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~ ~r~,r'Y ~tt~ t2ec~~dr..c~. ~ t : ' <br />$i--001711 • . <br />U~M Coverraxrs. Borrower and l.ttttkr covenant alai agf'te as follows: <br />f. F4gmeet of and lnfercYl. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and inttrtst on the 3- <br />iadel#edr~ea Evittett~d by the Mott, prepagstunt and tare charges as provided in the Note, and tht principSl of and in±egret <br />vn any Future Advances sexvted by this Mortgage. <br />~. ;P fa¢ ?'nine and [aec. Subject to apphcablt faro or zo a w•rstftn waiver by tender, Botrrrarer shall pay <br />to I.tnder on the day rntuuhlq instaltmet;ta of prittcipat and intertsf are payat>tt antler the (stole, unlit the Notr-is-paid in fu11, <br />a sum £htr~~in "Ftitt~"1 (goal to mst-tu•;#ftlt of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Rfntt. and grotntd rents on the fhvperfy, 6f any. plus cmt-teveff€h ssf yearly pretnittm installmanis for fiarard it~tuance, <br />~~~ o! ;~r!q ~ r,;.~ -~a4t~:,~- f:~r ::~t$s~ i;~ttra~,=, i,° ate. at# as rt~:a~f ~t natx d i,~it[ia!!y and frcnti <br />nine to €irnt tsy fir on the psis of a'ntaametits attt#-trills and teasanahte estimates ttsereo#: <br />The Ftatda shalt be held in an irotituiion eht tiatposits or accounts of which art insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />(late agency firttluding Lender rf l.ttxter is such an institution i. ixnt~r shalt apply the Ftitttis to pay said taxes; itsseastuents, <br />?~ prtaitium. aid gratmd rertY. Lrtder map net r~ far as ttaiding and aPtdying the Fttatfs, ang said atxoutrt, <br />or verifying aid armpitiog said assezsrnettts and bills, unless lender pays Burrower snteresl oil the-Funds amt- applicable law- <br />ptntttits Lades to make stxtt a chat-ge- Btmotvtr and Lender-may agree in wriring at the tithe of extcutson of this <br />itartga~¢ rttat irsttsest cut the Ftatds-shat( be paid to t3arrtnver, and unless such agreement u made yr applicable law <br />rcquirts snch interCSS to be paid, f.eader shall rtat ire required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on tlu-.Ftmds. Lender <br />shtdl gist to Borrower, without charge. an annual accounting of the Fends showing .credits aitd debits to the Futtds aid the <br />puspese fix wttsch raft debit tr tfx Funds wan :ra+k. 'flu Funds are pfidged ~ addttinrtai sestaity for (tie swtu. secured - - - <br />try this Mon,®t>ye. - - <br />tf the ataattat of (lee PtmtU het b5' Lender, together with the tuture monthly instalimtnts of Funds pagablt prior to <br />the dtte data of raze, asstsstttants, itmuranre premitmu and grated rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay said tuts. <br />ass~wernts, tiat~aaa prtmituns atd gmund rents as they. (ail dtee. such eu-ess shall bs, ai Bnrrower's option. either <br />ptcmtptir repaid to Ba^rosvtr or credsted w Hormxver a+n mcmthiy instalimenrs of Funds- if the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lctadtr shall trot be sttfficieni to pay taxex..=~;_m-.nts. tn:atrance premttmts and gmuxiti rents as they fall dot, <br />Beurwvtr shalt pay to Letder any amotin: nertssan to rnatt up the dtti,:ttncy within 3D days from the date notice is mailed <br />hY Lr io Btarraartr requesting paytrxttt the€eaf <br />Uptm payttgm m tali of all sump secured by this .llon¢age. {.ettdtr shat! pratnptiy refund to itorrowtr any Funds <br />held try Lender. if order paragraph #R hereot tit Fropertp- as .old err atrr Protrtrt} is otherwiu acautred by Lender. Lender - <br />shatl apply, rw Fatrr stun imttsedisuFy prior to the gate et ttte prc*{reRy or its acquisition by Lender, aay Funds held by <br />Linder at the (zinc of aypiicanan as a credit agaans[ the sums sutn'td try this tiottgage. <br />3. of Pa1'nne~. Unttss appFtcabie taw prrvadrs attaerwre. ati payments r-ceived by Iwntfer under the <br />'.dote ~$ paragraphs ;and 2 ht:ea! shall ht applied by t ender }first :n Favme.^.s .~t ainnunts payable to Linder by Harrower - <br />unikr garalyrapie : ttctttvf. then to tnttrrst payabit :>r. rhr '~atc. ;hen *r the pnncspai of the !>=nta and thrn ro intertsi amt <br />prtoeipat un any Future Advance. <br />8. Cwt [ Btsittaver shaFi paY is to{e;..:ssr:a+rraents .=nd :thrr ~hasgc-s. lints :.nrF impositions attributable io - <br />tttt properly which may auain a pnorrty tsvu that ~lottgagr. and keasthcrsd pay~me.~its ax ground reins. if any. in the manner <br />pravieled untie? palagrspn s ntrtot ar, t not paasi ,n stun manner. t,p iicar:.- _- -,,it,~:g pa --a, aa>.a .:z"'-'tlj ., ttte <br />paytx ihtteof. Borrower stisF: ptotnptip+ tarnish €a i_ect#er a!1 nottccs c>t amounts .#uc unticrrthis paragraph, and in the,eveat <br />8trtrv+at s,taai, rnafie pap€uctit u,rut., ffa;rr„--.- ,hall ~,:~-- . ........... .. LCnil^._ ,_..tipt re;denctnt each ayments. <br />Btrrrowet shall ptamptlp datcltargc env :ern ~~nre.h has ,^-nonty ~.}.~e: •rhts~'Nartgage; p:ovttttd~ that Sormw~r shall not be <br />ragtupttt t;r dtasitarAe any Stith shn ~+ #nn; .u fiV;rawt`: s,'^,aii aarre ::c ::r:t,ng t iht Isaymem of the ,:biigation secured h}° <br />str`h Eon rn . manrur acceptable =n (.raster, ..r ~,hati :a tttx.xt tntth .antc"4 suti:t #ren hv. e,r ~efrnd eatorrment n€ such Tien in, <br />teens prt'xc~dtetgs wbieh citrate ti prevtai the L-atarcentcat oP the i;cn :.r tarteaturr .: ~+st Property <, r any part ihtrtvf. <br />`. :`ar:s~o :~~{. a°,.-.irr.; -.tail :.~ the :rnpra~.ernaTtt -a... :tr -- ~ateer zrrc[ed ar ihz ;'rope;:" :nurt:d <br />~ttst ;c'~ hp~ art, hx7ards srtcEus~il s+rzhtn the error i~>rencfe,i ~r4cragr a::c~ >;a.ha.~iher hazards .rs i.errtirr map' reyture <br />:amt rn s?ts:h attw;inta ants for sutlr ;~ruxfs as F rndcr t?::,s res:usre. „< kedes3, ':?at frn.,3er seta#i hat rryu,rc that the amount at <br />sraCh toaarrage eat-del: :hat aitv:+tint .d ~.=~rradc ,sy;.;:rrit t.' rss; tssr ,eertts .xc.:,red i- ;ht> .startgagt- <br />Tlte rttRtiratesz .:arrttr pttsvatrng .tee :asutante shasF '.x .hxrs:ra bt i3arrrr:ser s[:t;,Feit tsr approval by i_trder, pravtddi. <br />that such ayrprava! shall not i7e unreasanabiy .vuhttext Ast F,rr: mtums <+n muratxe paitnes than P?e paid .re the manner <br />provxkd uitt#tr paragraph Z [tetrvs# sr. ~ nx pate to ,us;h manrxr. iri ~rrnr,+sa nnai:r~~g paymut?, whtn due. directly so the <br />tnwrartct :.axrtst. <br />X11 iteatiranix tvslitit5 anti tCAtw;yis therect shah !~ en tvmf ~.,ettrrhte to I-r.-:et .;rsd 5hasfi :ndude a +tandard msrrtgagt <br />eiaxsae :n fever of anxt to inrm at.ce{uat;~ tct F,xrsdt; - F cai}sr Khali t!:e rrgh ~t.: r:c,td lac pustetes and rrnrwn!s rhtrearf, <br />and Harrower ,hat. prvmpisy furtvah to l.rnacr ail reartwal rrtt,~cs a,.u ail rra:espts :-! }said ^rtrrtnarns fn the rsem sat loss. - <br />?tr~...,r-~ .hunt s.x~r ~rsn:m ~r~:er s:> :~« .,,..,:.. a,: .- . _.r.:w. ~:1i t .•:,.sr: t ~::<ti.; r.:at :, or,R:l at {ass :t ^ot rz,ade Frvn:ptl4' - - <br />by Horrc'~wt€ r - <br />lraiep t.,trtekr and t3ortowzr egret to nt:teng, ~nsvrara.e i-r:x:ecds sttasi ra: applied to restoration or repay ,rf . <br />LIY. °rx-s-;*s r;,.v.cti ;.:~:t; Fs€;ratx;s >t r«a,r ~,..-. -.. , ~.rsiv tra3e~~ asd thx r:•asety a,. -n:3 Mortgage :~ - <br />ttot ihextby° itnpartttl. !f Stith resirsratx?r. tst rzpsrt as n.=t <..:::k o:_jvF:E trz+,bie ,. ~t *,he secu:;ty a-t thn •tfcrtgage would <br />he taapaus9t, the tnaurrttct r:rcasei> steal; to dpgdaed t, .,.e au[rs ><:i„ra.t hs_ tht>ahl~sttgagc. ~aath the retest, if any, paid <br />to Borrower li the Pr~rtp ~ aeatxlin~ted ~~ i3.-rr~et, ~.~r ,t ~=rr~er Paris :.+ respond to 't_emk r withrt: 3U daps fcnm the -- <br />:.late rrotaa~ ss maiitai t'+Y L.exnltr tv i3orrt}K-er ::rc :s-a:a:aa~r ~~:rrstr :_,.i[t !_-settle ,, ~la,.•n tar :nsuran.:e henrfiES, l.,e,^,der - <br />tn att#~atiucf tee ctr!#eat arui apply u4e ansu~a:e prca,eads ar sXrr+.ier s <, :eri rrter za re3taranort o, repair of the Property - <br />ar ta (tin atxsts secured by lists htortgsgc_ <br />tsnitas l,eada and Borgowtr arthegwi=w agtc> :n a-rsting. shy *vrt, ap{rittatiore :,f or.~rcds t f:ritictpa4 shall not ex [end <br />err pastptxx rite due date uY the ntrii[tsty~ instaltmeat> retry: s:d ;. ,.- a; agraptrs .,nd ". iaerr:atr <nr titisngt she amount n•, <br />such imsu!lnrants_ It isnsi¢r pr~ag€aph !~'>uatvE tix Fn.pest+ ~~ awyu,e r.; ny tender. s}i nght, lurk ancf anatrCbi of ftorrowcr <br />.n ::~ :.. :~:~t°~ +r~ i ,.._ ___ _- twee,- - : _ . -- _ -..rage ,,, tttr pn>perty ort„r to ~rtc .ale <br />or ;n.t}iitsiiet>it slutI pass to i.ent#tt ta, tilt zateatt r,! cifeJ,urrt. ,cturr.i ' . ihuT.'di•rtg:tgc .:nustdeauis prxu t,< ,urh sale „r <br />Ba F~aaRt+aflOSi std ~ sat Pr~er3y; i.easeAstdat t l4~asd i;tpt Eitsrlat`aeats. slorrewcr <br />s1u11 (tB~i [l€r i'reryerty its gs'ra}d rt~tair grid shal3 r st cammt€ •.;nst~ ar Frertnu rmpaeament yr dtterioeatism of ittt Prnperty <br />and slbta' csxttply u~tttt the prstvisutas et an>~ lease +f the Stcsrie ss =>n a #~aacelsu#d, !t this ~ongegn is an a anit :n a <br />ttindtieaiitiuni x a plaatisd atilt cf€vcj,epttteat, Bon''? shalt pet~l:srnr .... r+l Borrosxer s .,bhgattons under the dectasauon <br />cvr c{pasnsuiis :ttrt3tsug tat grsvtrnutg (tit ..?<}drtn>.-ttunx .,t t~{snazu :~.. , ~rwekspttacnt, t#-.r• by-faros and regula[ixurs s,f the <br />Lnr piths. tins deyrhaprttent, xnd ~uaui[ucni dus:.uments. ii - ;crndcrntntum ~u planned -(,nit Jeveiepment <br />r kat ~ by ltsxlt[rxer lEtnl rta~arsltd ttrge#her w-ttt ihts hf+xgtga~, the Ct:s'enant3 ,led agrttttterus crt :rich ndrt <br />std tss-t - - irk era! snail aatend aid tsysiertsa;ni the cuvcn:utis and agreementa of tins h4tsrigar~t as rt itte ttiter <br />tit a p+lrr lsuttgi. <br />'f; tRleiattlitgt ad. Y~taiatx'a- ~. It ~rtnwer fad t€? paritzxtn tits uevenartts an+i agrecmcnta 1trtF2aiitC'it rtz thi> <br />li~tP, cat if utY axt:~ ~ rs cam;; alth h tn,3ttsiailY ~~ta t r,,.ter : a trrt~*t itt ?lie pmptnv. <br />; ltm rwd latnitsd its, rntnt rtixtnatin, rt!sai~y. a:idx enfvxcerrttmt; a;t rrrange€iautts s*r ltrta6t~dirsgs involving a <br />ert,ai'irti~±~ ~; Ski l.atidar at Lea'a tyuioxs> Ryan etxtttx ac ttorrnuvs:r~ rrwy raaltu sziw-h apptaranc~- dtshurst su.h <br />sterol aiad take web r~t~ri as i3 ~c~ to pre-tlat f.ender't iretsrest, :eta-kxtirtg, inn Herr iittnard in, disbtrniemettt c.f <br />ms's late a ~ ~ tlMe tart~e€fg to rtta-c re#eaus_ if 4 egcicr r~srirtd mgt #sssurau4e as :r <br />a+f ttYS - r~.uaod- tttls lk4ort$aga. 8e~t°avtr .lit- mty zt~ pttuars r~guirtd ta, mauuain such <br />anoa bt rte attest €us# t as tlta rsquirssaetst for sisrlt sttarusrtx :trtrtirsatrx ,r. a::axagdarttt w,Lh Berrtmscr`s attd <br />