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<br />~1--001731
<br />Ltttatkr's written agteotneat or applicahk law, Sttrrower shall pay the amount of al! mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided render paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />~ lRny amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shalt become additional
<br />in~6rtetistESS a# )gorrowtr secures( by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment. such
<br />t atrtounta snail be payattie upon not~^r from Ixnder to Bornswrr requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the
<br />T [fire of d6lruraaetent at the rate pnysbte from time to time an outstanding principal tmd€r fire (vote unless payment of
<br />€ i~ at soh ra+s wot_ad bs csmerary to agQlicabk law, in which event such amonnh shaft bear interest at the highest rate
<br />uzukr a~t3icab]r law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to inarr any expense or take
<br />any action hemuader.
<br />!1• ~a fatBee. Lender may auke or carat to be maw ttatonable carries upon and inspections of tha Property, provided
<br />that Lander sha#1 give Bb:rsrwer hurler prior to any shit inspection specifying rsasonat+k cattle therefor related to Lender's
<br />;ntrreu in the PrCPt[ty.
<br />9. taaieadott. The proceeds of any award u claim for damages. direct or consequential, in coanxtion with any
<br />t or other taking of rite Property, or part thereof. or for conveyance in lira of candemnaeian, are hereby assigned
<br />amt shag Ue paid to Leader.
<br />In the went of a total taking of rTx Property, the proceedx shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with tlr caeca:. if any, paid to Horrawrr" In the event of a partial taking at the Property, unless Harrower and Leader
<br />atlterwise agtx in writing, there shall be applied to ehr sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the procetda
<br />et is equal to fhat propnrtiort which the amount of the sums secured by this 1#orrgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />tsicitrg beats to the fair market value of the Prapem immediately prior to the dart of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Horrowft.
<br />If the isroperty is abandonrti by Borrower, err it, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers ro make
<br />an award er sank a claim far damages. Harrower fails to respond to [.ender within ?t) days after the date such notice is
<br />[nailed, lender is aaimd FO cnileef and apply the lNOeeedi. at Leader's option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />~' a zo the senora secured Icy this Mortgage.
<br />Unkts Lenakr and Hornower otherwise agree in writing. any such application of proceeds ro principal shall not extend
<br />of ptretpone the dwe date of the monthly ittstalfinents referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />sttcit iAetatlmrt~t_
<br />I0. Escenctet Nat Rekiaad. Extension of the time far payment or madifkatian of amortization of the sums secured
<br />bt• this Iirongage grarttad by Louder fie any sttcccasar in interest of $orrower chart not operate to release. in any manteer,
<br />the liafsiiity of the arigittai Bor:trweer and fiorrawers successors irs irtterese. (.ender shall not be required to carrtrtrentt
<br />proeeedmgs agaittat such sttccessar rn reftzse to extend time far payment nr aiherwise modify amortization of the stmn
<br />secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand mad[ by the rzrigrnal Harrower and Harrowers successor in interest.
<br />11. Forinrrres ti I.ewtee Net a R'te#cer. Any fart+earance by lender in exercising am right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />ntttenrisz afftntied lsv aypiirabk faw, shall rat he a waisrer of ?r prrclutte tine exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />Tlx prcevrtxnen! of itnuraaoe or the paytnena of taxes or other f:ers rx charges by Lender shall net be a waiver of l.ender'a
<br />ria3tt ao acreferate the maturity of the irrdeMedttcss sacurrd by chic Mortgage.
<br />••lativr • ~rtu±r right or
<br />ii Remits C~tasded-t. 1111 retetedits provrded ~n this 'vivriga6c ate - tr , a,-
<br />reretesly under this Mortgage err aiaorded by law rx equity. and may he cxercrscd~-ancurrrntly • indtpettdenHy,or successively.
<br />i3. Saceessa c~i Raaigw Bdwnt: Isirt sal 5arerai i.i>tbRity: ~ 7'hr :a•.rnana amt agrr_ments herein
<br />ctmtait+ed snail bind and the rights heretrrearr shall inure ta. the respecnve succeswrs and assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />subject to the provisions of paragraph i7 hertwt. Afl covenants and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several.
<br />Ttse capttorts artd htntlings a# the paragraphs •?# this titartgage are for Lnnvenrcnce only and ate not to tx used to
<br />Interpret ~ define the provisions 'ruraxsf.
<br />I!, (storks I3xceQt for any reoticr rtxzuired under applicabor last t.r bt given in souther manner, fa} any notice to
<br />8otrawer provided for in ibis Mortgage shalt he green by mailing such notice by crrtiBed mail addresstd to Borrower at
<br />the Ptoleerty Adttress a at sorb 4Kher address as Harrower may dcstgnate by natirx to [xnclrr as provided herein, and
<br />(bi arty r~txr to Lrttdcr shall he gsvrn hr ctru#kd mail. [cram rerr~pt requested, <o Ixndrt's address stated herein or to
<br />suit c»itar adtltess as bender may drnignatr by notice to 13orrc~n+er as provided herein. Any nonce pturided for in this
<br />Msxsgagt shalt he deerrxd to have hteere green to Bormwer ~*r i_cnder when great[ in •he marettu designated herein.
<br />lS. tla![ertw Mess; Gnaaessrstg I.w+.; Sertrcai9fty. (his farm of mangage catttbitses uniform covenants for national
<br />use aster non-uniform covenants with fimited s°artauans by furtxiretran to constituce a rtnifaren securitysnstrument covering
<br />tt:a! property. 7Ttis Mongztge shall be gavrrrred by the !aw .=t the juxisdictton rn which the Property is fixated. In zhe
<br />evptt th#t any prtrvision a clause of ibis Mortgage ~x the 'store ct>nnicts will[ appircabk law, sw.h cateflict shall hat affect
<br />other provisions taf this MangaEe or the Note wiftch can hr gsvrn ei~rxt without the conflicting provision. and Fo chic
<br />if. laenwse's C~}• Horrowrr shall ewe furnished a :onformecf copy of the Note and of this Mortgage at the time
<br />rf txszcuiism or after rxorthtitsn hertxrf.
<br />iT. 'Tratirtx err tier rRa/eetys Aarrcpoiaw. Ii all err any non of the Pra;teny or an ;merest therein is sold or transferred
<br />by Borrraw€.r witlxwt Lcntkr's prior written ~vaesent. es~ludiatg ia} .he eteattion of a lire or e~umbrance subordinate to
<br />this Mortgage, fb} the creation of a purchase rtn'asey security ,nearest €ar household appliatstxs, (c} a transfer by device,
<br />tkseent err lay operation of law upon the death of a x+tnt tenam ~sr tde tlx grant r>f any lraseltoM intrrcat of thm years or less
<br />met ctt9stainirtg an aptipn to pttrr.iease, i,tmter maY. at i_endtc's ~+tion, declare all the sums stxured by this Mortgage to be
<br />iristtsty drat and paystde. Louder snail base waevmi sash c?~ian to axelerate if, prior ro the sak or tranafrr, Lender
<br />anti iha ptusa: to venom the Properrty is to to sold err transferred resale agreement in writing that the credit of such person
<br />is atiaractoty to Lorttka atsd that the ;merest payable an the sums sa;ured by this Mortgage shalt 6e at such me as Len<ter
<br />ahasl Ii Isnsiet [tn vvaivsd t~ oixia€t to aca#erazr provided is this paragraph l7, and if Borrower's stteceaaor in
<br />interest has executed a written aiort ayrseaaent accepted in writing by Lender, Louder snail release Borrower front all
<br />tanrier ~ easel the ;flora.
<br />Tf Ltmder aACrciACa suds option to a,xxkrate. txttskx shaId malt Borrower notice of actxfention in accordance with
<br />pt3`agragh It ftsreaf. Such notice sttaU provide a ~riod of cwt less than 30 days setae[ the date the notice is~mr'kd within
<br />Res may pay rlea sty drectared due;. f # t3ttrrow~er fails ra gay such sums prior to the expiration of such period,
<br />may, wirtsotx furtAa notice or dtxnand an Bwrower, iavolec any rttmedis permitted by paragraph l8 hereof.
<br />Fitter-Lhstxwetss t'ovatsatrrs. Borrtt+QSr and i.etttkr further cc;srnant and agrce as fallores:
<br />l$. e~ Pfrrice~.s. as ~ Ir para~gi 13 busnr. araw Btgts~'s itt~ei err ~f oeaawawt er
<br />tetRaswar M rib l/iaetpt~ eie eos¢trwb s pay wigs tine ay e~aa trttencat ~ tlta Met1pls,
<br />I+ttecsuz }[:err +w ~ aitaii tataR tsrriics fie ltsasvwrec set g~vttat & paeaRrarlt t3 bsenar ttPsc~iatR: (i) tier iaasteit
<br />~'~ arr~att aatpikri M owas wade ter~aaatet tai a tfM aN tag tiro ~ dsgrs froac cis data tie wetlt~e 1r caw8at to ltarsswer.
<br />itr ytOrtta w~ iaattei sate[ irs tt'asi, cwt isi dwt raiwea ~ nae tool irsas4 an es ttafwtt Nse iota agaCliW lea eba awYee
<br />t t?t~:tnt err $as wt~r aecttaei ## ~ ~ r fig tmi ale ~ uta Pte*asly.
<br />`rite w~Yme ~ rags ;14~et err fir rMl~ is calegotte Baer ~ awl the tight sa alert r* tie rtar+eitetarer
<br />~ at a itrarle oa +~x efisr ddarnt er oertnarar to aecaiar~sts awl rt;ntdpaae: R tie teawd-
<br />Y>aat carol rs er it~tae tier ittiia te)la~dlai iw tie tettdae, t,st~lar at I.ewtar's trtiiaw twwy isolate aR d Me tawia esctunt i1°
<br />plfp itipltr lt- its dws r!-tea ter Itwr~es iwured-oat ~ faecelae lS jwikld Pmactiatilat• Lewtar
<br />>G~ ~ to ktt ati teams eel atat ~ crafts of
<br />ttsl~m~tea„atttMsa~ls irk tea retaeln
<br />ltepllapstRst RiMMt eb MttitMMMls 4 t.ewdar'a a:#mation of the stars sstiureti by this Mortgtt~e,
<br />that( tlfe m tsava any ~ bsyua by i_endrt to oztfartx this MvxtYtt~ diaountittassd at say time
<br />