<br />UtvttPoa+xs Coverret+ts. Borrower and !.ender rnvenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. p'ay,tAenf aX yRftteipd aM ltttetrest. Harrower shall promptly pay when dot the principal of and interest an the
<br />iredehledness evidenced try the Note, prepayment and late charges as pronded in the Nate, and the principal of and interest
<br />an any Future Advance secured by this Decd of Trust.
<br />2 lrre.tls ter'l'tttaw aad lttttttrtcY. Subject to applicahk law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower aha6 pay
<br />to Leader on ttu day tnatthty instapreunts of pnncipat and imerest are payable udder the Note, until the Ntrte is paW in full,
<br />e a rtwtt ('herein "Fonds"7 equal !o orte~tweltih of the year!} taxes and assessments which may attain priority aver this
<br />k tad of Trust, and grauetd rents on the Pmpany, if any. plus Otte-twxifth of yearly premium installments for hazarel insurance.
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium instailtifenis far mortgage 'trtsurn:.e, if any, al! as reasot:ably estimated initially aiuf frottt
<br />time to [ime by I,etidei• on the trssis of assessments and bills and reasanabk estimates thereof.
<br />The Hinds shall be heW in an :rtstitution efte deposits or accounts of which are itistrred or guaranteed by a Federa3 or
<br />state agency G+tcluding Leirder if Lender is such an institution}. Lender shall apply the Funds to pa said taxes, assessments,
<br />irlstiranre pttmiutns ar+d ground rents. Lender may rat charge Cor sa holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said arxaunt
<br />_ or verifying and corrtpiiing sold acsessntents atxt bills, unless Lender pays Borrowei mterest on-ihe Ftmds and applicable law
<br />peemits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and t.tatkr may agree in writing at the titre of executi~ of this
<br />Dted of Trust that interest an the Fuesds shall be paid ta-Harrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requites such interest to bet paid. LmdershatJ rwt be required ro pay Borrower any interest cx earnings on the F.~nds. Leader
<br />shall give m Bprrrtwer. witkww charge, an annual accounting of the Ponds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each tYMit to the Funds was trade. The Funds arc pledged as additianal security for the sums secured
<br />by this Dtxd of Trust
<br />If the aeimunt of the Funds held by Lender. together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />tfx due dates of taxes, assesurttms, insurance premiums and ground rents, shah exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />azaessmtnts, ietsttrance premiums anti ground rants as they felt due. such excess shall tae. at Borrower's option, either
<br />pramptlp repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower un mpnthl}• installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender shall last ltt sufficitnt to pay taxes, assesstrtents, ins:trance premiums and ground rents as they fail due.
<br />~ Borrower shah pay to Leader any atnotmt txcessan• to make up the deficiency within .t0 days from the dale notice is mailed
<br />~t by Lender to Borrower requesting paymem thereof.
<br />Upon paymem in full of all sums secured by this Deed aF Trent. [.curler shall promptly refund to Barrowet any Funds
<br />Meld My tender. if under paragraph iR hereof the Property .s ,old nr the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender. Lender
<br />~~ xhatt apply. rro later than +mmediateiy prior to the sale of the Prc?pcny or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Lender at t.fre time of sppticstian as a credit against the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />~. Apep ttf Paywests. finless applicahte to+s provide; otherwese, all payments received My Lender under the
<br />Nptt anti paragraphs t and 2 MertaE shalt he applied My Lender first an pa}ment of amotmts payable to Lender My Borrower
<br />under paragraph _ hereof, then to interest pays ie an the tiott, then to the prtnc,pal cif the Note. and then to interest and
<br />principal on airy Future Advances.
<br />d €`.4arges; [,fews. Barrowtr shai3 pa4 alt taxer. a.stumtn;; aril n!htr ~hargcs. fines and ,mpasitians attrihutabk to
<br />tine Ptopcztp which maq attain s priority aver th,s Decd cf Trust, arxt leasehold payments or ground rents, if any, in the
<br />manMr provided under paragraph '~ he€eaf or. if rat paid to such manner, hry Harrower :raking payment. when due, directly
<br />to t}fe payee ttierrnf. Botrowtr ;Mall promptly furnish to Lander alt Haters at aroa,nts due under this paragraph, and in the
<br />turn[ Harrower ;:hall make payment diratly, Harrower shalt popmptty furn,sh to Lender rtmpts evidencing such payrtrtrtts.
<br />Horrower shall pramptip discMargt: any lien wMecM Mas priority rule thss Dttd of Trust: prav:dtd, that Borrz?wcr shelf not t?e
<br />regmred to dischargt any stub Iten sa long as Borrower shalt egret in writing to the paymrnt al the aMiigatian secured by
<br />E' tech lien in a mantcer acccptaMlt tee Lender, at shall ,n gaud tooth cantts~ such hen My, 4,r defend enforetment of such lien in.
<br />Fcgai pprxeedings whuM operate to prevent the enf~ecement .1f the lien ar forfeiture ~~f the Peoperiy nr any part thereof.
<br />S. liagpuel Iessr!mec. Borrower shaft keep the smprovtmtnts tu?w t?t.ttrzg ar Mtrtafter erected an the Property insured
<br />agair#st toss by fire, hoards irutttded within the t_rm "txterdtd .average' . and uich cr.htr hat~rds as Lander may require
<br />and an sixh amounts attd far such periods as ].ender may rcq[nrt: prvvuted. that lxucfrr shall rat require that the amount of
<br />E stxh coverage exceed that attraunt x?t cover,:ge requortd to pa~. the sums x::urtd M} th:a famed of Tntst.
<br />€- - The imurance carrier providing the irtsuraact shalt he .:ha+tn ?+}' &~rroutr stihtect tt+ approval My lender: provided.
<br />e tha# such app_rpvat shag rmt he unrtasemaMly withhe{d- A34 premiums an insurance policies shalt ht paid in the trrantter
<br />t;.ovi yd t r~rs,~spft ? Mato? ot, if rat paid an such manner, h}~ &xrrnvsr r„eking payment, when due, directly to the
<br />rmwritace car['ier.
<br />€' - At, atrsut'atict policies and rtoewak tMcreot shalt be en to=rrt acceptable :n Lender and shall mcttutt a standard mortgage
<br />€€€F cfaux in favor of arttl in form xetptat+tr to tendts i.rndtr ,hail has~e tMt rrght to hold ;Me polietes and rerttwals thereof.
<br />- - °orrrev"wee is'tsll i~ rt:rn'»b to / _.nMr .tt rt _rwat ruat,s:t. in.t ail rccc+pts ,tf .paid artmtums. In tit[ event of I.a-._
<br />Bar[nwu shall give pratnpt rutt3 ^e +,y rMc +nsuran.c . arr,er and Lender Lender may make pr'.~c?f of lass ,f nut made prnmptlti
<br />_ My Hortx,seer.
<br />Unless Cs+tder and Harrower crtMerw:st egret ,n wetter+g, ,nsuranct pre, reds ,M::lt tw applied to rtstaatitm or repair of
<br />the t?rolrerty darrtagtd, provided such trstarat,on ar reparr ss c.:osutmrcaliy feasible ar,d the stt:urity of this 13eeJ at Trust ,s
<br />- tu+t iMeteity impaired- F[ xtrch rtsttstateott ar rtpatr [s nor ecanomicailY f,^asiMtt or ,. ,ht ~t>:eurity of this Geed af'frust would
<br />irttpat:'ti. t~ i:~urstet. ~rvcteds shalt Me appttrd to tMt sum; s ~;; :d by ;his 1"~td rwf Trt t. wrtit rite excess, if ap}•, peed
<br />to Botrawer. if zhe Property is abaridontd by Borrower, or if !#?srawtr fat#s is rrspoetd to Lender within 30 days from the
<br />date trance is trailed by Leetder to Harrower tMst the nsuranct err c ?tiers ic? settle a ;;!aim far insurance ixrxfits. Lender
<br />is au#Morized to coBtet and apply the ensuratk:z p otctds .st i eetdei s option either to rts!araunn or repair of the Prapeny
<br />pr to the: tnn».s ~ut~hy ells Astd Qf Trxtst.
<br />t7ttiess Lender and er ahr:rwise agree in wr:tmg an} such app#ication of practetfs to principal shat) rat a-.end
<br />r~: - or pone tz`ie doe date of ifte tra:.,hly ittstalitt~nts re'.'r€rtd .a m paragraphs ', oral 2 hereof ar change the amount at
<br />suchtnstaffinents, Ef trtsdtt paragra t'; htrroi t}rt Property is aequirsd Mp [?tufer, all rigltL title and intttest of Borrewtr
<br />in era! to anp inswarrce policies a nand to the prcx:teds thereat resuttrng from damage to the Praperip prior to the salt
<br />car acquisition shall pass to Lertdct to fire extent of the sums str+trcd My thrs Deed atTrust immediately prior to such sale or
<br />aegnixiii[a}f.
<br />E, Tr'saerratlaw tent{ Wft~ewtaeee eel PraFrrty; Leaeclwids; Ctmdaeeiaiumtr, Pltiwreed l!eeq Develo}esewts. Barrowtr
<br />shalt keep the Property +n gacat ttpa,r attd sMatF ran rcwmnsrt waste .*r pcrmst impaerr»ent or dttenorauon cat the P~optrty
<br />apd shaft Comply with the proviswres at any lease if tMos 17teai c?f Trust is an ~~ leasttu?td If tMn Deed of Trust is on a uml in a
<br />coesdominium ar a piantrod unit devtlapmcnt, Borrawtr shall pedarm all o[ Horrawer's ottligations under the declaration
<br />eu covenants creasing ur governing the .xtndaminiunt c.,r piantttd rent derelaprrtent, the My-laws and regulations of the
<br />catdomietiuai or planned amt slevtioptneat. and can-uuuem d,:=curnrms. Sf a condaminrum a planned urn develaptrttnt
<br />rider is txrctrted trY Borroortr and retarded together with thn Decd tit Trust, the covenants and agreements of such rider
<br />shall (re iocarpotattd men attd stroll arrrerui and suppiemtnt the iw±venants and agreements of this Detd of Tnist as ,f the rider
<br />vsert a pan hsrmf.
<br />7, ilaais'rHae e+t t.e~ier'a geeuitY. !f Barrnwer facts to perform rite covenants and agrttmtats caritamtd in this
<br />Dead of Trttu, of iC smy aCiian oe proceeding is commenced which matrriaiiy affects lxrtder's interest in the Pmpeny,
<br />i~~ 6ru M+Q fi+trlted ro. eminrart domarn, iixx?ivericy. ~tfe entarcetixnt. ar arrangements or proceedings mvaivrng a
<br />hetrkrupt #x deeodemt. thin Leerder at Lctnfer's option, upon raise w Borrower, may make xiich appearances. Jisburu such
<br />starts and hilt such aetioei as is ttecesaary to pprrootect l..eader`s interne, including, t?ut not limited to, disbuesertient c,t
<br />r~ attta'esey'x lees and entry upon ihe Pxrperty ta• make repairs. If tender required ttrartgage insurance as a
<br />ctlnditioia of relating the ban secured by this C)ted of Tn:st. Barrowtr shalt pay the premiums required to maintain .such
<br />itllat~arsi,C in effect totter such time as the requirement for ainh etrwranet terminates in accordance wrth B.arrawer i and
<br />I..ta-dar'S wrHtEn sgreemtit[ or appficakrk }aw. Harrower shelf pay the atrraunt of all ttwtigage irtswanct premiums in the
<br />mit>tiner pi~wided riesktr €h : hc~souf.
<br />Ave amrirnts try l.eeetier pnrsttam Et? this paragraph ?, with rmeteat thercrxi, shall tx.:r>me addiiranal
<br />-1- sd ~ro+w secured isle tM~ t)eed of Trua1. t•'nitxs Borrower and ls;tder agree uwNrthe~r,tertns c?f paymem 'such
<br />.. .:x"'~t.'n~.i_P. ,`~ rzs.s'' 6~ia+ n~s.cs rxxti l.i<rti~r #p Brirrsrwci rry"u2stoejt-yajk'ircni '$.eitvi. » ' `' t :mar tS#a'r'i t.>e
<br />da&€ ~ _ " ai tree roll payal~ f-maae tvnte ro thus an san~.anding ,..,.rtstpat strider eMt Nlattriutie~ paytneni : t in!crest
<br />sd anrh rtNa wdtdd 4rg ¢trturasy to a~ficsible law is whnM evem such aniotents shaft hear mtcresr at tMt higMetst rats
<br />sa~#a taatr*u applicable leer. !WrtAtir+g cnniaioed in th,s paragraph 7 shall rcgtrirc (.ender to aruur any expense or take
<br />arty aefitaet trrtes®edtx.
<br />iks Lttttder stay titvke err solace tit be maw reasonattk enirirx upar, arsd iruprctirzns of tMr Presperir. prnvidrd
<br />test t,q#;,der 1st~H 'rVttLY tirti~e ftrior io am stKft taspaciion sp~Kfy+tg rx~arrshk cause tl,trefor related to i.tirder`s
<br />r ttgersst to [far lam.
<br />