9. Crrttdesssalba. The raceeds of an ~ ~ _
<br />p y award or clmm tar damage,, direct or cotiseyuennal, in connection with any
<br />cnndemnation or otfxr taking of the Property, or part thereof, or fur conveyar,ct in lieu of condemttatiun, nice htreby a;slgr,ed
<br />ate shalt bt paid to !.ender.
<br />fn the event of a tats) taking of the Property, the pracecds shall ere applied Io the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />wsth tfte excess, if any, paid to Borrower. fn the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />atherwiae agrtt in writing, [titre stsai! ere applied to the sacra sr:curui by this Deed of Trost such proportion of [he prtrcetds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the atttount of the sums secured by this Deed of Ttvst immtdiatdy prior to the date of
<br />taking bears ro the fair market value of the Propeny immediattly pear to the date of taking, with the balance of Ifre proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />?f the Property is abandoned by Harrower, cu if, after Hate! by Lender to Borrower that the cnttdemnar offers to [[take
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails w respond to !..ender within 30 days aftu the date such notice is
<br />rttailtd. l.endtr is authariztd to calt~t and apply the procettfs, at Lcndtr's opatm, either m resmratfoo w repair of ills
<br />Property ar to the sums sceurt:d by this f]ea! of Trust.
<br />flnias Letrder and Borrower otherwise agree rn venting, any sucfi sppk,cauen of proceeds to prittcips! shall na extend
<br />ar po3tpont efee dtu daft of the mrmthky instaklmens reftrrut to ,n paragraphs 1 acrd 2 tierces or change the attwunt-of
<br />s ttestaUramts.
<br />ii. Borrower NM Released. Extension of [ht time fur payment ar madafication of amorttr3tron of the: sums secured
<br />by this Decd of Trust grained by Lender to any sarcctssar an tnteresi of Borrower shat[ not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the iiafNtity of the original Borrower and Borrrrwer`s succesusrs in ,merest. !.ender shall Hat be required to commence
<br />precerdings agaittu such successor or rrfttx to extend [tine fur payment or othefw,se mo,fify amortization of the sums
<br />seturt~by this Deed of Trust by reason of any dtrnand malt trp tkrt ortganak Borrower and Borrower's strecesson in interest.
<br />tJ. Forbtarsace by (.ceder Nat a Wirer. Any forbtannre by t.enrMr in ezeresrrtg any nght or retrr;dy hereunder, or
<br />atherwist afforded by appticatde law, steak! rsat fx a vs3tvcr of u: prrxlude [tar exercrsc of any such right or remedy.
<br />The ptowrcttcem of insurance or the payment of texts or other hetn ar charges by Lender chalk not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />rigfri to atxcttrate the matarttq ut the ,ndebtedaress sex:ar~d fiy th,s teed o! Trust
<br />12. Rewredies C.uwtaWire. AtI rrrntdaL•s prustded an th,s F)t:vil of Tntsr art d,sttttct and cumutativt to any other right
<br />or rernrdy under this (ked of Trust ar aBordtd bt .W~ nr r.{wts..u,st ntai~ ht txerctsal x:oncutrentky, independently or
<br />serccess,vdy. f
<br />tJ. Sacrrxaors and Ataiges tioityp; Jraisp cord Ssrerd t_iaM'tft}; t'aptierro. The covenants acct agreements herein
<br />cantaatud shall bind, and the ztghts hrretr.,der ShaiE [Hurt to. the t zpr~tivr successors and assagrtx of Lender and Borrower,
<br />Sab;ec! to tf,e p(OYI4,arIS Ut paragraph i 7 herexrt .ill .:uretz_rats .,tat agreements of Borrower shall be }Dint and several.
<br />The t:aptiatts attd headings at the paragraphs ct [tits [3ctd ..t l cult are fur ~unvrn,tnce unfy and arc not to be used io
<br />mherpret or defitx the ptovetaatts- htYtxrf -
<br />t4. Netter. Except tar any crates rrywrtd un.ter apph~antr taw to tx i;tren an another manner, cal any•no[ice to
<br />Bareower pravidrd for ,n tats Deed a( Testa[ vtsatt t+e gavrn by ara,iang attch nut~se by ceniEed mail addressed to Borrower »t
<br />the Property Address or at stab uifrer address as Harrower n.as destgnatr by nonce to Leader as provided herein, and
<br />(bf any Hates to Lemke shaf# let gtren by ceruhtal mail, rewro ttx:e,pt reytrested, w Lender's address oared herein or to
<br />srtch odter atWrtas as Lender may desrgnatr by natacr. to Borrower as provided heron. Any notice provided for in this
<br />fltettt of Trust shalt !x tttxnt«f to have fr_tn gtvrn to Barrows ur I.cndr when given in the rrranr}er daigna'etl herein.
<br />tS. Uaeforsr Jhsd ~ ?'rust; +f;orerwiag few; 5itreraBiWs. T'hn form of deed at trait combines uniform covenanu for
<br />natwaat use amt non-uniform covenxntx with Itmtted vanattans try tur,sdict,or. to cortsutute a uniform cleanly instrument
<br />corenog rwi property. "i nu :cat of :-r•,;;: sba. q g;;rrrntd L; t :° t°w a: t`w° i:;ru.'',tet:on is xhxh tkx Pror~rty 6~ kneeled.
<br />in the [vent that any provts,un ur ckaust u[ thn,IkW of Trust ur [fie Nott conflicts w,th applicable law, such conflict shall
<br />n.M elite[ aches avtsiars u. that famed of ':'rust :,r the ":ate wh:.h taP :>e riivu et;ttc: wtsttaut t.'te corlltrnag prasisian.
<br />and to this end t~ prorntttns ut ttx• fyeeetat Trust ar,d [leer ?s+att err drLiarrd to he severable.
<br />f6. borrower's Copy. ffortower shake ht furn,shed a canfarrnrd ctrpy ut the '4otc and at this tared of True[ at the time
<br />of txerurton ur after rtcordatron htreat. r
<br />!7. Trsatfa w !br lropaty; Aeemppss, let aU ,rr aav part of the Proper;} :~r an tnterest therein as said or transferred
<br />by Borrower wtthaut tttttfu's pnor wr:~itn carrnt. rscitrd,ng +at the :rr.,t",n ut .. tren ur encumbrance subordinate w
<br />,leis Elf at ?:~;t, i!~; the ::t t:un.;t a purchase tnorer arrurny ,attrnt for hausehuid apphaacas, fcl a transfer by deuces,
<br />dexent ar i,y atterattou of law upuu :he Death of a t<nnt tenant ur
<br />t_rndtr nay, at t ortder s upti.*n. ilectare ark ttre cants stcurtd by this [7etd of Trust to be
<br />,ts,rtredutety due and payab7c. i.trtder shall have watvrd suite 4apttun t„ acctkratt tf, pnor to the sake ar transfer, t_cnder
<br />atsd the perstm to whstm [fir Property as to be wk,f ur transferred reach agrtenrem ,n writing that the credo of such person
<br />,s sausfau:tory to t_trtder at,d that the enttrtst pa}ahte an the saes sz vred k,r [tics Dted at TFtrst shake be at such rate as
<br />7trtrfrr chalet rtytrest !f Ltntler has warned the aprwn te, acceiera,e p:vs,drd is this paragraph I7, and if Borrower's successor
<br />.n tnterest hxs txecured a wnttrn assumpuun agrrenretn accepted ,n urnmg by Lender, t_tndtr shag rtltase Borrower from
<br />all obligations utr~t [teas [)red ut T'rtut an.i the !~otx.
<br />if Latxitr excretes such «}xton to accelerate. Lecafar chalk ntatl Borrower ;cartes of aGcekrration to accordance with
<br />paragraph i3 htrtot. Such rrouce steal! prov,de a penod of t,ur ices than ;+3 dap tram the daft the notice is mailed within
<br />wftich Borrower maypa y t#•a; steno dec:lartct due. tf Bunawer t"a,ts ts, Hat elute sums pnor to the expiration of such period.
<br />Lender map, wrt}x~sn funhrt la[[[ce ur demand un Harruwrr. ,nvuAe any ccetttdtes permitted by paragraph k g hereof.
<br />Not+-Utrtrtxtht Curt tvFr: rs Borrower and !_e,rdcr turthrr cuvtnant and agree a: follows:
<br />176. Acrekratiaa; ktarediew E:srepl as provided in psragraph I7 hereof, open Borrower's breach of any covestm! or
<br />;rw a3 oartstaer fa t7t~ f4a-~rd of True„ iarledt'ig lire corroaars to pay when dtu any sorts tietured by this Dead
<br />sd Treti. f.eu0rr pros to aerclerslioa attaN ara'tl Dotter to &arawrr as prwsidt8 in pu~rapb f4 hereof sprcifyhegt (fj thrv
<br />6swt7t; f2) tba retina regsrired to Corr each breach; 7J) a date, ao1 teen thaw 30 days from the date the notice k mailed to
<br />Htsrwwer, by which etch brctwb retest ik clued: and Id} tb>d ftulnrr to rare loch breach an ar before the dale spetiBed
<br />ie [lets settee tag vend! bt wcnkratiou of the soma seemed br this lked of Trust acrd sate of lice Property. The Haire
<br />ab1d1 farllher 7~xuat borrawrr of the righf to refmtale after acceleratfoa artd fbe rgbt to bring a cunt! ttcltoa la assert
<br />the anetsfestere ,tf a tleftssd! or nay ether ekfetasr of borrower to accekratioe gad sate. If the breach is not cured
<br />tin m before 1fu t apertliesf ie tlw tsarire, Lttatfer at Learkr's tapteoe may declare sB of ills cams cleared by ttds Deed
<br />of Twd !o lee imtudererty dal and payable weibnsut furtbec dtyaaad and may enrabr the powrr of sak aitd any other resseditx
<br />ptesiped b3 appbraltir few. Lritder chest! be einitfed to ctsHect aB rrasowabfe costs aed exprsses incurtted in puraeisg the
<br />ressadfea presided to !tile patrgrrpb ltf, iacfadipt, but trw timifed tu, rrasrtaahlt attaraey's fees.
<br />ff ~ 7= s"rrr o6 *,aFr fs hr.mtced. 1'rr~,rr ataaf7 record a nrtticr of drfmdt in each county in w~ch the Property or soave
<br />pet thertaf is foram gad sinW snit ropiea of such antic! ea the manner prestrfbed by appftrabk law to Harrower gad fa the
<br />tsarprratms prrsrribcd try appaeatrk taw. :+tttrr for !spar of such !teas rs aaa} ter rcgnirtd by applicable lbw, Trastee shd7
<br />gitrc ptAkr entice ut saM to acne przrsoas atsd in r~ eta,user preseeibrd br sp-r.ISra.:.r taw. Trtrfter, wil4oat thewusd oa
<br />borrower, sbs6 stdi t7w Ptopeey ae puhHe aucri~ ks the higtsrst bidder at the [true gad Afire gad ender the tense desigtsated
<br />lee the nosier of tak bs one ors more parc+efrc gad for verb order a, lr,:;ue may determtwe, Tneslre may potNpsae sale of elf
<br />oP ~!' ~ od Hse aPaapenty M petrlfe aeaotuccard ,d the time trtsd pfree at tray prerinteslg scbedrird sdr. I.eadv or
<br />Lteadp's deatdrae ~' ptstrl~e ~ Property d vf' sale.
<br />Upew ~ Pag++Ket oaf flat pure bed, 3rusree shall deferer to for potehsscr Tesaiee's dead rtrarrytag for I-e+ipMy
<br />attil: The «eitals bt the 'Trader's decd aintY 4r prices fstrir rridrece of etx truth of the sisirese~i etstsdi tltrrrts. There
<br />~ eppdy per peirtrs+lx tad the safe ire tftr d ardtr; {of Io aN reasoaabk cleats gad express of t(x sek. iarfudisg, ku1
<br />aM disdltd to. Trseier'x fors ~ tort start pie t/ ~ O~ t 4 of Mr gram sale prim. rcansaabfe afforary's flee [sad eor&a of
<br />ltia a+#dret~ tb} io ab [[tsar srerwrd bg tlds Geed ref Tani; ~ Icl Nor exacts, U nay. to the person oc ptrtoas )trgallg entYltd
<br />ptaeM.
<br />f9. bor[iwtPs Rtes to ~. NMwethxtandrng Lendtis acetkratarn of the sums srcurtd try this Deed crf Trust.
<br />Bssrrxtnrer str,~t heat ttrt ngFtt to have any pruceedutgs begun try i.eatkr :,, rniorce this Coed ale Trust discontmtrntt at
<br />atsg trsar pears to the rarlrtr to rx:sur of 7i} ;tic tiftb day erfore ttre sake of the Praptny pursuant to the }atwtr of sale cnnrarned
<br />err tfttx Dr€d or Tre~i or Tut entry of a frrdgtnrat enatarcir,g the, F3teii of Tn,sr tk lent Burrawrr pay. f.eu,frr elk xums which w<aild
<br />fee etlrrt [tar unttet rltrs !knit of Trust, ttu Nate and rtcnr stcunng Furore Adrarrces.:f .trey. trod no accekrxteon <tccurr,.-d.
<br />fft} #s3rsvwrr sutra akk htrxhtx t+f any .ghat cnrraants err agtrttrrents rd f7:srrawrr cutnarrrrd to this f)rrd of Trust;
<br />tcf state€wrtr p'a}~s ski rrasxxratsk aspisrses rnttrrrrd ty t.rn.itr snot Tnntct to rntxc-tttg rhr curtrtanis srtd agrtrrntnts .+k
<br />Pawar ertats:uri +n ,tits Herd of Tn,st acrd m rnfurci,tg f rntkr's acrd 'Frustrt~s rc=mtdits as provtdrd rrt paragraph i»
<br />ttrrrxt,`, inscttxlirrg, }~,-sari frmrrts°d ra" rr:asctnahk at7[Nratq s 7zarx; and Teti fharn.rer is-es such actasn ax Lender niav rcascrrtabkv
<br />ragtarr t;: aiaxara [fret rFrt #rrn sat this tarred ale Tios7, ! crrtftcs aretresi ,n the Prrs}eeny and Brxrx?wtr's abligatran to pan
<br />