Farm $O$ B ~ 11 i ~ ~~
<br />Gander's written agtceraeni or applicable law. Borrower shelf pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />mariner provided tinder paragraph 2 fierrof.
<br />Any atnounu disbursed by Linder pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shalt become additional
<br />indabtediicsE of Borrower securest by this Mortgage. Unless Harrower and Lender agree to other terms of paytnem, such
<br />atntnrnts shah ist payaisk upon notice from Leirder to HarraucF rrgt:eszing payment thereof, acid shall bear interest from the
<br />date of disburarmen! at the Tale payable from time to time on outstartdmg pnncipat under tht Note unless payttterfi of
<br />`^;; --Lx'7w`Lald w ~^ntrar;• to =~?is_k~ taw, in which went such amounts shalt bear interest at the hig}test rate
<br />petsttissgelt tm~r applicable taw. Nothing c{trttaiita~ in this paragraph 7 shall require Lentkr ra incur any expellee or take
<br />any aGion hrreufxfer.
<br />>i. Ihtt~eetloa. Lender may make or cause fo be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, proviaed
<br />[lei I~-nder shall give Borra+setr notice s~rior [a any such insptctian specifying rzasanabie cause tixrt:for related to Leffder'a
<br />interest in the Propttty.
<br />9. Cam. '!"ht pmcetds of any award or claim for damagta, direct or consequentiaG in rnnnasion with anq
<br />cnation or other taking of the Property. or part thereof. or for canvtyarict in lieu of canderrtnaiion. arc heRby ataigned
<br />and shall be paid to 1 ._sidtr.
<br />in the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shelf be applied to the sums securer! by this Mortgage.
<br />with the txcess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the even? of a partial taking of the Property. vnlexs Bprrowes and Ltxtder
<br />afrerai;s agr~ i.^. tvrtttng, tt~re shsff M applied to tlrt ~um< srCisred Irv Lhis Mart¢ase Stich pinportioit of the pfd
<br />~ is esltsa! !a the prispartion which she attiount of the sums secured by this ?sfongage immediately prior fa the date of
<br />taking 6tars to the fair marktt rafue of the Praptrty immediately prior t.s tksc dart of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid ?n f~-eu.:c-r.
<br />if the Property is ahartdoned by 1§ts€Fawtr. or if, afar native by I.tndez to Bonasrer that the cnndemnOr offers t9 mike
<br />an :ward nr setrk a claim for damages. Barrr?sver faits in respond to I-ender within 30 days after the date Stich notice is
<br />mailed. Lcrnkr is ainhorin~d to coffee{ and app}y she proceeds, az t-etxler's nptian. either to restoration or repair of else
<br />Property or m the Burns Bleared by ehis Mottgagt.
<br />Unk:s I-tndm aced Borrower nthtrwist agrtt en writing. env wch appircatinn , f proceeds to principal shat! not es[end
<br />ar poEtporu tfx dtx date of tfst monthly instal{mints referred to in paragraphs t and ~ hermf or change the amtx.nt of
<br />such enstalttrserns.
<br />i8. lacrower ~ Rariestd. l:xitnstnn of the t,me trrr pavmtm .,r rr.;*diftcauc+r+ :+f amorttzatian of the sums Berated
<br />by "ti+s Ns>rtgage granted t.y C-etader to am cuccescar :n interest of &s:rou°er Ehall rn-t n}xratt to reftast. in any manner,
<br />the liabilisy of the original Barcnwtr aced Bnrrower's se:sessi:r4 ~n +ntertsr F ender Shari not fse reGUircd to commence
<br />pracetslings agattixt suds successor nr rt'use to rstcnd time *ar ; avment .,r pthtrsv+st modify amartiZatian of the sums
<br />secured tn~ this 4ltsrtgagt by reason :?f .any demand made ha thr ,=tie+nai li<trr,~wer and fiartnwtr's nsecessnrs in interest.
<br />il. FarrertrawtY ig ttsrdcr \isq a iYatvs7. Ain fnrtxarancE r,t I rndtr in rxercis+ng asn' tight or remedy hereunder. or
<br />otherwise afforded by appficabie law. shall mgt tie a <., ,,^re,i;uie rise extrcist of any such right ar remedy.
<br />T'fu prtx:uttr:unt of insuraner n the paeYtttnt of tsxry „r ;:thi•r ''-:rnE =,r :hartres by t.tndtr shall rat tk a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to acctkrate the marurit; of the +ntiet+tednns secured by th•s 11c+rt¢at+~r
<br />f~ Q C=__`_~_, Afi rtmeciiex prn~.r<~ied ^ sh+, tiofl¢agr ore ~isnnct and :umafativc to any nthtr right or
<br />rettitdy under eftix 4tottgage or atlorskd h+ taw .,r eq;i:rs ~n:i near %~c rxerc~u-d _nncurtrntlr. independenth~ ar successively.
<br />i1. Saeeeasan and AsaiRm lows[:, )dot awd yie.rra! !F>tiNily: C'aaiiOtis. Sett .ovrnanis and agreements herein
<br />urtstaiitett {half hind. and ;ix tights hcrtundtr .half „,-,:i;e ;. tt~ re•,;sec:;.e ,•>ccesv rs and assi¢ns of I.rnder and Hotroswr.
<br />su6pxt m the proviginnl of naragraph l' htrexsf +li :ovtnants and agrtcments „i Btttmwer shall Ix joint and several.
<br />Tlse capitons and hradtng. ~ the paragraphs „t ittr Lic,rtgage :ire far cnnv,^nsetKt .,nl>= and are Tint to he used to
<br />tntetprct nr iieftsx the prmssrans teertaf.
<br />i4. ;~&?iOiF. nctpt n a„y fi3a tiiE ;cyuirEtii ".n<icr ~t~it::dl%i[ !off --' t'-° ~ *~`nn ~ s{7nihar {ngnnEf, (3} anF n¢{1CL IO
<br />[ionsxwtr provsdrd far .n ittix ~laregagr ,hall t,e gsvea hr ;nai;ing sexh not=ce`trv .en!ftEd mail addressed to BarroweF at
<br />[he Property Address or at such rsthrr addrr<s as Bnrrr*u~er n,as drsitinate by notice rn f.tnder as provided herein. and
<br />Obi any :sotsce tc, l.cndrr bhail !~ ges~En hx ~crttfxtt ma:!, sctu.•n !rs:r,pt rtryeucstad t„ 3 cndtr'y address stated herein or to
<br />stub arhtr address as I.trxkr n:ay desegnate t+v aatxe tc tic+rr,:u-rr as ,re,°idt} hrrcin 4nt ncsttce provided far in this
<br />Man Rage shall tsc deerxd to bout tsters given to Bnrrn+ver ar f.~nder w--hen given in the manner dtsignatt:d herein.
<br />i5. Ctdtors fez Gox's'talaK Law; Sevtrttslks. This t.~rm „t marigage •_embirets uniform covenants for national
<br />ux aesd txm-uniform ca+snants with ismittd variat:cvns by fur:s~f:ctiazn to iar:strtnte a uniform security instrument covering
<br />real prnaem TTsn 4iartgagt :frail t?r governrd by shr taw ~,{ :hr ;ut:rodtets<xt in urht<:ts the r rpzrfy is ?ucatsd. In the
<br />eseni this any piav3tu.n ar cia:ise ,>f th.s :vlarigagt ~>r the 'vase ;,uttlicts ,vita applicable law. such rnn8ict shall not affect
<br />niher provssxxss :sf ttti: Martgagt „r iht 'l.~r svhsci* t+r s?+ven riirct .siiht.ut the cara`ficting provision. and to this
<br />the prnvisiarts c%f thr '.4fnrtgagc and the ^:~*tt art ~trciami '„ ':r yrvtrablc.
<br />16 Rar€vsrcr's Cow. Hortrnvtt vhall t+r fura.vhrd a .,-nforn+cd .any ;,f she "dote ?nd , f this Morigagt at the tint
<br />of eaeststian ar z#ttr rec-ardafion hettaf.
<br />±. +,+~~ ~ ~ off ., if al; ;. r any part of the Pnspert, of an interest therein is said or transferred
<br />b!' Borrnwtr without I.tredeis prior written ciussent. excluding :.,t cteasian esf a tins ar +.mcumbrarrce subordinate to
<br />this Mat{gagt, ib! the creation of ;: punhasr erx:nry -,ccarity ~aterrse t:sr hcsststhnld apptiartccs, (c1 a transfer by devise,
<br />dt=•rctn ar by t~traiian of law upon the death .tf a iarret srnant ar !.,; thr grant :+f any leaselsold interest of Three ytan ni less
<br />twi containing an csptiort to purchase. E cnxltr nrap, at l.ender'= opucxs. declare ail the yams secierrd try thss bfartgagC to be
<br />rmmedsately dot sad payable. Irrtder shalt `:eve uaivrd s,-its :?ptian to accritratc if, prier to the sale ar transfer. I~neier
<br />sad the ptrsan to whotg t}x I'rx~rsrty a to ise sold ar iransfnred rcaih agreemrnt in venting that the credit of ouch person
<br />u satisfactory to Lender and that t~ iuterr.t t.ayahlt on thr gums ~4_ured #*y this Martsage shall tae at sus:h rate as l ender
<br />shall rtEgtsesc !f l~ruser hat waivtxi tirr ='pt;cxr tr. acceitrair pro>.;de<i in this -,~-ragrapfi :.. ar.d if Bar-,ewer's successor in
<br />statsrest has tacetu~d a written zsstunptuss agreement accepted in writing err tinder. I,tnder shall release Borrower from all
<br />alaiLgaNCitts umict Shu{ bisvrtgag€ oral Ehe tiaee.
<br />If Lender eserciscs sixth npticn to aicYftrare. Lttuler =.haL' mail Barraw-er ntstice of acceleration in accordance with
<br />paragstapis i6 her>x,f. Such notice sttaPl provsdt a rirriod o5 n,y irse ihars 3Q days front the da[t the tmtice is°mailed within
<br />which Harrower may pay t:a=, scam declaree= v;.=i It Berri met fails •o pay such sums pnor in the czpiration {:f such period.
<br />t.~idts ttagy, wUhwt fttrtfw..• nc:€tw :x 3,~rtsxsxt :~~.^. L#.: rawer, .uvaicc art= trmtdies permitted by paragraph f R herepf.
<br />Floss-l~ttriwant Cos~xwrits. Harrcwtr and Ixnder further .,~~estant :end agree as foilnvcrs:
<br />i!, ~ Rasedin. f$aos+l s prarided ~ pas~rapr 17 isereaf, apart lorrawci s rraaeie of aey rgaacwat or
<br />at lassestsr ~ trre !llosigatpa, ewciadisg toe castatmts is pry vrrea doe sac ssaa. Breasts by tYis 'ltoslgalt,
<br />Lseeitr }tdses to at~saWa s~ assd leaflet d lwrsoscs as psovidcA is puagra[alt i4 hereef s~ifyrf=: (si tie Msfser;
<br />~ era asefaw sttigascati b rwe swcr use tat a isms. mat kn tsuis J® days from trs date ire aatla~c ~ posited rte lairmwer,
<br />b witiet#f ands rtcatD stoat ie rres~ awl Nt ~ fa3ttsc to rails syetr becac6 oa ar 6eferc tic dtMt spsciied la era oatstn
<br />twai+ la ~ a! ire was sttcssted rF frrt Hert~e, ferario>ace rY ~8itai psraccadrtl" sad race rd ere tPteiftrty.
<br />7<]fa want oral raetkas Vacs liarsowrT pd Hsi rllaw to ¢e3etttflt after acn>mtiaw sad ire nq{rt !o ~ la tilt farcctttaiue
<br />geeetrai~ ~ eats~a+dstt~tc ssf a tiefafaii ear aw; otlsec deices of lsresowcr to atreietatisa atsd feccetwssaecie. ~ tit hrsaer
<br />fs rift r~ eat et EsN!sat t9q 4efa aptatifei >s ~ qtr, ? ~wis at Leedar's ogtEaa taay dtrtse sdt at tit s»s setwssl ry
<br />Olts M fat srfrt ,iwe alai payaiss wiWoW isinrer dew said faceciese r! tafareedtwg. (.coder
<br />serail ra ertMiitd t. cdlsd ie-wets !~ al tapewwa d dereclasacif, taettaNfse, inq tsar l6ffMed ta, casts d d~
<br />ecrt'~H®6 sit~Ya toad ~
<br />i1-. fiwasaatat+s rs ~, *ic~ivritbstassti+teg lettder'3 aiietctat.nn .d the sastns seccse+~ci f+v this ;Nartgt.
<br />6btrsattct Llxstl 3wr¢ ttse riglst to fsax=e tiny {?rs7ct~irrt{s ixttjtltt #y ! Ptst,~r to enfcxce ih,s Sic*rxgagc .#iscctts[rrt€Fd at any sinsr
<br />