<br />
<br />t+x»rrKSt t'u:ex•,sas. lk,rrewci and i-ender a,venant and agree as follows:
<br />L 6'ayutrnt of Principal and interest. Hornawcr ,halt promptly pny when due the principal of and interest an the
<br />uufci+rrdnecs r,:dr need by rhr tiaa•. prepayment and late charges ac prt>s'uled m the Nate, and the principal of and interest
<br />un any Futun• :1dvances ,crated by thrx Mortgage.
<br />2. Funds fur 7"axes and Insusanrr. Strbjrct to apptteabtc !aa ctr to :+ :crit[en warvtr by Lender, Horrawer steal! pay
<br />!a Crueler an the d.+y ntstmfdy installments aF princtpaf and ;ntrrest arc payable asntkr the Note, anti! Stec Nate is paid in full,
<br />a sum tltcnin "Futuis' i eyuat to ctnt~tw-cifth of rhr yearly lases anti ac,essments which may attair. priority otter stets
<br />S!s*rsgagr, :md uixrnd rents an the Property. tf ant. plus one-iwcUth of ye;uly premium instaUmetux for hazard insurance.
<br />,'lees crrr•-last#ih t,f '•: arty psrmit,ss trs:aft-nxtrls lest rrr,:,tga€e r.^.surartrr.:f a€ry. all as reasarattly estimated initia!!y seed lfntt3
<br />lime t<t liner hs' i ender u€t rhr basis of assessments :teal htHs and reasonahfe ecumatrs thtttof.
<br />~Ilte !'tatd, ,bath t+r hclJ sn an mat itutisrts the dcpsnNx nr accounts +rt which arc insuttd nr guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />stase aeccc+' tinrhrdmg Lerxlrr if tender rc arch an ,nstitusran) Lender shaft apply the Funds la pay said taxes, assasmtnts,
<br />s rsura€trc. prennuntc and ground rent, fender nma} not charge for sa tentding and appiting the Funds, analyzing acid aectaunt,
<br />nr r~errf}rag and cnmp:ting card axse,sntcnts and 4tiffs, unless Lender pays Harrower interest on the Futtr35 and applieeblt law
<br />perntras Lcndrr to make such a charge. Hnrrnwer and Lcndrr n:ay agrcr to writing at the time Of execution of this
<br />M1Yt,rtgagr Ihat intcrcxt nri tttc Funds shall t+c pa..1 to Barmwrr, and unless ,nth agreemem is made or ap¢ticabk law
<br />:cyuircc such inicrrst to t*e paid, !.ender shall oat he rcyurrcd to pay Harrower :toy interest or earnings an the Futtds. Leader
<br />,hall gr,e tr, Harrower wuhout charge, an annual actmunirng of the Funds shnwrng credits sled debits is the Funds atsd the
<br />irurpr=:c t=rr tsh:ch rash debt to the Funds w-as made i'hr i-;,nds are pttdged as additional srcurvty for Iht sums soured
<br />by rhr, 'sfnrga€r
<br />tf she amoean td rhr F+rnds held by Lender. together .,rth sttc (orate month!}~ muaitmrms of Funds psyaWe prior io
<br />Jtrr due dates r+f lases. :ra+cz,ments.:nsuram'c prrnnuttts and ground renh. shalt exrrrd the amount rryuirtd to pay said taxes,
<br />.tscrssrtse tits. sn,trr:rnce premutrnx and ground ernes ax they (::II due, svcir r,ress ,haU he, at Hntrowet's option, cithu
<br />prumptiy repaid to Horrowcr ar crcdtttd to 8urrawer ten mtsntttly rnsraltmtntx stf Funds. If the amoual of the Funds
<br />3rrtd try Lender ,hall oat be su:fu:itnt to pay taxes, asst„menu. m,urattce premnrtrtx and gmurwl rcNS as they fall due,
<br />Horrow~_ r shall pa} €rr Lcndrr any amount neeesanry to maAc up tfte deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />-.r .,: Urrrrawrr :cyucst:n€ t-.rs r „ thtrroJ
<br />+ t ° ±, ~~n pasmc n: an lade tit all sun €,. ,ccurcd h, sin, Mon g,:gc I totter chat! pronrpQy rcfirnd to Horrowcr any Funds
<br />..~ t': . -...,., ., ., ,.., :ages{=; sx hat.;-+ ., r.:twsi+ .. , - ..,rt xrty a ethrrw•iu acyutred by Lcndrr, Lertsicr
<br />~.hNii .:ppt} - ,.c+ iarcr r2 h.,:t ismmeds:rtcf}' pr:ur ate she .ale ='t ii:e t'r.,r7~ rts~ :•r+,ic a<ysu,:non try Lender. any Funds held by
<br />I ender a€ st+c t,a:i ,d .rppbtauoa as .: an-drJ .rgaat,t the scunc scene r.? he +h„ Akrrte:tgc
<br />}. Applu-arinw of Payments. t-ltlc+s apphcahfc Lrw provdrs its:^.en,tac. all payments received by (.ender under the
<br />h,:;._ ,.,.a p-n.tgrui,t,c i and 2 tcsr.,t .hats ur ripphed by I cnd,r tine m pe}atesn .>J amounts payable to Lcndrr by Borrower
<br />:. r.drr t•arag:.rph : FtereoJ. tarn to rntrrc,t payable an the '~uic, then :,, ths: pstnripaf at the Nate. and then to interest and
<br />i,r uia:{*at .:..,sr. Fa;turc Ad:-antes.
<br />~. t barge,: f.iens- H.uroa cr ,it.rii p:rv all ta,c,. , u. s,rx~m, and .-•ihcr tharcr, fine, and rmp+taiuot•.- attributah.e t0
<br />the [':.+; cr*; ~+. teeth ma> a;:ain a prr,.nty .:.rr Ihr. 'si r+rsgagc. and ieaschr,lct f..+}mr~etc ,.r ground rots. tf any, in the mintier
<br />;'r.,.:,?.a :a:~,tc. ,, rragr:rph 2 hcrrat nr. r! not lrud .n ,u.h or.urucr. i+v liarr„wcr m.:L nie P:rvmrni. rs-hen due. d,rrctly t0 ihC
<br />Jal e'r R:c rc:•: tSnu uucr +hatt r a i,rr .n.6 p-, t x. let a_ .-... _ ... ........... c.... ..adtr :htq n_ _ nh• amt in the r-tot
<br />law.. .. .:if •na.r I?at ment d tea u}, Unrrn•+rr ,hart ;+, s,rnpu;, ~nr`n nh to `t ender receipts cs~rdenrmg such payments.
<br />ri:*:r.+.x'r •.. s t•rnmp:ly aetihargc .my teen a..ich ha, ~r:.+nty oacr sn,a Stt,rtgeec. pnrex±cd. Ihat Harrower ,bath oat be
<br />r: eta: ..f ± +Jr., teal: ;:t~ ,,,., ,-raf+ tr:~si 4 ., •rtF .-•. 23r,r€t+urs ,t,.d[ . ,a ,-, --::s,r;e ;. the .r}inrnt eii €hc ahhgati:+n ,rrun:d by
<br />,. i. s ~-.. . ~ts uon_~r a- . .aerie err Lcrtdcr. ,rr ,hau : , si t_,t~te c,-, Ic-' v ~ .,_., h,, .. dr'trta! rn:orce€rx_•nt n[ such lien m,
<br />. - _ -- - ,+hs:'- ,.ate ;o prcscr.2 t':c rrxs., -rn.rn. , . n a, ..: .r r :nr,re a( the Property ar any part thereof.
<br />- - iiarard tw,uran<r. Ht+trn+,cr .Iran keep trey :m;*i,-.=oleo!, r.,u a~c„rrnq t,r hrrcattcr erected an the Property msurrd
<br />.c..,u•: ~..,. r;.c r. ... _, ma hcdcd v. rrhm the sc: u: -..~srn:6c.:....a:.,ga~ .,. ,,., o,hcr hazards a, Lender matt reynrrt
<br />-_.,~ .. , ., ~: ....: ., „ <.,: i„r ssn r fn-n<,.J: ,,, i BndZr :,,.,, +-„=o,rr. ; . , sek~,i. ,tear t .•n.trr a1:at; nM rcyuue Ihaf the amount of
<br />-:ter: ,- .~_ .., ~,.., ... ;. anao.:r:s :~. ., eragr teyur;rd +!• ;- :..a .::m ,ca nerd hs tors elate t c
<br />i €te~ ',-, .. ar a . ,: _ r pn>vrdrag the` rn,ursrter ctr..U M' .. h..,„•:, g+ g
<br />i-+ H.+r r:,s.rr „rh;ec+ t+, appeara4 by Lender: provided.
<br />;.+~ -. ., .- - +..,, a• _ nr ,. ,r ca,•,e,at,iy w~at.t:r ea{ Z:i ; .•rs n+,urini c• pdtaes chati frc paid in the manner
<br />- :,te:.i ::.r..,r p.traEra{>h :.rc:r,,: 4.. taut paid rr. ,,,..: nt.nnr:- toy+H.,rro,.er maimg payment, when dire, drrctUy to the
<br />.ova.::+,: ,.rcr,_:
<br />•lit .r - .- .; _ .- ,~. a a„ -.- ..,. z ~ .;. .. , .,r„~r .r:tr# ,hail n:.lndr a ,tantL rd mnrtgagC
<br />.:.,,. .. -. t .: a.J ,n .,r .,. ct>tsisc s .s,aJ.; . „ r .: ., nrh2 J:, hold th,.' ;+ohcocs ar:d renewals thercal.
<br />::.; ii.:: :.. st .>ts €,Y:,n,^ti: :..ran^ t.- i:.+,,., .,, ,.:e. +.., ,a ...., :., .us a:,r. esttt, al paid prrmn,m, In ettC crept of Ias.
<br />'a•vr-:..~a• G. ..a ~str ;:.: :r,:, :., ,..~ ., ,,,a ..,,,,-..nae -: a.rc:::.,:rvr ; .uric,. i cnarr n,a} nta-c pr<x+i of loss if not made prompHy
<br />,.. ..._......._ . ................ a, ,,,,,-~,,,:-; age c,: r.-.., ,;,.,.{ an.c ;v.,, rr,h ,itali he applied to resturation nr rep:ur of
<br />„ r-•:q=t;,+ ,;.tmagr.? r.,,..,;ac:= ,:,, 7r :: :,ear:,,.; ,.. ,r€..:•, ., a., .+, .. .r,. :~.avt,tc :usd ihr ,CCUtety tt( Iha Mnrc;;agc r.
<br />- S - c-r. -:r s -. ,. ii ,:r. i; r s - ,,,n nu -1a" suede or rt the ,enudt' of Ibis Murlgage wtudd
<br />,t €tauad n c ~.,ran.r rr+s a.. ,.,,: r,- .~+,, : ra .. ., . _::.rs ~...., ..:.. ,..,; ;t#tcrtgagt. usth the ecccss. if :any. Paid
<br />.,, It,ur,:w,. it o7rc Yr.,ncrr. .,ra~,.,..,.,. ,,. J6:+.:,eu _~. H.+ra:~•arr .. :: ., ~;c,txtnd Ja l_rudrr wrthm 3t3 daYS tram the
<br />.!.,tc n._:.,,, „ +,uh,l •-: Lcrs,!er s.-: !fore, ,,,. _,,, •!ts r..,,,a :,c :.rt+:cr ~ricr, r wear a claim liar unurance !tenches, Lender
<br />.. mouth„::ecrt in ++:i>c ; .,nd : ;,;rsi, .h>e ::e.auartcc urercats a: t cone; r .:ptort caber to restoration or repair at tfic Properly
<br />.. . ,tilt' 5..::., 44t: Frti i ~n;4 kt., Y:£a Yac
<br />. _n,, a i :~,~-. a:;d HJrrawc: :~".*cru ~;• ag;aY :r- .a:.png- a .r~:. apti+itt.:srun .,( pax;rrds !6 prmcrpa{ shaft ni*a estertd
<br />._: rt=*-tp.++: ...: ctu,- Jaar ,d r,.: r=a,ru nls rt+ualirtrrt2, sner.cd €c, ~,: ^aragriph+ I arzd 2 hcrrnt ar change the amount a7
<br />,nth :a. ,a,.:rr_,;r, 3! uoalrr paraer,.ph =:i hrcrat ?hr t'r.•;><•rtr :. ,ccyrrrcd +,: Lander. alt tight, title and mtcrest of Barrowcr
<br />.. ..ax. „ .,. .ns:u .. a. c ~ r..,, .aw n, an,: t.: ;ec pit ccrd, thcrcnt rr,:rltrnb !lane damage In Stec Prnpcity poor to rhr sale
<br />.-. .ra yu:-.:: .:.,, fb,r>. }:ass a„ !_cntkr :,+ stir c,irm .•I else svrrs neared ht this ,tl,ut.^aer :nnnrdiatcly prrar :,- «eh salt a.
<br />:. yr, ,.r,.. .
<br />6. !'texts, ararw and 'ataiwtrnancr tit f'rnperty; Ira,eMr)ds: s'rtndwminitrm,: Planned Unit llrvefupmtats. Horrowcr
<br />- .~_ ..: cg ++2 .'raa)xrty :n gsw~f report anal .bait rr+:t ;tunmit ',salt or permit ttnparrmcnt ar detcrtaramxt of the Property
<br />des! ,tr.+I! _.vnp#v w;€t, ti!t :)sravr,rortr vt ear} lease :' rhr, 4lnragagc w .K: a irax-hoid f2 ihr, Nangage to tin a am! m a
<br />;~h,+x.:xsinzrn ..; a =t,r<r_ns.3 emu tLs't:*gsut,-tit H.rt:.,wrr ,t€atf prrRa+u ati a,{ "ilarrtrwer~s ntrligat€rutx undo the akclaratmn
<br />., ,..,±;„at, •. scssusg ,ar Kr,vernr:sg rhr a<:nd„rnrmunt .~; ptannrd e€nrt dcvrh,penrnt, rhr by-laws .end rrgufalntnx of the
<br />': =e ..,.-..are:r +-; t•tannrcf tenth dreroftmrsr2 .,nd tansttttx•nt d+4 uutc;s.. ti a ct±etdtmtinium ar planned noel devrtapment
<br />:=lk•r :> ist~s::;ccd ttv tsarrewer arsd recordru tr,gcthcr ,.,rte tlttt :sf:u;}sagr. the usvcnants and agrttmcnts of such ndcr
<br />,lxaH t~-rtito€}?arasetf ,rwv and shah aat>:srd and supplertsrnt else toverzants and agtttrrtents of this Mortgage as rf the n cur
<br />..,tit a parrs hrrrut.
<br />?. Prasts`liws er) taeadtt`s SCewriSy. t', f3rrrrawtr farts a> ptrtnrm rhr covenaass and agrrrtmnts ttwttamed in this
<br />~Y='-'•n.°=+ .x tf n;; ar:€Ci~ ,_€ j.rtcersterig €s 4otnnurui:d whtelt matrrtaily affecss Ltnder's tmerest in .Stet Property.
<br />:nc)udtasg, hest tarot treated :u. rmrrrcnt dtustatn> tnsntvrna:y, ends enforrrrnrm. ar arrangemtwts ar proceedings rnvrslvtwg a
<br />Miredtxt:tfsr are .fecsdtnt. tRrrr Lcrtdtr at I ettdar's e?ptinrt, up<+n :tauter tY+ Harrower, ma; ntakr such appcaraneex, dtshune such
<br />>:insw. aru) ta#c such a..tron ,rs. is rrriv'*.,-sty rcr psrrtccr ! c+tdrr~s :merr,t. rota text€ng. f+vt ru,t hmrted to, drthurscrnent of
<br />reasfxiearr}r atrss*sssy't sirs and celery upraa ihr f (rlpert ;- rcr rnakc separrs. fi Ltrxfrs rryuired mortgage inch€an~--e as rt
<br />r.ear+fsta--art s s-rthi; rr§~ the In:~n sr,~:tcrrrs t5} rhea l.7rstttSa€r. Haatr,rwrr sh:et3 pa}. star ~mmiums r€wrsircet tr. mairtfam sucft
<br />+;<xintxxv.-t tea ,-ri urast$ :tells time as the rtytrirrtttrW few such tttsaxranct trrmtnaics rn accordance t:rnft tinrrxrwers and
<br />