<br />si-- oo ~a~~
<br />9. Caedt The prai'eeds of any award or clatm for damage. direct or cottaequentiah in connection with any
<br />cotideertnatian or other taking of the Property, or patt thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />grad ahatf be ftaid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a total Faking of the Frnperty, thr procetds steal! he applied to the sums secured by this Detd of Trust,
<br />with rtes excess, if any, paid to Borrower !n the event of a paniaf taking of the Property, unftss Borrower and Lender
<br />^.....~., °a.n- in °•°i'`°g, tl,,~, sh,°;L `- apvt.,i~ t- .`° sa ;e~ur~ Lay •iis L:c-cd of "°rtai stteh p;ogor'iion of lire yraeetcis
<br />as is m tti'~s pr~apartiart which tfx atrxntnt of the sums secured by this Deed of Trent immediately pricer to the date of
<br />taiitrs ors to t~ fair marica[ value of the t9'roperty immediately prior to lire date of faking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paitf to Borrower.
<br />(f the Ftrtperty is attandotted by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offer to make
<br />an award or settle a claim far damages, Borrower fails to respotxf to Lender within 3t) days after the date such notice is
<br />rtsl. Ltr is st;chariztM! R) raft and appfy the prr~eeds, at Lender s option, either m restoration or repair of the
<br />Fraperty or to the sums secured by this Dced of Tt'erst.
<br />[Inks Lender and Borrower othetwisc agree in writing. any such appliratian of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or the due [fate of the monthly instatfinents referred to in parngraphs I and ?hereof or change the amount of
<br />such itzstaftments.
<br />t1. iiaerosrer Nat ReDeasd. Extension of rtes time far payment or modification of amortisation of the sums xcuted
<br />Pty this feed of Ttstst granted by Lender to any sttaessor in interest at f#etrrower shalt rat operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability ai the ariginaf Harrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Le,~tder shall not be required to txtmrettnce
<br />proceedings against such sttocaasor or rcfttse to extend time fnr payment or otherwise modify amortizatwn of the sums
<br />securest b_v [his Decd of Trust by reason of any demand made by rtes original Borrower and Borrower ~ s~Ycessors in ir!a~~t.
<br />f L Forbaraaet 6v distdcr Piet a Waiver. Any forbearance by (_ender :n cxercisintt any right or remedy hereunder, car
<br />otherwise affot>~d by applicable taw, steal[ rat f,c.a waiver of ar preclude the e.tercise of any such right or rerttedy.
<br />'fln procurement of irtatuartce or the payment of [axes or other Piers or charges ray Lxndtr shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to atxelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this 'Deed of Trust.
<br />)2. Retseiks Catttaddlse. Alf remedies pravtdetf in this [lord of Tntst are disunrt and cumulative to an}• other right
<br />or remedy tsmkr this flees of Trust ar afforded by taw :x equity, and may he exercised concurrentty, independently or
<br />3S1CCL42tye!y
<br />13. 3actarars aced A~ lased: Islet aced Severmf 1-y; Captions. The covenanss and agreements herein
<br />cc~taitx-t! shsaL bind, 3ttd tL~ rights txt-rttndtr ~fta!! :nnre :n. +.tw r~r~t:vt 4 :ctsw:s and assigns of Lender acrd 13arrowsr.
<br />subject to the previsions of paragraph t? heteaf AI{ -avenanu and bgreett~nts of Borrower shall be loin[ and several.
<br />Tlu ca~~a a~ ~aadsags ,: [tie parag.a ns s, ,..,; ;ref a. ,:st a.s far c„nvrrt~r only arr~ ate trot ti, be used to
<br />interpret ar drdtac the provisiaro hereof
<br />11. NeArc. Except for any trolls., tequtred under applteabk law •o tae gtven cn atrother manner. raj any notice to
<br />Barzower provvdtd for m this Ileetf of Trust shall tae given by matting stilt ttusice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />[tie Property At~rew or at satin ether address as Harrower may dessgnate by rwtice to Under as provided herein, and
<br />tbi any notrcx to Letxkr shall he given Icy ccrtitted irwi, return rtxeipt rsquested, to Lxrtdtr's address stated herein or to
<br />assert slicer address ss Leader map daagnate hp notice to Bstrrawcr as prartded herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Decd of Taut shaLf be deatted to Isere been paver to Banawer or Lrmicr when gtven in the manner designated herein.
<br />!S. 4tmNortr Dead of Ttn~ CwsreevR i~w; StvsraiiNv. TTus torm nt d-rd of trust cnmbinrs uniform covenanss for
<br />taatiatta! rase and mart-untiotm cavrnanu wtth ttmtrttd variautxes by iurisdtcttan to cotsatitute a uniform securin' instrument
<br />cevcritrg real property. Thi; flaxd at Traci shalt lac Rovcrtaed by the law of the {unsdsc:tnn rn which the Property is iacated.
<br />to the tract that any prartttiaa as~faaettaf thts feed at Trust ar ±ht Note tnafliits watt appfirahle law, such canfltct shall
<br />not sthX4 Whet prtt~itzam of this 9aed}nf Trust :.}r [tw Note which pan he given rffcct wtthcut tht conflicting provision.
<br />and ta-tft:3trtd tits LYarrttetst~ cif` t~ .floc, nt Trost atsd the NrBc are decierr°.l ._- ices stwcrabie.
<br />ii. ~e~r'^t€`~- ;"fit: tte iurncs}aed a csmfarmeri Copy ~ t site *: ate atxi ai thts Dyed of Trust ai rite tithe
<br />of tF:esutimt or after
<br />1?. "!'rte e! !~ !!qty; .`. !t off =ar any part cat lire P-ropceir ,.t an intcreat ;herein is sold nr transterrcd
<br />hq liortiaver wrthotat Lttsdtr's reior wnttert mrtsent, excltufartg 1a) the crcattcn of a lien nr e»rumbrance sutrordinate to
<br />tisu. feed at Trust, i b: rile creation ai a purchase tncaney secunty tntrtarst fnr ftcattsehold appltanca, ! c) a transfer by devise,
<br />descent or b]+ operation oS Paw upon the dmth of a Iwnt tersani or td) rfx grant of a4y IsasehcNd ==~tertst of three }ears or Tess
<br />riW LQaFaFAarrg an opertxt to parchtoe, L.etttfet may, at t_erts#r's upreon, declare sit the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to br
<br />•ntrnniuittdy tilt sttd payabit~ Larder shall ba: ~ waivrtt such ,t~.rn» to s~•ceir:ratr tf. prat to the cast nr rratnter, Lender
<br />and the persaat to wftam the Property :s to be said nt transfrrrd teach agreement in wrttin; that ttte crcdtt of stxh person
<br />:s satiufatrory to t~camkr and that lira :merest pa}afafe on tttc sums serurN ?+y this I3lrcxf of Trust shelf he at such rate as
<br />Lezsder shaft regtsml. If Lender Islet waived the splicer to xcekratr provided in rhea paragraph t %, and if Borrower's successor
<br />:a ia6sreat teas tatetdest a writttxt aanursptian agrasrncnt accepicd ttt whorls by f-ender, Lsndees shelf rele~ I?crrawar from
<br />atf obit"~ torts order tfeis Deed aC Trust attd the Nn:e.
<br />Lf fcn~r exercises web apt~ss to as~:~eratt:, Lcrtdzr shall ma!a Barrawcr notice of arxrktation in accordattcr with
<br />paragraph Id ttucaf. Stick ttttticc shat! prav;tte a nar.?ct ,~€ pro t.-.= t(~.. to ,tgi; fsu`rt tilt t'<te t`.x :t^tic~ s itaiied within
<br />whidi Bmrowcr may toy the sums drelaresi dtrt. tf Horrawer fads to pas stteh stirrts pricer to the expiration of such peried.
<br />Lender tttag, a:nftwat .utt.hrr rattles ar oerttand on t3tsrmwer, tnvake any rcmadtes permitted by paragraph . R hereof.
<br />]stta+t-ttattrtrot~ Caver~rxzs- t?arrasver a:af f_esdcr ftsrtftes coversaat and agree as totlowa:
<br />f= #~ R.sewt~ pacrpt a p~i~ fa paragraph f7 heteasf. open flnrrsw+a's lmexk of say csveraat ar
<br />of Llortower is tYis Ditxd of Ttrrd, fgelediag the covtssaais a Pay stbta dee any saes stewed by Ibis Deed
<br />Treat. lasrdes prior to accAsase~9tmtr t mstii eotitar to flarrewer a prwrided is peragrapit It Isrseaf spectYy(a~: fit tfx
<br />(~} Ae; regsireA is cross breach; lest s date, sat fart tracer 3e tfsys Eros. ef,t lisle fbe aetBee is aaBed ra
<br />fLiaeaaater, i7' arbtcft sash breaeft eats fie eata~ and f4) list taHeee sa case street Meath oa ar DNere the dose s~eci&ed
<br />~ that eaiies tray sewik ~ acrdetatiao of pct: was scented by tfsb Deed of Trot aced sale si the Property. The timice
<br />serrl ftKNitr iaferrs iatt~ra of the ttgtA a tee meter asaderai~ao aed the rfgk! to s roust tte4ea to atrM
<br />Nte arai•eaiHaaee od a defark nr t+eY albs deftase of lareoaer to acceieraliao attd tadr. if ebt baeacb r$ 001 cos'ed
<br />or ar btdmee the Aade is ptr teepee, [..trier st t.eader's optiw say declare t~'i oI rise stash stxmsed bI rids f7etd
<br />d Tnd M fie isaraefieie~q riot aced payaftk witltoet ftsrtf~er deetfrd sad any levedte pre Femr of cede and toy alxr reasedfee
<br />ptl iX sprit Tarr. f.cader sbsl bs cmigied is solaat tdt rasawrie took mi eapeaoss iaeerred ~ psrrdsA the
<br />raae~ra fotoriied lee this tit, hot [rat limbed to. riaoas~ atMtrey's floss.
<br />D /Me psarrer tsf wit k fits Ttt esrsact s tttsifee sf aktft~ M aroeb essay ~ wfticb pre Fropertf er some
<br />>?~ tltctoof b located sad shall maB copiss et secs strict it tie aueoer gaxr66ef Lty teas to lortowatr aei to time
<br />ps"asoao prti ~ last. .liras idsz si seek liras a ma3 tae' retyairad by trppieave ~a6. Tvrdee
<br />/rlitt ratite of oak ~r its p'tssars and 4t tbt teaawer prastrihzd by altpiicatte few. TroMac. wiNaat tfeaaed as
<br />~ ~ ~ ~t'J at aim arrt5ar m t>se Lsddtdrr N ttte first aai place aed crier trie terms drigaoted
<br />iw Ate attliAt al mdt iw gas a• taaR patrds mad M arch strict m Ttrgmt rosy de0esotiet. Trestre say paaegswe cede of ttil
<br />se any ilat"-i ~ ffie Prey i9 pt~F[ ~ :~ t'atr ate fttacs of may psaviaotiy srietimisif stiz, I.trmder ar
<br />l.~talarrs >~ pmstrae Yr' Psslart? of msg sale.
<br />tfprtm a[ ptyormi of ~ frier l1i, Trwae ctrl daYver is ttte psekarer Truetce's daei a'ooseyemg pre Property
<br />adtt Tffa rmtittls fr Amt TraRtea bte p~ isle ev~aaer ~ tltR trat~ of tlaa s ror~e tieraria. TrwACe
<br />[dal at¢tftir Are ! # Ara sa4 ie Au taiamrittg etitrt fat u al aaaaoubie ~ and espEt~ of ltit tole. iaeiadtst~. hu
<br />eat tfttrtftti b,' ~ at mat [rant Ater 05 '~ of the grs srFa price. reasssor6ie aUateoey's fors ttsi casts d
<br />Ai6s tpiirrsq 41~f tr al sett aeetwpl -t Nis 1?eei of Trask alai trt pr cxcm, u say. to pre pttraeo ~ ptrnort ieaaly ertiped
<br />ft4. l9sasosser s Rlgltl ~ MairrtaMt• islot7trttMatlseir~ L.,etder's arc.^eteration at the sums secured sty this C1ted of Tats[.
<br />i~rers°nwer sisati base slat r~rt to [save. ang Prt~ M'ft++n icy Leader to cttforce ttt~ [lied of Tnast discanttntted at
<br />any tall prior" W pct coulter to [treat of fti the IfftA day tseforc the sale rtf rtes Pr<tpenY ptfrsuant in the pawns of sale coneai ux!
<br />tat -ilscd of Trost ar tri7 eta[€y tai a jnt exdarving ttsis Llrcd of Trent :f- tat B~ttrta+ver pays t.emftr all corm srbtrh wuufd
<br />bt thkrr tka tsaiEr tt'us Doai c*f Yrtoi, the t+(atw acrd se~rtrtt~ Future Advatac:s,. if arty, had na accelea~atsost rsi-ctsrrxd:
<br />tb? cotta' ~ bresetcos. cat asy ctf~r cnvut ta€ ads e.i l3oarszwer ~taie~ m t#is Died of 7ntsr
<br />let Aata`x+R'tr paYS art r~sonakeir t><paasmi tncwecd bfi tsntitr and'firustee in enfori'itig tf~ curen,stus acrd agteerrarttta of
<br />Brxrruwatratt±iaaaed ors thss f7;apd of That aed tar tnforcirsg f€stder's and Tresret's rtsntdaes as prztvicerat sn paragraph tR
<br />int.ftut wx tJsatmai act; rests stttaftteY`s feces; aced fdy ttcsrrctrta tales. s4-xcl; ~:; ~ :,; f °nfec rose r-a~n:_hh
<br />rednust ties taxers ;fit tics #icas of ;Eris C.Atrd at Trtrst, t.tader's entrrtsr ,xa tke Property send Bitrittwfr's <thfigatuars to nay
<br />