(ftetptgtts Covfntetrra. Homower attd Ltmder covenant and ague as follows: ~ ~ tl V ~ 7 4 7
<br />!, ft's of read lateaeat. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />evidenrxd by the Mott, prcluyment and cart charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of std inteee+t
<br />oa arse Future hdvattcea stxvred by this Mtattgage.
<br />Z, )F tsnr'Ftt~ea t~ tesasace. Subjeet to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shag pay
<br />to Lends an the day trtanthly ittatallmeats of principal and interest are payable under the Nou, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a arm flterein "Fttada") equal to Otte-twtlftkt of the yearly ta:.es and assessments which treat attain Priority over this
<br />;sortt• and gtaund . on the r.~t,~.l~, if any. phi o~-twatftlt of yearly pr~um iostaBmenra for harsrd insurance.
<br />p~ stns-twelfth of yearly premium itntalfttaaeta far mwtgage itssurartce, if atty. all a4 reasonably esiitn3ted ittilially and from
<br />EEr~ ta titres by Lewder oa t7~ ~m of assesarrtuttts and tills and reasonable estimates tixteaf.
<br />2Tte Funds shall bt htdd in an institution the deposits or accounts at which are insured or guaranteed by a Ft~ra! or
<br />state agency (isetaiing Leader if Louder is stxh an institution 1. Lender shalt apply the Ftmds ta pay said taxes. assessmwets,
<br />inattraam premiums sad groctod rena. t..tnda may not charge far so holding and applying the Funds. analyzing said account,
<br />at t~ifyittg srf ~apslittg said asssssr>ntsta and trills, ttnlas t.eadcr pays Harrower interest on the Fonds and applicable law
<br />pwmits Lender to rooks such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that imesest on the Futds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agrcettrent is made or a~licalsle law
<br />tequitta stub ittttrest to be paid. Leteder shall not tee required to pay Sorrotrer any intettxt ar earnings on the Fast. lender
<br />shall give ta Borrower, withtnu chargt, an annual acxotmting of the Funds showing crediu aced debits to ttx Rends std the
<br />'purpau far MitKtt Each debit to lbC Funds wad made. The Funds art pledged as additional security far the sutra aeenrGd
<br />bit rtes Mortgage.
<br />if the attsrnrnt of the Funds held by Lender. together with the future monthly instalitnents of Fonda payable prier ta
<br />the drat data of taxes, assttemesls, insUratsCe premiums and ground rena, stroll exceed the ataount required to pay said taxes.
<br />aemaiments. insurance prcmituas a~ graumi rents as they fall dtse, such excess shall rte, ae Borrowers option, either
<br />promptly repaid to 8exrovrer of credited to Borrower on rttoathly instalfinenfs of Funds. tf rise atttount of the Funds
<br />hdd by (,ender shall trot tae st{rBcient to pay coxes, astseaunents. irrsurarscc ptxmrutsts and gtourd rents as they fall dtte,
<br />Borrower sha{2 pap to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficieen-y within 36 days 2rom the date notice is mailed
<br />by Leader to Harrower regtmwng payment thereof.
<br />tSptsn payment in full of sit sums secured br rhea Mortgage. l.ert~r shalt promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />bald lay Ltnder. It under paragraph t8 hereof the property is acrid ur the Property is ottSerwise acgwted by Lender, Lender
<br />shalt apply, no iatsr than ienmediatcly prior to the sate u# the Prnptrty or its acquisition by Leader. any Funds held by
<br />Lcotfes a[ the titre of applicatma as a credit agurrnt the sums sectutd ty ihrs .4fortgagt.
<br />3. e[ Pay( finless apphcablt taw provides otherwiu. a!! paYtsunts rectived by Lender under the
<br />Mote 3rd parauaphs t anti 2 hereof shall bt appleed ty Ltnder first m payment of ameunb payable to Lender by Bonower
<br />tttder paragraph ~ hereaL then to sneerest payable on the ('lore, then [n the principal of ttx Note, and then to inttrat and
<br />pnturpal as any Ftnttrc Advances.
<br />d. Cirgr;;es; LBent Borrower shalt pay all texts. assessments atsd other charges. flocs anal ,mpasitions attrabu[ab{e to
<br />the property whxh Wray attain a prwtity over chts !sortgage, and leasehold payrtxnts or ground rents, if any. in the manner
<br />raViefYtii ,w:.i~~. - ++i• 2 t,ermf nr. d not paid m such manner. by Borrower snaktng payment, whtrt due, directly to the
<br />payee thereof. Borrower shat{ promptly furnish to {,ender all nouccs of amounts „k urn: the= pa.~~rnph, and in the event
<br />Borrower shalt crake payrneoi dtreetly, Borrower .hall promptly fumnh to l.tnd€r receipts evrdtncsng stub payments.
<br />)lorrawex shall prompttp discharge any tiro w~hwh hxs pruu,ty over th:s *v4urtgagc: provsdtd, that Borrower shall not Ix
<br />regsnrcd to discharge soy stale lira w lung as Borrower shall agm sn wrat,ng to the payment of the obligation sec,tred ty
<br />such lien in a meaner setxptable to Ltnder. ur steal! in good faith can:eat stub Iota by, er dtfe~sd tnforcxment of such lien in,
<br />iegat proceedings w#tich operate to prevent the enforcement of the i,tn os furfaturt of the Property er any part thereof.
<br />S. ~ tawatote. Borrower shah keen the tmpruvetnents now txaxtang or ncreattcr crtxtts# on rte Property rmvrcd
<br />against Iaas ty fur, hazards inetstdcd w,thsn the t€rm "extended coveragt~~. and steUh i,thtr hazards as tender may rcqurre
<br />amt to srx~ smounta at±d for stub pcrwds as {ender may regwrc; pro+tded. that l.endtr shalt oat requtrc that the amount of
<br />such coverage exceed that amount of coverage rtyu,rtd to pat' errs sums +rcurtd by :tees 4#ongagt.
<br />21st ttutsraatt sower providing the insurance shalt tae chtasen ty Bcunawer sub;ect to appravat by Lender. provided,
<br />that aruft app€ovat shsN nor bt uttreasunatly withheld. All premiums arx insurancr poixaes shalt be peed in the manner
<br />proveded order paragraph 2 htrtxti or. ,f (sat pied io such rrsantser. by Burrower making payment, when due, directly to She
<br />Fn4itrattl^a CBrt'rar.
<br />A.Q irtff+ttanx polseies oral renewals thereat serail t,e to form a~erptablt to Lender and shall ,nclude a standard mortgage
<br />tfatae in favor of and in farm acctpealtle to Letss'~r. Ltndct shah ha<e the rig#Y °~: tx,t~' tt•~ ptaiicits and r€rirwals thereof,
<br />and Hon'owe~ shalt promptly fursnstt m Lcrufcr ail rcvz-,=:af r».t;.ts .^,:t a+.! r>•cerpts of paid premiums. In the event of loss.
<br />---~ a-t, --,;~,° ~ - ~ --~, -- ~ «w- .,,z„rn,~e carnet attd L>:_tsder- isn,ier may snake proof of (ass sf not made promptly
<br />by Harrower.
<br />Unlace Ltnder std 8onowa ottsrrwrse egret an wntsng, ansuraaa:e prcacecds shall tae applied to restoration or repair of
<br />the Pettperty damaged, provided such restaratvm ur rcpvr es ecorwrtxualty tcastWe and the security of the Mortgage is
<br />trot thxrreby impasrrd, if such rtstvtxttun ut repast as nut ecosx*nttr:aily EeasaMt ex if the secUrfty of rhea Aortgage would
<br />be itspaired. the insurrmcs proceeds shall tx applied fo the sums secured by rhea Mortgage, wrth the excess, if any, paid
<br />W Boretrwct. If the Property is abandotfed try Burrower, .~r d Sorrowu testis to rtxpusxd to Lettdtr within 30 days from [tx
<br />date notice is ttsaikd by Ltnder to Borrower chat the enwraoct earner oden to settle a corm for tnssrrattce benefits, Lender
<br />is attt6arimd to calioet acrd apply the emurance proceeds at Ltndrr's option other to rvatora[ioa ur repair of the Property
<br />os 60 1bE tams sttvred ire too Is4ortgitge.
<br />Utter i.^t;du arsi Samtaer ettxrwist treats an vrratisrg, any such aPpliasttissn .sf pr zetds w pntecipaC shalt not extertd
<br />err poatpisae the dos date of the monthtY inatatltrunu rtierrtd tea m paragraphs t assd 2 hetzof or change the amount a[
<br />such imttt{Imanis. Ii ender prragraph :>i hereof test Property is acgtrtrtd by Letsdcr, all right, title and interest of Borrower
<br />ut std to any itssurarw:~ palicaes~ en and to the prrceeds thereof resut!tng from damage to the Pcopeny prior to the salt
<br />or acg3riution shall part ea Ltnder to the utrnt of the sums aex;utui by rhea 'slortgagt ,mmesfiateiy prior to sac:: salt ur
<br />g, theaasaalita sad #YktMrteaateee at Peapettrt t.aasehedde C'asdet~es: ptiasstel Uelt pevada*strata Borrower
<br />shall keep the y ~ good repair and shalt nut commit want ur prrmu tmpatrttsent or deterioration oC the Property
<br />and dull rely wsth the provastoass of any roses of toss Mortgage ,s an a Itasehoid. if this Adattgagt is un a unit in a
<br />q a planned unit devckaprtaent, Borraw~tr shalt pertmu all of Bosnawer's attigataoas urtder the declaration
<br />+~ sNix~Mants creausg or go+nrzmng the cstadar:tinium or planned „r:at devdctpenent. the tx-laws std 'eguiatians ut the
<br />e oe planned unit de"Yalapntent, and constittrtrti dsxurt~nt:- it s cundumirsium or ptanrresl unit cltvektpment
<br />rdYt as exscutad by 8ostasarcr anti m-oratd together wxt}t this ?Aor€gsge, ttm coretsants attd ag;ttatents rf sui: rr~r
<br />t$aU he inoorpttsated rtko std shall anstnst anti suppletrscsx the co+tnants oral agreements of this Mortgage as of the rider
<br />wear a pat htaearf.
<br />7. PlaMS6ai d t.stdaa'a geesellty. ft Borrower fails ro perfcrtn the covrnants and agxeemeab catstaintd in rtes
<br />~x a5r if any acaton eu prn$ as +vmrtrttsrsd whirl( materiaDly affects I.endei s interest in ttu property,
<br />shot iss3 to, esnisseatt m~aia, i :s~tls--F. c_~ ~tatr'rc'etts¢sit. or arr*n$Cnse:t6t tat praeetdings involving a
<br />1 as dnYd~t, stems tsndar at l.smdet's option. upcm natiste ter t3orrowtt, may make sttdt appaatamYS, diaturst stuck
<br />press aed takes stash astiaa as is tta.`esttary' to pttxta;s t.ersder'a aatertst. ,xludingt. but na Eimite:d ter. disbutsetnent of
<br />eatsseteahte atsesl8e~s fan aetd retry apart text Ptapeny to make repstrs. if (~ertrkr required mattgage inswanst as a
<br />of ~ ~ ktan setrtttetl by thiat lrfongage. Horrtager shalt pay (ter prtatiusm rtqusred to tttaintain such
<br />ii?fapfaarCe is 6i t~til a tat rsegttiratesent test stasis itraurtsat~ €trmenates to actii~rdwxc with Bartaow¢t s and
<br />