<br />9. Carieaawaliow. The proceeds cat any award nr claim for damages, direct ar cottoequentiai, m wnnection with any
<br />eattdemaatutn or other taking of the Property, ar part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and silo!! #te pax! to Lender.
<br />to the event o€ s total taking of the Propctty, the prnctcds shalt br »pplied to thst sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />with the ezcuw, if any, paid to borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless 8arrower and Lender
<br />otherw+se agree in writing, tixre shaft F+e applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trost such proportion of the prareeds
<br />as is t to ffiaF propori#an which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking beats to the fair market value of fix Property imrnedia[ely poor to the date of taking, with the btilaetce of the proceeds
<br />paid to Hortot-ar.
<br />t€ lift Property is abandoned by Borrower, nr if, after notice by !.ender to Borrower that the tnndemnor otters to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, harrower tails to respond to Lender within }W days after the date such noEsre is
<br />tnaited, Lentiet is autifwized is collect and apply the proceeds, at l.ettder's option, either to restontian or repair of tt'fe
<br />Property or to the Burns secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Uakss Lretnier artd-Harrower otiorwise agree to writing, any such sppiicatton of proceeds to principal shad not extend
<br />ar pane ttx dtae date of the monihtp instatlmeats referred to in paragraphs f and 2 hereof ar change' the amount of
<br />s>~h ii~istFmeifts.
<br />t0. Bmrawer Plot tteteaad. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Dtxd of Trust granted try 7_rrtder to any sttccrssar itf interest of Bnrrawer shalt not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the fiabihty of the original Borrower and borrower's succrssar., :n interest- [.ender zhati not be required to cntnmence
<br />proceedings against such satccrasor or re€use to extend ante for payment or atherwtse modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured try this Deers of Trust try reason of any demand made by the original $orrower and hnrrower's successors in interest.
<br />Ii. Foebptatet b"Y Coedit Nm a Waiver, Am' forbcarartce by Lender in cxercis€ng any right ar remedy hereunder, or
<br />4t#xrwtsc affa;dtd by apptirahk law, shat! Hai he a waiver of or preclude the rxrrc,sc of any such right ar remedy.
<br />~fltt procurement of ittstuxnre or the payment of taxes or other fic€°s ar ~~harges by Linder shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />nght to accelerate the maturity of the irtdebteetness ,c=ured !?v this Decd of Tntst
<br />IZ Retateiks Cnaabtlivr. AI# remedies provided :n thin itrcd t,f Tnut are distinct .rod cumulative to any other right
<br />ar remedy under this [keel of Tnut or afforded hry Eaw ar eyu,ty. ,tnd may fk rserctseti concurrentig, independently or
<br />suetxativdy.
<br />t3. Srwrearart aril Atai#}s Board; Johet ttwd Several l_iabNkv; ('aptioas. The - avenants attd agreements herein
<br />contained she## tstrtd, cad ttx rights hereunder shall ,Harr in, the reaprcnee successc+rs artd assigns ;,t I.cnder and Harrower,
<br />sttb}eei to the prxtvistotfs of paragraph #? hera~t Alf .ovrnanta :tnd agrrrments of Borrower chap he joint and several.
<br />Tto Captiatfs and loadings of t!o paragraphs c>t th,s Deed ~ri Tnrst are ?ar ;nnvrnrencr m{y and are not to he used to
<br />trtterprat ox dthne the provisiorm hereof.
<br />t~. '.geNre. Fxeept for any ttoticc requ,red vnalcs apphcah#r taw to he s;rven :r, another manrtcr, sal any Halloo !a
<br />8arrawu provided far en this Died of Trust shat! he yrv'en ta} mat#anp such notice by ~ entfied root! addressed to harrower at
<br />the Praptrfy Address ar at such tither address as lkxrtnvcr Wray designate by notice to tinder as providrt# harem, and
<br />tb) any tuattre to Lender shst# be given f+y ccrti8ed ma:#, rnurn rmipt requested, u, Lender's address stated herein nr to
<br />such other address as Ltmdcr~ may dturgttate by Wallet to Harrower :u pravrdrd herein Any notice provided for in tfiis
<br />feted cif Trust ahal# br deemed its have been gtvrn to Harrow%r =*r 7 cnilcr when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />IS. U~taaa teed o€ TrrsK Geverniso* [st.; 5everabfiilt. Th,s farm .,r deed +,t trust c.+mbines umfarm covenants for
<br />nati!'fesI flee ntxil nan•tmifarm -avenants with #imnt:d variations hi r,sdtrt~~.n ..:t...~t ._ _
<br />cnfsrsag t2ai properr}. -I7ri~ 7)e~ d Trust shall !K governed ire .hr -aw .:[ the -u rcdtcs ~ ., TttCtaedt
<br />Pn the exert That arty prov:seatf ca c#atae of th,s thed t trust r he ~•atr .,oft, t. w• ,r•,.. ice ° st all
<br />s~st a$~:.t •?r~r _° t..~:.."'-c+S :: Lrt.o[ .i - -`.. .~ _ _
<br />;„~.... m .n c t,trcn c'=r~[ +_'{g}t~r~Ft3YiOn.
<br />at+t# to €his etul the provuiotts of t!x Detd =,t "fntst~arad thcn,latr err tteclared t~ f+e s ~-A.........,.,........
<br />ib. Barrewes's (A'P'y. Barrowes shalt ttr turn shed a rnnt+,rrried ::,ps~ ,•t ;hr 'Nate alit t+f this Deed at Trust at the rime
<br />of execruiort or after recorrlatecm hercot
<br />i7, Trawler o€ tlts Peapsetyt Asmwpdow. Ii ati =,r ens part of the Propene .,r sa interest thcrrtr is sold or transferred
<br />by Horrcttker wttis~ Latdtr's prior wrtttcn canscr:t, rxc#uding s s: t:R carat:alt c;t -a t:eri ar rnrambrance sutwrdrnate to
<br />+his IJeeti of Trtot, fir} the crtahan of a purchase rnattrq ssiurn~ :ntrrrat for household appltancrs, ! ~ ; a transfer tsy devise.
<br />~cettt ar lty opttaticvt et tar upon ibe death of t front tenant ,+r s d , the gran. ,- env #easchotd interest rat three vran nr Isms
<br />War rttnis.~tn. _ .~~ ra ,,.,r..t.,~._ # ~ .+-•- -a- si # ;;=-,t',=e~, :,t-a;n:a.::z~;,re :tt• rite Bur-rs s`evred t,y this t)red of Trust to be
<br />,mmafately dui oral psyabk. !,ender shalt hive wa<cuf stub =+ptxn to arcelerate .t prior to tine >aie ar transfer, !.ender
<br />and tltt person to wham fix Property is to be Bahl ar transferred reach agreement :n writing that the . relit of such pcnao
<br />is satafa"tary tea l,etrder cad that €he inlerrst payab#e t,n the :ums swuretf #vs tti.s i3rtd o.' True .vha#I t+e at such raft an
<br />l.ettdcr shalt retptest. tf €,cmter has wary_J the ~+ _ _._ . .:~-k to .~---~;d~ - - --;,,g,~fh : ;. anti if Harrnwer's sucressar
<br />to tnterefi has exaruted a wriittn :.attmpticia agreement accepted ,n^wrtttng hr=if.cndes, t.rndtt shall release Borrower from
<br />Alf nbii~itia[r:t finder thie DKr! of Ttttst acrd tht .'•#1)te.
<br />U Leader extxrtaes such apitan to arreteretc, !.ender =hat! rrtasi liarrowrr notice at aceckratian in accordance with
<br />r4 txrmf. Stroh naits•t shall provide a pcra"+tt t:f root leas than 3Q doss tram the dace the rsatice is maikd within
<br />w~rawa ma}- tiny the sttrt~ tlrciartd due. if Borrower fai3s €r, gav stuh~sunts error to the raptratian of such ;~riod,
<br />t„crater etas, wrtkcwt turthet notice or demand zus B<trn°wrr, ie„xkr ±ns rcnwd:r<; xr.R;:,,, ~ y patagrspit ; Ft 'rteteof,
<br />Nt>ty-tlr+rt=n.,tt ['.wc~,;vrq fir.>,viir ar... 1.:-n.icr iurrr`rrr .:ncrnant and agree ,s.+ follows-
<br />lH. Aeerkratiom R:aeedita. Pxrspt ~ Fravitled is prragrap tT hereof. t>pdn lore»rrr~s breach td say rovets~ or
<br />tR~t ttf BNrawer g rWa €Saed u€ [`rta1, rKlt~ dot Coveattale to pry ploy doe coy stomas seretxd try this I.teei
<br />ai'-7`tVSk i.eatisr }riot to artek+a;iorf aia>g wwil wallet to Bertowes as prmiied is pera0<sapi 14 boreal sperNyiag: (1! the
<br />fwtwcitt f2) t4s tre4aw tad to rsa~e stet:h btrasb; tai a date: nee ~ tittsa 38 dt}rs treat the dtir tite tratkr ~ tswBtd to
<br />Brtaratr, br wMiA tarsh breach stmt be rmedt art f4! Has fditrrr to care stab bteaeb era err btforc tbt da4 specir6ed
<br />h t#e aaaitr sJ resat it acertettliest o€ ttte seas strcwei by this tMmd of Trasf awl stele tit ttte F4aperty. The nditt
<br />tildF tmNwr iakea Borrower of tbt n)Rht m rctraase after arceleraKar tad dAe tit;bt to bring a rout redo' fo serf
<br />tits wate•eatrteaea of a defattdt w ,my aAer de€eme of Borrower to rceitratloe atDd Bair. tt tRe breach is not eared
<br />OM Qr 1aNdat ISa daft -h (!`e aOKLY. isrtrier tit I.ewier's apliow r..y ttattte ad d the Bas secwrtd by' ttt6 Deed
<br />d Test ~ be htwwdiaseiy itte tai pry>.yr vritioat f twtber tltaaad tad nay iavaite fist power of ink aed awl oboe resmdke
<br />pee. by ~aAlt bon. [;ender sb,~ be radHei to retied ail reasosatie cases ai esprases latarred 6a patsaiwg the
<br />rewsedim preridad iw tlsis pwrr~if t8, bin oaf liwtited Fri, reaasaabie smrrrey'n fees.
<br />N 1Ya p~wes' of twfe b iasriioi. Trmsre slnsY reaxrri a aotke a4 MaaN im card coawty iw witicb the Property or settee
<br />part ilerer~f is sEiotaatd art4 MrY web ropirs of Barb twire in rbr mtmer pararrilyd 9?' ttppgcabie taw to Bnrrawer ae+! to ibe
<br />a0ittr-> lstrfhti b7 int. Ater tf t 4pm' of are! riot s tray he rquired Ay typlitabk law. 7rtwtee sbtil
<br />ry1Bt ntslieo at salt a uo ptwamu feel to tMe aawaer peescrtlted by apptletlie hw. Trartet, wiiYaat drwaad ew
<br />~~ si~ ~ ~ ~~a aactlna ie Hoe bl~tst bidder m the lire tad p<scr tend eater the rertm~ ewtrd
<br />pateels root ~ sweA order sa 'fratee nary delerfries. TttMee m
<br />x sqr paesttof'itta.l9ttptsiy by / tttaotareaem at else ti®e atsi phn d cry previaraiy P €,ender or
<br />ietsfdm''~'~igwarr~gry-larciurr #itr ~ ~ awe Babe:
<br />trottipi of pgtwtat a! its pelea hid. Taste sirY deliver its tie pittrebasse TraNee's died coaveyint the
<br />etotiletltt ht the Trssite's dot! ~Auti bt prirsta Facie rridsa~e o€ ike teaN a€ ibe statesneiws nadt t6trcie. T
<br />~ ~'~ tt der sale t~ eYt €~ w+drr: fa} ~ aB reasag3fe rods awl rsparwa d toe salt. btxWiiwR, bas
<br />sfMliloillfsM "! toaaeC aMaaMa tbaa_._ '~ of the tiros mfr paint. rewsaaa#!e sslnraeyra fttea astd ceatt ~
<br />#i# iw aii,www aaearsri fir Yds llrar~b~ toed; cad (rt fbe estes, ~ lay, m the perssw or paraawo ~y ewtl(kd
<br />11 s#~iirr~. "~mw+tisiandirtg Lertdtr•s ars:sleratiwt of the sums ssvted tsy-this l>~d of Trost.
<br />ttOarrarrtas-std -bast fix rigs bs htrs•e-arty Kn'~ hegtro by t..etrder to tnfarce obis f)etti of Taut discanhntrrd at
<br />tiro to t6tr otlriiaridrtet:ur of }ti thcfifib tiny Grfart• ibe safe t» the Prttptny parsuant to the power of stfk rcfMeirxd
<br />lp title Utftsf Fri Trent or lnl eaulcr.nf >e i. - c.. `;..a .a.:_
<br />bit t;,ltwi tLias_neiE't lei;. ~ ~r , -'~-hi "~ •,••a l~rv w r r~i if: iaj norrc~^er pays f.tttd~r aW starts which wuuls~
<br />lei P"f _r,tts, der tstaxa .ad r~Fts stztn'irrg frutuisc Adva»ecs, sf any. held no arxkratfon acrurrcd:
<br />it! jiatttrwnrr` esrres aB lorrakttrs of any €#htr carvettattts c>r agn`rrrtretis tsf Hrtfrrawer cantsirsed in-toes 7'.k'cti of Frtrs7:
<br />tai ~ PeH's hrasaat~t expattlres trseutrast tr7r I,tndcr artd "Trustee m cnforcirtg tfie covertauts ate agrtemetfts t,t
<br />~igrtnrer° cvrttata~rt is rites ttasd rtf -Trtwt sup! zo eaforrit+g testdar`c ated 'Frusiee's ttmrriies..aa pr(wicitd fin pttragraptt tg
<br />hNtaot, raxhdr ~C Silted ie. srstsrmat>~ attey's ttievt slut 4dt Btsrtc+ncs to#ew sorhi a~tiots as l rndet !ttav rrnsiucabtp
<br />rare l4 ~xt i thk fs €rf this [Seed a# 'Truett t-crtdsr's rntrresf ise [f[e Prtteesss :xad Bsar+;+ea"x oblf~ition to t*sv
<br />