<br />Lender's written agreameat or applicable taw. Borrower shat? pay t e amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paregraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shad become additional _
<br />indebtedness of Barrawer secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to Mher tortes of payment, such
<br />amounts shag be payable upon notice from Ixnder to $nt'rowtr requesting payment thereof, and shall hear interest from the
<br />dart of disMtr~ment ai the rate payable from time to time an otustandittg principal under the Nott unless payment of .
<br />interest at such tau waald be cantrarp to anolicabie law, in which event such amounts shalt bear interest at the highest tau
<br />ptttttisaiMt tmtkr apglicablt taw. Ntxhing contaitud in this paragraph 7 shalt require I_endu to incur any expense or takt ,
<br />any action htreuAdet.
<br />±F ~, Ixnder stag tnakt ar cause to be made reasonablt entries upon and inspections of the Pmpeny, provides
<br />that f:.tnder-shat! give Borrower notice prior to any stteh inspection specifying teasanabie cause therefor related to [.evder's
<br />intt: tat in the Property.
<br />9. C.oode®tststlsa. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct ar eansegttentiat, in connection witlt say
<br />condemnation or ather taking of the °roperty, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu isf candt:mnatitxs„are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with- the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In Fhe event of a postal taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lentkr
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shah be appiitd to the sums secured by ibis Mortgage such proportion of rht proceeds
<br />as ;s equal to that prapartioa which the amount of the sums secured M• tfiis Martgagt Cmmediattly prior to the dau of
<br />taking bears to the fair market vaitte of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />pant to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is a6atsdaned by Harrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the cotfdttnnar atltrs to mtdce
<br />an award ar settle a claim for damages. Harrower faits to respond to lender within iLt days after flu cafe stall sorter is
<br />mailed. Lendtr is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option. tither to restoration ar repair of t!u
<br />Property or to the sums secttrcd by this Mongage.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in :writing, any such apphcaiion aF proceeds to principal zhait trot ettettd
<br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred Ea in paragraphs ? and '_ hereof err change the amount of
<br />such instalittunts.
<br />f9. Borrower Not fteieaaid. Extension of the [ime far payment ar madi5catian of amenizatxm of the toms scented
<br />by this Mortgage peeled by Ixnder to any successor in interest of Harrower shalt not ogtrate to rtkase. in any mantttr.
<br />tt~ TiabiGty of the ori¢ina] Borrower atsd Borrowers xucces_~rs in interest- Lender <hatl gat he required tr, ctnnttuttce
<br />proceedings against such successor ar refuse to extend time far payment ar athcrwi:,e mc+difv amartizstian of the soma
<br />stCURd by this Mortgage by reason c+[ any demand made by the original Borrnwtr and Barrewer's suc'essars in interest.
<br />il. FrKfsrsrucc ~ feAder iv:At a Waiver. Any fartsearance by Lender in extrcisng am• right t,r rrtmdt• htrtnndtr. ar
<br />rnhtrwist aBarded by applicabic taw, shalt not tx a wain°er of or preclude the eeercise ^f .:nv ,xb right or remedy,
<br />The procurement of insurance ar the payment of taxes rv other hens ar ~harttes by Tender chaii not he .. uaiser of Txndtr's
<br />right to accelerate the maturity at the indebtedness secured by chi. Martgalte-
<br />12. ReAttdita CtAAAlaNre. Atl remedizs prot:ded in chi. Marcgagc art :!istinct anti .;;mutative rr any t+tixr rigirt or
<br />..n`-.iy ;an•i••r th;s Mnn¢age ar worded by !aw cxr equity.:-end mat' ix exerriced ~oncurrrr. t?+. ndependentiy „r succtssiveh'.
<br />~I3. Srccessoes aAd Assigns Bantu Joint aAd Several t talttlity: i. aptivns. i nc .€•+e • ;-_.', r, _ .rs tY.srn
<br />captained shat i;ind, and the rights hereunder shall inure so, ie espect~ e sesCCrss.src ased asst, r • I ender nd Borrower.
<br />utbjt:ct to th-_ provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. Ali covenants and ;s2,eements =st FSarmwer sari 3=e i nt .:ad <tveral.
<br />11x captions and headings of the paragraphs rf this Mangage are k+r cvnvemence on}r ,end arc not rt~ he ased to
<br />~nitrprtt or dt$ne list provisions hereof. ,
<br />td. oi®tkr. Except for any notice required under appiicabEe law sn to E:s•rn :z another manner..as any entice so
<br />Harnower arovsded for m this Mangage shah hr fitven F.y massing •,rsch ~,cocc ^E :zrttFtd mss' addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Address ar at such exher address as $cxmwer may designate ^y notice to i entire as provided htt-5r n, and
<br />(is} any notice to Lender shad h~t gts'er. by srtttted mail, return rc.rspt regtxstrd_ *.? tender's address stated hercsn €sr to
<br />such other address as Lender t,.ay desienaic by notice t-• Basrn:a-~rr as provsdtd ?~cresn ~1ns- notice pmvsdcd set :n this
<br />Mangage shah he domed to have hero xiven to Borrower nr i ender ••hen 2~tcn in the manse: c?tsignated herein.
<br />t5. Ut:~atvA Nor~gtt GsreaaiAg Isw: Sevcrabilit}'. ;~t;i, ,= rm €,€ morteaer aom.hines .:nsform c.•crnants f=±r nattana?
<br />use and non-uniform rnvenants with limited s~arsauenz by ;.r:ad;cu:sn t,. .aissutute a ssnifarm ,ecuru:~ instnsment covering
<br />teat praptrty. This Mangage sisaC? to gnvrrned kv he :a•a~ r ~ne gun it t rn :^ -.hrch the propene :~ fixated. In she
<br />cuter that any pravistan ar clause of tltts 'vlangage .-r .ne ti =c ~ ngiets sth apps aisle taw- .uch canfltct .haCl eat a8ett
<br />ochre provisions of this Mortgage ar the ticatc w F aan h r -'' ,^- '' <a*.rt' .sng ^ravician, to this
<br />end the prortstons t ht'tlartgagt and the '`:rite rc 'crated h~ tartans
<br />I5. Hotrower's Copy. 3orrower sha?i t.r rum .bed a . nto,..sed •rp . , he \r ,r asst chi g t!me
<br />~.o- rsi.
<br />I7 'Ita~tr of fill PI'opeFty; AssAtnpfioA. It a?i or am 'ir :•t the Pmpert: «s un to 16^~sr or iron a +~~
<br />by Borrower without Lenders pear wrinen consent. excludtne +a, the .reauon „} ,i ranee selxsrainate to
<br />this Mongsge, tis! the creation of a purchase money securin~ interest f,+r '+ousehaid a 'flat's. ±c. a transfer ht de:isc.
<br />descrnt ar by aperatlon of law upon the death of a jemt tcnam €sr
<br />L.rndtr may. at I ender s c•ptian. decinrr ,s?I the Sums sacured M= this Mortgage to be
<br />immtdiaieiy due and payable. Tinder shall base waived asset. option s:~ accelera[e ~t, prior n> the sale :'r transfer. C eerier
<br />and the I•tisan to whom the Praptrty ss to ise Bald .+r transferred :'each .siretmant ;n +=~ru:ng that ?'!c €:redn of such peruse
<br />is satisfactory to Ixnder and that the interest payable an the sums secured T+v this Mangage shalt !+e at such rate as Tender
<br />s~aii i.q€test. if Lendtr has waived rate option to aueierzte provided :r, this naragrpphs I?- rid it Borrower's successor in
<br />inurest has executed a wrtun assumption agrremen[ accepted in u citing by Tender. Linder shall release. Hnrmwer Tram sit
<br />aG!sgation.s under this Mortgage and thx Note.
<br />if Ltstder exercises such option to acv-elerate. Tender .hat! mat? RanawFr ed•tice ,af acce?erauon sn accordance with
<br />paragraph id htrzcf. Stich .^,aucc s=.^.aI! p vide- a ;•erinai of not ;rss than ?0 days in=m the dart the notice is mailed ss•ithin
<br />which Barmwtr mat ^ay~ the st+ms dtc a cd deco- if Berro°.arr ai . ± ;+at . a ~h c;ims arer to the expirauon of ai:cts period.
<br />Lendtr tnay. without further notice or akmand ern Borrower. svak .:n, emedies prrmsued i.. paragraph i~ hereof.
<br />;Ytxa-llfvttoatw C:<>ve!v,v~ts. Harroaer and Ixn~r .'unhtr covenant ;end agree as ia;iows:
<br />I>i. Accts RetAeiks. FaK~ ,sps~oyr,;,d~~;A pragb 17 tureot', ttpoA BorrovvEric txtarh nt aAy COVtAAAt Or
<br />9f f1AirOMQi[ iA Wit MQr{$~t. IACa~ is t~ COYFnGRt6 r41 ~9Y ~ittA SAC aAy 56AK fiFCtlild i!V t~IS ~Or1~>~.F,
<br />Lector ~r t0 atCl~fMB SYiY taaB At)li[t t9 SBrrOwtr[ ~ prACit}[d iA paragrapk Id IIeYFOf SpeClfj'~: (I) tltt htlKht
<br />(~}.t~II-aCi~ f!-~C CR7 iK'it atlii ~Jl a ~Yttr tIBE iESb tlEf.A ~ EI4~4 fr@A7 the daft chi' ttHtl£S 1.1 AlAflld t0 ~ArrOw~FT.
<br />fy.F/iieA Sfrtlt ~ bs cortat Iapl I41 ttiM tl~AR to CtrR tatCla breaC6 tpt W berate tE1C thdt stoeeir;ead iA the AOdCF
<br />tatty TtriY Li ~ ttI ilia tAtftltr sec"fts's'd bg ~ ~• fit bg jtsdieiad itroiAg t~ arch ~ (ht pmptssY,
<br />"lf~ta Av~taaltati{ ftaiMr 4tfOrAS ll~rre+r=F d Nle ri[itt f0 scias~e~ allsr acrtlFrr=rllftrA s~~ 4~ righs to tmrer[ iA the fortclASxrt
<br />-a-tftfaM nr ury-otter-ttrfere Af Berroats' to auxse4tr>snisn awl ftstrelttsttrt. If the breach
<br />T~~ tt eA ~ tbts tiAie.t~seltetf-iA tAz At:titc. Lt:ader at isadet?tt .~tiAA vary dtFtttze ~ of ire staAa sFCVrtd by
<br />Whit IMtate to be WAne+ii/felg ttte teAd iAf~M wBteAt trotter eta sad mA.v ftaeeleae by cittl pttettt~IUtt• [.eAdee
<br />slsfil ire erflt~t tai cdisrt trrrttcA prartaditt ~ txlteeewt ttI Itxeclvsare, iAtfAd~, bw iittsBed to spa of ttsrAtAea3avy
<br />tirlirtrte. attpsttria rtssi tlYtt ttpottfs.
<br />I;~ lilsttrsra~a._fe RAF. tintwithstaAdsng Tetsdcr•v accekra[tan of the sums sn:utrd h} this lNortgagt.
<br />resat sl`dsli ham tilt risitt eta have any practtdings C~gtm by i ~ndtr en enforce lists its+ngage Jisrontsrtued ;,t an} tsmt•
<br />