<br />81=~(~(i1.H~3~
<br />Said saarry note trots given to secure a to:a 3n which the Smaf! Ilmiaess Administration, an agency o[ the
<br />t;nited Stafra a[ 1lmrriur has participated. In compiianes with xrtion 1t3l.i{d) of the Ruks and Regulations a!
<br />!rte ~4t ~! a-_tisti_ristlratiot# [13 C F,R. IQI.I {dt ;, thi. Iri.tn.,~ .~.it i. t+a be aenatrwed sad ~ inn accord-
<br />lotea t-idt ~;Fedoral iattr.
<br />I. The t9uretltH/ta and egress ae iollewat
<br />a Ha ivi#I` ptataptly-pay- the ~ cKidatst~d' bo raid ~y twice • at elm- titma ~ is the
<br />rasnttes tLeraln provided
<br />f~ ##e tvi## pay afl tartars, aaaaamcnth ..star ratMaa, asd otlmr governtarawtal or tnuaicapal tshar~s, 6taaer or
<br />imptattltiaaa, for trtdeh ptovitrioayiu net beat toads henznbefore, sad tri12 pretmptly deliver *_he ol&eial raeeipiz
<br />tltere#or to the acid taoRg~e.
<br />c, Ra ttri## pay weh etpetisea a#td lass a may be it#cttrrtd in the protection and raaintenanoe o[ said
<br />pnt-perty, inelttdia5 the Ewes of say attotrttey anp{oyryd br rtes mot~agee [or the co[#actioa of any or all o[
<br />thr iti#lebteaelaer bersbv aetvrred. or [oresfoeetrs by mortgager'. safe,- or court procsedings, or in any outer
<br />Utigatisn or protaneding at3estitut raid propeerty. Attorneys fser rsasonahf> iakarrkrl in env othor way shall be
<br />paid by the mortttatmr.
<br />d_ Far better rcrttritr ref Cbe indebtedasaa hereby set•Iired, npon the rrtluret of the martgager.. its
<br />rur~rlsora ar assigns he rhall execute sad deliver a supplemental mortFaue or nutrtt:ag~t covering any
<br />additions, 1mptPyfrrikntti. Ur hetterntenta made io the lmsirYrty hrremaiw:~ ~3esrribcd and all property
<br />aequire.i i#. it after the dory hereof °ai} in farm .atisfarturv to mortwa~e~c ~. F~luthrrmore, sltatdd utortgagor
<br />fai) m rnttr unY default in the iratiment rrf a pricer nr 'sofener r•ncurnbranre rrn rite prapkrn• described by
<br />tfri: inrtrumrnt, +norigagtrr 3re.rcby agrerk to 3rkrmit mortga;ece to ,~urr -uc3r .lefaul[, htet mort}tagee iG urtt
<br />rrbtigateri to Jte so; ant{ cosh adYattcee «hail irecomr part :rf thr ~n+lrist.'d+lt'-• •rr•nrrd by t3t3> illstntn:Ynt,
<br />at#1 irxf fa tfie game trrtnr and ermriitians.
<br />r. 7'lte rights rrwaterrl by this crsnyYyarter shall refnain in foil f«rcr and .=1Fert .tnriny: any pun;inntrnrrnt
<br />nr at:trtrlrtaft of ttre time of thr pay^rrtt•ut of tier in..rlr;et3ne«,. e•ridrnsee3 !-rY ~ai,3 prrslni~srrri note nr ens ll:rrt
<br />iherrarf *etytrerf htrrrbr.
<br />f, Ha will contiauoi~ufy ttaaitttain haaard irrsrrranee, of such tspr. clr txpss .and is sutdi xatottata as the
<br />mortgagee #nay ftww# tints to time rryuirr rot the iaspruirrrtr=nt- r+.ra .r iu-rr,:tter „rs rain I.rn{++•rta. ,rnr3
<br />w7iil pay promptly Yrhea dur oar premiums thrrcfos. tii inaurancs r3rai3 3x carriers in rompanios acceptable
<br />tar astrrtEpygdr and. she Irofieiss-sad renewals thsrrof ahal3 hts held !ty taortgresre and Stave attacfted-thetreto
<br />far payabis eiauthes is fat--,r u[ wad in farm acrrptabte to thr. murtaagec. In error of !scar mortgagor will give
<br />i#tataediata nutlttt; ittt writimg to rtwn~xe, ant! mar;gages. may- make proof of loos if not made promptly by
<br />attsrtgxgar, attd cacti it#ratraece eompanyrr#srcwrned in hetrsxy atlx3trrttiaed and ri3rected to male p.p,-r.knt for ::+clr
<br />foal directly ro tntmgagse inatsad of to mortgagor and ttwrtgagse jointip, anti the insurauek prtrcesds, or any
<br />part tbatoot may leis app{ird by ttaerigatccr at iU option either w iba rstiraction of the iadebtedaeas hereby
<br />s~trrtd +tr to thr reattu+#tion or repair of slur proE#arty daraarxed ar ddtwyed. In event a[ forsclarute o[ thin
<br />ltatt"s+ or ether iraaafer of utlc to said property in eatirtpluishntent of the itsdsbtedae+s secured hereby, off
<br />ii~ii, iit14 trod irrtervi at' ills esosi6aRur sat asaiu ro atrY ias6iut:>t Ptaisviaa iiaca in fr3re~e ivtnrif paM to ibe
<br />purtdraarr ter tportitasKrs ar, at tfw aptitw of the n#ortaaRrr, may (te• rurrrmlrr+a! fw a refund.
<br />S, I{t sill p afi butldtagit aced otbsr i8#pruyamentt a## rod ptoprrty in ;;aud rrlratr at#rl condition:
<br />will psraai;, cwt, ttt. rui[rrr ritr rrtrrte, iotpairmtnt, detrrirrtatirta al Hold 3rrotxett or any part therkof:
<br />srr ills eYeat ref faiiurr of thr mortgagor to 4eep thr huildingn on .air3 prrluises and tho.k rrrctrd un sanl
<br />prtnitFear ar in#proYlnlYl##! tfterson. fA gt#od tCpa#r, Ilte morl#tagYY Illat InalfE' aUrh rYpal rs aM Ill ttP r3 it5Cretian
<br />it stay dckta trtterrxsar} for the proper preservation ther~t: artti thr [uii a»iotitit of ?a€h and every lush
<br />paytatsnt sftal3 Far immediatslr doe sad luyabtr: sad shall fe xetrrrd by tier lien of this murtttagY.
<br />h. ##s wilt net Yotantarily crests or pttamit to be created against the property subject lei this mortgage any
<br />flea err liens inferior ##r superior to the lien o1 this tuortgags Without the written consent of ibe mortgagee; and
<br />further, that hr Wiif ktxa attd mauitain th. cant: frrv !'nrw rite claim of ail tlrrsonn rupplying 3alrur or
<br />#attCtfals for txaaatrtutimt ttf ant at#d-ail huildia~ or iaipruYeatrnts now Irrin;a .•rreted ar to 3rr rrrrtrd an
<br />said prsmriass.
<br />a, ##c trill not carat :~r awign arty part of tits rant of said ittortgalced pruperti' er drtttelid#, or t'eattrye;
<br />ru +r#bstgntiaify alter any intiid'uxg Without the Wrsttrn rrrrtacrtr of ties nttrrtµager.
<br />j, AI# atrart~ o['dit~wps+# in ~ With any eondettttiatioa for-}tteblic tree t#f ur itijurr to any a( the
<br />ttrr,Mterly s+tlAjsi't to thin tttortgrgr ate irerrht sari arteri and Kha3C ire lrai~i to tnorigagee, wiry may apply tba
<br />sattar to ;rairur}tt trf t!w ir#sta3inr<r##u la+t .lue undo sgid accts, anal tntrrtgugre i, herYbr xtttboritcri, in thY
<br />K#ita+~ elf #k~ r~rt~~r, to ertekrtirt aexd driivcs r slid arquir[ancss tlwrYaf and trs appr=rt form atu sash aa~arrl.
<br />l:. f ~ mr#rt*att#x rltail base the rsgbt to ittnpert the tnurtaaaed prrati~r, ,rt an. reas,snabfe iitrtr.
<br />T. 'attjt ht rear ~°t#te ~vstaaats all sts4ditietq rrt this-iAtewmsne or of tbs Hots w loss ~tti encxred
<br />Ik{»b}< sltafl tstnatiaate the arett~ttgtrr's riisht w posserdtiaa, rue. sad w•njoyment of rho property, at the optitm e[ ibe
<br />rttx7ttaaaor ~ his. ast#~usa tit.lreiryi mgre!ed-tha4-rite tut#rtpapor shall have cash right ttaaii dsfsulap. Elpea say rush
<br />drfauit- t~ r#tsrxts rltafi h~ the t#K'sur of ai#'sif .tom rets#r atttd prtahta arsruintK after rlefauit ar rkcrtrity
<br />fur test i~atea;t ssratraai ham, with ~ r'~t to a~tMtt t~taA#,a~: pt;t~rarty ftx the putpo«t of crtfisctintt such
<br />rtrnta a~td l• `[`ita# itstur~ttn s~sll o~arefutt:aa_aa'~tl rls~ reetals rut raid property eta that rtttent.
<br />r«ah ~~~ 4rR?i.tr;
<br />