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<br />81-00199s <br />SUBDIVISION AGREEP2ENT <br />CONTINENTAL GARDEPIS, Lots 4 5 and 6 Block 9 <br />An addition to the City of Grand Zsiand, Nebraska <br />The undersigned, ASid-Continent Enterprises, Inc., a tebraska <br />corporation, hereinafter called the Subdivider, as owner of a tract <br />of land in Block Nine (4), Continental Gardens, an Addition to the <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Pebraska, more particularly des- <br />cribed as follows: <br />Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot Three (3), <br />Block Nine {4), of said Continental Gardens (said <br />point being 40 feet East of the centerline of Webb <br />Road); thence N 84° 54' 11" E for 264.36 feet along <br />the northerly line of said Lot 3, Block 4• theme <br />N 00° 00' 02" W for 210 feet; thence N 35b 02' 47" E <br />for 74.05 feet; thence N 21° 48' 00" E for 75.59 feet <br />to a point on the curved southwesterly line of Rue <br />de College; thence on a curve to the left (having a <br />radius of 565 feet and a long chord bearing of <br />iY 60° 'Lil' ib" w fez L[O.U4 reet) €or an arc distance <br />of 221.46 feet to a paint being the northeasterly <br />corner of Lot 1, Block 9, Continental Gardens; thence <br />S 00° 00' 02" E for 240.25 feet to the southeasterly <br />corner of said-Lot 1, Block 9, Continental Gardens; <br />thence Td 89° 58` 4i" W €or 140.05 feet to the southwesterly <br />corner of said Lot 1, Block 9, Continental Gardens, <br />also paid point beint 40 feet test of tizc centerline <br />of Webb Road; thence £I 84° 58' 41" W far 7 feet to a <br />point 33 feer from the centerline of Webb Road; thence <br />S 00° 00' 04" E for 140.7(} feet to a point 33 feet from <br />the centerline of Webb Road; thence £I 84° 54' 11" E <br />for 7 feet to the point of bey, nnint;, containing 1.87 <br />acres. more or less {The East :ine of ~+Iebb Road assumed <br />North; South in direction); <br />desire to have :.ubdivided as a subdivision the above-described tract <br />of land which i_, locat?d within the _~rp:rata l:.u~its of the City t}f <br />Grand Island, Nebraska, and hereby submit to the City Council of such <br />City for accegt<ence as provided by law an accurate map and plat of <br />such proposed subdi=rision to be known as CONTINENTAL GARDENS, Lots <br />4, 5, and 6, Block 9, designating explicitly the Iand to be laid out <br />and particularly describing the Iots, streets, and easements belonging <br />Ca suet: subdivision, with lots designated by numbers, streets by <br />names, and easements by dimensions, and propose to cause the plat of <br />such subdivision when finally approved by the Regional Planning <br />Com~aissi°n and the City C°uncil to be acknowledged by such owners, <br />certified as to accuracy of survey by a registered Iand surveyor, <br />end to contain :: dedication of the easements to the use of public <br /> <br />