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~1-- (~~11~~~ <br />Utttt+atat Coverierrrs. Borrawtr apd Leader covenant attd agrce as fellows: <br />1. of rsfwrs~i asd #abra~. Bontswcr ~ promptly PaY whin due the principal of sad iatueat as the <br />' evitEettrapf by the I`tate, prepsymmt attd late charges as protrided in the Noce, attd tht principal of sad interest <br />oa asy Ftpuas Advtacea aecttsa~ !~ this Marigage. <br />Z. 1~ ~e Tastr trd Stihjscs to applsatsle Iaw or to a writtea waivtr by Leader, Borrower shalt 1#Y <br />W Ltxi~ tut the day manWy imnaIlmeots of priacigai-and #nturst are payatile under the Nate. utttii the Nese is paid ca fttlt, <br />s slap f)terein "Fpar6"3 ea}uat to tine-twelfth of the yearly laze and assessments which may attain priority Dater this <br />a" ~~ ~~ » tt~ , if attg, p)tu ~~•iftlt of ysarry pr~nsrtt i~talt~at~ far h~a_rd i'uprrttcs, <br />~twelftls at yr~tty itaa ' far izsttrarr~. i# atty. all as rxasesnbly estitaattai ittitiatiy and fsam <br />sip ut lima by L~der as ifye iris of a~eesutaeata std bills std reastsaabk estimates titmeof. <br />Z'iie Fina~ 6e hid in an iaaSittrtian the depsasits ar ae~utus of which are itswi~ or ~taratttttd, by a Federal or <br />any £it~ Leader if Lender is stub an imgitnt#an ), l.tader shall apply the t`utxfa to peg saw texas, ~, <br />i pt+amlarres sad mats. Linder may ttat charge tar w hokiiistg and applyin; the Futufs, aaalyziag said account, <br />or aretifyis; and txxapilin; said trttmh sad tails, unless Letter pays BottrnXer interest as the Fua~ and appticable law <br />petstsits Leader to tn:ke a c)tsrge. Borrowu sad Lenckr may agree is wtitin; at the time of execution of this <br />~ that interest salt the Fttrsds shalt be paid to Borrawu, and alder such agteettxnt is made or ap~isahk lass <br />t'agttir4s weft irttte[ut to !ae paid. I.znder shat{ not bt requited to pay &rrrotrer any iattasat or rartutegs txn 4he Fttttds. I.eoder <br />shalt us g , as-eslurat char, as aaaaai acs-wrtea; of the Fats sk,3wi~ creds~ sr~ d~~ +~ *~ F{rttls and the <br />pw for which lull deter ;o tba Futtda was made. 7}te Fttsds err pialgcd as additiotmt security tar the sums socaarod <br />try tts~ Mart~tOe. <br /># the amotntt of the Ftitads htld by Letdar. togerhu w7th the future tacsntfily instalhtsertts of Farads pavat>N prior to <br />the due dates ~ lasts. asseesmatttx, saautaace ptemtttrris std grouad rents. shaft estcrtd the amastt requital to pay said taxes, <br />amts, muirattce pnemitaaa sod ;routd rents as thty ta11 due. such c±ccess shag be, at Borrovru's option, r#ther <br />prtaaptly repaid to Eortvwer or credited to Borrower an ttsantttly imata#lttunta asf Funds. If the amount of the Fttada <br />htdd hY l.tader dmii twt be sed5cietat as pay tastes, attaexameata, sasurattce pttmiaam artd gtvutsd rrnis its they {alt dtx. <br />BtNrrrarr mall r'~Y its t.ent#as say aasastnt t~+ssart :a mate up ttx drftctrstre with{n )0 days tram ttte date rsatiee is retailed <br />by Ltasder to Barrcwcea rapresttng payaxnt ttxrrsrf <br />t%p~ payttttat xn %ull rsfi ati snout stcureei 6y this !Hongage. t.crtdrr that( aranaptty rcfumi to Borrower any Funds <br />Eratd by i.eader. If uadtf para;raph th herezrf the Prs~rcrty rs sold ar thr Pnstserty ;s cxherwtse acyurttd by t.eni~r. Leader <br />slhsh apply, tso tamer tfsan tmmedtsttty pttcsr to the sate of Ilse Property or i{s acquicstwn txy, any Funds paid by <br />i.aadcr r<t tl5o ttttse of app#xatiori as a cra;tt agasnst tlxe auras sRlutYd by rhss tfertgage. <br />~. A at tRagpamrab, tialrss app#{cable taw pravrdra cttxrwisr. aka gaymrras rrcetved by tender under the <br />iVaar atsd paragraphs 1 tact :, heresst shat tae spplred in lerscter first ,n par{tsrrtt «t asrxaursts paysbts to t.enacr by $orrowcr <br />wader para~grapb ~ helm{, the to satrrrst payabtt an the \atc, thrn to rhr grtrcepat of the Nate, sad rhea to intertxt and <br />pnnca~d tin am Florin Adraasacs. <br />s- C° t.issss. $rsttaxrr ctsjN ,av sit lazes, as+tssatrrrts sad :+trxtr .barge:. filers saxS ~mtxssfttans attr5#rutabk to <br />the Property wSiieh may attars a prrrsrisy over toss 6iartgage. asst (casttt<xld payasems set groun6 rears. of any. is the meaner <br />ptavadtd smdet paragraph ? heaeol .sr. rf trot paid ~n such mtnaer. tr- ])Errs: xer ataittrtg paymrnt, •s}gyt due, datxily is the <br />x~r: ;,,,,,, ---~ ;;.n,5 - ~~-t..:u.y.{><h ~~ t ...,{+~s ~ti nn!.,-~e r.f _rnn,sexss ~tx sender thtc nara¢faall, and is [hr event <br />lltxxzazserr +hali rassttc payttunt~ drttttft, Btrrrc~sser shall prtxnp{ty Turrexsh tcx (rndrr tccetpts c~~tdeacrttg such paytrxnts. <br />Borrower sitatt pta~rtiy dtsz)sargr any ittxs uhtcla has prranty crrt`r !tt{+ '?.tart;a;e: gravid. that hurtzswrer shall ntrt he <br />retitttrt~ to dz~har;e say saac#s lae{t ,« long as ~-±rtcw~vtr ~akt ~g{rr rn -~.-aotar t e1s- ;sac-sacral at t±~ ;*.tssatxm secured lrv <br />such !fin ra a rtteatset atsegrable to C,tadzr. cx shall sa S}acxd frith contest arch tern ka-y, .rr alefrad enforscment at stu:h lien in, <br />resat as wtatrsh .reeras~ t>-i preset-zt {tsc t<iitex.-,rrt{t ~f !tr>= ie~t` a= =~ica_[,_7s cef fire Pr€sptr3y ~ si~: g5rt thertof. <br />S. t!iafturti ! bond _r shall krep tfse rnpresvcnacrsts tsa*+. rz=sang ar fstreaftrr errc[rd an itte Property restated <br />rues by firx. #tariatds rx:)txkd wtthrt`. {tin term ~-~-xtct~r+ .e;v€rage' . anc3 z,rch attm ha;•ards as i.eadrr may rrqutrc <br />3~f {a azuh x..ratz :tad tsar s:s:h r:-r:csss a} t. tm4cr maz• rey-:.~- psa;{wE=:. •~at [ ~a.~+ r ~h~it eat rcqusre that the aresauat <br />such e:~ert{gt rusrd that aencouat c°-i coverage rrqu;rstl tv gas stu ;Irrrt-z .essarety f~s !her ~iartsage. <br />the raatraax carrxx grrsvd"tng rtes tnsurssncr shall ~xr chosrn by ~rrtrwer xubtrct to spgtava} by Leader: praveded, <br />tip such apprava! t9tai3 tiros ht utsrrasotaab#y ssxhhr#d. .~3 prcm{tress .,n insurance p~,ticxs shat! #xe paid :n !iu manner <br />provtdad udder para~apit .'. lberazr# ar, if sot ptxi ra xta;k: msnaxr, ist ikurawrr tnst:ing paYttxnt, ,vhm duc. drrrrtly as the <br />t~ rattier. <br />.A8 imuraxs aria rtlaestais Tiars'ecd ~taie ne sa irxrr..-.~- =r-ia`v~ ex> x - _ - . -- - '.-~a:d"" -.=td <br />r.#ausrs is favor rN sad to fond acz~ptabk as t.tttdar°. i.sruf~er sts363 hxse *he r:ghs r.~ hat4 ttre patieics drat ~rcarwais thrrrc5f, <br />asd Batrttnrer shalt ~ ftpai3sh to Ler:aler all rrrreavai aattres sad sit ts_x.~es;~.a .st ;~ gretr{ru[ns. lr..`:e turn( of lass. <br />Borrvteer siaat# gta~ prtxtapt tictticr to ttte truatrasxx e`atrrrr slut i ttder l.endst may male E.rc,i nt ;~ st sot madc promptly <br />fig' il.~- <br />U last awl ttkznrsa+rr tst!rerws~ ~~ sa xs,rsSt~. {t~rar~ prr~-er=Js •~ts=_~7 ~ aped to ressorati~n nr repair of <br />the Prapvty mod. ptzavsded srich restarattan t,r rp;a+r rs ec-Lacsmicaiit (rasrb#c .itad ttte srctsrny of thss .'~4aagage is <br />aoi {heslehy sntprttvtd tt xuch restoratraa ar repast rs rxu esxaassmscatly tsastbtt ar t( the srxunty rt this Mortgage would <br />be tt®pa<ered. eha t~utasc~ pracseds shall he app#xe~ ta= tsxr soars ~.urr:4 by this !;iuttgatt, utth the ccceas., if any. paid <br />tti Baxrs~acr if rho Y {s abatsdirned #rs „ Barrawu fasts to respond to Lender wsthin l0 dayx from the <br />data aatirs a ttsaiiad by Leader to Borrower sleet ttx :awraacr .°artrcr catttrs tat srttlc a ciarm far iasursace trttiufits, Exnder <br />o autheaimA u> colLtet add apply tlse {mzsratxr prrrxats st Lraatrr's aptian ether to restoration ar repair of the Property <br />W Ehr r.~ sariiasxd hi t#ss ~• <br />t3aia~ Leader sad Basroasr zxserss*tsr ogres sn wrrtrag, ens srx'h aaptpcatiort of pros:eeda to gntxrgal shaft not extrrd <br />War paatptasC the- duo dao¢ of flu mcxathty uuualfttarrrta refuted ac, m paragraphs t asn3 2 hereof or cf{aa;e the ame>,nt of <br />- I# uttdar th hereof ;.~ Ptopertt• ss acrtu.~rea# by Lender. alI ^ght, true std knttrest of Borrawrr <br />in trod m spy ittanrattce pdicass and in std to the prrx-eeds thetea# resuhrng from da.•nagt to the Property prior to tfx sate <br />r#' - shat! pros to i.r tr, fix t~ttat of ;ire -stttrn seestrcri hr thss tti3rtga~ tmsrseiiiate-y furor to fetch sale ur <br />~. last! . ad ~t £ Pty Data Devdapme~. B€Nprrxet <br />fire Fraperty ~ gsaod grit and shall cacti ctxnmit avastr alt ~xmtt !mpatraserre or detuioration of tIx Property <br />sled Y w-sfS riot pravisinos of arty t€ase :'. t;:.z Mort;Sg>w :s ,~ a ]zh~*td. (f the ?41ca+=gsgr is era a resit ir. a <br />or - p anal ~~'at= BSarrtxwu shall perfcstzta alt ~,# BorrPwrrs at#rttgaturrss u,tdrr tht dedaratran <br />eF ~ crrxtia~ ~' go+>arnratg rho ;.orsdtsaamstnrt or ptannrd uttii d5rve#ssptttea4 the by°laasx and rrgutations of the <br />er pfd t dlr~s9iaptlaerti, .snit cotrst€tuct{t r#~utatn{s. tt 3 Cc~tcsrartsamr ar ptaasnr3 Flar{ ,te,;etopntrat <br />ttdar i; ~ by liesictwta aed rarerdad tt+grrhtir ,wtla this lsicsrtgahx. tftr .ovattaarrvt amt sgretmcntn s~f ssxh treks <br />itlstfi La aced self abets rr atsd smut the cavrrsartta add agrermeats of thss Alesrtga~ as tk the rider <br />ewtllt a i ~, <br />'f. ~-ei I.aafar!1 8 it Bonawar fai}a to perfasrm ttse cervertrnts sad agtreaseau caataitmi is this t <br />os d sags aatdraa m ~ to which matrrisl}y eta ixiader's itsscreett to the Property. <br />tiraitasg , atttta~ alt>saaia, sttaztl+ertcy. cezAe eaforcatt~ttt, .?r arrangarttaats or ptvicesditi;s inv+~vitrg a <br />htlYt tta 3, tltfa l.amler ~ header's oiausn. xapon «axice to ~orrirwer. rt»y make such appearances. dxs#xerar sucfi <br />st#Aisl anA: saRe_sac# at~a+s ss sa n1%'Axsatry Ea prctttcrt l.etadet~s .rnarest, xtxludtn;, b53t ttEa ti»riUtd tu. distsursrmant al <br />~ferrt ms's attd mrttsy ssptsat trsa ~y ro a r~ir~ it l etrder rrxasgirrd mcsrtgage iasurancr ss a <br />~. t)fe attctarad ?ri this Aiutig., ffiN,mtswat s#xt)t pay ttse ptstt{titsnr.s requimf trp mttiatatu atxch <br />iautraraa as tdt staaid ttasoii taste as tree ce0arirctaror far such sasrtraatta tit:-trai{zates sa arxxrrdarss~ walla Barstarver`z sad <br />