<br />4. CaiwdemaatFow. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shalt be paid to L.eoder.
<br />In the event of a Ea[al taking of the Property, the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by [his Deed of Trust,
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Araperty, unless Borrower and Lxrtder
<br />slherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to tttc sums secured by this Deed of Trltst such proportion of the prtxeeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion wfiich the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking t,ea:s to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to !fie date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or it, abet notice by I_en~r to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails [o respond to Lender within 30 days after the dale Stith notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to cotircE and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to trstoratiov or repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />tlnlrs lender at#d Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of pracuds to pritscipal shah not extend
<br />or postpone the due date of the rnontMy installments referred [o in paragraphs !and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such irxtatimenis.
<br />18. Dasrower Nat Rekaaed. t:.tttension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trttst granted by I..ender to any successor in interest of Harrower shat] not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the Iiahility of the original Borrowtr sad Borrower's successors in interest [.ender shall not be required [o commence
<br />proceedings against elute successor or infuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />stxtrred by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the otigsna7 Harrower and Borrower i successors in interest.
<br />I I. Potiessace try tender NM a Waiver. Any forbearance b}' Lender m exercising env right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise aBorded by applitaMe law_ shall not Fre a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such tight or remedy.
<br />The procurement of irtsvrance or the payment of taxes ar other Liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the mattui[y of the indebtedness secured by this Detd of Trout.
<br />I2. Reoxdks Catwolatirr. All remedies pronded m the Cked of Tntst are distinct and cumulative to any other right
<br />ar remedy vrtder this Deed at Trust or afforded by taw cr equit and +rray ere cxeressed concurrently, irsdtpeetdendy ar
<br />SUCCLSRyely.
<br />tJ. Swrtersars ad asalgws Dewed; Jaiat and Srreea! [3ab~ty; Csptioar. The covenants and agreemen!s herein
<br />cantaitted shall bend, artd the rights hereumkr shall enure ;a, thr respective wccessors and assigns of Leader and Borrower,
<br />stshject to the provtsiotts of paragraph i7 hereof Ali covenants and agrcrrtttnts of Borrower shall 6e joint and severe).
<br />The ;:aptiorts and headings of the paragraphs of this heed of Trust are for con=.•entettce erly and arc oat to bt used to
<br />intrt'prci or ~$ue the provisions here~f-
<br />f4, Nstiee. Except for any ttatia rcquved under appiscabie taw to ~ given rn another manner. (al am notice to
<br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shall t+e given by mailing such notice try certified mat{ addressed to Borrower at
<br />[fee property Address at at stick ether address as grower may designate F.y r:atice to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />(h! any nottrx to lender shalt be given try certtfird mad, return receipt requested, to [.ender's address stated herein or to
<br />sucft other address as [.ender may desigoste by nonce to Borrower as provrded heron. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Dexd of 'Trust shalt be deemed to have keen given to Borrower ar Leader when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />IS. Liai#orst Deed of Tr»; Goiesaiwi t_asr; $ereralt~Hty. Thn form of deed of trust combines vmform tovenams for
<br />national rut and eon-uniform rovrnants wuh hmtted vanateom hy'urisdtcson to comtt[ute a uniform security instrument
<br />.,~.vc..i;~ ~,.t ++r.+rrrra~ 'r'hia 111 of Tnrz: ~h~lt M uray.r.swc# h}• tt.; tau: r_,f >~ 1_r:. _ii,_ruyn in .;,I:i_it rlv Pme~..rty i5 :~at•~•~i
<br />that env praviston or clause of this fked of l'ruat nr the hole conflicts with applttabie law such conflict coal!
<br />t'btlpt+t_S#ovtstons of this L)tcil of f'rus[ ar ,he Note whelk 4an t,r gtvrn et7rti wtthaus the c n@ittit:g provision.
<br />i _ _ ptt6viaiotn: of the Dred of Trust and the ^tote ore declared to he srveraMe.
<br />-" - ~ - Ce/X. Barrawer shat! tx furnished a conformed copy s 1 tfte Note and of this l)ee-J of Trust at the time
<br />o[ execution rte after retot<Fatian hsneat.
<br />I?. Traoder of tie Pro*esg; /1w~Oa. If af{ or any part of the Property ar an interest therein is sold or transferretf
<br />by Barrtswtt without lxtrder's prior wntten consent, ezctttd;ag eel the creation of a iiCn ar encumbrance subordinate to
<br />this Deed of Trust. ! b) the creanun of a r. -rchasc manly sultrily inters t far ere=~€ehAtzt =ppiiats=~~, ; c t a trvsfrr by devise:.
<br />dracent ar by opershan of law upon the death of a touu trnam or r d) the Brant ;rf any ieasehoid interest of three years or less
<br />.wt wntaining an option to purchase, Leader may, ai artxler's aptran, dretarc a!t [hc sums sr-trred by this Deed of Trust to tae
<br />rtnnxdtalely dtte attd payable. i.endcr ,hall have waeved such opix*n to aca~eserate it, prior fa the salt or tratufer, [xnder
<br />amt tt~ person to whom the Property rs io be said ar traruterretf reach agreerrirnt iu writing that the crPrtit of such ptrson
<br />is satisfattary to Lender atxl that the iaierest payable tin the sans sec:urut i>y this [}Bed of Trost shall be at such rate as
<br />lersder shalt rrgeseat. ff f.entkr has waiv~l the option to accekratc provrded .n ekes paragraph 17, atxf tt Borrower's successor
<br />in interest has ezxtned a written assumption agrermen[ accepted rn wnt;ng by Lender, lender shall release Borrower from
<br />aB obtigatiarts under this Deed of Trust artd inc Noic.
<br />[f [xttder urreises such alxion to accelerate. t.tnder .halt mart fksrrowrr notice of acceieratian in accardaner with
<br />~ta~raph 13 hereat. Surh natrte shall pravrde a perrad of rra;t less than 3{) days from the chic the natter is mailed within
<br />wtftcn ltarrawer may pay tree sums detlarrd due. !f Harrower fads to pay allele cultic prior ra the expiration of such period,
<br />Larder may, without further tttnite ar demand tin Borrower, invoke ant rcrrtesltcs permitted by paragraph ! 8 hereof.
<br />.- .., r.. ,,,. .. r , arw r:Hier +ur;ircr ur~crrant arni agree as vuows. "
<br />!k. ~; Retwedies. Exsvtpt ab provided is peuagsapis 17 tsrvsof, trpaa borrower's leant of say c: rem1M or
<br />aDaee>wetN of lerrrrwer is ti's Derri at 'freest, itsti t~ covet: is pay wieeu d~ sap s~ txrtssed by flit Deed
<br />of Tnwf, I.eoder prier to acceieralba shdi asai osrtiee to Dsrrowtr as provide) is prttragtspi I4 hereof
<br />iwasarrla ill tit actiaa rtgaired to ewe sstci bread: (3) a date. oat Ices lion 38 days from tie date tie sauce its asaBed to
<br />Dastnwer, hY +ririclt sttxis 6reoci aswst ie tweed: and F@! tfsrp fabswe to ewe sect breath w ar tsefare the date aPeeified
<br />fa ttte native asey ruedt is aceeieratiors of fir suer sernrrrd 6s t~ eked of Trttq std sale of 16e Propegy. The nrNkc
<br />sAaB fnnlser iwform Derrewar of tits rigits to reiantsie deer aesxkration and tie rim la trriy! a crrart action to asaeri
<br />tits tms~.aistaewce td a ddawi or say Drier detewse of Dorrawer fo xccleratka std sate. i( the bread is not cared
<br />oa nr Itetarr tine dots specified is tit eager. [ceder ~ L,reuies's optiow rmsy declare ~ of the sin secured by Ihh [had
<br />of Titter to be ttwmrdiatety drat a~ psyabk witinW fattier + sad may [nrolte tie power of sak and soy fiber resnsdtas
<br />perat3ged txy arpp6tahix taw. Leader siaD be eatiged fo relltct aU reaaowebfe crops sad rsPeaars itscatrred in parswissg, the
<br />rtmadis; pmritkd iw tits pataEryi Ill, isei'iitt(E, trot set Btwited to, rearosaile attorney's fees.
<br />!t tic p®wrr of sr$t to toratted, Yr s[adl racard a collet of defm[tt is Bali eoaaty ~ wiit:h the Property or some
<br />part ttterrel `s lteatrd sad atsa8 atsdi co 'p$s a€ xre'~ ttartitr :a the ataaser ixrscriSrtd by appiita6k taw to Borrower and to the
<br />otter persows prescriiad iY tips taw. After fie fapse of sacs time ~ essay be rrgrdsed by appNeable taw. Trsrake stall
<br />glue ptsiik aatite of trek to Eie peraam sad is the tanaoer prtstribed by applitaik taw. Ttttpee, wifiooi demand on
<br />Daraswer, aistl seB the Proptrq at pant autt~tr to the ltixMest ttidder tH t>x tint and piaee sad utder the terms dsslKaaled
<br />~ Sir naiits of at8e Fro rite tx aeore pttneis a~ in s;saci order as Tepee rosy tletermiae. Trmuce array paApooe rode of ~
<br />or arty parcel at tier irnPn'-Y il' anweamceasnp at tie bate awd plate d any preriwdy xhedtded sale. I.ceder or
<br />i,ewdar'a dedpoe ttyy pnreiaae gee Pr+apeety of mY sate.
<br />4lpsaw r+setelpi ad paymewl ai the prier ttid. Trwtee siaB deg+er to the parcimer Trustee's decd coaveyi~ Else Property
<br />arid. The reciitab is !ie Taurlee's deed +siaD err prima facie rvideaLY of Eie tenth of tit stalerwesNs made tlsesein. T'nspre
<br />~.. a rs ei tlse rain id fie fogewiesg order: fa) to aD re>sawrdde cons awd expenses of Ilse salt. iucluditg bat
<br />aot 8arlied 4. r rtottee's fec+ ei west mots tisoo pg '~ of the Rrors sate prier, reasenaitt aftotwer's feat awd costs of
<br />NIntO !~ b aD seep txc~ t~ tit LEtred ai'ireH; sad icF fire excess, if say. to t~ petana rx pessas legaby enikitd
<br />ti. Dturasret'r tllllu a Rai sate. tvcywrt#satandrng Lrnskt's accekratwn u! the Sums satcurcd by shin Deed of 1"nrv.
<br />At~~t+as~x shall h:+r the right to have any proceedings begun by Lanier to enforce ekes Dtvrd of Trrst drsconunuc-r! at
<br />ar3r liras pets., to the Barber txs actor at ti) for hfth day before the safe of the Fragerty pursasant to the peewee at sale cantaured
<br />it: this I7utx1 of Trent err daj entry at a jtrdgrttent tattxcing thu herd of Trrrst rf: lei Borrower pays [ Beater ail sum. whrch would
<br />Les rhea filer under #Ftis t}teal at True. the flar3e and rwtex sex:uring Future AdvarN.rs, if any, had ao accekrasiaa crecutred:
<br />lhi DOrrawtr titres all hreec:tsrs al any u![str eovertaniz os agrrerrxrtts of Hcxrawer cantauxxt ra ekes [leaf at i`rust;
<br />fey bwrvrrr"rr pars alt rras<rnabtc eaprnscs ioeurre;t try Lt r;dtt oast T"rus!xx in eafare mg the carcnants and agreratCats r
<br />llbrras+sr s:antairxir;# its tlvs t7ped of T~rus# and as c:tfn v--ing l.cns#er's ar;d ": r;.;stee'v :emcdtec as pravtded rn paragraph
<br />nsr'eaf. iatcit~, best out lseutstf tzt rrasimaMe attarretv's fE.-~y, arnt tdt i#arrirxer takes staA a,tn}ra an 1_crxler mw} reasexrahly
<br />rr~sr!rc to aassinre [hat the tern at this Ilttrd of -frust.lsrsd~r's lntcrest m the prr~•pen'r a»d H;nnrwre'a abligatson r=r troy
<br />