~° O~i~29~ 7C2-t2t?Curzle~
<br />~T-[}~ 1709
<br />4. Csedemaatiap. The pr+xaeds of any award or claim for damages, dirrct or constyuential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or pan thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />atxi shalt be paid to Letxler.
<br />In the event of a tote! [rk}og of the Property, tlae proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trttst,
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a portal taking itf the Property, unless Barrowtr and Lender
<br />tMlkrwise agree in wr}king, there steal} ire applied to the sums secured by this Deed o[ Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is ual to that proptstttan which the srrwunt of else wrres secured by this Deed a€ Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />taicitsa bean to t8e fair market vaftst of elk Property irmnestiateky prior to rho date of taking, with the baianer: of the ptot~eds
<br />paw to Bottowee. ,
<br />[: file Proptrr~ is abandoned by 6lorrowcr, or if, otter notice by Lrnnder to Borrower that the condemnor offer to ttoake
<br />sn award or settle a cretin for damages. Borrower rates to rapand [o Lender within 30 days after rho [late st~h antics is
<br />, Lender is authorized to rdkct and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to resdorafiOp or ttt:~ir of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by ibis Dud of Tetut.
<br />Uakst Lender and Bnrrnwu otherwise agrts to writiwg, any sack appktcatian of proceeds to principal shall trot extend
<br />ar pork the dos date of the rnomhly inatallrrkn[s referred ro to paragraphs i and 2 herewf or change the atrroutu of
<br />tassaltrtknts.
<br />1+. Bartosrer Nor Rdetrcd. Extrnston of the nine far payment nr modification of amoniztttion of the sums s«ured
<br />by rhea Dted ~ Trtst greeted by 1-ender to any sttcceswr in tnteresr of Burrower shall not operate to release, in any mapnu,
<br />t1k liability of the tx+;inal Borrower and Borrows! i strcecssor in iniuest. tender shat! no[ be required In commend
<br />procerdittgs agaimt such serccsssor or reftde to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Clad of Trust by reason of any denutnd made by elk ongtnak Barrowu and Borrawei's successor in interest.
<br />f 1. Keriatrapce by leader Nat a W~vtr. Any farbearatece by Lender in exercising any right ar rctrsedy hereunder, or
<br />Wksertvise afforded by appticabk law, setae} tiro he a +y3ivu of err preclude the ezetcise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The procurernmt of insurance or rtes paytmn[ of taxes.nr'ntper keens or char by Lender shag not be a weever of Letsdu's
<br />tight to accelerate the maturity of the tr+debtcdrrtsx secursd'by this Dttd of Trust.
<br />IZ Ratttiits Crrtpdatirr. Alt remedies providet•}n; [his Deed of Trvsf arc distinct and cumutativt to any ether right
<br />w ranedy under this Cited of Trust or afforded by ia}y or tyuity, and may f,e rxercised concurrrndy, independendy err
<br />strcceastrtly. ! : .
<br />13. 5wteteasars and Aawgras Sea~f; Jt~t atsd Sereraf Lia6dlty; taptio~. The covenants and agretmenu Fterein
<br />contaiped shake t+irrd, and the rights lterttmdu shall inure to, the res}xcnvr succcssurs and assigns of Crnder and Borrower,
<br />sxb}tet w rise provisions of paragraph 17 hereof A}i covenants and agrrernems of Borrower steal} 6e joint and several.
<br />Tht captions and hpdings of the paragraphs of th+s Decd s:f Trust are for cunventence +mty and ors not io bt rued to
<br />rtttetptet or define t6te provuroas• hexeaf.
<br />11. NWke. Except for any ttottee rrgwretf under appltcahlr taw to ter gtvrn to another manner, fai any~natict to
<br />IRwrower provided for in shin D«.f of '.`rust shall tx given by madeng retch nattcc by cenified atoll addressed to Borrower al
<br />tht Proputy Addrras w at suck[ other address as Barnrsrer may destgtrate by notice to Leader as piovidtd herein, and
<br />tbk any notice to Lender shell be grvrn 6y crn+tted trait, ruurn recaps requested, to Lender's address stated herdn or to
<br />such o[ber address as Letdsr troy designate by nottec to Borrower as provided heron. Any nand provided for in this
<br />Drxd of Trtni shaft be dKrrnd ra hiVt `users given io Borrower or l.cnder when given in elrc manr~r tksigrtat~ herein.
<br />15. Utoifxm Deed d Trap; C,oreraiag lawi Sertepabilily. 71sss Corm of deed of trust cambitres uniform covenants for
<br />rsatraltak tree and ntu+-tmttotsn corertants orate limited vananons by }tutstitctton to constitute a uniform s«uri[y instrument
<br />covuipg rte} ptaprny_ Thu Deed of Trtast shall be gaver+srd by rtes taw of she {urtsdrctron in which the Property is located.
<br />!s t>w scent that any r:.nr~.,-V :^: cEa~ of this rarer .,r Tr_t „r ,Ile ~n}atr cu++fLcts week noplicabts }aw, such conflict sk..tll
<br />tort affect other k}~~ovtsions of thrs Decd of Trust err the •i+lote which cap ter gtvrn eff«t without the conflicting provisio„
<br />aid its thu ems the praviswns of the [ke4 of Trust and the tints ate tf«fared to be severable.
<br />If. YartrwH'e Copy. tkurrower ,hat.uc fu€ntsfted a coni„rmed mpy of :hr *tote aced tit this bred of Trust at the titter
<br />of execution or afkr r«ordacton hereof
<br />17. Ttattatu of tie ho'etly; Ampmptlae. If all sir any part of the Prgpcrty or an interest therein is sold or transferred
<br />by Bwrowu wrttto+st }coders prior wntters consent, uciudtng tat the Crtatn.n of a lien sir encumbrance subordinate to
<br />thin Deed of Trust, f bl [be creation of a purchase nwntp s«urny interest fur ku,use}totd appi,arteCs, {cj a transfer 6y deviu,
<br />eiesctas or ty operation of law upon the dexth of a rotor retrain sir
<br />Leader may, :tt 1. sntlsr a ar~tion, t~k~re sit t'k -_:tats w •rtd by this Dssd a Trtst to bo
<br />imtrxdiately t~rre and payable. Letder sltakt have waived vtrc4 option ro accclcrau tf, prior ra the sale nr transfer, Lentler
<br />acrd rkk person to whtrm the Properly is to he w}d of transferred reach agrtctnent ,n wetting !bat the credit of xuch person
<br />n satisfactrsry w Letxlsr and t:,at the interest payable on the sums av~:ured by this Deed of :Trust shall tx at such rate as
<br />Ltnekr sha}i reyttest. kf Lrrrt~r has waved tree option +u accc}ttate pros Wtd to this paragraph i ~, aced if Borrower i successor
<br />rn iuterat etas tx«uted a wrdu» assumptron agrrcmcnt accepted u, wrung by Lender, Lender shat! release Borrower from
<br />a!I obkigaitotu under this Decd of Trust and the Note.
<br />!f Letsder exucties xuch option to accekerate. Lender shall ntaiF burr.+wer iWtice tit aceckntion m accordance week
<br />paragraph k4 hereof. Such rasuu shalt provtafr a peraxl tit nut Ira, than ,v days from the dart the notur is matter wuhin
<br />which Borrawa may pay [hc stuns tfulartx! due. !1 Borrower tarts to pay .tick sums poor to the expiration of such peritxt,
<br />ixr~er may, wethaui farther riotrce sir demand tin Borrawrr, ,nv.,a;e any- rrniedtrs permuted by paragraph } 8 hereof.
<br />t';taN-UNlFpaM t,~Urf NANIS Borrower and Lender [unhtr ivvenant ors:! agree as loltaws:
<br />if6. fErreksraFk+s; lleaetdets. fsss~ r prors`~3 k parsrZrpPb I' hereof, upaa Cerrower's breath of oy roretuml a
<br />tr}}xeetaeat ai Borrower is ibis Deed at Trtisl, }pcMtdirrg the rwraawrs to pay when Otte any retina eee~rr6 by tits Decd
<br />al Trap, Leader prior to areelersliop stttall ttwii aolire to Dorrewm r pre.tded fa pitragtaPlt I• haaal
<br />specttyiag: (1- the
<br />hreacii t2y 4t asciop recd is tact ~~ [ssnrb; tJk a dpe, ~ less rhea ~ days tram tie Ode tie notice i taaikd to
<br />iarrasrer, by srklt- spei breocb meet be rtpsd: nd (4k slat Eadaxe to cart retch breacb rsa or before she ilah epeei6td
<br />bs Ile ttaNre pry' tastdt ro accv:leraliea trt tie same seawed by tit6 lked of Trent tsarl sale of lit Properly. The notice
<br />+btt9 laplser ipterpt 6orrawn at tie right W rcitalale attp accekraUoa awd tie rigs to 6rirrg a toter tictfrw to assert
<br />t/ra ttapeaixeata rrt a rklmit w any o1Mer decease of Oorrower to arcHerNkoo trod sake. It the breach io trot cored
<br />op rte bAett tit Oast sPeeYied h tea entries, Leader p Letder's tspleotr may declare a8 aF tlst tarps secured by lhia Deed
<br />ad Tru®t la be i+temeditNeiy doe teed payaNe w$iaal trAier dammed tud teeny taroks cis power ~ salt aced ay slice remedies
<br />pa*pajllcd by aPpfleable law. Ixpder saw be eatined w raBect +d! reasaeable tech sad exPepses iacarrsd k pweaiag tie
<br />rsmadlea prrwitW fie 6hitt pasattrapi Ig, irchrdipg, boa uol hpeiteA to, rcawpaik ptoraey's tem.
<br />!~ Hk pester sf sale 6 iprctkied. 7'rtsslee staff record • notice !.t detarrit is sari eoaaty is wldch the Prryrerty err sorest
<br />Pecs tiYereai is rotated tree siadl mm"I aropfts at sari teslke is tie manacr Presceibed by aPpkettftis Iasr to 6wrower apd !o lie
<br />stir Perseas Prezerilted by applicttbie taw. Ahm rite lapse of such fitrae err mar be rgrdred by appNcabk law. Tr~txe sia8
<br />}pvc Ptebtie aeNce s>! s+dt [a tie persauts sad is the araawrr prexrtbed by apptiriede few. Trastee, witltoot demand op
<br />giaerawcr, siwY i~ tit Pr+sPsrtT p prtDlir eacliaa as tie tsigkrrsr iiddsr p the brae and Place atsd reader the terau tfesigtuted
<br />k lit trestles d sWe h wer or raert Pmsek apd 'era sock ardor r Trrwtet may determine. Trppet may poppaar sale d aN
<br />err spy Parcel sif He Prapaty by Paint twattsretaeai ai tie time trod plu: of spy previataly scbedWed sale. Leader or
<br />Lapdsr's ata~ prrehare the PraPtny d ay sde.
<br />receipt d Payakat tsf tie isriee kid, Trtrprs utuY deUrer to elk parrhaeer Trpstee's deed coprsybq !fit ProPa:ey
<br />said. ip tic i'ttrrue's deed siaA bee prktpa taele rridearr id tic frWb of cis slafemeate mid! tiersin, Trnpee
<br />ttMN ttP7tly tie preach ttf tit salt h sir fstla order (ale to sd name roses sad euPeasea of tit rats, lpeiteli~g, bps
<br />art Npeked t0. Traptir',t her et soot taste flap ~ / Z Of 1 "F pt fie grws sYe pies, rcmtoaaWe Warsky'a lets ad ceab ~
<br />~ eiitfaacec fbP fo ail stntu secrtssd by fits Dead at Trtpt; sad kcl F~ exresa, i[ spy. fa tit peraop ~ pretsatr IcgaYy eatltkd
<br />Wra#av
<br />1~r 1'a ~f~ t$ lift. FtiNwiehstandrng Lrntier'a act:ekratum ul the sums xxurcd by ihix Ikrd of "I"nter,
<br />B[xraewtt shalt ta.t: t~ right to have any prn<esslangs bCSUn by Lerxkr ±tr z:rfun: thts thrd .r# l'ruvt thsconrtmxt! at
<br />trey treat preen to efts earlier to occur at rile feu fifth day before the sale of the Prnpeny pursstant to +hr power of sale cemtained
<br />ra tits-Dtxd rile Trost err E:ii entry id a jtrdjritent cnforcirrg this C?ced of Trust tt. let Barrtswcr prep. I.cnder art sums whtrh wontd
<br />tat tier wader tors fyeetf t:€ Trust. the Note and !totes sccurtrrg Ftxturr Advam:es. tf any. teed na accekrauas+ i1CRUrrett;
<br />tby 9ortosver cures elf ksraacitts asf any af9ur corrnarrty ctr agtermcros est Bsurawer ccmtairsral an this eked of Trusl;
<br />tsk lwarrctwsr payr at! rrastmattk cspenssa rrtttrrrrd by !-ertdcr and Truster en cntor€r»g nc~ covenants sad agreements of
<br />f}totisavrsr sa»tatict+J re #Ftra t]ieef crt Trv+t anck m enforceng kcrakr's xnd Tra,tce's rrnreders a. prxrvtded m paragraph IR
<br />krtertxsf. inrktrfittg,. krrxt ncn ftmrtrxk tn.:ra-.aanahks atttutky'v fits, _rd tdf liettnvrrr taYcs str>;h attain as t rnrfrr may rcastmabsv
<br />rdrluire to asttu_s: that tt~. ixu of Cktes i3 tit ~l'rust, t.tttdrt's rntrtrst to the Property and ttarr.;wrr's ohlittarion to pay
<br />