8 I --() 0174 "~
<br />C,anfer's writtets agrtxmeot or appticabk law. Borrower shalt gay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided utx4et paragraph 2 hetraof.
<br />My amounts diabur~d by tender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with iote_2st thereon, shall biome additional
<br />indehtedrttss of Borrower sectued by Skis Afortgage. Unlt~s Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payttuM, such
<br />amountsahatl be payahk upon mice from Lender to Borrower regtrtsting payment tfiereof, and shall bear interest from the
<br />dale of dishtstxsne:it at the rate payable from tirtre to tirsx on ottiatarswng principal ttndte ffie `late unless payment of
<br />interest. at arras rate world be contrary m appti;~bk taw, is which event such amounss shalt bear irMeresi at the highest talc
<br />p~ un~: apptn.~t taw. 23e;.her:g _~..sairAd in thn paragraph 7 sbt±ii rFquixt i,ewrder to incur arty txpemt ar take
<br />any eta Iteretstsd~.
<br />@. I Lender may make or cause to be maw reasrntabie eatries upon and inspections of fire Property. provided
<br />that [.ender shalt give Borrower notice prior to any stash inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />infer¢a rn the P'ty. --
<br />9. The proceeds of at:y award ar claim for damages. direct ar sorssegttential, in cxmnectioo with any
<br />cSm~rsrnatiarc or other taking of six Ptc~rty, or part thertaf, ar for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, ale fiereby assigned
<br />atsd shalt ~ paw to i.erxkr. _
<br />In the event of a teat taking of the Property. the protxeds shalt be applied to the sutras secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess, if any, paid so 1$orrawar- in the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower atxf Lander
<br />oiherwix agree in writing, there shalt tae applied to tht xutrSS secured by this Morigsge sSrch proportion of the proceeds
<br />as !s equal to that proportion which ttte amount of the sutrts aerated by this Mortgage immediately prior to tlsc dm of
<br />taking !stars to the fur market valtu of the Pmptrty last,:diately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the pmteeda
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />if the isro;acety es abandoned bT' Harrower, ar if. after notice by I.trtdtr to Barrxswe: That tEre coeedetanot offers m malts
<br />an award or settle a claim €or damages, Barrawtr fails m resparrd to Lender within 3t3 days afttt the daft stash notix is
<br />mailed, Leader is aSUhoriaed to soikct atsd apply the proceeds. at Lenders option, either to restoration or tcpair of the
<br />Property or se the was secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Vnkss Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such appitcation of proceeds to principa[ shaft not extetsd
<br />or posipons itx dirt date of the monthly itsstaitmerts referred tt+ in paragraphs i and 2 tccreof Sir change the amount of
<br />Cush irntalimetns.
<br />its. Weroorr Ixlo1 tdteksase. Extension of rite time far payment er modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by tfiis Mortgage granted tw Lender to any straessor in interest c+f Borrower shad not aperait to release. in any rnanrrer,
<br />the hahility xsf the original Borrower sad Barrasvtr's successors m interest. fender ghat! not ere required to commence
<br />pracxeditrgs against sash sutetssor ar tefttst to extrnd time for payment ar otherwise ttsodify amortization of the sums
<br />securesd by this Mongage M season of any demand made by the prig+nat Harrower and Borrower's successors in intertat.
<br />il. i+asbearsore icy t.esesa Not a Writer. .4ns' fattsearance try fender in exercising am right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />athtrxise affordcit by apptisabk law, shad nest ix a waiver of tar prtxluxie the exercise of any such right ar remedy.
<br />The procurement of itntrcance or the payttient of taxes car other iierta er charges by Ledder chair not be a waiver of Ixntkr's
<br />right to atie)txate the maturity of ifie i»cttiftedrteli ucurtd try tfixs Matrgagt.
<br />12. Retsaeiss Caitsdml+e. A#1 rtmedres pn,v,cted rn chic tifottgage are distinct arr3 ctnrutative to any other right or
<br />rz,F~ ;,; ~ - + ~~.>; ~,,~,.:a,~a~, _a.»w t.., t_.. -. _ .. _n.# m_ v he ezercisei concurrently. inekpettdtrtttY or successively.
<br />l ~. ,x5atxeassrs ssi Asrips lnEad; Joist tssdySrrerm t.itibiitt; Capitlses. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />conSairrcd shalt hind, attd the rights htreuttskr xhaii inu*e tor. the rrsptctivr. uncstssars and assigzts of Lender ann Borrower.
<br />xubjest fo the provisions of paragrapfi 17 hereof Ati covenants and agreements of t3orrowtr shalt tae joint sad soverat.
<br />'flee captxsas sad heutings of the paragrapi+s a€ !his ttongagt arc far ~anvertitnet cxnty and arc rtat to tx used to
<br />vnierpret or drflat the provssitmss hereof.
<br />12. iiatlct. Except for airy rtatnY zeciuired uttetxr applicable Saw =.cs bt gtvtn +n another manner, (,a} any notice to
<br />isorrSSwer provsde6 far +n ibis niotagagt shalt ter g,vcn ~ mailing set~.h ,=artst "t_ -timed mast addrtsstd to B.^mswtr ai
<br />ftu Property Addms ar at such ,?that address as Barrowtr may dtsxgnate by natict to E.ender as provided herein, and
<br />tb} any stxttice to t..tttder shalt bt given by ctrtit5ed ma+i. relutrt tulips requested. its t.tndtr s adttrtss stated herein or to
<br />cosh ettrer address as Lttsdtt n.ay designate hr tmtis-r to t2-srrcxrves as rov~ose~3 ?tetein. Any notice provided far in this
<br />Mortgage shah t?e deemed to have ttert g;vest to t9orrawts or t ert~r whin g~en in tfie manner tttsignated herein.
<br />13. E?attorta Mas~sge; Goteeaiat taws SrttratbiYty. This farm of mortgage camisirres uniform covenants for national
<br />ease and tmo-uniform covenants with limited vanasians by ,urtsd:ctiatt to eoratitute a uniform aunty instrument covering
<br />teal proptrn~. This Mortgage snail rte govtrrxd by the few of the jurisdicison in wfxich ttte Prape~y is iox:attxl. En the
<br />tv~tt that any provtsir>#s or ctatr+~ ~ this 4fots_gaxe or the skate ~_atttlicts with applicable law, such contlicS shalt not atfixt
<br />other nrovisit%'rz ~ thr; Mattg~tre- er the tiote wfixh can fx sevrn rtiect without stag conflicting provision. and to this
<br />slit the provisions of the Monpge and the '~ete art c~tared to tat severattk.
<br />y ~xY [it FRt Ffl3FC aIx[r nfI [.x13 + [~rfb oa „~"-
<br />._ ~-T£;rrrs~et's i"9~. s;nasi c+t rutnnrttci a crnaiorrttso -c __ _ .<.,---
<br />af uxreutleas or suet recordatirm hereof.
<br />17. itasater of ~e 1!scapety; Aswsiytias. if sit or any part of tfie Prtsperty ar an interest therein is sc,~ or trsrtsferred
<br />t>f Horrowsr wititaiit Lerw'er'a prior v.'risttn corolla, exc,`uslirg tai t~ ~-tatiort of a this rn encumbrstscx r~bordinate to
<br />the Atartgage, (b3 the srcatxsn at a purchase trsvney security ~nterxat far fiousehotd applisruts, (c) a Sramtfer by dtvisc,
<br />s#atxnt or try operation of [aw upon the d~th of a jams trnant at Edi ttre grant of any teaseisoid inttrtxt at three years w it~x
<br />tsar cantain~ an option to purchase. Lerititr may, xK Lender's cryHictt, declare alt rite sums secured by this Mortgage to be
<br />itnanediatcly due and payable. Leader shalt have wasvtd such apuoct to acctterate if, prior to the sale or tromfer, Lender
<br />and Ilse p-.twat to whom the PrtBr~erty n [a bt said ar tramferrrd reach agretatent m writing tfiat rite credit of strsh ptsaon
<br />is aattsfss!^ty to L-.s~ and that the intcrt±t payable an t}te sums assured try this Mortgage shalt tae at such rate as Letxlu
<br />staaU regaeat. if i.euder has waited the aptiaa to assckrate provided rn this paragraph 17. arm if Borrower`s stccessor in
<br />interest has exacesird a writKn arssnnption agreeastrtt axtpttd in writing sty ixader. Lender shalt release Borrower from ail
<br />uetder tlris Motigtga rtrsd ttte ssote.
<br />It Leader txerxasea sssch apttai to aixtletate, Linder shai4 maif torrower notett of acctkrntion in accordance with
<br />pataarapit t4 ttertat- Ssit;lt ttotitx shalt provide a period of sot fras than 30 days frtxn the bate ttx troller is mat7ed within
<br />whirls t3errt-=rer may paY tfte stars der_iamt dsx- If Barrowrr faits to pay such sums prior to tht t?spiratiaas of sixh period.
<br />Leader tnay, witistxn fwtlser ttsttice ar demasd :+n tiorrovvet, invt~e any remedies ptrmsited try paragraph 7 g tttSeof.
<br />Nima-i,FTniUitat L~vat+tarns. Btsrravwer sisd t..tsder funks cmenant atsd agt'ee as fadlorrs:
<br />li. ~ llheaetllu. PataPt r peariiee 6a t~tab t7 hereof, ~ Hesrwwer'r tawcb of say totesttut ar
<br />tyRahasat ~ Eatass+rar lit+ Obi tatter ~s tsressnSa so pay when doe tar was trecwei M' tads Sfosfpge.
<br />laattse t ~ seearearssa rdtaa ~ taeliee fe tftrrrasrer ar presided k Pa4i*+~ la bneet s~eliyisg; elf sir bri~tb:
<br />~ Mee ratlsa rega~re er rase Weis Ikesclq tb1 a lase. tart iraa ttma 3® dogs fro. tlsa elms tae aatice h saiiee to ^orra+zer:
<br />!t# ta~sit assail ale orates k a~sdt aai fey wm irWro # cam ttat+eb breach ors .s 6atsrr t;ee gate tipselird M ohs ttwtlee
<br />rtty raaelt it set Yie seraa axaree by t#b t-#srwiitttie, ttaretle.®e Ys t+t sad tails at abe rtgsesty.
<br />'t9leestseit+asbalilaetllar ktta' Brat+rrsr e€ tae Ngtt a reiss4e9e tttler ~ tad she ~ ~ roams fa the teradraaes
<br />Mat tera:iieawm d a eatttait K lisp eeMs mass of itserowrr m aceelaraM» aai torsdaesee. >f the fwsaci
<br />Y last ctaasi eat ale !ra@see ~ era ailsaifae br W satire. [.sailer m Ineaix'a ispiies t.ay d+tct.re t>IM st tie stars escwsd
<br />tittelt'Ymgtt(bs 4 as atrbr dos sad pegaMr xt~a+se taFea tleatatie site tas4y fweeisar by jeNeLi psnsels[- Lrair
<br />ttrA !e raAlYire tp aet4xt la stoats ~ereaeeltgt all es}sttsss at farreisaiae, Ltariatiag. bet to.e Wailed to tads of estraate~ry
<br />tnlB~as. eWtetaNS stag tills
<br />ialtAt>wsltPtx ~ is iimisaMae, ttaweiaaanMr~g f sadtr's assettrs;wn of tits areas stx-U,+d by this iklurtgage.
<br />€ tfia rtghl to ~tve airy prosas&sgs sty f trtda to enforce this Mortga;e discoatcnttax! at any time
<br />