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<br />giq„ ools~r4 <br />SUBDIVISID.I ACI2EEME:IT <br />C. W. C. SUBDIVISION <br />In the City of Grand Island, Nehraska <br />The undersigned, Mina Myers, hereinafter called the Subdivider, <br />as owner of Lots Two (2) and Three (3), except the South 66 feet <br />of the West Half (W'~} of Lot Three (3), William Frank's l~ddition <br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 1, <br />said William Frank's Addition; thence along <br />the westerly right-of-way of Locust Street <br />for the following five courses: (1} South for <br />59.50 feet; (2) S 90° 00' 00" W for 4.00 feet; <br />(3) South for 6.00 feet; (4) S 9U° 00' OOE for <br />4.00 feet; (5} South 99.97 feet; thence S <br />89° 22' S4" W for 148.06 feet; thence N <br />c7 ~v~ c cL nn c....~. .A,.,-... a~ opDO <br />ltV - UQ' VO C lol V V vv Lcc4 ; L lG la4.e l3 <br />34' 43" W for 148.03 feet to a point on the <br />easterly right-of-way of Eddy Street; thence <br />N OC° 01' 36" E for 134.96 feet along the easterly <br />right-of-way of Eddy Street; thence S 89° 17' 00" <br />E for 296_04 feet to the point of beginning, and <br />containing 1.14 acres, m°re or less (The westerly <br />right-af-way of Lacust Street assumed North/South <br />in direction); <br />desirr~ to have subdivided as a subdivision the above described tract <br />of land which is iacated within the corporate limits of the City of <br />Grand Island, Nebraska, and hereby submits to the City Council of such <br />City for acceptance as provided by law an accurate map and plat of <br />such proposed subdivision to be known as C. W. C. SUBDIVISIUN, desig- <br />nating explicitly the land to be laid out and particularly describing <br />the lots and easements belonging to such subdivision, with lots desi.g- <br />nated by numbers and easements by dimensions, and prapos ~ to cause the <br />plat of such subdivision when finally approved by the Regional Planning <br />Commissipn and the City Council to be acknowledged by such owner, <br />certified as to accuracy of survey by a registered land surveyor, and <br />to contain a dedication of the easements to the use and benefit of <br />public utilities. In consideration of the acceptance of the plat of <br />said C. W. C. SUSDIVISItJN, the Subdivider hereby consents and agrees <br />with the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, that she will install or <br />provide at her expense the fallowing imprave~rients: <br />~~`~~ ~ ~` <br />-,` <br />