<br />~~~' ~i1~120
<br />i.INtFtxeM CovetvatvTS. Burrower and tandtr covettattt and agree as follows: '}~-R.e/e~~rr~ye 8
<br />f. PaytprM of Principa- aaA Ipturtst. Borrawer shall promptly pny when duc the p r;4paT';t( anti-inte~st un the
<br />mdebtedntss rvidenctd by rite Natt, prepayrheni and tatexharges as provii#ett in the Nutt, and the principal of and inttrest
<br />art un Future Advances securtd by this thrd a(Tnrst.
<br />tPtltsJa tar Ttua ttwtf ftssataaet. Subject to applicable taw or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to 1_rnder oq tht day monthly instattments of princyrtii and interest arc payable under the Nott. omit the Note is naid in fntt,
<br />a sum (herein "Funds'i eyuat to one-twelfth of the yearly canes and asscssnums which may attain priority over this
<br />Lamed nC Trust, and grauttd rents on the Property, if any, plus one-twttfth of vraNY premium insiallmtq;s fur hazard insurance,
<br />`ru-`".~r-ts.~%fr;: t„ Yt:rny prerttium instatimenrs (or mortgage insurance, if any, alt as reasnna6ly estimated initiaity and from
<br />time su tune sty Llettder oq the basis of assessments and bil;s anal rc„sa.•iaE::t >°stimairs thereof.
<br />Tit Fntids shad be htld en an instiiutitttt the depoii[s or :tecaunts of which are insured or guarantced by a Ftderat or
<br />state agegep frtrctttding Lender rF I..rntfer is such an insgtwnm). I.rnder shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessetitnts-
<br />insuratict premiums arc/ ground rents. Lttu#er may Hirt charge for su tuid,ng and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />of verifying and compiling card asstssatents and Kitts, unlc5s ixndrr pays Borrower interest an tht Fsends and appticabit law
<br />permits I.ettr~r to makt such ~ charge. Lorrower and # ender may ogre sit writing at the note of execution of this
<br />fated of Trust that igterest ors the Funds shall be paid ut Borrower, and unless such agreement rs trtade or applicable law
<br />reyuires such interest to be paid, t.entler shall Hui he requrred to pay Burrower any uxerrst or earnings un the Funds. Lender
<br />sttatf glue to BOrfOWCf, wrtttout Charge. an annual acatunhng of the Funds showuig credits artd debits to the Funds and the
<br />putpase fw which each debit w tht Funds was t»aite. "!'Ix Futttk arc piedgtil as udditwnal security fat the soma secured
<br />ty rhea Dteil of Trust.
<br />if the amount of the Funds held by L.endtr, together with the ftrturc mouthl} installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the dice darts of taxes, aE~<ments, :nsuranct prtmiugts and ground rents, .hall excreil the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />asatssrni?rtts, igsuranct premeurirs a[tt! ground rents as they tall due, such rsceas shat} ht._ a( Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid io tiosrower ar crcdittd to ttarrawer on monthly imtaNments of Funds. tf the amaum of itu Funde
<br />told by f-rntfer shalt not be wtBcrent ro pay taxes, assessments .nsuran,;c premsums and b;acrid rents as thty fall duc.
<br />Btrrrotver shall pny to t..ender any artrounr necessary to make up the dcficrrncy u,thin i0 days from the date notice is malted
<br />by d.eoder to Borrower requestrng paymrnt thereof.
<br />Upon payment in lull u( aN sums s+.Y:urrd ht this UreJ ut trust. ! ender >isall promptly refund to Bormwtr any Fiords
<br />~sd ?y L erWer. it under paragraph i g hereof tht Pruprrv n urld .,r ih, Pr.,pcrty ss uttrcrwtse aryuircd by Lender. Lender
<br />pply, ne later than rmmtdtarcty prwr to the sate at the Pntpeny ur ns .,cyuisioan by Lender. any Funds heW by
<br />Lender ai [#te tutu of appltcatiore as a credit against the sums secured by this IlecJ of Trust.
<br />Note and a~r~ ~ ~y Unli.ss appbcable taw prov,des athcrw:sr. ,,!{ pavmenis received by Lender under flit
<br />P 8 phs 1 nod _ hereof shall be applied by 1 ender hest sn pavmcm .,f .tmaunts payahte to i.cuuer by Borrower
<br />utidcr paragraph 2 hereof. then ur interest payable un the !vote, itecn so the pr,nc:pal ut the Note, and thin to imerrst and
<br />princip~t on any £'enurc Advances.
<br />4, i7iaRes: k.#eoa, &umwer shalt pay all lane,. awc,snrcut, .uul ..thee , targes. tines and ,mposniuns aunbutahlt w
<br />tttt Property whitA may attain a precnty aver Ctrs Lk:td of Trust. and tcasrhalil payments or ground rents, if anY. in the
<br />tttaaacr provittcd undtr ganegropfe 2 hereof nr. if nut paid ,ee suctr rnanncr. try Borrower making payirunt, when due, directly
<br />30 [tit payte thereof. Borrower stiatl promptly funusb to t.rndtr all nmrees rri amounts duc unt#er this paragnph, and in the
<br />etrcnt Borrnwtr shag make payment dtru[tp, Borrower shall promptly t:unxsh to t rrdrr rccctp[s rviatenctng such payments.
<br />Bturusver sha#! promptly discharge any tien whrc6 has pniarrt} arrr thrs Deed „i trust. prursded, that Borrower shall not be
<br />:eyuirNd to discharge any sui:h litn w itmg as Borrower shaft agree ,n s+rmng .o the pavntcnt of the abbgation secured by
<br />such titre in a maatur acctptabit to Lender, ur .Kau ,r ,..,.t t-,ut =~ _. •?: !:e:: by . • ;H;toil ..
<br />Icgat prcetedutgs which nperatt fu prevent nc~ enforcemznt .ti the~Inn „r trxirnurr ,rt`th `nfi:r;`m`nt a sou hen in.
<br />5 tia~'d titrrasr~ee. tlurcowrr shalt i._rep the ~ e Propcrty.•ur any~part rtherevf.
<br />mpr,^vements ;.nx ::s;,at ..; t,~,catte, ~rc~trJ un the Propeity insured
<br />against loss by firs. tsazards rtrci,rded wnhut the iernr "estcrt~d ...rreragc"'. au.i uxts .xhrr hatards as I ender may reyuirc
<br />and W such atnatntx aqd far sui:h periods as~l ender ma} reyarte, prowdrd. that l.rnckr ,hat! nw reuuire that the amiwn! of
<br />teach covcragt excexd that itgprunt til coverage rryusrrd to pa} :ht sum. xtund by th:, Bird nt Frust-
<br />t"ht insurance carrier provedrng the insurance ,.hall to .hour by t#urruwrr sub!c.t s.: appr,r.at tsy Lender; prav,ded.
<br />t}tat such apptaval sftau rptt t,e unrtasaatrnbt}' withtuld All prcmrums exi :nsurar,.r poh,.~tcs shall t>c ptttd in r{u mass°'-
<br />prisvided uadtr per r= ' .*__`:-:.f "•
<br />-'~~- - ur, of Hui tratti ur su.h :t:aniser. '?s Ltorruwer :srak;.eg payment, sr fien due. dtrectty CO the
<br />itYUragct carrcer.
<br />AB igwranct patuics apd rrrtewals tttereot shall ttr rn loan a.teptabtc s.. t cncter and shall rnciutde a standard mortgage
<br />rirrust an favor trf and in form acaptabir to Lender 1 cnikr shaft Carr rte r.gtt ro hold ttrt policies and renewals thereof,
<br />ate 8rxrrowtr shall promptly furnish w L-tinier ail reneWat rtwtccs .,out ai! sca:t=pts ut pat:} premiums. in the even of loss.
<br />Btp'roWCr stag give prompt rsouit to ttte srtsursie.:r carr,rr and 1 tiWer. Lender may make prtxd of {oss,f nut main promptly
<br />by Bnrrowtr.
<br />Ua#ess L.etieicr arp# Borrower otteuxwise serer to s*ntu:;.:€tsutasict i:raccds ghats !sc applrrd nr restaratwn or repair of
<br />the Property damaged, proviited sixth restoratwn ur rcpa« is rcunum,eau} Irasrbtr ,, etd the security of this Deed of Trust ,s
<br />era! llsercLty rm}+atrtd. tf aixh resroranutr ur rcpan is our ccasur.:x~~attY t,a3.~,~ rr :r ilia county of this llttif n; "frost watsld
<br />t;'e itttpaired. the irtstuanct procteas stair Ire app#,td to ate sums stYUrcd sty :firs Llrtd of Trust, w,th [hc tscess, if any, paid
<br />to Borrtrvrcr. if 3ltt Property is abanikrrttd try Borruwtr, <» tt ttctr€uwer lash to resputuf to Lender within 34 days from the
<br />data ttixic:c iv tnaiiut 6y Lender to Bormwtr that its snsuranrr carr:tr >rder, to K;;}c a itsint for smuranct benefits, Lender
<br />'°!-~'•.'°"~ iv c::#taet anti :pp;y List isauiaiis:t prtxccdv at i cndtr s upuun rriher w scaturauun ur repau . =the Property
<br />ix to itte soars rceured by this t)ced o€ Trust.
<br />U,ateu Ltttder and Botrtrwer (xherwtst agree ,n wnlrn rnY wc:h apLNeeatwn of prucrtds to principal staff not entered
<br />ix °°st°'a z t!x {:tu ;.rat¢ tat ;h+z ntvgtliiy itwailmeii.s rrter~ed !u ,rt paragraphs t anil ? hereo! :rr ihange tht artwuat of
<br />web rnsWBrhtnts. If tutder paragraph I!i ttereut ttu Property „ a,;yuered by tender, alt right, tide aced inttress of Borrower
<br />rG alp! to aqy rnsLraace po#tetts atp# ut and to ihs prtrr+reds tturrw resufttng tram damage to tht Property prior to the salt
<br />itr acytpsiiirtn shag pass to L.endtr to the rxteru at the aunts secured by this 1]rctt ul "i~rmt ttetmediattty prior to stun salt or
<br />acgttisitio».
<br />6. ~ ats0 Afart~cr of Prtyersy; Ixasa~ro~; t'
<br />.fiaB keep ihs Proper ~ en trod rr ~t fi#awaet! Unit tkrelispmepta. Borrower
<br />= ~ { cam } g parr and shaft tux a,n:amt sic .,r f'>'nu~ unp,,, rearm .,r drteriarauun rf [rte Property
<br />EaY with t#x praviaruits of any itast if ibis fh'eif of Trust t.s uu a teasthoiil. tf this Dttd of Truat a un a unit in a
<br />cctgdattmnium ur a planged anil devefopttitrtt. Botruwer sfrait ptclarrn ai¢ of Barrowtr s ohhtlatians under the iltclarauon
<br />W Crltrenanlb ertatitle (}r g~JYtrnln tfit
<br />g trtidommmm r,r fdaureed amt titvrlopatcnt. flu by-taws acct regutaiiutns of the
<br />`~ ~ d oral ikwt:Iopmtrit, arp# euns;ttucnt dtreuinrartz !f a crntdirrrsmeum ur
<br />rir9er ss eatt:uttd by Bormwtr acrd rixirrdtd rirgttbtr with this L*w~tt ;st :::: • planned amt deve:irprtttnt
<br />w ~#Xerk f into attd shaft artttipf and supptemtru rte cuvcnattn and agreemtirta utf~ihasr [)a;actl olrTrost as rf the rider
<br />grNleeKaa trt L-tiaAEPs 9etesity. tf B~rraseur fasts w pertoriri tare covenants and agretments cantairted in this
<br />Used of firirrm, ur if any actrem to trrsrotedtng es .arnt€tertcc•ct which ntaterratty :ttiects Ltgdtr's tntertst to the PrcrperrY.
<br />°~. txq not #irttited tu, etttittatrt domain, irtsofveocy, cask cnlcrcetrttnt, or arrangttnegts ur prirceedings ,rvtrtvmg a
<br />V atpf gat ~~r at Ltgder's optiuu. uptra nwit:t to i3orrawer. may makt such appearant-ts, disburse such
<br />~t a rtncessary to prottxt Ltnifer's intcrtst. incitrdmg. but Hat limited [o. dtsburstnttnt at
<br />ttarney's fees attd ti#ry ufpxt tht Property ter makt reps:rs Ff t_ender rcyuutKi mungage insura qce as a
<br />~ ~iag the tarn t~sttrt~ by this Dstd of Trust, Barrax;tr shaft pay ttre premwms rtywred to maintain attest
<br />i~ in etici:i umi# such time as ttie rtyuirettsent tat such rrmwantx terminates in accaniance wuh Borrower's arc!
<br />L.ata~rt wtsften agrammegt ar appticabtt taw. Borruwtr shalt i#it anwunt tat st! oturtt n
<br />rtl;kstrr r'i ` ttad(Er ph ~ ltetetrt. fey g ge ntwrarice pttntiurns in !hr
<br />i ~ovrer tY L.erpter pursuant ire this paragraph ~, wuh interest thrrcue. shah hecanst addiuunat
<br />xtttrtd 1?!'-this F7tsst ref Trust. l.tntess Borrower and tender :tgrtt ¢u tether terms of paynunt, such
<br />agsrswksa shatL tie Fva_vab#t urrt~x tutee ft+~+ 1 ~tr..tis ~ ~~r...ver is s R r
<br />n[ -ale ttp• rake FsaYa#rka from fitne to torte irq uutststndatrgrprtncapaiiuudrr ihs ,Nate nntltthear mMrest leant the
<br />ak.>rusb cola yvtsttid bt cTrnttary to trayrtufit of inttrest
<br />a~itabtt law. in whu;h event uich anioirnts stair hear ,Mtrtst at the highest rare
<br />~~ tiTM- Nmltit~ cantaintt# its ibis paragraph J shaft rcxtwrt Isndtr to rtecair any eiipenm or fakt
<br />~ L~naricr maY rtukc ~ total tiry#tt estaxLe rrtisorrab#r entrrt+ s,ptt€r znd inspesittxrs ttf the
<br />-tgsvrtr tttikrat tai ttr an atri<h taikpteiam spc~-ifytn}t ttuxtrttahlt :;roar t#terttar rrfaPr~t*~estttitt tcitdtr
<br />~~.
<br />
<br />....1
<br />