<br />d. For better security of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its successors
<br />or assigns, mortgagor shalt txecute and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mortgages Covering any additions,
<br />improvements, or betterments mach to the property hereinabove described and all property acquired by it after
<br />the date hereof (all in form satisfaczory• to mortgagee}. Fu[hermore, should mortgagor fail to cure any default
<br />'~ in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by this instrument, mortgagor :tere-
<br />~ by agrees to permit mortgagee to cure such detaulr, but martgagtae is not obligated to do so; and such advances
<br />~ shall become part of the ind~tedness stcurtd by this imsirutttent, subject to the saint trans and conditions.
<br />~..1
<br />~ c. The rights Creates by this conveyance shall remain in fui! force atu! effect during any postponement or
<br />~ extension of the tirnc of the payYrtent of the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note or notes, ar any
<br />part thereo€ secured hereby.
<br />'~ f. To continuously maimain hazard insurance, of snch type or types and in such amounts as the mortgagee
<br />may from time to time require on the improverents now or hereafter on said properly, and will pay promptly
<br />when But any premiums therefor. Ali insurance shall br carriat in eomp3nies acceptable to mortgagee and the
<br />policies and rentsvats thereof shots he held by mortgagee and have attached thereto ions payable Causes in favor
<br />of and' in farm acCe^Ytablr t~, the mortgagee. In e.°tnt of ten,, mortgagor wiN give immediate notice in writing
<br />to mortgagee, and mortgagee may make prot+f of loss if oat made promptly by mottgagor, and each insurance
<br />company concerned :s hereby authorized and direcieC to make payment fur such loss directly to morigagec
<br />instead of to mortgagor and mortgagee ~ointty, and the insurance proCCtds, ar any part thereof, may be applied
<br />by mortgiigte a tts option either to the reduction ut the tndebtedness hereby secured or to the restora[ion or
<br />tepait of the pruptrty riaxna$ed ar desrxaycd. in event of foreCiosure of this mortgagt, or other transfer of rifit
<br />to said property =n rxtmguishment esf the ~ndchttdness ~.ecured hereby, all right, title, and interest of the
<br />mongagar in and to any tn.surance tauhctes tarn in force strait pass to the purchaser ar mortgagee or, at the
<br />option of the mortgagee, may br eurtrnderrd for a refund.
<br />g. To ! erp all buildtrtgs and other impsovrnicnts cm said propcrrY ir. good repair and condition; to
<br />permit, Comtnxt. ur suffer no wasic, impairment, dttcrioratian rxf said property cr any part thereof; in the went
<br />of !'atturt of the trxirtgagot fa kttp the buildings un laid premise: and those erected on slid premises, or
<br />tmpras °ttttttts thrsccin, in good repair, the morlttagte may make such repair as in its discretion it may deem
<br />ntcrssaty fcxr lht proper pxtstrvaiian ttstrtut; artd the full amount nt each and every such payment shall be
<br />immediately due and tsavatslr; and shall be Fecured by the tttn of thts mortgagt.
<br />h. To nix soiuntartiy acatc ;,r permit tip tie t+caters ;.gat;ist the prcaverty~ .ubicct to this mortgage any Gen
<br />or tirnl inftrrcar trt t3±e liter ,st titx, me+rt;sai~r utihuzrt xrtt¢r•n ~anxtnt =+t tttr tnortgagre: and father, that mort-
<br />cx wail keet+ and matntatn ti+r Same tzee Prism =fir ~taam _rf ati persons suDPt>°tng labor or ittatextats for con-
<br />...._,._.. of gnx and alt !+3t~tng.:.ir ,inn; t,sea,.att it„+. i,f,ng ertCtcd ti. -0 1,.- eels tcd ran gid prerrtls€=.
<br />.. Ira iit:# rCiif :)E 1~SSttn anti parr flt the rCnt 4}t lard rrFt>rfgagcd plc=-(Mill tar itrinOllSh, sir remove, or
<br />>u~tantraiiy aItti am ttiitsdtng s.sttiaut ,ne ur,ttrn c°un~.ent elf nc~ sni.rigxgre.
<br />t..~li awards of Jatria~es to 4sanixmt:on wrth any sundtmnanon tot tsubiu use of or ~nsury to any of the
<br />property subtect to thLS rrrrsrtt;age art tttrtbp asstgned and .hail tsr pail to mortgagrt, who map apply the same to
<br />pityineiit of tssr aitstalfnxtrt{s ia.u Bur ur~kr sa€d ns.~;, and nx<rrtgaget is saerct+v authorized, in the name of the
<br />mr>rtgagcx, to txeY:ute ami dehvrr ~alsd acyuitianr:t~ thtrrat and to appeal Bruns anv such award.
<br />k. Ilse mortgagtt sltail '.nave the right to irssptct the martt)agrd prtnaisrs at anv rrasonabk time.
<br />i. To comply with tilt pr~sisiarrs tsf any lease if this'vzaorigagc is ore a icastaoid. if this M1iortgage is an a
<br />unit in a Condominium ar a planttrct unit development, t3orrowcr shat! perform all of iiorrower's oblibations
<br />unite the dtcsaiatxxx ur caversants creattrst{ or goserning the candomimum or pianntd amt develapment,thc
<br />by-taws and rrgulatior-ts of rite Coudotnrniurt ur planned unit devriopment, and constituent documents.
<br />2. f3t(auh in any ref Ctrl cssenanis yr Conduiaa.s of Ibis riutrunieiu ar of the Hate or loan agte3nrnt secured hereby
<br />shat ttrmitsate ttte tnartvt's right to posstassan, use, and rujoymtnt of the property, at the option of the
<br />rt~xter ear assigru fit bring agreed that the mongagar shah have sut:h right anal defaults. Upon any such
<br />default, isle mcutgager shall lsecornc the owner rf all of the rents anti profits accuring after default as security for
<br />the itidtLstrsiners stCUred herei», with ttce right to enzcr upon said property for the purpose of collecting such
<br />clots and profies. 't`his insirurntnt shall operate as an ®ssigntriznt of any rentals on said properly to that extent.
<br />3 if the rnortgagcsr dcfauhs, aril fails to naaltc any payments whin due ur to conform to and comply with any of
<br />the troatditions or agrttrurnts conkaintd in this mortgagt or the notes which it secures, thtn iht entire principal
<br />sutA and avtaucd infcrtst short at one`e TA::amt due and payable, attd draw . ' -- per clot (.l 7.7~} interest
<br />thereafter until pait# at the election of the ixwrtgag~, and this mortgage may thereupon be foreCsosed immcdiatrly
<br />Pot the whole of the inoebttdrtcss hereby sei°ured, inciudittg the cast of extending the at+stract of title Cram tttc
<br />date of than nanrsgage tea the titnt of camxtienCing such sun_ *~evcnteen strtd thx~e^?iuaZ tors tierwent
<br />4, IR tlx cverAt of a fortciotattt or default ss ptaviditd herein, the mortgagee shall at once be entitled to tht pos-
<br />s~ii n. ute> artd ttyoytrtent of 4ht real estate afartsaid atu! to the rent, issues, ropaltic. and ptoftts thereof,
<br />frwn slat Lta~ruiag of such rights and during the ptndtnCy of fear ~`laswe prrxcxdmgs and such passtssions, ttC.,
<br />shtrll itt axtte he defiactcd to zhc morigagtt opus rtgitCSt, upon fadurc such delivery ul suc:h possr+siun may be
<br />c#fotrtsf xrsortga, by any ap#xs~prriatt procectfirigs, including a rtsxtvtr fax the proprrt}.
<br />4. T pz'oet~+5 of any zak asf ssitl p€vptrty in atecsrd,~tsCt with iht pre:eding paragraphs =ha}t be apphtd Post to
<br />tt~ etkttx, rattt3 Catictsax isf xaid *alt, the t>tpen~s iru~ttrrcd by the rtsurtgagct lot the , utpou .;t' p; xnt,utt ~a
<br />~dxxtrttg aar~t ptcaF?crSy. seasut+cfJy> to pap' the txsr4ttbtcdxi~.t sc^rurtcl Mtrcby; and thirdly, to pay ani~-+u€phcs rx;
<br />txh~tss tts Cite ttttsan csr tietrss~atts ltttt-lfp' rxitrtied thtttica.
<br />