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8I--U~12215 <br />UNIFORM Covatcntwrs. Borrower sad Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Pqueel of Ptitsaipd !~ Ieteteel. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />intiebtedneas evidenced by the Note, p.epayment and late charges as provided in the Nose. and the principal of and iatettst <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Morcgagt. <br />2. F~tta ter Ttnea aed feetaeeee. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />ta.leeder an the day rnatthly instaitmenes of principal and interest are payable under the Nate, until the Note is paid in full, <br />a sum (herein •'Fttrnia') equal to otte-twelfth of the r-earty taxes and asscssmcnu which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and groom( rents on-the Propeny. if any. phis ere-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard. insurar•,:,e, <br />ott~iweifih tsf yrar}y ptt,tttittet itistaBmerts fir mangage fttsurattcc, iE say, a0 as tt:asenably estimated initially and from <br />titre fo time by Ltnikr on the basis of assessments and hills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />the Fnada ahal! be fug in an institution [he deposits or accounts of which are insured ar guaranteed by a Federal ar <br />slats agsrrcy (inclttdfng Lender if Lender is such an institutian). tinder shad apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />iasttraees ptmtiunts and gronad rents. Lender may not charge- far sa balding and applying iht Fends, anilyaing said acwurtt, <br />of veeifyiag grid compiling said assesatnrnts an+i bills. unless Lander pays Borrower interat on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender to (rake such a charge. Borrower and 1_ender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mangage that interest an the Funds shall he paid to Harrower. atxf unless 5xh agreement is made or appliesbk law <br />retwirss catch interest to be paid, tartdtr shad not !x required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Fn*_rds. [tender <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge. an annual accatmhng of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds std the <br />porjwse for which tacit debit to the Fords was made. The Funds arc pledged as additional security for tht sums secured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />if the amount of iht Funds hdtl by Lender, tagethar with the future monthly iostalimtnts of Funds payable prior to <br />the doe datl~ of taxes. assessments, ttuurancc premtums and ground rents, shall exceed the arnouttt required to pay sold taxes. <br />asse>errxatt. rnsurancx prcmitrms and ground rents as they fall due. such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, athtr <br />promptly repaid to Borrower ar credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the attwunt of the Funds <br />ht~ by [.codes shall not be strfilcientt to pay taxes. asaessmtnts. tt,surar,ce premtums and grourd rents as they fait due. <br />Botrotrer shall pay to Leader any amount ncetssan• to rnakc up the defictercy wuhin JO days from the date notate a mailed <br />by Leader to Borrower requtsnng payrnent thereof. <br />t3pan paynnem in full of elf sums secured by (lira Mrrtgage. tender shall promptly refund to Barrowtr any Funds <br />lied t... Leader. If u~* par~:sph .'X l:ereuY t.^° Pr^~nv - ~,:d :-, tF.e Prom::v .s otfF:xisc acquired hg Lender, Lender <br />shatf apply, rta later than tmnrtediatcfy poor to ttte •.ale ~+f the Prapeny .,r its acqutsrt,an by fender, am Funds held by <br />Leader at the Arne n( a~rticatlort as a credit against the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />3. ApMiieedoe at PayetanLL infers applicable law prmidn +ttherwtst. all payments received by fender under the <br />?Sate std paragraphs 1 sad 2 bezeut shall he applied by I .ndtr first to payment .>f amw.mts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph ' listen(, rhea [o tntcrest payable t+n the time, tftcn t<t the prmapal of the Note. and then to interest and <br />pnturpal an any Future Advanrxs. <br />d. Ctrr~ tiau. Borrower ,halt pay .ill t.cxt;.:assessments and :,titer :barges. fines .+nd imposattons attr,butaftle to <br />the Property whech rwy attain a pnnrhy Hutt this istongagc, .and IcasehoSd payments +~r gmund rents, if any, in the manner <br />provtdeti tinder paragraph ~ hereof nr.:f not Pard in such manner. i?y Fi.rrnwer maltng payment, whets dire, dvcetly to the <br />page thereof. Bonawer shall promptly turntsh to Ixnder all routes nt amounts due under [his paragraph. artd an the event <br />Barrowtr shall make payment dircrily, let+tmrtr shall promptay tum,sh :.+ l.cnder .erupts <„dtncmg such payments. <br />Wallower shall promptly das~har$e any :ten ~.,bleb hex pr:ortty <++cr (lira ~Nor[xage. , rcrvsded, that Borrower sha0 oat be <br />require3 W dtschargt any sueh lien sa tang .ss Bnrrauer ,hall agree ;n .a_rtt:n;n t,. the payment :~f the <,•M,garian secured by <br />stub lien ,n a rnanner acceptable to Ixne~r, cr shall m ga?od earth contest vu:h Incr. hv. rr defend entarcemtnt of etch lien ,n, <br />regal procctdrngs wlrtCfi operate to prevent the rntorcement .i2 the i+ea nr tnrte,rurc of the Property or any part thereof. <br />5. ttaesrd lastsesce. Sonower shad! keep the tmpraements nesw eststsng .+r hereaftu erected an the Property insured <br />ssgarmi lass fly fire, fraiarda included wnhtn the term `cttcndtd .average' anal surf: other hazards as 1_tnder may require <br />and to such amaesafs arrd for such pera-xis as 7 coda :nay- rtgcare; ;-,<s~;~t_ that finder ,halt naz require (teat ttte amount of <br />such coverage eicaeti that amottnt of cave-atie *equrred ,o pay the stems ,reared by th;s Mortgage. <br />1'he rtrwratrce cuntr provrdieg the utsuram°e st,afi t.t chosen ?y subject to approval by Lender, prayided. <br />that such apprayal shall not bt unrtasanably uithheid. .~11 premtums :>n tnsurancc poiicres shall be }said its the manner <br />provided uadtr Paragraph 2 hereof :rr, :f oat pond in stxh manner. !xy Borrower maksag payrnrn[, when due, .firectty to the <br />rmutaece ra[raer. <br />Ali itsarance policies anti renewals tfsercc>t sits''+i he sn s,-rm ae~eptaisir io C..enckr and shah snciuda a standard martgago <br />clause rn favor of and to form acrepzattlt is Linde:. [s•rtde: ;ttaS! have the right to bald the policies and rcrtcwals thereof. <br />sat! Borrower shall promptly Purntsh to l.rnt~r ail rertewaa rroteces and ale receipts of paid premtums. in the cvtnt of loss. <br />9orrowar shah give prompt zmuce to the tnxurartct tattler .sad i.ender. 1_tndcr mat make pros: ~+f loss ,f not nrade promptly <br />by Borrower. <br />Ualeax 1_ender and Borrower otherwise agree to wnutig. insurance Prrxeeds shaF1 he applied sa restoration or repair of <br />the Propstty damaged, provided such t'tttoraaon <:r repay: as tcon[tmtcaliy teasrblt and the securr[y of this Mottttage ,s <br />(tat [htttteby impaired. It sirrh restorauan of repay as ncx ecottttm,catiy ;t:ssrbk ar it the securry of ihts Mortgage would <br />bt impaired the ttratuamee proceeds shall he applied to !lit stuns secured by this Mnngage, w,rh ttu excess, if any, pa,d <br />w Bomtwer. If the Property` is abandoned by Barrawet. or rf Harrower faits to respotuf to Leader wtthrn 30 days from the <br />dale natter is ((tailed by Letufer to Barr:rwez :hat the :tuurartec carrrer <:tfen to settle a claim far insurance btnehts, Lender <br />is atulsonmd fa coiiae2 attd apply the ,nsutance prorxads at isndei s .}piton either to restoration ar report of the Ptopenv <br />or ut ells stm~ smtred icy thra fNortgagt. <br />Uffitta Linder artd Barroyrer attxrwrx agrce :n wrtttig, any sueh applacat:an of proceeds to pnnctpal sfralf not extend <br />or paaEpmfe the dos date of the rnasthh iasnaflmcnzs referred to to paragraphs and 2 hereof ar change the atnotmt of <br />stifdt irarafiartata. if utter pat•atraph t$ berm} tfx Prrpeny n acquued by Leader. aid rtghi. ttds and intcrcat of Borrower <br />in aed la say itsswata^s po3acxs grad in and r_n the proceeds ehrnoi resulting tram damage to the Property prior to the sale <br />or atrit~ition shalt pass to Letadu to the eztest c+f the sums see:rrtd by this Marigage :mrrtediately prior ta, such sale ar <br />a~atsae. <br />(. I'~r+~iae sot fst,tieaetres~e eft Prsgeeq: t.e-~-'~-- ('utr PWaet U~t l7trdeptteets, Borrower <br />shag keep the Property in gotrd repay and than not commit wale ar perms ,mpatrtarrot of dsteriorafroa of the Proprny <br />set ehatl a'tmtply with tilt provisroaa of any ittrse tt this Mtmgage ;s tin a teaschold_ If ibis Mortgage rs an a unit in a <br />cis ar a planned unit develaptrxaa. Borrower shat! perform off of Barrawer`~ abftganio[ts undo the de~larataon <br />ur coveeatats creating or goverarng rite candomuttum cu pianeted anti deveiopttunt, the by-lava and regulations of the <br />of plattaaf itei[ ds~loptasra. and co~trtuem doctunenis. If a cortdaatinitrm or planned urn[ deytlapment <br />riitet as by Bvtava~ std retztrdsst together w,th (leis Mtxtgage, tftc covenants and agreements of such nder <br />bia irenrpustiud tMO stall s>eNl araesad acrd sttppkmsm [lie covenants amt agreemcnta ttf this Mortgage as ,f the rider <br />.lave a pert laereaf. <br />7. tifea at tesiw4 9re~. if Ba~llvaar fats to atrlo:m the covenants and agrscattsttta ctmitatned rn this <br />3tallJplga, to if aeg aatboe ix prwseadi~ to comaaemxd w#rich ttsattriaily amts Letsdsr's tttterest in 'the Property. <br />bus sot litatt;pd 6a. t3nat+aral datstatn.. tttwlvetrcy, cods antoretaent, or arrarttretr[ents tx proceedings involving a <br />br dti~att. #bimr ,l.aat6ar at l.e>mtfar's [tptuaa, apart ((slice ra 8t#rower. may make such appeararret,:, dnbtttse such <br />sYtYgt set I~t saheb aCSaela at rt ttasceasary to pratccb i.ender4 tntsreet, tt~irrdtog, btrt tint !tinned to, dishursernertt erf <br />t~ ititea fees set '*etrY t.~o the Ptapttty fa rrta9te repairs. if i.trsdsr reeTairrd marlgttge ansurrnes as a <br />of iba 1 xatttee+d this Mttrtgatlr tiorroveter shall parr fix prsmttutrs rt+qurred to retaimaan s,~h <br />cftsitlaotat-frs lei tulhll streb liesi as tlae regtraratraeat far such ,nsuranct termarrtttett ,n .ccx:aas~rtce with Barmwets and <br />