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<br />LltarroaM Ct~PATAtYTa. Bortawzr and Leader covenant and agree as follows: `'' ~ - V ~ 1 (4 8 <br />1, ref ffi faAeseat. Borrower shall promptly pay when drrc the principal of and interest on the <br />iad~dednras evidsgceaf by the Note, ptepaymeot and late chargrcs as provided in the Note, and the ptvecfpal of sad interest <br />on soy Futare Advaatxs secuoed by this Mortgage. <br />~, 14~nAs !~ Kailas teal Lae~ee. Subjtxt to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />tp Letsdar on the say manittr~r it~aiimenfs ttii ptsacipai andtnte,~f are pay.°'~'..R. u».'.°r t!x Nt:TM, ut+*.~. tl:z Nate is paid in full. <br />a tip (herebt •'Fuads"1 equal to otto-twclfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which tray attafn priority aver this <br />Moths, and gtotmd earth ten the Property, if am. phss otro-tv:elfih of Yearly ptetnirttn iastafimeots for hazard ittwraatx, <br />plus onaivrslith ~ yearly pcttxeitmt ittstallaxxris for taortgage itssursrtce, if any, all as reasottsbly estimated initially and from <br />tinsels lilac b'Y I,atrdsr an the bash of atiatasateats atuf bills and reasonable sstimatea thereof. <br />'fhs Fimth shall be 6eGl fn an ittstftmion the deposits or accoums of whuh arc insured or gttarant~d by a Federal or <br />stale agency (irxhttiing bender if Lender is such an itnKituiionl. Lcttrler shat! apply the Ftuxk to pay said,taxes, assesstttsafs, <br />insurance ptetnsurrts and ground tents- Leader may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account, <br />ar verifying a~ compiling said asaessmattta and bilb, unless Lender pays Borrower interest ou the Funds sad applicable law <br />ptomirs Lender to makt such a charge- Borrr>.t*er attd Lender may agree in writing at the time of taeetnion of thin <br />Mortgage that interest on the Fins shalt be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made ar applicable law <br />tte,~rsira shah intesest to 6c paid, Leader shaft rent tie required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Fttnds. Ltadsc <br />shall ~ m Borrower, without chargt. an satsuat auauming of the Funds showing credits and debits t6 tht Funds sad the <br />propose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by thrs MextgaQe. <br />If the amotmt of the Ftmds held by Lender. together-with the furore mtmthty installments of Ftmds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, aasessmeaas, innurance premiurna and ground rents, shall sicced the attsount requited to pay said taxes, <br />menu, iruutaace premiums artd ground rents as tkey fall dtu. such excess sha11 be, at Borrower's option, eitlurc <br />proetpdy repaid to Horrower ~ czsdited to Borrower an momhty ittstailtaents of Funds. if the atttotmt of tht Funds <br />hdd by Leader sluff trot be sttffrcieat to pay taxes. asxssments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, <br />Borrower shall pay to Leader any atnount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by I~r to Borrower requesting paytnent ihereaf <br />Upon payment is foil of all sums secured by this Mortgage. Leo~r shall promptly refund to Borrower any Fundy <br />held try I.cader. 1f urrkr puagraph 1 S hereof the Property is sold ar the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Leader <br />shat! apply, im latu titan immediately prior to the sale of the Property sir its acquisition by Lender, say Funds held by <br />l.esxkr at the note of appficatiart as a credit against the sums secured by this Mnrtgnge. <br />3. Ag¢r~ew e1 1•ayriet.4. unless appbcabk law providtt otherwise. a!1 pavmcars received by Lender under the <br />Note sad paragraphs I atttl 2 hereof shall he applied by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borsowu <br />under paragraph 2 hereof. then to intetcst payable nn flu `dote, then to the principal of the Note, and then to interest and <br />principal oa say Ftrture Advanxs_ <br />4. G`4r~tn LJeai. Borrower sha13 pay ~fl razes. assessments and ratter charges. fines and :mposiuans attributable to <br />the Property which lay attain a prtoriry oust this Mortgage, and leasehold pad merits sir ground rents. if any, in tits menace <br />pivvrded nltaei paragraph L hereof or. of not paid in such manner, oy iiurtnwcr riiakmg payrra:ot, when due; dirtzily to i~ <br />payer thereof, Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lsnticr ail nouccs r>f amounts clue under thu paragraph, sad i~ the event <br />Borrower shall male paytstent dsrecuv, Barrov:er .halt prixttptis furnish io [.ender receipts evidencing such payments. <br />Borrower shall praap:fy discharge any ixn .vh:ch bas pnorrty ever this ~fartgage: pi-tw[ded, that Borrower shall not be <br />required to discharge any such Tien sa sang as shall agree m u~Ung to the payment cat the obligation secured by <br />such lies is a trtanner-acctptabk to Leader, or shall [e good fauh cuotest such lien by, ar defend enfarmnent of such lien in, <br />legal proceedings which epeiatt to prevent the entorcertunt oT *hr :een sir fnrienure of the Property or any part thereof. <br />5. ) fasrrnoea Ilomowcr shalt keep the tmpravzrnents ..^,o.v exacting c r hereaftrs erected an the Property tnsuied <br />against too by A:e, ha7,art4s included wathan the term '-exteisded coverage' -and such other hazards as Lender may require <br />aaei [a Brach atnounu and for such penoth as Lcndcz may rrgwrc, ~.raradid, that Lender shat! not require the[ the amount of <br />such ~vsrags exceed that. amauat of cavcragc regou~ to pay the sums secured t±v ahu Martgagc. <br />7$e tnatrrattce ca.-rxr lH6V),thng die insurance shall M chosen by Bnrrc»ver subject to approval by l.endcr: provided. <br />[hat such approve! shall not ~ atnreasanably wsthhckL .All premiums nn.:rtsuranu pniicica shall fee paisfi in the roamer <br />provided under garasraph 2 hereof or, :f cwt paid tin sash mentor. by Borrower mtskang paytttetat, when dtte. directly to the <br />itmursace carrier. <br />AR ersuraace policid and tmewats thersaf shall ix to farm acceptable to lender and shall include a standard mortgage <br />cfatrse is €avar of and in form acceptable to Lender. Lander shall have rho right [e hold the policies and renewals thereof, <br />attd E!€urower shall ptomptfy furnish to Lentler all renews[ :wttczs and all rea-erpts of paid premiums. in the event of loss, <br />lrarr'os[ru siitaii ~e prnin~iaari.a,c-iv <,m ..n.,cs..-..~-:nT,tr a~ ::,.~,. ~....L. -, ,•~!.^ , •,~•r „t t,xx if ncu made oramptly <br />by 13ortnwer- <br />lJnkes l,endzr and Borrawst otirervase agree in w»ung. rnwratns proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of <br />flu i3wperty damaged, provided such restarataan at rzpatr is ecanaruicalfy Ceastbte and the security of this Mortgage is <br />trot titcrsby impelled. If such restoration nr ropsu is nut ecotwmn:aiiy feasible nt if the seeurttp of this Mortgage would <br />be ttatpatred, the iasterartex prttcsetis shall be applied to the sotto sxured try this Mortgage, with [he txcess, if any, paid <br />to Borrower. If the Property is abandoned by Borrcawcr, sir tf Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 3U day5 from the <br />date poRCC is ntaikd by I.soder to Borrower that the attsurance carrier ceders to Bettis a claim for insurance txnehis, Lender <br />is ~ to ~l~t clad apply t#u irtsurattce pra;xeds ai I.encler's option either is restoration ar repair of the Property <br />ar to the rums secumd by this Mortgsgt. <br />Uttiess Lender at3d Borrower otherwise agree in wre[iag, any such application of prtx~xds to principal shall not extend <br />tx pststpotx the due date of t!u mantftfy itrrrtsflaa:sus referreet to in paaagraptts !and '_ hseeuf or change the amount of <br />stacEt instaltrtsaats. [f tender paragraph ! g beteof the Property is acyuued by Linder, ati right, tick and interest of Borrower <br />fu a>Eti to any insurance poiiefes atu! in and to lire procccda therru,f trailing fr~;m dsr.~a~ to t~ Propcrtt prier in rf~ sale <br />of acgYhidan shall pt~ to Lander to the uteri[ of tiu sums setursd irv this 'Mortgage imnteshatsly prior ta,such Bak or <br />ti. lttata~as [awl Mice ~ rtropcsry; L,emate6~ Coodatsu~rnt; Plaaani UtsN Uevef~wcafs. &srrawer <br />tiffi kt¢tp file Property io goad repair sad shall rent cormsit waste ar permit impaarmcnt or dns:ioratiat of the Property <br />sad 7lsatl comply with iht provisroua of asy lease if this Mortgage as an a leasehold. if this Mortgage is nn a unit in a <br />t..aa~aa3 nt a pHnttecl utdt devsfopatettt. Botrt'+wer shaft perform ail of Barrowsi s abkigations under the declaration <br />at covtAaats crsatit~ of govetnittg tlxe condamitaium ar p[aatsed anal developtaert. the by-laws and regulations at the <br />c ~ pishtssd unit tievs;.opntent, and constituent dacumonts. !f a rondnminium or planned unit dcveiapmcnt <br />rider a sXaF#ttsd lN' Bastts+ver atgd roctuded together with this Mongage, the covettattu and agra~nu of such rader <br />;r~cPe>rymr ii~a 2~d >~ ataend and suppfentrnt the s:avenaat; and anree~nts of this Mortgage as aE the »dcr <br />veartt.s part hsneaf. <br />7, ~4eiee)gaa +si Lariee's ; if Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agrtsmenis contained in this <br />nr if any ac#ttta us prorsadirrg as cammsrtecd witicia materially atiects fenders inistsst to the Y~operty, <br />i~_ bttt_ttrtt tirrriMd to, sminerrt dom+nist, itiztatvetri-y, code znforceatent, nr arranguntnta er proceedings :nvofrang a <br />htm~pt w der:[, than leader m Ls9det's option, upon natics [a Harrower. ~y make stash appsartutees, disburse such <br />u~ aml,talte such actkst as rt o~erassy to p€tetect (zntlOr'tt intsreo. ,nctuding. but ~ limited ta. d:sberrutnett of <br />~ attotsay's fea+s and entry uprttt the Fropetty to make repairs. if Ixrrder retluirsd mtutgage insurance as a <br />at tnsltteg the fora tocurcd by flab Mortga#w, $rirrawer shelf pay the promiuttn rcgtnred to maiawtn such <br />traigsaw i?a e~s+st 1ffi_suath ttasa ss lire tegteirdaertt for stash irtaxadx terminates m sccotdanes with Batttitwsrw and <br />