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<br />81-uC~l'748 <br />Leader's written agreement at applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of ail mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />mattntr provided urtiit:r paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amwtMS d'€sttursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with intttest ther+ecrn, shall become additional <br />ittdebtedness of Borrower ~cttred by this Mortgage. Unles< Harrower and Ltndtr agent to ether terms of payment, Stich <br />arttounfs shall be payable upon nonce from Lender to &srrower r~aesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the <br />date of dittbvrteatetrtt azthe rate payable from time to aims on outstantihtg principal under tde Nate tmitas payment of <br />i,;~~ az att€: tam s--tt,,' ~ crrtf wry to a•:t~ly law, ir, which rvtnt such amoants shall bear interest at the hight~t rate <br />permisdbk utter applicable law. Noosing etnstanetl in this paragraph 7 shag require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any action htamt~cr. <br />>k C~>~• Lender may make or settee to be trade rcasnnabte entries upon and inspections of the Property, Provided <br />that Lender shalfi give Borrower ttaice otaot to env such inspection spixifying reasonab~ cause therefor related to Ltende:'s <br />interest in the Property. <br />4 Catadertt The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direst or sonsegtxntial, in connection with any <br />cgndtmnaleon or attter taking of the Property. ar part thereof. or for conveyartce in lieu of condetnnazion, are hereby assigned <br />artd shall oe paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a Taat taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums seared by this Mortgage. <br />wiot the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower attd Letttfer <br />aherwise agree in writing, there shag be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage xush proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal 4o that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by skis Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bras: to the fair market vafM of the Property immediately prier to ,he dart of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid tv Borrower. <br />If the Property is abatt~r~d by Berrawer, or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condannor afters to make <br />an award ar settle a claim fns damages. Borrawtr faits to rtspttnd to Lender within s0 deYS after the date such rotten is <br />trailed. Lender is attthtttiztd to collect and apply the proceeds. at I.tnder's option. etither to restoraziaa or repair of the <br />Property or to the sutra setvrtd by this Morgage. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower ahmrise egret in writing, any suck application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or pgslptme eke dx date of the mornhly instaNrnmts referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />sash irtsiallmettts. <br />CO. 1Faeraiwer~bt Rekaaed. Fxtrnsion of the nme for payment or modification of amortization of the sums centred <br />bq this Mortgage granteai by Lender to any succtxsnr :n interest of Borrower shall nvt operate to release, in any mantxr, <br />the liability of the origins) Borrosve: and Borrower's wecesson in interest. Lender xhall not ht required to commoner <br />prgceedgtgs agaitxu stxh ettcctssor or rchtse m extrnd tarot far pavrrtent ar txhtrx•ise modify arswnization of the Sarre <br />secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made ~~ the original Borrower and Borrowers successors in interest. <br />li. Ferfteseertt i7' C.etatter Vert a Woolson. Any fatbearanse by tender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. or <br />atherssise affottied by appticakte law. shall not he a waiver of ar prrciitdt :hc exercise of any xiuh right or retrt~y. <br />71te pretcurerttent of irtsuranct ar Lht paytntnt of taxes nr ;rther liens ar charges by Lender Shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />ride to acetkratc the maturity of the tntlcb[edttess focused by tkis Mortgage. <br />12. Rettreiea t'trtsatiatlse. .Ali remedies proveded .r. this Mor¢age are distinct and cumulative to any other right or <br />ttrntdy antler tkis Mortgage ar afforded by law :u equity. end may he exercised concurrently. indepeLtdtntly or ~ucctssively. <br />!3. Breteeaesa anti AaaMas tiered: lain elect Severed l.lah8lts: CapBoas. The covenants and agreements herein <br />contaittcd shall hind, and the rights kereundtr shall :null iv. [he respective sttc-tsscirs and assigns of Leader and Borrower, <br />subject to the pROVisions of paragraph 17 hereof. .At! covenams and agreements of Harrower shall be joint and several. <br />TTr~ ~pL>ims and htxdis ct tke paragraeks of this Mangage are for convrnictxr only and are not to be used to <br />inttrprci a defhte the provisions ktreaf. <br />18. '.Vallee. Except for any txttict rcquirtd undo appticab}t law to Et givrrt in amtther manner, tat any notice to <br />Borrower pravijsd for in this Mortgage shall ire given by mailing such notice by cenified mail addressrd ±o Bottower at <br />eke Propenv Address ar at stxh other address as &rrn+wer may designate by notice to Lender zs pravidexl herein, and <br />fb) any natist to Lender shaii ht given by cenifad mail. strum reee:pt requested. to i_tnders address stated herein or to <br />such other addtt~s as Leader may designate by tmtrt <a Borrower as pra.~isled herein. Any notice provided for in this <br />Mortgage shaii lee deemed to have t>cett given to Borrower ar Leader wken given in the manner designated herein. <br />t5. C3t~etrss'~r~: C;overRiax Cass; SevasttlMy. T4ris farm of rttnrtgagt cembittts uniform covenants for national <br />use and rxitt-uniform covenams with iimittd variatiats by jurisdiction io cotestitutr a uniform stsunty instrument covering <br />real pronenv. Phis MtxtgaQe ska)I bt ¢averrted ley tire: taw ~-f the ianisdicuvn in wkick tke Prnptrty is located. in the <br />evtrit that any provision or clause of this Mortgage nr the 'slvte ccxttficts with applisabk law, suck conflict shaii rat affect <br />arbor provisions of tkis Mortgage or the Nsxc which can ht rjvea eRtct without rite cen8icting prveisitttt, and to this <br />15, 11latresset's Crir~v. Bnrrrvrvcr shat! be furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Mangap- at the time <br />of exectnrott of after nxe.:'rdation hereof. <br />i?. 'Beaedae of tin Mpatf: Aaroa~oa. if all ar any pan of tiro Propeny or an interest therein is sold or transferred <br />by Borrower without Ltradtr's prior wntttn consent, excluding tat the creation of a lien or tttettmbnnce subordinate to <br />this Mttrtga~. fbl the creation of a purchase trtotity security interest let krxtsehaid appliances. lc) a tnnsftr by devhe, <br />desquit ar by operation of taw upon the death of a }ant tenant ar tdi the grant of any leasehold imerreat of throe pears or itss <br />eta contaiuiaj alt option to purchase, Leger may. at Lender i nptton, dec}are ail the sums secured by this Mortgage to be <br />imstsediately due attd payab#t. I.ettdtr shall E~vc wsirsd zuch Sian to accelerate if. pry to rite sale yr tnnafer. Leader <br />std the pttrsort to whom the Property is to bt sold ar transferred stash agrtettrnt in writing that ttx credit of such person <br />is sati;factstry to t.ettder atd that the interest payable on the sums sesurtd 6y this Mortgage shall be at sash me as Lender <br />atoll request If Lender ins waived tde option to asseitratt pravid~ in tdis pangnpd 17, and if Bwrower's successor in <br />irtieleat des txecuud a written aaatemptian agreetent as;stpted in writing by lxntkr, Lrndet shall release Borrower from all <br />vi.~s unsSet tdia RCt+rtgaQe and the SVate. <br />if Erecter exercises stud option tv ure~tratt. I.endsr strait mail Aorrowtr roller of accekratian in accordance with <br />parafraPtt id hetsof. Sued tta~e shall provide a period of teat ]tas rhea 30 days fr~rtt the date the aotix isYnaikd within <br />whisd ltotrtttver ~Y PaY the surna tiesiartd d',se if Borrower Eels to pay web sums prior to the expiration of stttdt period, <br />Leaadot may, withnttt fttridar notice ar da»ard an Bornawer, invokt any remedies permitted by paragraph i g hereof. <br />tdotw[Strtrortia Covtxu.-rs. Borrower and i.ender turbot covenant and agtcx as fotknra: <br />ii. ~ leereeilaa. ar gatwwtiai M t t3 ttaeat, vp+ )iaarowwer'a baeeci of say career tx <br />a)rtattttliprt aE laaaeesrea tie tilt Rtest~tRr, irckstihl{ tie cevetradtt to ply .sine du trey wrs aeteaed by tWs Mead'. <br />IwitAa[ pdee M aaeadwtler aM~ aatcit taatl~te to tieramres ss @eevidei ~ pattat;raPis ti issarf s~ceYy3tRt (ti die btreacit <br />~ too aatltte rapipai # cttna attrsi lauete/5 (3) a allots, ant has lira 3f) it[ys fe+w tie 6aM the eotke is aaeYa~ to Baasetser, <br />i9 Lailldt tttts~ Meads twat 6e ct+a+Hit ctrl {sl tint faNttse to cttte+e tax8 iteacit ea er ttatate t4 ~ tt>~ed b the roller <br />~ z7ata'iMatntlaa al qte swtaa aa:rtad E+y ~ ~ 4aretie~se bl' paea'atiip[ tend atria ttt lira ]!'4epeafy. <br />lire tttlieae altaii liaedtu irteaaa tiircavens of tdw riHltt to teiesiwle alien actele:siisr sad ties riH6t to sews r tie taeacieerre <br />Mt ataresdalttrce of a tMlwM1l aK rtry alias tiderae et 1loesewa as acreieeatisir art foaet:lattsv. R tie tttteach <br />4 rM :cool ew w Mtess qta tine M lire tasHae. i,araka at C.eaYer's ewer may tletiere tti of the Sara ttecaad b <br />b !h ~ ire atN gttyaila trlelsetr ftrtier de»~d alai trsry tenciaae iy BFI prerettlgt~. C_eaier <br />till ity artitYii a a+iitei it trsai psecee~eH it ~Pasaaaa e/ toradaaa:e. lit tsar le. ctsa6a o9 daey <br />eldllriia. teit trill iMe eregASltt. <br />1'i~ RRSg1a1a'i ~ le ~ Notwithsundit~ P.eader'a asstkttstutrt n# iha some secured t'S ihie Mortgage. <br />tsrsanoeir t hlrre ttte stiller to brave any prosae~ettga i>syiun by Lctttiu to enfortr tdis Mattgagt diucmtinued at any time <br />