8I--Q~O1 f33'~
<br />3. 'The mortgagor cmenatits and aEtaes that if lie +llaif fait to pay. ,+aid in.lrhtednes~ or any part thereof when
<br />dam, eaahall fail to perform say cavetiaftt of agreentest of thir lnatrulnerlt or the promiseon Harr secared hereby, the
<br />e iadabtedriess hereby setttred shall imttlediauh• brcotne doe, payable, and coilectibfe ek~ithoui Hoare, at the
<br />spti.n. of the rortgp~r or ~tms. ~~'•~ .*f rtiro,:ty, asd the :iartga or hip a'eigna Hier befoa;r or afi¢~r etltry
<br />self ~ di ga~apesty egit4iottt a{a~uraeet€ieait tth~ mortgagor havfn~~ waivrd and aiutianrt9 to the mortgatter alI ri{thte of
<br />sppraet 3
<br />t'I at judicial zaEr puraltant to the pratision€ of 2A Li..t;..titll ~ a c : or
<br />{tt) at the optiaa of the taortgagae. Dither by aactioa ar by soiicitatian of seaitd bide, far the hi{,lteat and
<br />hitt bid complying with the terms of sak sad maitart of payment specified in the published notice of sale, first
<br />g3vitig four weekr' tiotirr +,f the time. terms. and place of ~.ueh ,ale, by ar{Yrrtlaenirnt not {exei Ihan uticr
<br />during each of sand taw wi!rdca is a tuwspsp~ pablisited nr diseribuaed in the county in which said property
<br />is situated, all other notice 6eing_here2ry waired by the mortgagor (and aid mortgagee, or any person on
<br />beltaif of aa~ etmrt~agro, may frith the ttapaid iadelitrditesr ewidencrd by said note 1. laid sale shalt be
<br />held at ar oo the property to be aeW or at the Federal, county, or city rourthourc for the county in which the
<br />property is {oeated. The mortgtagee is haxeby anthorimd to execute for and on behalf of the mortgagor and to
<br />deliver to the pueclu.er at aerie sale a su6bieat caaveyaace of said property, which conveyance shalt caatain
<br />recitals w is the ftappemi i tlm dalsuit upon which- the executitia o[ the power of oak herein granted
<br />dtipaads; and the said tlmrtgagar hereby constitutes sad appoutts the mortgagee or any agemt or attorney of the
<br />tesersgsgae, the sgrttt and attorney in faM of said mottRa#{or to rnaka eaoh reritab sad to eseente said
<br />issnveyaree and hereby cavanaaQa sad agrees that the recitals w made shall be eHeetnal so bar all eyaity or
<br />t of redenaptieea, homes3ead, dower, sad all other rxemptiotta of the mortgagor, all »f which are hereby
<br />expressly waived and'ronveytnl €o the msirtgagre: or
<br />ittt t tape any citltscr appropriate actitm punnam to stair or Frneril staler=- ~ itliet i.- c€atF ur !~'affh-cal
<br />rrlarri at atliarwise for thtR-ilitposition of the proprm-.
<br />la the arses of a sale as htirfore-provided, the. taortgttgar or an, peolaer is liosssosia~n atader the taiert-
<br />RaRor alts}} ihsit become sad be zdiaats Holding, rarer and shall forthwith .}cheer possee.uen to €hr {rourrhaser at
<br />eurlt sale or ba stemmatily disposserse=l, in aecurdancr with the. prorisiolis a:f lea appliralrle to tenantr ho{dinK over.
<br />The power said any latuehy grarusal era crwplcd with an inirrr?t anz{ are irrerueable hr .#rath or ±.thrra far. +uiil
<br />are xraatei as cumuleus•e to ihr. rerwr3ics hie rwi{aetiiui ..t +aii in+fehteiiuin.. pen+idrii h. lea.
<br />Ie The prsaeeda of say sale of said property is accordance with the prrrediog paragraphs aha}1 lie applied Rtrt
<br />to pay the cosh and a:peaces of said sale, €lte exp~lsea imeirrred by rho niortgagt^s for the purpose of prwrcting or main-
<br />laiaing r.id property. abd rerwtable attotueyi [sees; secoodly, to }iiy the. iniirlitedness earureii herehs ; snit ihir+lly.
<br />to par gas aurplter or racats to the parson or fiersorts kagaliv cutitkd thereto.
<br />/ •~_ -•--i ~~ meet. is sold at r judicial foreelorure sak or tiurwawr to !ha poyrar of s:le hareiaabeve
<br />;~aantad, acid the prsoasdr cry twit su>Ticieat to pay the rata} is ass seei reu nv tnis flue i.~=is's~-_-=-~1;T
<br />card preitarory testa„ the awrt~ee will be raiitkd to a dehcirney juditn+ent for the atootmt of the deficiency itiitfl04l
<br />~ ~ aYp-siiaaweist.
<br />5, la the r-~eai 4hc mortgagor fat ki to pry say Federal. +titc, rat lus•l tax aniCrnicut. in+;tinir tax or other tas
<br />lien. charge, fees, or other eapenrc charited agaJrst tht property the eeartgagee is heizby iuthoriaed at his o{ilion to
<br />pay the seals. ?-ay woe. eo peed by the ttwrtgr~ec shall 6e added w and beawinr a pare of tlee pf/nCtpal amount of the
<br />iadar eyideartmd by .aid /lore. sabject to ihs saaM terms and ronditioa+s. [f the rtiortgagor shall pay and
<br />datdtaraa the indebtedrw evidttrsrad by acid praaatisory Hate sad ihsil pay such iUt/Y rtsd shag diarharYe all
<br />ttl=aa sad lffeos a~ the r+lsta, fees, asd eapeasn of mafci~. enforcing and e:ectttitt~ thin mort;iige, than this tnoriga;e
<br />email lte satatbMd sad wrnsadarad.
<br />T. "f'ha cswretiaats haaein ranlaiaad shall laird sad the i~t.~hts lad a+isintiar..ball iuurr +u th. rrryirau.e .u.'-
<br />saasasa sari of the parties boats. Xlhereyec wed, ehs einRular outaber chef} include the plural, the plural flee
<br />r aa~l ~r as ~ ~y Bawler shelf} iaclttda all ~eadera
<br />~. ltEt- wtriGrar OI cry caivehaai harala or of the abligatian wecetrrd herab+ .hr{l st ini time thrrriltrr lie held
<br />~! h,e a weaver o[ the aarnsa hsanef ~ t~ tlrt Here reictereti bars!±.
<br />4, des ~ . +ard~t or ~.,.haLiityl cry prayiaiea ar yurtsw of tltts i/ertrYtaadlt tavahd ur uu+;et•
<br />twtt+twt4Ea alfWa~ rat #it a#y way isapair m preclude the enfaseaaaaat of tits rvarairitia pravirisKw ar lreHions of this
<br />11rrtastt~glart4ltielsrttrtl:~{~a~lstts?isu~t tea rile p~risicrr of tlr~s ~ sitar} ba ad-
<br />~ it~wrrC ~:ertf;n~a, [ttc.; f~.atit lftr„ .3fJ-; Grant} it;i~txlt
<br />~i~frtx&ta ~ieoa ~ anal arty +rtitssn natiae is be issrad is the irsartppsa shall
<br />hs~tstiwwst~art #~"i+au F'~iritt. ?iatak; li°11` ". ~t-,,ac3wt~~iE; L:r~iit} t~:f.~ti+l
<br />'it::rt°+t rg.1C s .
<br />i•.~aw fi~*~t rag a=!,.°ei
<br />