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Fo>:~ sus B 8~- U~`?~~ <br />Letrdtr's wri#en sgtaetneat or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the unount of all rrrongage instttatxx peemiuraa in the <br />manner provided un~r Paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any rafounia diabuned by bender pttntsant to thin Paragraph 7, with Interest thereon. shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Harrower secured- by Otis Mttngage. [finless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payrtterrL such <br />aaftafnts shaft be payable upon [write from Lear to Harrower requesting payrrtent thereof, and shell bear interest ftnfa the <br />t of dMburxmrent ~ the rate pagabfe from tithe to time on autstamfing Principal trader the Note ttnletss psytreat of <br />' .`treat at such rate woald 6e contrary to applissbk taw; in which [vent such amounts shall beer interest at the ttiglsest tats <br />paamiatfiSk tinder apPiieahie Taw. I:at.`.kg ctuttaurntl in €his paragespfi 7 shall require Leader to iacetr any expense or raise <br />any action hereunder. <br />a)L htttpeWs. Larder [nay make or cause to be mad[ reasortabk entries upon and inapeceiaas of the Property, provided <br />that tender sfiaB give Honrnrer mice prior to say such inspection specifying reasonable tetras therefor retsfed to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. Certtka®tttlsa. The praceels of any award or claim for dtrmages, direct or consequential, in, totaectiwt with any <br />cartdemnation or other taking of the Property. or pan tttercaf, or for conveyance in lieu of condemrt.^.tian, att hereby a~igned <br />and shalt be paid to Letukr. <br />In tbt evert of a fate! taking of the Property. the proceeds shat! be applied to the sutrts secured by this Mortgage, <br />wilt the excess. if any, paid m Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower acrd Lander <br />otherwrse agate in writing. iherc shall be applied to the sums secured vy this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is Wuiil to that proportion which the amavnt of the sums secured by this Mortgage imrttediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to tttt. fair market valtx of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the pnrceeds <br />paid to Htrrr~ver. <br />ff the Property is abattdtrned by 13otrawer, or if, after native by Lender to Borrower that the condetrnor offers to malts <br />an award nr xttk a claim for damages, Barrawrr fails to respcmd to Lemke within 30 days afar the date such notice is <br />traaikd, Leraler is atN2rorizsd to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either ro resttmaiion nr repair of the <br />Properly ar to [fir sums secured by this Mattgage. <br />Llnlas i_ender amt Harrower atherwix agrtt in writing, am• such application of proceeds to principal sha19 oat extend <br />or pastporn tIx due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 'hereof or change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />f8. fanerrer ,'YN IrTefeased. Exrcnsian at the time far paymrnt er madi6caiinn of amortization of the sums secured <br />by then Mortgage granted by Letuler in any sucerssnr in interest of $nrrawer shall ism operatt to rekax. in any manner, <br />the liability of the ongrnal Borrower and Borrower's wceessars in interest. [_ender shall oat he required to commence <br />Ittttotaediags against such wccrssnr ar refuse to extend [lint for payment rx otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />ucurcd by this Mangagr by reason c*f any demand mad[ by the ariginai Borrower and Borrowers successors in interest. <br />tl. Periasraee icy Leader tier a Waiver. .Any' forbearance by Lender in uercising any right nr remedy hereunder. or <br />aftetwix atfnrtkd by applicable Eaw. shall nM kx a waiver ai ar preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />The procurement of imurance or the payment of taxes or ether litnz ar charges by Lender shall rot be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accrlrratt tht matursty r+f the indeMedness secured by ;his .'bfartgage. <br />l2. Raasdies Crarrrdadve. .All remedies pnxrded x, this klortgagr are distinct and cumulative to any artier right or <br />remedy under this Mortgage ar afforded hs• (aw nr equnv, sod may- lrc sxtre,sed asncurrrntty. independently nr succrssivtly. <br />lJ. Setteaoss sad Aadgm lioaati .foist wed Seser7f I.isbiBly: Caprices. The covenants and agreements herein <br />contained sftall bind, and the rights hereunder shall court m, she rcsptcrne successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />subject to cite prnvisiaris cf paragraph I' hrreot. .AlI ~avenants and agrcrments of Borrower shall be joint acrd xveral. <br />The captirms and headings of rite paragraphs of this Mortgage are for c-anvenience ordy and are oat to be used to <br />interpret or ¢rfirrr the prcwisions hcrwf. <br />14, Vetkt. Exerpt Irx any rraticr required under applicable taw to tae geven in another manner, fai any notice fo <br />Htri'rawer pravitkd for in this Mortgage shalt he given M~ marling ,yeti ncriCe ley rerttHed mail addressed to Horrawer at <br />tfie Preprrrty ftddtras :rr at such rx}xr address .cs Htrrrowrr mss designate try notice to [.ender as provided herein, and <br />ibl any mrtiCe to Lender shall be grvert by rnrfxd ma~l.:rt::rr. rncrpt requested. is [ endrr's address stated herein or to <br />sucfi other address as i.ender mar designate M neticc r<. Berrnwer an pmvi~d hrrnn .Any notice provided for in this <br />Mangage she[I rte dsteraeri to have k+rrxt given ra Bertnsrer :rr t ender 4hr:n grvrn in the rrtanner drsignared [xrein. <br />t3. l rdiersn Moef»e; Go.r<rsalrg Law; Se+erabi'ay. Pt,s ±arm .,t trrnngagr cambirrrs uniform covenants for national <br />vas and min-urtiforus covenants wKh liatited =arratinns !;y .,ir:s.t:ctrnn *.. cansuurte a unetarm stwvnti• instntmrnt courting <br />real properr}° This Mortgate sha[I be govrrrxd hg stir taw ,+t the ;unsrircteexs :n which the Property is Iocatrd. Tn the <br />street that any provision or ciausr of this Mnstga$e nr the Tote ctmr~icts with applicab[r law, strcfi canr`}x't shalt oat af€rct <br />otlxr prnvtsitxts of [tits Mortgage .x the ti.ite whrkh .an :rt ~ivrn effect without zhe conflicting provision. and to ,isle <br />trtd (he provrtuons of [fit MangagC and the ',oft are declared tU !sr Kvrrlbtt. <br />1fi, lenawa's Cary. 13nrrowcr shall be furnished s canfotmed :spy of the Note and of this ?Mortgage at the turn <br />of exautiort ar after recordation hereof. <br />f7. '[earater of the lralertT; Ataasrdatt. If alt or any part of the Progeny ar an interest therein is sold ar transferred <br />by Borrower wniwut Lartdrr's prwr wntten tarrsene, excti:ding tat the creaticm of a lien ar encumbrance suhardinate to <br />this Mortgage. tbt rite crealran of a punhase trumey security ~nterrst tnr hotrsehald appliances, fc! a transfer by devise, <br />descettr ar by aperatiar of taw upon the .karts of a ,c?rot trnsnt c>r ?di nc~ grans of any IeasehaTd interest of three years or less <br />na cartainirtg an option to purchase. Lends mar, at 1_endrr's option, declsre all the sums secured by this Mortgage to be <br />tmmedtately dttt and payable. Lcnde: shaft ?rant waived such +aprion to accelerate it, prior to the soh: or «atnfer. Lender <br />sort ttte Person to whom the Proper(} is to he said ar transfused reach agntement in writing that the crtdii of wth pexann <br />is satisfactory to Leader acrd that slit imertst payable nn the sutrss sexvred by this Mangage shat! be at such rats as Leader <br />rhall toques!. H F_etrdet has waived the option to a-crkrate provided in this paragrapfi 17, sad if Borrower's successor in <br />infant ltaa ertectatad a written asstunptitut agrretaent aecept~ in writing by Lemke, Lender shaft rcieax Borrnwrt from aB <br />ueta order tf~ Mangage acrd the Alote. <br />if Lertdet exercises such optiaa to accekrste. Lenckr shalt malt Horrawer oasts of acct;trationrn aceordaner with <br />psragtapfi 14 hermf. Such ntaarx sties[ gravid[ a penod of net less than ±0 dayY tram the date the natis-e is mailed within <br />whsrh Hotmx°er :tray pay the sums dttlarrd due. Tf &rrrowcr fails {o pay such sums prior to the expiration of such period, <br />lender may, without ftrttfter notice nr tle_rtrand on Horrawer :r.-isle any remedies permitted M• paragraph IB hereof. <br />Nt»+-L[rtrf+atua CovErsAtsts. Bortxrwtr and Leasd,er further a*venart and agrtt as tnliows: <br />tt. .~+teletrstMaat Rertedir. iaa~ as prorriisrl i patagragi- i 7 hereof, tspoa •lorror+e2a breaeh of say coierrat or <br />rgtsarsert sf ieatrwer i dds [ the rarerrrWs w t>H whew der say suss sewed 6y this Marigttga. <br />S.tadsa Prfar t• ru>dMradae sh!$ errs ~ to Ysrrswsr g rrarided i pse~tarlt 14 heraaf sper3fytegz {1) the brerei; <br />fYl tie Delia to eras sselt brascia {3# :data, ass Ittsa titre 3tl days ftao the date the eodte b sailed fo ^einvsrer. <br />b! rsiltit seal itterteY rust b errs![ atsd t41 drat faire r ere sacs besets tss or before the ~ sree~ted i the aadce <br />rtt~f s+sadf 6t rscai~Yae of die arms +rttcmed 6,y des =-f. totnrisare h' i~~ r~'~ti ud so6e d tfa P+s4Kr4'. <br />l°ir arfies aiw)g ftwM~sa idssan irerswar of the rfglt to ndesgtte affta arcelaMints srrd ilia riglta to erect is dra foreciottrte <br />~ryisrtiptt; Ute ~ of a deFsis~ er wy odsr tldeaer o/ iserorrer r acrderadre ~ fo:ecletase. B the htear! <br />is-strd ssttr~ wa wr 1taArat tlse tYr sprrJinl i dta o¢Eira. t.euder # [.etttder's artiest eery desire' ai cf the sacs setueed i:y <br />Af4f ~ is fad dtse and !r?else r.°ghorM ivHfter dastrai erd rs~ foeacMae hY jedieai Mecu~og. f.rrder <br />rfsitK gla plfMMttF so cr~set ha srrh frsaera~ ai asPaaaea of tgrrrlarrar, irelr~rtg, bet wes Mralta# to. awls of ~ettttsrtirry <br />arrfdarr. sFlaleatetaF re6 61itr rtrrrts, <br />--2i.- ~MttrrtlEFS ltfwllt t!r iteittata, 'statwithstandirtq lxtuler`s at:crktatwn :+t she sums secured by this Mattgagr. <br />iiyttp'r'rr rfsall [taut tare rust to have say Ttnrrxetlits~i lsrgtut try [.order to entswc:c [tics Martgagt disramintted at anX utrte <br />