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LEASE AGREE41EI3T ~ Z -- 0 0 ~ `~ <br />Tcil5 AGREE.'4Ei~"T entered into between KUESTER LAKE, IL3C., LESSOR, and <br />~.T~'"'2..ti`~ L-. P~11~1 R18f~ Mll(f$EEN L-. fltLY'M)N, hII_al~nd anA wtfak_~ja_nt ar~anf•.n <br />fr~ksx#xxr~owoman} {a~gss~~re~') (strike out <br />portion not applicable} whether one or more, LESSEE. <br />1. I)~g;~,~„~;~sj~ of lea ed premises: Lot 25 anal the Southerly 10 feet of-Let 24,- <br />Y~via~ a lie fr~,£ f€xz£ag~ csf 123 feet, situated an the west side of the West portion of <br />Kueattez Lane arm being on a gaze of the E~ssw9c in Sezntion 13, Tbvnghip il, Pangg 9, irr Hall <br />comsty, Nebr. boastded o~nt~ ~gte~~ianofb~tae ~esc~ nn road: such lot is as shown on a plat <br />~. TsrFa cif .lease: <br />35 years, commencing April 16. 19e1 and terminating <br />""" Acrd 16. 2815 <br />,~. O,ntion to extend term- <br />Lessae has the ogtion to extend the term of this lease for an <br />additional 35 year b~ giving Lessor notice thereof, in writing, <br />by July 1, Y' c:!l~i ~i <br />2015 ~"~' <br />4. R~.ght to assicrnment of lease: <br />Leases has the right to assign this lease provided - <br />{a) Lessee isas eomglied wick all ters;~s of this lease. <br />{Yy} Lessee transfers to the new owner all interest and <br />ownership of the Lessee in the coranon stock of <br />Koester Lake, Inc. <br />{c3 The new Lessee agrees, in w-ruing, to abide Say the <br />terms of the lease so assigned, any new lease for <br />trtes€3 pzesicise5, aiIIi %v a~,i.,~ 7 y.......------ <br />entered into by this Lessee with~Kuester Lake, Inc. <br />on or about ~lovember 4, 1974, the terms of ~:hich <br />are incorporated herein by reference, <br />fd} The new Lessee shall be entitled to a new lease for <br />a 3S year term. The tern shay be longer if consented <br />to by the Lessor. <br />fe) Any sub-Iea;~ing s^.ust have th~* ;,essor's .:p~.rcvai. <br />ff} The Lessee ras the a,sol4te right to coa~:itl.ona2ly <br />assign this lease to any mortgagee for the purpose <br />of furnishing such mortgagee additional security. <br />5, <br />The Lessee shall pay to Lessor, as annual rent, payable in <br />advance and on or before .7uly first each year, such rent as <br />maY 2>e annually detesmired by the Lessor under the following <br />foz9nula: <br />The annual rent shall lac an amount, each year, <br />equal to the result oz dividing the total <br />number of resid$ntial leases-stockholder lots <br />into that year's anticipated net budget needs <br />of the Lessor. <br />Ths c~:;putation of the annual rent shall be done by the <br />L~sssor, 2~t shall be uniforn- among all lessee-stoc7cholders <br />of Koester Lake. Inc. In any event, the annual rent of <br />the Lessee shall not exceed one Hundred Aoilars {$100,00) <br />unless a majority of alI lessee-stockholders of Koester <br />-.Lake, Inc. {one vote for each share}, present-and voting <br />8t a special Meting called far that purgase, shall <br />approve the same. <br />~:t`- " , <br />~. Aess: <br />Lessee shall have access from tl'te leased premises onto <br />the Le$sar's roads-and shall-also haves the right to use <br />the lake far boating, swixas~inq and fishing. These access <br />rlght~s are in ecseson with the other leaseholders at <br />Koester Laps, <br />~.s 1.+aase replaces- and supasrsedes any prior lease for sails <br />sea-tirh:ich tk~ lessee or-his predecessors in title-may <br />ham iti~sl. <br />e <br />