtted ta, dtsbaraement of
<br />t+.MItliMlibiQ atmr~y's laws and #ttry upon ttte Property to make- repairs F3 L_erxler reuctired mvrrgage insurance as a
<br />of vsarditff# the s~utcsd by this hfortgagt. HDrsower shall pay [he premtatas regtured to madntatti such
<br />irrsartsss~ tt ! tutu3it sttc#t ItAi6 as %tts txt}ttircttssnt far star3t ;n+tta:rntt !umtnatcs in acwndattce with ifari?swcc's and
<br />