~~~-~~ ~2g~ ~~~~~~~
<br />s,)ruFaaxs Covetvatvrs. Borrower and Lender tovenaut and agree as lollows: ~ ~ - ~~ " ~ ~ O
<br />1. Paytment of PrineiPtsl aad IMesrst• Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and imerest on the
<br />indebtedness tvidentcd by the Nate, prepayment and late charges as provedeJ in the iyote, and the principal of and interest
<br />on an Future Aalvar[cz-s u-cured by this lleeJ o(Trust.
<br />2, R got Ttus t~ insurance. Subject to applicahlee law or to a written weever by Lender, Borrower shall pey
<br />to Lexr[ler on the day monthly installnxnts of principal and imerest arc payable under the Notc, unt(I the Note is paid in utl,
<br />a win (herein "Funds"t equal to otx-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may auain priority over this
<br />tTeeti of Trust, and grouted reins an the Property. if any, plus oae•twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus sex-twelfth at yearly premium installments far mortgage insurance, if any ,all as reasonably estimated ini[iatty and from
<br />trine to tittx by Ltnakr on the basis of assessments and bd{s and reasonable esumattx thereof.
<br />•r~ Ft~~ .;,[tRx ~ !ells! in an [restitution the deposits or accounts of which are insured ar guaranteed by a Fedeeal or
<br />state agency (including Leader if t-ender is such an insulutiont. Lender shalt apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />instrrante premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for sti holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />ar verifying acrd compiling card asstsstsxnts and bills, unls~ss !ender pays Borrower tnterest on the Funds and applicable taw
<br />permits Lender to make suite a charge. Borrower and Lender may agrR~' in wnting at the [tine' of execution of ¢his
<br />Deed of Tn:st that interest tin the Funds sha8 be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required w pay Burrower any ,ntcrest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shaft give to Burrower, without charge, an anmwt atwunhng at the Funds showing credits and alebets to the Funds and the
<br />purpose fat which each debit w the Funds was made. The Funsls arc pledged as additional securi-y for the sums secured
<br />tsy thrs DceJ of Trust.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. together with the tauire munttdy installments uG Funds payable poor in
<br />rhr due-dates of teats, assesurtenn, insurrtrce premiums and gmunJ rents, shall exrettd the amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />assessments, i[rsuranct premiums and ground :tots 1s they tall Jut, xu.h excess ,hall be, at Borrower's opttan, either
<br />promptly rcpatd to Borrower os credited ¢o Bwrosvcr on momhty inacatlmtnts of Funds. t{ the amount of the Funds
<br />held 6y ixna.4r shalt not be sutrurent to pay taxes, asstst^-tents. insurance prtmiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Borrower stet! pay to tender any amount neccssarv ur rnat.t up rhr akhatrxy within 3U days from the Jate notice is mailed
<br />try Lender to Borrower regrtexUng paytsxne thereof.
<br />Upon payment in fait of xll sum, xcurcd h} the D,aJ ut lru+t. I ender ,halt promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender It un~r paragraph f ti fxrcnl rhr Propeuv n suW ar the Pr.t[zny ~s uttu:rwise acquired by Lender, Larder
<br />shalt apply. nu lane than rmrnrdiatety pour to else ,alt at tiro Pntptnv ur us .tcy[nsiums by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Letsckr a: the urtx of appttcatian as a tredn against the +ums ;totted by the eked tit Truce.
<br />3. Appl6ett~sa of Paytnests. Unless apphcahlr t1w provide. otherwise. all payncnts rtcavtd 6y Lender under the
<br />Noe and paragraphs I and '_ hertnt shalt trc applied h. t ruder fiat in pa}r:unt ,>t amounts payable to Lender by &~rrower
<br />ureter paragraph 2 hereof. then to urtrrtlt pryabtt tin the Rto[t. thttr ru the pr~rxtpat ul the Nat, and thin to interest and
<br />pnrecipai an any Future Advareres.
<br />i. Char$ea: Ikea. Br,rmwcr shall pay alt taxe+. 1+u+smrnt, .uW t,thee :barges. fires anJ +mpuvtions auributable to
<br />t}x Property wtrich may attarn a prnuety tivtr this fJccd .+{ Trust, azui tt.uchutJ payments ax ground rents, if say, in the
<br />mantrcr providt[t antler paragraph 2 hereof arr. el not priJ m uxh nwerner, by Burrower mating payment, whin due, directly
<br />to the payee thereof. Burruwa +tr,:li promptly suruu•h to l.t:sakr alt tzar,.;<+ tit amount, due under this paragraph. and in the
<br />treat Borrower shall make payment dually, Burrower sh111 promptly turnuh t.+ { ruder receipts evidencing such paytrxnts.
<br />Barrovser shall promptly dexhargc any lien whr. h bus prwnty over this iXed at trust: pnividtd, that Burrower shall oat be
<br />reyuued to aliuharge any sus h lien u+ hrng as tkrrrr..vtr naafi agstt zn wrr!tng ;.. the p.lymen[ of feet obligation secured by
<br />such lien err a nrarener a;:etptabde !'° L•'!+drr_ nr ,hall to zcn.xl forth ronrest su,:h hen hy, ur JrfersJ tn(ura.~ement of Stich lien in.
<br />legal roctcdings which operate to prevent the cntorcement of the hen ur turieuurt .rf the Property ur arty part :~xra~f.
<br />~,, Ihmd l>amurauce. Bcx-rawer shall Atep the ,mpruvtments now ts,sturg ur htrcatter stetted on the Property insued
<br />against toss by fire, hazards +rr9udesl wuhtn ttrt term "'txtaertdtJ .:r.c;15t . 1r:J -och !retire huzarJs as Lrnder may require
<br />and to such amoums acrd for such periods as I.tnJtr may regruce, provr,teaf that l_rndrr sha[I nut reywre that the amount of
<br />such s:nvrrage excad treat asnurtnt of coveregr rtyuoed ru pa} the sum. sr.u:ed by ihn Decd ul Trust.
<br />The imurance carrier providing the insurance shall ere ctrascn by Burn:wtr sutrltc[ ru approval by Lender, prov+ded.
<br />that such approval shall twt tx unrcasonabiy withtstkd All pscmmms err znsucln~t pohc+es shalt etc paid is the mtenaer
<br />provided under para~ap6 2 lurmf ur, d .rot peed to sra:h manner, t.y Bssrruwes ntrkmg payntent, when free, directly to the
<br />imur~tce carrier.
<br />Ali iscsaratsct polities and renewals thcrart sba8 br ire form ace:eptabte ur Lenakr and ,hail include a staredard mortgage
<br />clause in favor of and in intr. acctptabie to Lerrdts Lender ,hail hart th+: right to holJ the poiicecs and renewals thereat
<br />and Bureawsr shat[ promptly furnesh to Lender alt renewal [sWxe+ and aft receipts of ~ 1rJ premuims. to the event of lass.
<br />Bartosvei` shalt grve prompt rwttc~e to the trouram.t Lauzer Ind Lemke Ltrrakr :rx1} melt proof at lass ,f nut made prampdy
<br />try Barrawer-
<br />Unkss Lewder acrd Borrower uttxrwrsr agree m wnting, mvurau.t prrxeeds shalt ter. appiieJ to rtswrauon or :epau of
<br />the Property datnagcd. pruvidrd +us;h rtstnratwn ur repa,i ~s ecunom:caHy t:::+szhtt .,red the sr.~unty of then t~td of Tnrir u
<br />cent thereby impaired. Il sseth restoration w repair es nut cclinaurrzr=alts traxibit tit it the sta:unty of this Dttd at Tnist would
<br />tr< rt;-rpatrexl the rrssssrarstt psu5_-aEs ~[a!t bt +pptztd to stir Soto, xrurtd by the i:,c•td ,rt ['rust. wash the excess. tt any. Paid
<br />m t4vraseer. If rig Pran_ erty a abartk,ntct by 8uui,wer. r*r ti F3curuwet ta3t.+ to respond to txniltr wi[hm 3S days from the
<br />dart relict n tnarlcd by Lender to B:rrrowtr that the ,nsuranrt tarrrrr oiler, :,, ;` :.~ _ _'asrr ±^* ~<t,rar>`r benefits. Lender
<br />zs aegtsurezrd to wltett and apply iht wwrarne praxecds at t_tnde:~s uptwri ttrtnrJtu reswrauon or repair of the Properly
<br />cu to the sums created by the Detd of `rues[,
<br />Unless l.ertder and Borrower ulherwut agree zn wnting, any su<h lpptiui,on tit prxeeda to prtnc pal shall nut extend
<br />ar seaatpoae the due dale oC the monthly instatdmerus rertrresi to m paragraph, I and ?hereof ur change the amoum of
<br />stic~t itrswltmasts. If urerkr paragraph d ti herwi the Prutxrty n 1a:yuncd by Leader, alt rtg.`tt, titer and interest of Borrower
<br />in nttd to any inwratru poirties anal to and ro stir protects tlxreot resulting tram damage to the Property prior to leer sale
<br />or acquisition strstt pass to [.ender to leer extent tit the stuns secured by the Decd ud Trust immediately poor to such sett or
<br />a~ssisitirsri, Unit f)tv Borrower
<br />$ 14asrtvadrw an/ Maitttler~sece of l4upartY; ~teaacl t:rmdo Pleased stopsrets•
<br />,halt knp thee tsnrpen5' ,n g.xx! repair acrd serail txn ,:a motet astr ur prrnut imp.ur,ncnt ur Jeteriuratwn tit t11c Property
<br />lrsd shall comply with the proviswns of any trace if the t}Ced ,rf Trust ,s on a leasehold. If this OKd of Trust is on a [rote in a
<br />tsminitsm ar a plat[r[td trait dtvetapmrm, i3orrowr. alr-alt pcrfarnr 11l tit Borrower's obligations under tees drdatation
<br />ar e:ov¢rtants crating or governing the orxtorstirttum ur pianrred unit deveiopmen:. tlx bylaws and regulations of the
<br />r.•tusdaririnitsat ar piamxd unit akvi;lrrprrzr;t. eery .arsrtr:xnr d<_+ rrment+ if a inndominium or planned amt developrtxnt
<br />riitEr is atrxutrd by Borroratr a[at retarded tagettur wnh the Deed tit l ant, the covenants and agrrxments of such rider
<br />sha8 Ire itrearpatax[f lino acrd shad) amend and suppkmeur the t:avtnaisb anJ agreeerxnts of this Deed tit Trust as tf the rider
<br />rrcrc a pan ltarrof.
<br />T, lY~etMw sl t.eat/er's Secesity. Ft ilertrowrr tads to pcrtarm the wvcnants and agretmen"ts tantauscd in this
<br />13trasl of Ttua. or !f any acuan ur p='uc~cdnsg is uernsenatd which rnatcnaity affects d_tnder's ,ntcrest in the Prcrptrty,
<br />znst;adin~ list sear Istnitad H,, emrrxrri darnarn, insalvtna:}_ cods entorctmcnt, or arrangements ur ptoeeslings involvrog a
<br />bankrupt or da.Ydem, thrn Les3dtr al Lender`s option. upon twtdct w Burrcrwcr, may make swh rppearancts, Juhurse such
<br />copes erect take such aurcrn as rs rsreessary to protiti LtnJer's intern[. rm:luding. but no[ limned to, disbussenrenl of
<br />w- at[ortrey`s Errs arm entry upon rhr Property w rasa-e repairs. It Lttxltr rcywrcd roongage insurantc as a
<br />c~tapiditiort cal [staking the loan sixur¢d by this [krd of Trust, Borrower shaft pay the prtnutures required to rnaimain such
<br />z;.,,ct :: et~c~.[ tercet! st~tt time :~ thz rtqu!remtm fur Salle insurnrv~t termtnatt+ zn accordartr writ[ Bonowtr's and
<br />t.aeder's wtitirn apt:rs[xnt ar appllemble taw. ~irrowa sha8 pay tfx anuwnt ul a!1 uwrtgage ursutanat premruncx in the
<br />trtastnsr prrevidtd sm~i para$rtsph ~ leerccrf,
<br />Anv tueuu[eis dishstrscd try Lrsulrr pursuant so [tits paragrsph ? with urines[ thereare, shoed trer;rnnr addiua,nat
<br />ind41 of Saxrirwu securest try tells L&ntf ai Trust. Unless Borrower ~rW i ender ogles re other terms of payment. stash
<br />tsnourNS shall ltr ptryabi'r upon rrotrce In,m I..encicr to $ortoxver styuestiag pnymern thcxtof, acrd stead! !tear interest tram the
<br />dole ~ a# tlx rain payatxle fs~r three to tittle snr ssu[startding prrntipa! arrrder rhr Note unleu payment of interest
<br />aE slreb rata rsntW bit cctatrrrtg w appiieatrb law, in whwfi event rtclr amrwnts shall hear interest tit the highest rate
<br />ptptr~ita~sr wsdet ~ dew. f+totMng rotrtaisxd in this paragraph ' shalt reywrt Lerexter to iretur any exprme ar lake
<br />spy sicttan harattndar.
<br />d. L.atidar rosy make or a.a[n,r to tic (Wade rtaxNSabM annex upam acrd insp[ctwns of iht Property. provided
<br />tlastt l~eadai rituidl g(vr SorrYrwer rwtice prtar to any su:tt :r+spet!scm vprtrfyurg rtasanrrhtt Gault therrtur related trt I_r•nJtr's
<br />eac~rrnra is rite ~-
<br />