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~,~-' -~- BI--t?01949 <br />?. Leter:ninatio.•. of boundaries: <br />i'he Lessor shall have tars right, on a reasonable basis, to <br />determine the boundaries betwaer. the ..caeca ann his neighbors <br />if the Lessee and his neighbors cannot agree to such boundary <br />line. ire lake front boundary of the leased pre.:rises shall be <br />to the water as the same :nay exist ~ro:H ~ e to ti.:,ir with <br />changes in the water level of the lace. T`ne boundary line of <br />the. leased premises abutting the :.essor's com-aon roads shall <br />bg as reasonably deter:Hined by tY'ie Lessor. <br />°~• ~g~,~,~ul possession: <br />As-long as Lessee conforms with the requirerrents binding upon <br />hiHi in this lease agreement, the Lessee shall enjoy peaceful <br />possession of the leased premises. <br />9. ZmA~,,we~;tents: <br />:he Lasses shall keep the leased pre.•nises in a neat and clean <br />canditia-r at all times and shall keep all irproverHents on the <br />leased premises in a good condition of repair. <br />lQ. Absrconmerat- <br />The Lessee agrees not to abarcon the leased <br />II_ F,ccess far installiner utility lines; <br />The Caesar rras~srves rive right to come upon the leased premises <br />for installatiar. of undergrounc or avove grozinu utility lines <br />$nALa3a :Fiaa++i..y <br />'" ''f ^^ of nor-ras!sary repairs or i.~.grove.,>eats to or <br />abutting the leased premises. `she Lessor agrees to restore <br />tY'w°. nrw~ises t0 suia5tantiaily the Sa,T.e COAditi0:1 as they were <br />r----- <br />iaQFare any such irstallatior. and at the Lessor"s .;e. <br />12. ~~and Regulations:. <br />:'he Lessee agrees to comply with the rules a..a regulations <br />as prepareix avid fuxnisheci ~y t e i.essor to t2:e Lessee, £rom <br /> to time. Such rules a.~:d ~ngula'~ior.s s -~1> cs;ntai : re- <br />strictions and limitations, ::or tYie ^utual b~;nefit of all <br />less:r~s at wester L.;ke, psrta.ininy to the use by ti~ several <br />11l6$El~S at xC416ster i+tike~vz ~tis's iryiic it~21~, ^~? ~-+nn rnad~= <br />anti t e rased premises. Zt is unae,~stood that the basic use <br />of the leased premises sizx:.i Yee bor residential purposes, but <br />the Lessor rt,Ay permit, fror„ ti^re to tim€~, corr„T.ercial activities <br />of the lease+3 premises. Ary such :uses, regulations at3d ~r:nits <br />are subja::t to .:;s.a.s,e bi ta__ L¢asor, c::cegtin~ that the basic <br />p::rpasa c: tae l~seu premises as reside,~tiai shall not be <br />abri~sd. Any cher«ges in the rules and regulations rtrt:st be <br />a~apraved by a Hajority o¢ the leaseholders present and voting <br />at a msatinq called for such purpose of wsich written, notice <br />teas taat~n givec~ to ail l~sa`aolders . tone vats per lease) <br />1;3. ,~~r.°'~„xs,,:tian of lease ~sr_,dgfault :.,r Lease;^: <br />Tf the Lessee fails, after ninety {99) days prior written notice <br />fx~am the Lessor, to remedy ar>y default in his or her compliance <br />t~rith azry ctf t.~ ataligatians birsding upon him. or her under tisis <br />le+e Ayreament, or under the Ztulss and c'tegulations furnished <br />car has ray the Caesar, the Lessor may, at its option, terr~irate <br />this leesa and retake possession of t,'-e leased premises but only <br />. '" tee t~ fia2laFrinq proceac~re has been eotnplieci wit'rx: <br />~a} A special meeting of ali stockholders of Lessor stsali <br />be called Yay the Hoard of Liractars of La~sor: and <br />xtitten notice o such .:Heating and its purpose be given tc <br />s~ll such sts~khalc~rrs. Such meeting shalt ba called far <br />the p-xrpose of drs';:~rr:in3ng lay majority vote of the stock <br />of Lessor, present and voting, as to whether or mat <br />twrnatlor~ of Lessee's lease shcsuld Yee made because of <br />a default by tine-Lctia~t At leas* l~ days written notices <br />` st'm,~.l givwau a~ any such meeting and the Caesars shall <br />kaa givat~ fall oppcarturtity to sYstr~;r urzyr his ar hrar lease <br />~~d brr tezm#~ztat. <br /> <br />