<br />THIS DEED OF TRttBT, madt and entered into flue 23 day of~~i], 19 Rt
<br />by and- between rantti~,a r:_ Pntmmw,v Tluator,
<br />1.-'- - Y-fi~r+ut. A~•ieaa 2+itla TnBtlrta~_-('.atmtanlr -- _-- Trustee,
<br />and BENEFiCIAi. FTNANCE CO.OF NEBRASKA, a Nebraska corporation, Benet'tciary.
<br />IVITNESSETH:-That the Ttvsto:, by these presents, does graN, bargain and yell, convey and confirm with Power of Sa#e unto the Ttusteeihe
<br />following described Real Estate #ncluding a#1 build#ngs, #mprovements, and fixtures of every kind now or hereafter erected or placed on the
<br />real estate, atuated in ga],l County, in the State of Nebraska
<br />Trot- t'hts (1) atui 2'xo (2) Block Tbrity-two (32) of Lamberts ~rYdition to f;rand
<br />I97.asu3, Anil. ttounty, :detataska.
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<br />and r^ras:s.;ion of Tcid ptetttiseS new delivered unto stud Trustor. ~4~"r
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOI•D the sarnz, wtth alt rtgt=.[s, privi#zges, and appunenames thereto belonging unto the 1"rustee, ttisexecutirrs, admin''VV
<br />istraiv:s. Mrirs, and assigns fureve:. And ttn Trustor hrrrby expressly waivzs, telrases ,and refinyuishes unto the Trustee al) right, title, claim,
<br />i;,:tr~d. benefit. an.t eS(are whatever. in and to the abovel.'zscret>zd p.rzenisrs and each artt! every part thereof, which isgiven by ur results from
<br />alt. #aws of flee State of Nebraska pertaintug w tMte exempttcrn of hu:ttestead. ,1nd the Trustut arnvenants with [he Trustee that he will forever
<br />warrant and deft:nd the title to the saute against *.hc #awft:l clamss of a## perwns whurnstxver.
<br />EN 7`Rt?ST HOWEVER, for ttrr following described puipuses: WHEREAS. rtre Trustor un This date executed a promissory Note evidencing a
<br />itran for the Princepal Amount of f.oan of 5 ~T7It~98 ___ __ ___ and interest thereon
<br />acwrding #o f132 term-s of dte tio£e. Such cote 3s payebtr ;n eq+;a# rnunth#v insta#(ments at the office of the Beneficiary; with final payment
<br />being due on ,aril 2~, ------ l<t $7
<br />his geed by and berwcen paates hettte. mat untrt fitrrg .rt a 'vutue u; Default. the Trustor ,Era##- i 11 peg all presrnt and future taxes anei
<br />assessments, general and spzieat, against said pre,ptrty beforr the santz nzcunres dr#rrtqurnt or actiiutatrie; fey keep 131 improvetnentseret:Eed
<br />- on the land in->vrrd as may- be eequired tl~m titnc to tnttz b} Brneuctai against lass by fire end other hayatds, easetalties and cuntFngencies, in
<br />- sx,:h arrr~r.ES ?nd. Czt su:-it penads as arz reaStrrtabie and tn:ty br tti=quired ~y #3eneiiuan, anti ro keep all pq#icizs of such trsutattce in force
<br />ar effect urn the gruprr3r heroin descnbcd tzrnstant#y assigned and delivered to Benefcary_ (?7 pay and eomply with a0 the terms and
<br />catrdit~tns trf anyv lien, claitr# ri{ indehtedttess that ;nay tee senior to er take r:eiedence o; this Trust #)eed a€ soon as any such payment on or
<br />c~ suett tkn. stair:t yr indeb£edntss sttatl brcome due. Lpon failure <~i Trustor to kerp an} raid agrernteuts, Bertrticcary niay pay such tax, pay
<br />f.zi ~reh itts;traru:e ear fray aft' such #tzru ur claitns tx tndebtrSseesa as thz ease ena} be, end the money s,r rxpended wit#t interest at 4`i• per
<br />aatnrrrn ra1l h^ secured by thts Trua [;wed, anti tt~ Tru€tot agrees to repay the sarrre upon d€mand. t'pun failure to du err the ba#ance of ttie
<br />was i1&rrt+Er#'titcty that beiume due and payable as the uptton of the Beneficiary, Trustor specifically .<rnters upon Trustee the pirwer of sale as
<br />Prtxtriid. in 'Vebra~ta taw, arttt sha#1 retain pos5surttn of the ptertzises acrd zatkct the rents and revenues therefrom unfit fdistg of such Notice.
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