<br />Uxtxottai t:.ove*.t+a(vrs. Harrower and Lender covenant geed agm as follows: 8 " `r y
<br />r "
<br />~
<br />L igpaeesE of Sapd [ Borrower shal4 promptly pay when due th
<br />principal of and interest Pn the
<br />itedabttdnts evirktx.^Gd fry the Nile, prepaytta:nt a(td late charges as provttkd itF the Niue, and the principal of and interest
<br />rxt an Future Advances secured by this Lkxti of Trust.
<br />P
<br />Z
<br />wtty frt Titmp tW ipaprapee. Subject to appktahla taw or to a writtim waiver by fender, Bormwtr shill pay
<br />to Lender on the day motFthly itestalltnents a( principal and interest are payable tinder the Note, until the Note is paid in fidl.
<br />a +~._ {turcin "~utFd'#"} t~ua! is ens-[wEtfth of the yc=rly tares and as~ssmenis which may attain priority over this
<br />Decd of Trust, aged grouetd rents on the Prapertp, if any. Pius orre-twelfth of yearly prcmietm installtreents for hazard insurance.
<br />c,r~[..eafta't tai`;~ar°xy pt'~i',xin:t ifiSflr rrFCniS fc3r [nBrtgagC YnbUnitCf. If any. Sit a5 rCaSOnafTJy ~tfmaL2d Inthaiiy and fr[Stri
<br />Eirr~ 54 tl![N: by L.estdtr tin rite basis Of asse53FttrntA acid bills and PCa5nnable estimates thereof.
<br />The Ftttuls shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />stage agettey fiiuftFding Lender if Linder is such an institutimll- tender shalt apply rtes Funds to pay stud taxes. assessments,
<br />Iraturattce prcmitmns and ground torts. L.em#er may tort charge for sP holding and apgiying the Fttndt:_, aaalr~ing said account
<br />ar ver[fyira gad compiling said asttessr.:ents and bills. unless l.enrkr pa;'s 8orrowzr interest an the Funds and applicable taw
<br />Qcrmits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and i_ctFdcr may agree in writing at the time of execution of •hiz
<br />Deed of Trei~ that intertsY ore rtes Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agrtemen[ is made Pr applicable law
<br />tequitts stxh interest [o tx paw. Linder shalt not be r>~uirrd to pay &urower any merest or earnings an the Funds. [.ender
<br />shah give to Barrawrr, wi[hrxrt charge, an annusl at~ounhng of the Funds showing credits and Jtflits tP the Fnnds and the
<br />pFtptast fix which Lath debit to ttx Fiords was malt. The Ftirt~ arc pledged as additimut security far Mx sums secured
<br />by the Drxd of Trost.
<br />Lf the amoetrFt of FIlG Fonds hell by Lrnder. together with the future momhly irRStaiitttet[ts of Femdx payable prier so
<br />the due dues of tarts, assessments, imunntt premiums and gmund rrnts, .half etceed the atnount required 1P pay said taxes.
<br />assesserlenis, imurarFrx pteraiums and ground rrnts as they fall due, such rxces1 shalt he, at fklrrnwer's option, either
<br />prataptly rtQaui iP BOrr6wt( x credited tP i3armwer on monthly iristaiirnrrtiz :,[ Funds ff rite amramt of the Fertile
<br />held by t_eader shalt i10t he strfficicnt [o pay faxes, assessments. msunnce premmnn and ground rents as (hey fait dui.
<br />Htxra>xer shall pay to Lender any amatnt r,ecesaary (P make up rfte defrctencv wirfitn it} dare from ttte doge nixice is matted
<br />by Le,adec tie Bonaa,er ret¢ee~ttrgg pipttxnt tbamf.
<br />Upitm }WYrttent in full PF gill sums secured by this Died of "Trust, tender shah nmmpnv refund to Bormwer any Funds
<br />h;cid by l.eadtr €f tinder paragnph ig titreot the Pmpenp :> sntd or the Fropertr ~s otnenttct a:gwred by tender. 1 ender
<br />sisall apply. t>a later than imtFeedu[idy prior to the cote of (fie Property' cv Its acqut'strain av t.rrnitr. any Purids held by
<br />L u rtes tape tsf teppticatioa u a credo against the sums secured by this L)erd n# 'f rust.
<br />3. AptietWap p( YlrytpteN, Unless applicable taw pnn'ttles nthcrw:sc, ail pavmems received by I.ent~r under the
<br />!:cte and paragraphs 1 gad 2 hereof shaft Ix: appi~ed by Lcndrr frier to pavan-m .+F arm,unts nayablc t.~ i.ender by Brrxn><wer
<br />tiafSer pasagrapfs ? lleretm£, then to interest payable on the Note, :tern to the ;srzncrp3t of ;its --.'+:ute. arKf ;hen to interest and
<br />• prrtuspmi
<br />Y
<br />o
<br />n
<br />a
<br />nY
<br />Frxttue A
<br />d
<br />at
<br />ta
<br />s.
<br />~
<br />p
<br />~
<br />~
<br />~~~
<br />*
<br />y
<br />.
<br />~
<br />~"
<br />~- L-+~ ~jlai. O{1I r11Rer shall paY 811 Faxe>. a>Se55nttnts anJ <:+Fttr itiarge5. h,'Y-', ~RU mM,cnMns attnhittabM to
<br />The which taay anatn a priority PYtt [ills Deed Pf TfttS[, and teaschotd pavmrn[s (,f giannd IC[FtS. If ant- Ia the
<br />magpie pro:stltx9 FttFSkl paragraph 2 hereof or, if riot paid in surf: manner. by &rrPwcr makrrtg payment, warn due, directly
<br />t0 ibt payee 4hC'Atl{. BMfawer Sflitf promptly furni5fl (P I.cntt~'r ail rWtlcct i,( amPt:nts difC UitdCr t[trS pat'dgraph. aPd In flit
<br />°vept Horrosarr sftaN rnakc payvFent directly, Harrower shah promptly fu(nnh to 1 ender zrsapis rv,alcncmg sr(th payments.
<br />8+5trvavtr stlaeil prttis~iy dischae~,e any lien which has pr!Prtty uaer the. tktf of Trnst: prov~dcd, that k3ntrawer shah not he
<br />respnittf iu uischs:fe any srual (tea sP iurtg as vrtrxrnwes strati agm rn wrn!nx te* the F+aymrnt <,i the ohitgal+a>n 5srured by
<br />vuth tree rn a raanaex sc'Leptable tP I_trnier, yr shall rr. goof fauh contest snch teen hx..~r attend rnforcernenE of such lien tn.
<br />itgal "~d#agx `rhtcls isptratt e:: pteY~iF t!x raf:;rrrrs..:: ,:# :tx tier. ~ : !~ rtr:u::r .r? t^sr P(Ppersy r-r any :art thcmtf.
<br />'
<br />'
<br />i
<br />it®ti {Oaas~et. Borrower s
<br />ttaii keep the rmprc»~etnents nnw ta,<t+nc ;zr t,eratter erected Pn the Property Insured
<br />against toss hY tier, ha'tards tncludssi wuhin the term -r tterldeai ,overage nnJ ~u~h c+tfttr hszarJs ss F.ender may nyulrr
<br />gad rn stash atFxx[nts arxi tot sixh periods as F.rnsle.r may rrqulre. pre,ndtd. 'hat i engirt shall nett regmrr that the amount of
<br />such coverafe exceed ttlaF anxwat l,f coverage requtrtd to pea' the rum. eta arts t*e eit;< ISre.l t,: "inter.
<br />TTx itratnncc cacrrcr providing the tnsurarw:e Khali tze chosen by Ba,rro-w c! ,:~h;at tl, aPPnn ai h> tender: nrovtdeJ.
<br />tlt~ ate approval short trot Fze trnrtasclnafrly- wtthlleid. .~B premiums on !r;surance rot<cics-shall he paid ir. rtes mantur
<br />ptavidaf t®dtr puynpb Z liermf Pr. If not par6 to siFCh manner, by Bomt+ver naaktng payrceent, wlitn dix, directly to the
<br />ta~t(YHtY £~.
<br />lily amau~arece ptilxtes gnu rceitwai5 ehertOt shall 6t in EPtm a. CCgtaSTft it± l tnttr: geed shalt lnClUdr :1 Standard mPrtgagt
<br />L'iaa»S to faros Pf tAd m farm aGieptahte tP l.ersder t Ctet~E seta#l ttavC itH t1gfS! to ttcliJ ihC ptFitCieS and rcfiCwalS fi1Cleaf.
<br />gad Hoxrowtr SteaH prampaly fwni-h eP f.etnler aft rencwat nu[tc'e> and ati receipts „i {s:rtJ premiums. In the rvrnt of loss.
<br />Harrower sfwB gyve ptoerxpe (wiFee to the tnsurancr earner and txnc4r. i,tndrr may make prtxaf Pt loss ti not made promptly
<br />fry Borrower.
<br />Unite LtfFdtx and Horiasar otherwise aRrct to wrnertg, ;nsurance prc,tceds 'teal( 6e appi red to irstorafton Pr repair Pt
<br />the dsroptrtv `~, pxaYidet9 such res(axatrcut ar iepaer s, rtianotest.aFir Feasible and tr:c sect;niv c+f this Dccai of Tent !.
<br />,Isaretsv , u<xf t rr•m.r q4 n,u C.^,a~vnu-at3y t.-a.,i_,k.-.!r !_ {tor ..
<br />tt>! t _ .mN __ 1. such re:r.,ratt<+!, of _ __
<br />~. ~,~C[ry ni thi* IM~~i of 'Trtl=t w nld
<br />_
<br />be tttBQAItCd, the inwtarece procetis shall he a~pltaxi to the sum' secured by this [kid iH inlet, wuh the races, if any, paid
<br />'
<br />-
<br />--- - - °-° ,r u... ,d = . 7 ~n,i.•r w:rFm ill d:,vv from the
<br />,
<br />Y
<br />'
<br />r,~
<br />,
<br />date fratKt
<br />25 t(tatittf "'r l.CIYdGr {a BMtawCi that the ULCi UTanCr t3ClIrC
<br />a,(LCFS FL
<br />sCttiC a Lt31ITf fnT InSUranl'~ fxnefi=s, Lender
<br />is autlFOSizrd to coikxt am! apply the InwxarFCx f:rta<:ettis at I.e(afer'S uPltttn either to rrslPrauon Pr repair of ter Property
<br />Pr to the sutra secured by this Dixsi o{ Trust.
<br />Ualxs f ender girt Ho[tt,wer Plherwist agrrr_ rn wnteng, arty such sspplza:a[:Pn ut protceds to prirFCipal steal! riot rxiettd
<br />cu pos[pruet ttFe due riatt of the nxxuhly tnstatlmem> reterrcd u+ ir. Paragraphs I gnat ? hrreuf ur change the amount n!
<br />sutfl inatsllmeat5. If unster puagraph : M itCrsxAt t?tt F'rPperte ~+ aagwred h} t Lrdtt, ail tight
<br />rate and Interest PI &xrowcr
<br />,
<br />to and to any insurance prairies and rn grid tP ikte prtw:retis ttterttizf resutong tram damagr to the Property prior to the sale
<br />Pr aet}wsitioi[ ghat! pass to Lender to the extent lit the sums >tt•:urcu by trite I?eeJ ctt I rust :mrncdiatcly prior ro >uch sale or
<br />aet}um[teoa.
<br />d. l'illeYSl(fOp >aul ~ of qty: f.tase9alds; C,zn~s; d'Femetd Unit IIertcals. 50: rove(
<br />siaaii keep Effe Pmprny_In ~t,ittt ?rpair and ttlalt nJi ~Untl,Tr{ wa>Fe ., ,,e(nrtt !mp111 fIll'ni a,! ,Jl'ItirlafrilllF)n ltf ShC Pfl,perty
<br />3ta1 ghat! eomdY with ttx pemr(siPnS of any vase tf ilia fXes of T-use ~s un a tea>rhold. It this [?eed of 7~rust is on a amt in a
<br />tamdoemnrum or a pianricd unit cievtlopnurze, Borrower shalt pederm ail of Borrowers obligations under the deciarauun
<br />cu cosrcnaats ereatinR or gtsseraing Eht ~Pndamimum :)r pfannecf anti deve(oprtteni. the by-taws ;znd reguiauPns of the
<br />L'~ DT ptaaried Poit dtYC74pfltlertl, aMf CPnstil{Kni dnl: UITMPF>, lt. a ~Ondomlm Um Pt planned Unil (tCYrinpmriti
<br />ndCf r5 elttil:ttittd try Bor(Pwtt 8nd rlXPrtLCii St?t~ixtiYr w'ittt (tees IJeed U# l Ca5i, ifx COYrnant5 and agrtCnlenll .11 z!(CIr ndCr
<br />5ltili frt Ft%$F(paratRl trite atld shalt amend grid SUppiCmGPi isle ill>'tnantS .l rill ag(eenernf3 U1 ihi3 acrd Ut ~t"retSl a> if Ihr i1dCr
<br />sf~tie
<br />?. ~ Latfi~s's Ssesxitp. tf Borrower tatLs tP perform the covenants and attrcemrntk coneatnrd in this
<br />tlatd of TtvH, Pr if gay action ar proceeduFg a commerued which matettaiiy affects i.ender's interest en the Propxny,
<br />r~. bee rust limited Fo, eavtfGnt domain, irtsolveacg. crxk: enktrcrnFen#, or arrangements or ptPCt'edings imutving _+
<br />~ or deerdCttt, thin Lender at L.tttr'ar's option, uprzn aouce :,+ Ron~a+wtr, may make such appearance,, dist,urst ~.uch
<br />Sfrira gent tales at~h action as is isetessan' to prisEect f..cmler~> interest. ttis'luciiriq, teat not iimitrtt an, :luitursernrm :~{
<br />t='~:'~ °•'°"--°r ~s ft~ ;•sd cur-f upast tt~ Properit :o make i. pars, if i_rnder rcqutrtJ ma(igage ~nsuranar s ,
<br />'
<br />cased
<br />tiiote d making tfet (Pan 5ttured by this Lkctl of "Trust, titxrctwrr ,}tali pay tfre prcmlums rcqutzcd io matntatn -.utir
<br />itpttHip,~ in rHEtt eater such Ftt45t as the rcquircrster:t for stxh :rtsurancc termmasrs to auordance with Borrower's :: rid
<br />t.epder's wnittm agrettuent r~r appittabk taw_ BarrPwer sha[I pat the antPUnt ut a?l ntorFgagc Insurance prenuum> ;:) the
<br />maw prurFdad ttiFdtt paragt ph ~ hereof.
<br />a
<br />i
<br />Apy tetpourMS dishSUTrtd
<br />rty t_erF~r pursuant m this paragraph ', wuh :merest therrPn, st:ali heconrr :utdrtutna: !
<br />=°~ € r'.rw.c( ss~xt. by tftss LTttd Pt Trrst Y `nlcss €tarniwer and i ender agree te* o[isat trtrn> of pas mint. '.act, ...,i
<br />arnoturts Fhal3 t7e QiyitlF~[ upon neater f[Pm Letldef fU !t(WxPw'tr it'sitrCSi(ng p~intrfit itlefee}f, and .seta El heat ISSlertll i. asrn IhC
<br />[leis of ~ at flit 1'atS payable ftrA(1 (!TIFF tit t,rt~ PR Piristdndin~ pfnlelpai unde(thc 'r Oft ltnls'S5 payrrten4 Ut 1ntCtC;t
<br />at stash rate vnat~d L,t cusnrary fa appiicaldt taw, in wfte€h event such amounts +haR hear :nicrest at [tit highest rate
<br />ptntpiaai~bit s apptitabk IaY•'. `s&:rlFing ctznGSrrttd +n tats paragraph 'shalt rtquTrc Lcttaler t.+ !near any exprnst nr take
<br />~Y axstea
<br />ti, f~(atkrr may t€lakt <K aaust tcx fin rttadt ^^asonahic rnirrt5 t:pr+n oriel +nstY4t!c,na of i},r Prniterit. p rtis:,lrcf
<br />ttfat L'Ender shall ~"tltt: Ho(raaret tmtist i!rit,( IP any SiKlk tnspq`,t!tTn sptetlYing Fea.5ttnabir ::~U.sC !}k're(t'r 'rtlttYi ;
<br />,, ~1
<br />~_itJU^f •.
<br />.
<br />.
<br />_ +rplstttt in tf# pr®etlatfY..
<br />