<br />~~.--~~~s~l
<br />Urtrs'tmtt Cavaxexas. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Yay®aat of Prt€ttlPd ead leteres6 Borrower shat] promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />iat~btedtiess evidenced by fhe Note, prepayment and {ate charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />3. F`trds far Teats toed :rat~atsct. Subject io applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Ltnder an the day raonthiy installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in fait,
<br />a s..:-. i:°,trti„ "Fu:.ds"p ey^:.~.! to a.ro ~ lfth of t:a ytar:y razes ao•! assessments which tt?ay 2ttain priority over this
<br />Mortgagt, and grotutd rents on the Property. if any, phis one-twelfth of vearty premium instaNments far hazard ittsurance,
<br />plus ant-twelfth of yearly premium iastallments for mortgage insurance, i1 any, al! as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to lieu by Lender on the basis of assessments and hilts and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />T1x Funds shat! be held in an instituiian the dtposiu or accounts of which err insured or guaranteed by a Ftdtral or
<br />stair agency fincittding Leader if Lender is such an insiitutian). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, asstssmeats,
<br />iasuratxe premiums atx ground rents. Lender may not s:harge fur sn holding and applying the Funds,-9natyaing said account.
<br />or vttifying lad compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />ptrmits Linder to mane such a charge. Borrower and i.endex may egret in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that interrzt on the Funds shall he paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable-law
<br />rtqui[sa such interest to be paid, Lender shall not he required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />she!! gist to tiarritwer, witltaUi cha,-gz, as annual acccu^.ting of the Ftmds ~howine credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each rftbit to iht Funds was made. The Funds err pledged as addiuanaf security for the sums cleared
<br />by this Mor[ga~.
<br />;f iht a,-rKSUSt of t ht Funds ha::, Sy Ltn:;rr. togttl:er ..irh rM ,utu, r :cnt::!v ~°::.^:trts of Ft:rds payable prier to
<br />t!tt deu darts of texts, asstssttttnts, irisurancc premiums and ground [tots -halt ezcetd.the amaunt required to pay said taxes,
<br />assessrntnu. insurance premiums and ground rents as they tall due, such excess shall )x, at Borrower's option, either
<br />preimptly repaid to Borrower or credited Ea &+rroWtr on month!} Installments of Funds. 1f the amount of the Funds
<br />htid by Leader shall not be strtfieieat to pay taxes, asstssntenu, tnsurance prcmtums and ground rents as they fall clue.
<br />Borrta€ser she!! pay to under any amaunt autssars to make up the deficient}' within i0 days from the date nonce is mailed
<br />by Leader to Borrasver requesting paymem the roof
<br />Clpoa payment in full of ati sums secured by this \{;,ricage. !.ender shalt promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />iutld sty Leader. if under paragraph 1 s htrtot tot Praptrr.:, =,,id ,rr iht Prep.-rtv Is otherwise a::gcured !sv f.crtdcr. Ltnder
<br />shalt apply, no later than immedratel} prior to the .ale ,~t the Property .~r us acqutsueon b}' Lender, any Funds held b}•
<br />Leader at the time tit applkation as a ~rcdit agaanst the s:,ms cleared by thrs S{ortgagr.
<br />J, Aptiieation at 1PsXtattrsgs. l;nsess appsscahlt .au pr;nrdrs ;aherwist. all payments received by Lender under the
<br />Vote and paragraphs t and : lxrtat shalt t*r apptcrd by f.tndrr first :n payment at amounts pa}°able to lender h}° Barrewer
<br />uncle, patagraplt 2 hereof. then to ,ntcrtzt pa}able nn the ~+rte then to the prirtripal of the Note. and then to interest and
<br />pnncrpaf an app Future Advanoa.
<br />4. L'Atugts;. I.iess. Br.:rrnwtr shat? ps:.,lt !., se- ,sessmtttta and ether charge.- fines and impasiunns attributable to
<br />the Propert}• which may astern a pnurisy ,rvrr th.s ~1e*rtgsgc. and leasrholti payments :+r ground rents. if any. in the mantxr
<br />..ti..t ,;.,,.~.r „i+ , r,_,.._.,t :. .,,._ ~< ,.~t: ,,, r h• R.,rrc,w mak,ng o vnttnt, when due- directly to the
<br />pays thereof. t{artowtr shall promptly furncsfi t-+ ! cn.scr ai r' ucc<- s.f amounts clot undtr~thts paragraph, artd in the evrnt
<br />Borrower shalt make payment directly. B.Srrr:ur; •hafl trra»pt;s !um-sh to I-ones[[ receipts tvrdennng such payments.
<br />Barlawtr 1!71{1 promptly dls.llargr any Ilrn ,fti.h h B+r:.x:t\ ~"•fr :fii4 ~tUrigagC. (+rr1Vi=ted. Inat BorrzlWtr ,hall ntit bt
<br />rtgrrrred to discharge any cacti lira ,o im..g ns €{rxroar€ shelf ,;gr.e :n {tu:ng to the pa}-inert of the obligation secured by
<br />such lien in a manner arceptabk iu !.rode[..+r ~hati ,n Fcn:cf is h <.=nt=~:~--. step h, ..r defrr,;t rnfercement of cosh lien tn,
<br />legal proaedtngs which operate to prweat the em„rctment n; tF:r '.:en ~>. .arrcmrc o-f the Property or any part thereof.
<br />5. laud Imosrmce. Borrower strati kelp the :mprc=.emtnt- wi,k .°s:.trng ;*r ncreattrr erected on the Property ensured
<br />against lass by lire. hazards included wrthm tfte term "estendea .,.veragr~ _. and ui~h otlxr hazards as Lender ma} rcyu~--
<br />and to such amountx sad iJS such periods as !..ender may rryu,rc. l+re»sdcal, the! !-redo[ ,flat! not rcyuerr that the amount of
<br />sorb caveragt exceed that amount ,Ff ca+~rragc rrgwrrd t,+ n::v the .ones .ecured M ttt,s ~tongage
<br />Tt~ irtsuranrt carrier providing slit insurance shat! !rc choszo by Borrower sub!ect to approval by Lender: provided,
<br />that such approval shalt not be unxeasonahly wiehhetd .'tt; ptcmrums ~+n tnsuraric:c pohnes shall ht paid m the manner
<br />provtdt£i uuttkr paragraph 2 iierraf ar, tf oat paid is catch ententes[. by Barowet makane aayrrient. when dot. dtrectiy to the
<br />insurance carrier.
<br />AB issursa~ pah~,es sad rer> Dais ix.rr~t clsai? t-e v : `cn:: t a.'crF,.ahr to !-e."~r a,.d shet3 :^~ludr o standard mortgage
<br />clause in favol of and in form ar;:tgtatrtc to Lender. lender shall ha'.r rho right to hold the policies and renewals thereof.
<br />attd Borrower shall promptly furnish to Ltnder all rertcwal notices and all receipts of paid premiums In the evene o[ last.
<br />Borrower stsall giro prompt notrcr to the ;user ante carrrer roes isrxitc. Lender may make proof ct loss 7f our made prarr,ttly
<br />b}' Bormwtr.
<br />Unless Ltnder and 1orrower othctssist agree en wnnng, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of
<br />the Property daaiagtd, provided such restoration or rtpa:r ,s rcanamicasly feasible and the securty of thss Mortgage is
<br />not thereby imparted. if su:h rrstoratron or repels :s tux econeunicaliy feasible or ,f the stcurny of this Mortgage would
<br />he unpaired, the inaurruire prssete6s shalt !>r applied tc) tfte Burns secured hp this Mortgage, with rho excess, if any, paid
<br />to Barrawtr. tt the Propcny is ahandnricxf b! Borr<>`.*er, :x tt Ha,rrawex farts to respond to Lender within 36 days from the
<br />daft tioticx rs mailed !m Ltnder to Borrower that the tnsurancc carrttr a+fTer. to sense a claim for insurance befits. Lender
<br />is aufharizxd to etrl~rt and apply the ,nsurancr proceeds at lxnder s apiton either to rrEtoratson or roper[ of the Property
<br />or to slit aunts scoured by this Martgagt.
<br />Ila~s Lender and 9anower a!hrnstsc agree en writing. an} such application of proceeds [o prrncipat shall not extrnd
<br />ar postparie the dot dart a# the mantht} iostafimm~u referred is to paragraphs 1 an+! 2 htrcof or change the amount of
<br />stick irisia!ltt7enE.s, if trru#er paragraph f d htreaf ttit Pxopert} is acyurred by Lender. all right, title and interest of Borrower
<br />in arut to any ittsurance prs#icxs and in and ro €hr proceeds thtreot resulting from damage to the Progeny pricer to the sale
<br />of argttisition shat' pass W Ltnder to the exttri oaf the sums secured by this ?.tortgage immediate{y poor to such safe or
<br />aCgYiiition. '
<br />6 llrnerramlm red Naristttstsnte of ProgeAv: (xtuehot~: f-oiusns; Plaaaed Uttiis LJevebpseeats. ffarrOWer
<br />shall keep the Praptrty in good repau[ and shall trot commit waste or ptrmrt impairttsent ar deteriorattan of the Property.
<br />atsd shad comply witty the provisions of any feast :f slits 3ortgage is oa a leasthaid. if this Mortgage ss on a unit in a
<br />Gancktrsttuum at a planrttd unr€ dv'vetclpmtni, Borrower ,h_l; mrferm alt of Borrower's obtrgauons urtder the deriarauon
<br />~ ravtoaats rrtatirtg aI govtrnsng flit coadannnurm or r:farned unit development, the by-laws and regu[aiions oC the
<br />eoadmtritiiatu a[ pianaed our. develapnstm, and canstittieni csoc.umtnts. if a condominium ar planned amt devtfapment
<br />[idle a extrrtttd by Botrawar grid rteordtd ragethtr with this !vortgage, the cavenanss and agretmtnts a€ such odor
<br />s3taii eft iacorportstsd iota sad sisals amend and suppieartnt the coetnants and agreetrients of rhos iV{artgagt ac if the rider
<br />+s~ a Put tteacof.
<br />'t, ad loader`s 5eerriQ, if Borrower fads so perform the cuvtaaris and agretntcrtta cantaitted in this
<br />a4artgagee, at if soy a<tscs€t ar pt;re>rednttg rs camtnrrntd Whxh rnatctiafty affects lxnder's Fnterest in the Property.
<br />igdudistg, but Brat Itittuttxi to. ettuatnt damxin, msalvtncy. [tale enforcerntnt, e:,r arratigtrrtents or przacetdings involving a
<br />~ ar dattdmt, theo Isnder at Ltadtr's option, upon notice to Barrowrr, may mike such appearances. disburse Bali
<br />sins aAd taker such aIXitKt as is rurttt+u}' to glattct I.rndtr's interest. Incftadtng, hui not timi€td to, dishurstment ref
<br />t'~ atisftiiey'+ its a[uf entry upon the Property to make rrpatss. if Leudtt rcgtiirtd miingage insurance as a
<br />ccinssitian of miitsrixg t:;c iw'°~n .~~: t. o M~•:ta»e-= Bt'rt=we. s.§~! i*.1y the przrai:.• „s •eGue[et msieta;n .,
<br />itatwts its eBert €tntii sets-i tisns as tits rrx;uirem€nt (ar su.:#i insurance tcrxninatcs to aitcudan,.c Wtth~ Bi'rrawtl`a=and
<br />