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Upon payment of all sums secured by this Trust Decd, the Beneficiary shall request the Trustee to recanvey the property and shall surrender <br />this ?lust Deed and aB Notes evidtncing indebtedness secured by this Trust Deed to the Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the properly, without <br />warranty to rho person ar persons legally entitled thtreto. tf default be made in the payment of said loan or any part thereeF or any of the <br />interest thencmr when due or in the faithful performance of any or either of said agreements as aforesaid, then the whole of said loan shat! <br />ttecamedueattd bepald ashereinafter provided, artd this Deed shalt remain in farce; the Trustee or his attorney may proceed to sell the property <br />in its entirety or in parcels at the option of the Trustee at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash. However, the pawerofsalGherein <br />conferred upon tht Truster shall not be exercised until the Trustee files far record, in the office of the Register of t7eeds of each county in <br />whkh the trust property or some part or parcel tfiereof is situated, a Notice of Okfautt, identifying ttie Trustee, statmg the names afthe <br />Tttitstar, glrring the' hook anti page-where this Deed is recorded, containing a description of the trust property, stating that a breach of an nbl~a= <br />Host- for w}tich the trust pmpeRy was conveyed- as-security has occurred, and setting forth the nattsrr of suck-bregch and oflhe ~'rtea~e's_ <br />election to sell or cause to ba sold such prepcrty to satisfy tht obligation. After the tapst of not less than one month; the Trustee shat}-give -- <br />Notice of Sale as previdtd by Nebraska law. After Holier of default and-lapse of no4 less than onernonth, ttie Trustee shalfgive written'nafiee <br />of the time and place of sale, parffeiilarly descnbutg ttte property to be sold by publication of such Notices at leastftve times; Doer a wttk'krr --- <br />five rutive weeks, the fast publication fo be at lean 10-days -but not mole than 30 days prier to the-sate, in-a-newspaper httvirtg a gsnetal <br />drrulation in each canary in which the property so be sold, is situated. Upon such sale, the Trustee shall exesutt.and deliver a Deed ofCOn= <br />veyance of the property sold to tht pwehaser or purchasers thereof and any statement or recital of fact in such Deed in retae n to-fife extrci`r- <br />of the power of sale and sale of the described property including recitals rnncerning any mailing, per-sonar delivery and publication oftha <br />Notice of Default, any malting and the publication and posting of notice of sale, and the conduct of sale. Such recital shat) constitute prima <br />facie avidener of such comglimoe and cortctusive evidence thereof in favor of-bona, fide- purchasers-and encurttbranctrs for vahye and wtthnttt <br />rtotic-. The TtUstte's Deed shall operate to convey to the purchaser, without right of redemption, the Trustee`s,titfe asut,all r~ttt, title, in}crest <br />and ctairrt of the Tntstor and his ,vrcc.essars in interest and of alt persons claimi;tg by ar through or under Them, in acrd Yo-the property said, <br />including all such right, Title, interest and claim in and to suet} property acquired by the Trustor or his successors in interest stsbaequent to the <br />execution of the ttuatce. The Tmstec shall appty fife proceeds of the Trustee`s sale, first, to tfie cost and expenses of exercising the power - <br />of sate, as well as the cost of the sate, including the payment of the Trustee's fees actually incurred Hat to excted the amount which snag be <br />provided far in the Tn~t Deed; strand, to payrrtenr of the obligations sxured by this Trust Deed,and the balance, if any, to the person or <br />persons tega{!y entitled thereto. <br />And the Trttatee covenants faithfully to perform theTrlut herein creaud. <br />BENEFICIARY, from time to time. may substitute a successor or successors to any Trustee named herein ar acting hereunder to execute <br />pawtn created under chit Truut Reed. Upon such appointrent and without conveyance to the suecesxtr 'Trustee, the successor Trustee shall. <br />be veered with ail rifle, powers, and dutits conferred upon any Trustee heron name~t or active hereunder. f:ach such appointment and sub- <br />stitutitn shall be ntadr by written instrarrtrnt and executed by Bentticiary.:ontainine reference to this Trust Tked and its plats of record, <br />whicfi, when recorded in the offue of [he Register of Deeds of the county ar counties in v-hhh said property is situated, shat' be conclusive <br />proof of proper appairrtment of the successor Trustee. The fnregotrtg power ot` substitution and the procedure therefore shall not be exclusve <br />of the power and procedure providtd far by !aw for the substitution of a Tn:s[ee or Trustees ir, the place of the Truuee or Truuees named <br />herein. <br />Tht waiver by Truster of Beneficiary of any defsuit ut Trustur under this Trust lhrd shat! not hear be detnxd to he a waiver of any ether ur <br />similar defaults subsequrntty occurring. <br />[`ills Trust f3eed shall inwt to and E1ind.tltt hetn, legatees, dcvrsccs, adtnrmstratc~rs, r?ttCWior3. ,uccessitrs and aa~rts;,f lift parttts hereto. <br />"life Tntxt peed shall rre canserutd accordattg to the laws of the State of tietsrsskx. <br />The Tntstor request3 Shat a wpy ref any Notice of fhfsuit and nt any nuttce of salt hereunder t+e rnatied Sa him by ctrtrfied mail at tht address <br />hereinbefare get forth and tridens:t ::`such melting sftali cvnt3utute zvtdtncr r~i rtctipt ~>t wch Warier. <br />Wherever the bontcxt su rtgtrirts, singuiu wards shall be cons;.rutd to the piutal acrd ~--tee r~trsa, and the ttlas<vlmt gender shall he construed <br />tti include the feminine and vict versa, <br />IAi WPfNESS WH6RkOi^. the Trustor has hereunto set hi; hand the day and year first above wet€tcn. <br />(` <br />~"'? ~'~ ,' l ,, <br />(` py 1 i <br />l <br />s~i <br />/ 1 <br />TR OR m <br />(.fl~1i~ 3 i,. 't]K4~Yi6~ <br />TRIiSTOR <br />MATE t>F Nfltl~ASlt~a } <br />S5. <br />Acltslowt.~Dt:F~elvT <br />OlefutC ttte, s 'Mary Wistic, qualified try ~ County, perwrutly carol ~ ~;~ t~ s,,t ~ ° ~t j _ and <br />_ _ , trnawn to me to bt tht idensic3l persan(tl who signed tht fare$uing lost nitnt zed acknctw~ <br />. exccuzurst tlttmtf iu be hit, her ur tlKir vatuntaty serf sad deed. t}iis~tsx my hand tr~~tatla! Seat cn.~,. cw~,+, ,~ N;.~,_. . <br />t~alf{t tyittfii'f~ • tt#~ur ~'"*,, `; = y'S ~ , <br />- ~ gUy;pt Aa. ts.rT@t,tt't.E - ~ - - . <br />a~eh fib? ~d~'x>' ~.~~ ,~'_~-_..._- _ -__ _ ..._ <br />,..r s ~~ r,~.,,.2, c.a fCtt~ iC c:C ttrt 5tatc t bzasis - <br />