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<br />,gg~ 00~73:~ <br />LiWtAOmu Covsxesrra. Harrower and [.enter covenant and agree as follows: <br />L Fgse~ at anal Irate. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indditedaesa evidgtood by the Note, pt+epmytteenx sad late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />rot any Future Advances sa:ured bq this Mortgage. <br />r. B~dt fnr'Tmt;s tmi Ito~or. ~tltyeet to applicable law or to a written war+tr by Ixndsr, Borrower sha11 pay <br />to t. tin the day monthly iaatallatents of priceipal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Notc is paid in full, <br />a aiami Ehereitt "Fttttda"} agtnl to ones-twelfth of the yearly taxes arcd assessments which triay attain priority over this <br />-~. sit eti' r ~ tlaa 1-r~--ty. if any, puts o~r-w2lfth of ywerly prerr3um inatallittr~tita far hazard insurancx; <br />p~ a-ts-taalfth cr[ yearly preanirtm irsamllmratts for atongage itasttrattt:e, if any. all as reasonably esmnamd initially and ft~wn <br />tittle to aline by Leader on the basic M asaeasmmta and trilb atxl reasonable intimates thera»£ <br />Y'be Fttndt email be h~ io an institotian ttte deposits or accoanis of which are inaumi of guaranteed by a Federal ttr <br />agtz~y tin,,ludirg Lender if bender is saxh an ieastitution). Leader shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessrtamts, <br />imtrrasea ptamtitmm and ground tents. Letrder may not charge for ro holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account, <br />of vesi€yiag and colr+paliag said aasdtsmeass and bills, unless Leader pays Borrower interest on tlu Funds and applicable law <br />ptsenits i,eader to make stilt a char]!e• Borrower and Lender may agrce in writing at the time of exuvtioa of this <br />bfttrl~age dot interest on tlx Ftmds shall be paid to Borrower, and unteas aleck agreeixaeat is made or applicable law <br />r sash inep+~t to i>e paid, Leader xhall clot rte required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings oa the Ftmds. Leader <br />shall givs fa Harrower, withtwi charge, an annual aetouating of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Ft[nds and the <br />• propose for which each ddtit to the Funds was made. 'Ilee Funds arc pledged as additional security far the soma secured <br />by thle Mortgage. <br />If Ilse aeswunt of the Fonds held by Lender, together wish the future monthly instalments of Funds payable prior to <br />t!x date dates of taxes, assesmenta, iastuance premiums and ground rents, shalt exceed the amoant required zo pay said laid, <br />aaateesments. iteeairaax premiums and ground rents ea they fall due, such excess shat be, at Borrower's option, either <br />pri>sngtfy redid to Borrower ~ credited to Borrower on monthly iastalltnetats of Funds. [f the amount of the Funds <br />hdd by Leader sktdl root be stet>icieat to pay taxes, assessments, insurance prcmitims and ground rents as they fall due, <br />BorrL-ever shell pay w Lender nay amount necessary to make up tl~ uficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by L,tt~r to Borrows requiting payment thereof. <br />Upoai paymrnt in full of all sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower nay Funds <br />heM by Lettdu. If under paragraph ]8 herwt the Property is sold ar she Propem~ is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />shall apply, no later than immediately prior ro the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lrnder, nay Funds held by <br />[.ender ai the tutu of applcation as a credit aguaat the stuns sceured by ibis Afortgage. <br />~- Air sf liamysssfa. Unless appbcable taw providts otherwise, all paynxnts received by !.ender under the <br />Noss arsd paragraphs 1 sad 2 ht:reof ekes!! be applied by [xrtder rust in payment of amounts payable to Leader by Borrower <br />t[uder paragraph 1, Itertxf, then to interest payable nn the Nore, then to the principal of the Note, and then to interest and <br />pnticigal an nay Ftnurn Advances, <br />4. : LIt4s. Harrower shall pay all taxes. assessments and other charges, fines and impositions attributable to <br />the Prts}tetty whleh may attaae a priority aver :his Mortgage, arid leasehold payments or groom! rents, if any, in the tttanner <br />pro.ii+esi iwrucr psra~~t 2 ,K,~;,f ar, if ^.r paid ;r, xwh ?aanc,sr, by titirmwer making oaymeat, whoa due, dtrectty t0 the <br />payee thereof. Borrower shalt promptly futntsit to Linder sli notices of amounts due antler ibis paragraph, and in e.1e event <br />Borrower shall make payrr~at directly. ~r:cx-er shalt {xampt3y furnish to Ixnder receipts evidencing such payments. <br />Barrowtt shall promptly dischatpc any lxri which has pritx€ty ever this Mortgagt, provided, that $orrower shall not 6e <br />squired to diacharga nay such lien sa Iong as Borrower strati ogres in writing to the payment ai the nbtigation secured by <br />such Bert in a taantaer acteptabls ro tinder, oz shall in goad faith contest such lien tiy, ar e4fmd srtaresmena of such tier in, <br />Isar'-t +ags `-!d'_'eh a~rats to ~:Y-.i ttt•, saf:;r~me:ti a; t;r .ir7 nr {or#e;.nrc of Ehe Prsperty cat any part r}tertaf. <br />S. Ilasatd lasstsastee. 13orrowes shalt keep the improvements now existing es hereafter erected an the Prapeny insured <br />against tom by ftte, hazards itxctuded within the term "extendeit coverage". and such other harart~ as Ixitder may require <br />aril is uszli attwuttts anti far such perwds as Lentkr may require; Irovided. that titular attest! not require that the amount of <br />suck tovtra~ exceed that amount of coverage rcqu;red to pay the sums secarcd by ?hzs Mongag-. <br />Ibc imtrraece carrier providing the insurance shot! tx chosen by Borrower subject to approval by Leader. provided. <br />Slut such approval dull oat be uareautaably withheld- AIL pzemtvms on insurance policies shall be paid cat [hc mincer <br />provided under paragraph 2 hsrevf or, zf riot gauf in szxh manner. by 8onower ittakmg payment. when dtx, dzrectk to the <br />lnauraace turr~. <br />AB irtnaraaax policies and rettewa& threof shall be zn Enrol acceptabis to tartlet and shall include a standard mortgage <br />elauia is favor of sad is facto a.ahle u± L€- t~nd~ shat! bare ohs right to bald the policies and rearwals thsreot, <br />amf tgarrovar sleetf prorxeptly fwaislt to Ltttdsr at3 rettewat ttouc°es and :zit :crcrpts of paid premiums. Ia the event nt loss, <br />- - - :. ----- - - ' ..,~' i ....s.r t rn.fer may make prcwi of lass if nut made promptly. <br />by Borrower. <br />U~ 1, a"~l ~rroetr tx,'ss..R-t-~ ag-rs~rrz wntiag. ;rzsvransz pzecccds sltaei be applied to restoration or repair of <br />tree Y datl, p[uvided stxh resitsrauoa a'r repay; ex ecotxorixM:a:ty feaaalr#e a~ the securny of this Mortgage zs <br />trot t6maby impmitsd. If stick restoration ar repau za rant ecorwmually tgscbie ar tf the security of this Mortgags would <br />!x :~¢tred, the ttesutaxe proceeds shall i>e applied to the satin aerated txy this Ma+rtgagc. with the e±.cess. if any, paid <br />to Barrawrr. It rite Proprrty is abusdotxd !-7' forrower, or i? Harrower falls to respaid to Lcadcr within 3U days from tlae <br />Sate notice. is maikt3 by t.etttier to Hitnawsr shat the iruauarxs carrtcr atfera to settle a claim for :nsurance beteeftt, Linder <br />i3 atahnri7aed to txifixY sad apply the insurance proceeds at Leirler~s option eether to resittruwri ar repair of the Property <br />~ m tlae as,ettted by ilea Mortgmgc. <br />Unitas I eis~r sad Barroaer atharwix agree zn wrruag, nay sztth application af' prtxoeda to pnttapai shaft tia estettd <br />or poNpoee the date date of the trwrithty ir:staltttxsists reierretl rn in pmragrap#ea aim 2 itcrmf ar change the amtxim of <br />stele itestrllmt~ts. if under paragraph tit hzraeut tree Property zs acquired by [,ender, alt rigEn, title and interest of Borrtrver <br />to and to nay igsutansa: paiit~a afxd irr sad to the p,-c;:xet}s i~.~_< ??<i.itmg tmm 6artiap~ t„ tlsc Property prior to iht sale <br />or attitica atoll pmts to Leaflet to the extent of the stain szxtued try thn Mortgage zmttudiatsiy prior to such sale or <br />`-- <br />6c. Faun as& Rleittamrsee el Ps~ersy: t,earirtdr, Cami3attdaai~ t tlrY Devdmpr~ Barrawer <br />shell ttsgt thin Isropesty cat ,good repair and slsaU not aianm~t waste or permit itapatrmeni or detaiorati<sa of the Property <br />and s~ cutaply wiW the provision of nay terms zt ibis Mttttgage _. on a feasehotd- U this Mtrrtgags is on a unit in a <br />coRdarniasitira or a plaanad unit. devcls>~taeai, Bwrows7 shall prrfa~rtn alt ci Borrower's abftguions udder the declaration <br />or txxntatz~mts eat agvrxaino t_t+e cctnmium as pl~~:~t oral s.~velapststit tix by-Sawa sad rsgtilations cd the <br />• +x p#aaaesi tmi3 d~eat, atsd csrisuituent locutatnts. It a candoitiinittm ar planned unit ckveiaptnertt <br />ridrr is earcesad by t~ attd rosot~dsd tagstlxr with this tslortgage, the covenants and agtsstaents at such nder <br />ahtaiE hs iaMrsiad into noel shall amend aietf suppleaetrit the trovettattt; sad agrttmcnts of this Mortgage as tf tax rider <br />warn a part itaera[. <br />7• FanossstiHr d I,aedar'a tiecttrlty. If AtigYStw+ar tails iP perform the cavESieats arrzi agreement; cotitaitud in :his <br />ca if fatii ac'tioa car pcocwr is ~~cwttrxmeM1 whtrh materially affects trnder's inttrsst in the P*openy, <br />iia,. Isut attt lisaiaed to, rsniataasR daasaia. iriuilvsncy, trod enfarcemaat, ar arraageascna tx ptitt.•cedittgs involving a <br />hrsltrarp~t a do~mt. than l.pidmr at Leader`s optitm, upon ttotirm to Boratwer, rtiap matte saech appsaratucs. disburse such <br />sash sad taus tvaa3t aetgr as is ttoreasary tza protect I.cttdrtr's interest, attctudiag, but not ttmitsd w, disburaerttsnt at <br />rmatrmta a~etssry°s anal saetxy upwt tits Property tts rna#tt: repairs. If Lender requit~tt tteortgags itaauraaacs as a <br />~ ~ ~ tea by tbjs Atattga{ts, Botrasret xhalt }nay the prcmiuaxc required to raaiatain uich <br />~ s~31 > t~ ~ tlae ai#sm~t fan such ir~+rancc terminates in acxardwu~ with Horaowar's atrf <br />