<br />"~
<br />~~.-- ODI7~6 1YI{JItTGAG~
<br />`i'F1t5 ht(7RT€'iAGE is made tttis..........Qth ........ .... ..day of......Hpi^a:l. ...... ......
<br />Icl..~~, between dhe fulasngagor,..~~~'Q-~.~..1~..bY58t8li..dttE~.~t~'~Ql;ft'.A..El1lS1St3lts,l#USb+3ltd-AAd.gF~~B•
<br />. (k~: ~t "k?ortr ), ~zta dhe r~€nrtgagr~c. Tie ~Irs.L ~3~#(:~.
<br />'' ~B~ttF., pf; ~rarsd. T51~~~ Gr~i~. ~.s.;:AtXk, . ~bra3tka a carporatiods u>'pnispd s~asisi:
<br />under the laws or ..~~~?r$~~g ...... . ......... . ........ where address is.... $~5~. ~~f'(K~..... .
<br />. , ,6ratui Is1,2(rid, _Nefsraska ........................... . .. . ............ (huein "I:eader").
<br />vdrteasrts, $orruwer is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of.. Ts~enty. Sexen .tb~sarat ~3R$.~~: .
<br />.I.~t_a.___«..---~-~-~-- ------------ .----:flt~iars, which ittdebteddtss ix evidentxd by aarrotRer's acts
<br />datcd...~'p~, ~,, ,1,<J$~ ... ~...... (herein "Nate"?, proveding for monthly installments of principai and interest;
<br />with the baiattec of the iralebtedmess. if nut wooer paid. due and payable an..M,idy. J.,..2Q11 . . ............. .
<br />To Sfcuae to i.enda (a? the rcpayttxnt of thesndzbtedness cvidericed by the Note, with interest tlterean; ibe
<br />~yctecnd of ail artier sums, with interest thereod, advanced in aecnrdantt herewith io protect the security of this
<br />Sttartgagc, and tltc pzrfatrnartce of the covenants qnd agrectnents a€ Harrower herein contained, and (h?the et~ymertt
<br />of any future advances, with intertxt thereon, made'ta $arrower by Lendt:r pursuant to paragraph 21 heretsf (heteire
<br />"Fururz Advances" }, Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and conv^zy to Lender the following de~t3bed property
<br />ictcatcd to tkte County of....K$~? ........ . ...................... . . .. Slate of Nebraska:
<br />LOT EIGHT ~$), IN BLOCK ElfiiTY SIX (Sb},
<br />MfR&ASl{A,
<br />wls~:; 3sas the rz:xx c~....~1.~.+~~t. 15th ,5t(`eet ..... .., .Grdnd Isldrtd. } . , .........~,-
<br />.......,
<br />tst=stt ~ ~rM __~
<br />.~.St~ . , ~~........ , . { hereto "i'rttpctty Address") : .~,.
<br />F4eake rae6 Ea0 CP~Ztt -
<br />Trirr;ttra with ail the imprravzttunts nszw err h4rcaf~e erecszd cot tltc pretfx.rty, and alk zaxentents, rigFtts,m
<br />appnrtznanzca. rents. rttyaltiex, mirtcrai. ail and gas rights and prYfitx. water, water rights. and water stock. and ally.
<br />lixttzs~t now ur trztr:aftcr attached to the pmpztty, all of which, in~itrding replacements and acktiriom tlteretu, shaft be
<br />+#v~ed to its atvdd rztnatn a part at thz pcoptrty zavemtt by thex lviartgagc; amt all rrt ilte ft~rcpaittg, eagether with raid
<br />ttlr {ar Che leaseltvJsi elate sf thx Mftwtgagde is on a kasehoid! arc herein referred to mE.die `°f'ropcrty".
<br />$arruwcr ctXVttt. that ~tarra!w~r is iawfukty xzixcd of the esut:e hereby conveyed amt 1u~tltc right to mwtgagc,
<br />c~rnvcy the p'ru~tty, tisat tiw Pragerty ~ utttmttcrrtl. anti that lioEmwer will wartant and dcfzad
<br />y,,~ttrrp-the # tts riot Prsrty apinst all elaims astA tkatritxtx. stt#~rt so anv deelaratium, caxerrtcnts or reatrictinnx
<br />tc}t: s5 ,:i a .~hcd:.-ir ct: €xecptxrre ter ;+rvsra~ its ,any tide iarierAnc~: txtiiry insuring, l ,crtdcr's interest in the Prapzrly,
<br />
<br />