<br />8I --ta ii ~ 053
<br />This mortgage made ens} entered into this 23rd day of April
<br />)ry 81 _, by and between harry E. Royie and Cecilia B. tmyle, Husband and Wife,
<br />Joint Tenants with Rights of Survivorship
<br />fhereiaafter referred to as r:.ortgaaar) a:.:,' Ctxttmeressl Matienal Lank and Trust Cotttpany
<br />(htrtirteftsr referred tam
<br />mortgage}, who maintains an offia and place of business at 424 W. Third street in Gt'and Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />WtTraESSE'tti, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor
<br />does hereby mortgage, sell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, its successors aad assigns, aU of the fol-
<br />lowing described property situated and being in the County of Hail
<br />Slate of Nebraska.
<br />:,ot Two {2) in Block thae Htandred Thirty (130) in Koenig and Wiebe's
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, taebraska
<br />together with all !hr [ertttrrettts arx) appurrcnanc~ thereto helwrgin~, ati thr rents, issues and p.rntits therraf, and all
<br />easetrxttts. rights, roya)nts, mineral, s>a! and gas rights and proftts, watc:, mater rights, and water stack, and irult_;ng
<br />all bating, ptumbina, ,.frigrrarinn, lighting. ryuipment and all fastures of rvery dnrriptian hrfonr;ing to the
<br />mortgagor now ar hcrrafter attached thereto ar used ttt 4onntct:an with thr prenaiscs barren dr=.rril±ed and in addition
<br />thereto the following drs::nhrd properties whtrh arc and shall he deemrd to tie ii<ture=. and a part of the malty, and
<br />are a portion of the seiYarity far the indebtedness hrrein vtatcd t if nanr, s!atc "none"} tvone
<br />To have acrd to hold thr same unto the Mortgagor, ss hrretn provided:
<br />The rnartgagar is lawfully sewed and possessed of and has the right to salt and canvey said property; that t)t°.
<br />same ii free from all cnrumbranv-es rtcept as he:tinabave rrcitcd; and that 4iongagor revenants u> warrant and
<br />defsnd the tttle afaresatd Fhereta and every part fherea( a$atRSt the Clatm4 of all peLSani w1tOm5atYer.
<br />This iastrumrnt is given to secure the payment of a promissory note dated _ aril 23_ l~l _
<br />in the prifav°ipal sum of S__32...~Q{3.OC _______~_~._.__, sign+~ by Larry E. Royle_and ,Cecilia B._.Royle
<br />in beloalf of __~~_~__._._ theatse vas __-----YV,_._.._
<br />also, as such mate or Hates tray from time to time be modified, rentrwtd or extended to wrung.
<br />In the evtart the title to saki real estate is transferred, or rontracttd to )x transferred, from the undersigncci far any
<br />reeaon ~ by any method whatsoever, !)ne entire ptirrcipat sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and
<br />peyabk at thr el€~tion of thr balder hereof. Failure to exerase this option because of transfer of title as above stated
<br />in ont insterux shall not coostitutr a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event of env subsequent transfer.
<br />1. The cttortgaga cavenents and egrets as follows:
<br />a_ To promptly peY thetndcbtedtress evidettctd by said promissory note at the times and in the manna
<br />thstrin ptovidCd.
<br />b. To arty ati teases, assessments, wettr tarts, and other gavcrnmental or municipal c)tarttrs. fines, of
<br />impcxitiotss, for which txovision has not born made htreinbefore, and will promptly deliver the official recripr,
<br />therefor to the said mcxtgagee.
<br />~. To pity su+:h stiponsrs acrd fees as tray hr ins:urred in the ptarresian and ntatntenancr ~,f seed [1r~,txrt+,
<br />inchnlirrit the fees a# any atiarney rmptuyed by the mortgeger far the cottcrtian of an± or ail of the indebti`dttess
<br />~ret~' scturrd, cn farrrl;nurc h,v tnortgag~cr'c .ale, ar iouri proc'eedings• se ut and rnhrr tihl;ation ut tsn>~cest3n;.
<br />atte~tirsa seed prx?pt~rtf
<br />