A 4
<br />25i---i~~11t3~t~~'
<br />Lender's wrk*mt agr+xraent or applicable law. Borrower shah pay the amotrm of alt mortgage insurance premittma in the
<br />ttrenner pibvided utxier paragraph 2 tseroaf.
<br />Artp amosinta disbursed by Lender Rutxuanr to thin paragraph i, with interest thet+xott, sh~li became additional
<br />'srsde}r:~ness o€ Borrowu secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />atrsoatnts shall be payahk upcm rtertice from Lem~t' to Borrower regaxsring paytrtent thereof, and shall bear infet•~ from the
<br />dare at t~btuaaetxrti at tI~ rate papairle from time to tune oa atttstandatg pttirtcipal undo rho Nixe titsksa paymmr of
<br />interest at stteh rate would ire contrary to applicable law. in which event such amotinta shall hear interest at the highest rah
<br />permitle tinder appiitmble law, Nahiag confaitted in this paragraph 7 shall requite Lenckr to incur say ezpen~ ar take
<br />aay actimt herettra}tr.
<br />~: ~ Lender tmy nuke or cause to br made reasonable entries upon srtd inspectians of the Property. provided
<br />that Lender shril give Bnrrawer rtaice prior to any such inspection specifying teasonabk carts[ therefor related to Leader's
<br />itrfere:t ie the Ptroprerty.
<br />~- 'Zl~ proceeds aF an} award ar claim For cfaata>tea.:3irei2 or co€tst~utentiat, in ~nrseetton wins. attp
<br />eortderriaatian ar other taking of the Property, ar par[ thereof, ar far can: eyance in [tart of eatsdemtmtion, are hereby asalgned
<br />and skali Ire peed to :xnder.
<br />In the: evem of a irxal raking of the Praperty. tl:e pnsceeda s.4all err applied to the stems secured by this Mortgage,
<br />witk eke ~tcexa. it any, said to Harrower. i;: t?sc ,.ant of a partial taking of the Prapeny, unless Borrower attd Lender
<br />nthtrwise agree in writing, there shall fsr applied to the soma serataed by this Mortgage such ptcrportion a[ the praceeda
<br />$. is egrmi m that prtrtxntian umicb tht amount at the sutras six.-ttrt~' #ry €hts Stettg3ge immediately pritrr to the date of
<br />[airing hears to zlte fair inarltet value of the Pmperrv rmmediazety pricer to the date of Yoking. with the kalanct of t!x pmceeds
<br />paid to tlerroaer.
<br />Tf the Property' is ahatsdotxd by Borrower, ar if. afm notice by Ixnder ro Bxsrrimr [fiat the condemnor offesa to stake
<br />art :ward or nettle a claim for damages. iiarrnwtr faits to respond to [.ender •eithin :rs days ahu the date sttclt notice is
<br />mailed. bender in autkatizod to collect and apply the prtrctedi at i_endrr's opriat. eitttu to resroration or repair of the
<br />Prauetry ar to the stints ser:uscd by this Martttage.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrtrwrr otherwise spec sn ++-~riting. am• ;ash appiccati-m of prrrrtrteeda to principal shall tart trct~td -
<br />ar paw the dtx date aF the nsanthly iratialltr~nts ceferrcd to in t:arartraphc ! and : barest ar ehan¢e the smarm[ of
<br />wets mttatltrtents.
<br />tai. tftasasssy Np R,>sirar/. Fxtensmn of Yht t=.tzrr far pa;•ttrcnz mar maditkatiatt of amortiratian of the sutra secuzd _
<br />t°'v ttris Martgege granud by I.aukr to any stucrssar :n inmrrst c>f Barrorvcr <Itall not operate to release. in any tnanau,
<br />the #iabitity <,f ike anginal Basrosver acrd &xrtrwer's tuccessxs sn inxerest. # ender shall Hat he required to camtrtersce
<br />{uocctdary_s xgarera s_•*elt mat er rouse to cxtttrtd ,ease far pavaretzt .~- ..thrrwist tnadify amartiutttm a[ the sutra
<br />ucurrxf by tttis ltartjage l;R; reason nt env demand made by rhr nrigtttal Risrrawer and Barrawer's succnnaan in interest_
<br />Ir• Pwiere~ it} l,aader Not! Vlattrrr. Aflv f;rrtrearanee t+v i_erndr. in esrressing env rsitlst ar remedy hemmder. nr
<br />,wtta+rroe atfatrfad by appbcahk {aw, shall tent t,e a waivtr of ssr ;+rec#udt t(rc exercise of env such right or remedy.
<br />Tlu proeurtttaeat of itaturartce ~ the paytmeni cwf rases or istiur liens nr chsritrs M• Lender shatf nm I+e a waiver at ittsdtr'a
<br />right to accektsrat tau rnoptrity of nc~ rndebtedness v~arred by then Lfnrtptaae.
<br />Iz- Ri~rr (°atNtatee. .~#! rttsrtdics pm•,=.ded :n xhis 4{artgage ere .;istmr_:c arrt ~::mirtativt Ya any ;~tku rigfit nr
<br />rt:nndy under thes Mcxtgagc ar atfordrd by +aw ..-rr :-~urty, mod r^ss t~ rccr;sced c:-n~uxtmrlv.:ndependcntl~' ar stucesaivetY.
<br />r3. awd AaalBes 0padz laraq aei Sarerri l.iabBlP_r. f'aatlefra, iTe ,ovrnants tad a¢rtxrrrents 6tretn
<br />eoatair~d shall hind. and tbt rtgtsts tsrmttxkr shalt .Wore tn, kx .^_•spesrsre srx~scirs a:rd assigns .,C ! ender :end Borrnwu,
<br />zublect Ya rise prortisrcets of I+arattraptt ?T €xrcot Vii{ ~v.•rnants amt atttrrrt#rnn .nf Barrau~cr s#t3ii f,e taint aced several
<br />~~spt~~ attd ~ ref :!~ ;raraar'aph: ;,, 'Was ltar.¢ag+r ors I;sr convrneenrr ..+n#v and arc etctr to l+e ;teed to
<br />,ntarprt# sir det`mt tree pravnsiarrs htneaf.
<br />li. Eaeept ftrr any rtntxce rrgttircd urrs9er apt>dicnttle tau !r. i~ 1ZYVtrt to otwthrr manrsex_ (at env notice to
<br />9arrawsx pxavirkd [ar =n this Mnrteage shalt he g:vtr, Hx macitrr¢ sexh :xxxx by ::ertahtd mail addrrssed to BorrouYr at
<br />star Prcepetav Address ar at stxh :u#tcr address as &rrrcwrr may etas>grsate hs r~,ttte to leader «u praveikd #serein. atu!
<br />il±i ant na+cc to Irrn3er she## tx green ht ~erttficd nsa,l.:rte:m r~,,-est`t testuestrd. to l rndrr'= address stated berrirz nr to
<br />siteh sxhtY aridness xs Ixerder mar s3r»gnatc hs acktcc to ~xrxw,er as prs+vtdrd Herein. Anp notice pmvtda! [or in this
<br />Martgagt s{tatl tsc daetrxd to tza+~c }n+esr grYr€t to l3zxrcw~tr ?r i rt>~x ,.!set; grvea eta the matsner desitlna[ed herein.
<br />l!. Larterw {,otrrettige i asst ±iasss~aiAtg. t?sss ==*rm .:# mangag,e i<xrtbitta smiForm cavenaMS Far national
<br />use sad trnrr-urttnrat c~ovr>aattts wash lirrtsrtd '~~ar sastec+tss i:s tci:at~:tx-s; t.t .ctrsar€ste a ctntfarat scci3rriv instrument aaverittg
<br />neat ptvperty, ~17tia Mortgage shalt ere gavcrtrrd M Y}.x taw :~i Y#Yr :;trfe.#attazut :r: which the Praprrty ss #seated. In rht
<br />-- t:'~'~t :53i ~-~ .; -,'~.=ss.t ,kis ~€:-s-.ras~.~a - -,..~:~ --- -- •.-~. -.~.~..... ' ,n-. --- _!~-' -
<br />athrr prrsvsstrrar, ac ikn 4tottgaae ••r rive 4.xc -+~htch ,.a E ce g,rrrs eftc;~: ++~uha~si the cortflictittg pmroisifan. a:td to this
<br />acrd the ptaastsicstzs sit itm Mortgaite amt tree *iae are .Inc#ared t;. t+r +evualsle.
<br />it4. ms's ~a~. Bartrn.er strait #sr fttrflrsl'teai a c. xif~trmed ~ sga tf the 'rote atsd of this Mortgagr at the littu
<br />at sa~rrtit~tt ar after recardataeet barest.
<br />17. 7`tardrr a# Ate ~!r Atartgairs. if art <w arts put s7F rte Pttsperty ar an interval thuein is sold ar naasferred
<br />try ®ertower wdharrt i.cnder's prior wtnurn xnstnr, cari¢ta€ing ;at tfte crratian of o elm rsr eeterrrnbrartce stibordinatt to
<br />[tats ihsrrtga$,e. tb3 tltr cxsattan at a pun:hase erssrnep s~uxity ,merest far horrrekatd appliatrecs, (ct a traaster by devise,
<br />darcxutt or ley aperatiaat of lase uPfar tttr drtsttt a+f a }rent Yrrsazxt :~r i.:t the grant of arty iersehald intttert of three years ar Iesa
<br />teat srirriag m stptitrn to purchrea. Lsncks msg. at ltndcr s z+ptwn, declare aU the s€urts secured by this Mortgage to be
<br />i~ due old pays~tde, l.tt+ekr sh~1 Etas! v.a,verS aa:,_t* ..ptnn to aecekrate if. prier to the sale nr tramtu. I.ertdu
<br />sari rite puson to sshota tree Prsrputy is to Zk said tx traststtxrrd trsa^,h agreertttnt in writing that the credit of stash perrwrs
<br />it t:atastar,tcsr4 €o Ler~r aatd that the irercrtat rst>it ~ tltr stma turd Ity tft~ Martgagt shall be at elects rate ss Laredo
<br />tyytfest. It i etwler has raivmd t5e optt,in to aiceterate prrwittral ,n this ;+aragraph l1. 3Rd iF Br!rn±wet's successor in
<br />IrraseK eraactdrtE • stritrrtt ~ agmarent auepred ir+ .vriting b9' lendu, Cenau [.stair reksse Borrower from all
<br />wader sari Ae Vs+re.
<br />tf. l.oedrr easrciaw airc3s ogrtwe to accekratr, trn~itr shall mail Borracsr naive of accetsration in accordartee with
<br />~~ I• t• ~rove4e a ,~na;.t r•s txa their ~ days from eke date the natur is mailed within
<br />w6iele Hartuwtr may pay tltr sums darslaxed dare. d f Bortauer [eels 'a teas' erne![ surm prxir to eke rapiratirtn of such period,
<br />t.irstitat auk. wiE±sr~t turtk~ rruttoe ar cmxttmad an &xrauer, cnvake anp cettrodies pvmitxed by paragraph l8 hereof.
<br />~DM~,lrNetpaM ~.nVtrltiat~rt'a~. BOrrfriL'r and l.etrdet trTttker Ca~'ettatir acrd ai.jre6 a3 foibsss:
<br />ti, ~ lErarrisa. ~ ,. ~'~ ka t1 lnabf, epr. Oersawad'a breach ~ rtr catrarart a
<br />aBearteeettt at ttweeswe ice. Aar caarirtr~ a F+a win +ita ~' ~ seewad by dsie as#attgttgr,
<br />~ ~ aftarg ~ in tier air gr..:asi it Pwasgra'i Is traces[ rpoeffjet6 tt) tie bttraei;
<br />f?'~ArE a>tArte av[tp+irpi b erect[ sari[ ittre{tti ~ a lair, sea Etta tftrtr Ii drq~s fttrrt tl1s ~ der ttsrdra lYS raiMd tat liwsrsrer,
<br />!g rtrt t ba .. aid 14; ~ tea ewr w~ bread[ ace- oe betaee tgte ~ ts~ariiei kr tie adite
<br />testlt rawil weal ~r,it.... ily drat ":~ert~.. 6.ee#e.ant Yr pdicl~ w'aaeagiag m.tf .r .r [ter rro~eaty.
<br />'litamlti~aitliE I'~Ite~ lt~s ~ e4'_Bus >l~kte eeieAam ~ atria sad tit titer ra rrri+pr[ i~ tier fraei.ratr ~
<br />M -set a as aAr a dea#aain at iterrsteer to ~ read taradmatta, # Ae btterci
<br />~ rw air iatatrtt 1M tithe ~ Errs 3ia rta>ita, Lgitr at l aetfw'e sets: dtxt~e ai at air rwe [[watt{ rY
<br />Ate is ~-~-~ myi:p~iir-asiliad twain iearnd earl ~ t tqr ln,t,',y~- later
<br />tillnR;trr artilMtd tr aria! fit Terri tiraratrYyl_all atafaarra at itttteeiswre, iw rot lirdtod a0. atria at inea®tataty
<br />~~aat1 ttAt tt
<br />t1. ~a lit art ~ `~s;Ewillattartstig Lerder'a ~csietrn ed tfae stt~ s~~e,YI ~ itt~ ~,
<br />t#atrY titaB tfta r r# tmrwe ut5' by I.€:vder to ssatinct tktt idgitpage dsscrxit#nrtrrt at any- rrrtw
<br />