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ff99 <br />idtvrnvaas Govaxwtnrs. Borrower a+x1 [-ender covenant and agree as fellows: _ l~ l~ .1 ~ ~ <br />t. llpeteaQ trt l~Ylsteipal rral Int. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the~~ineipal of and interest an the <br />i evil by the NMe. prepaymem and }ate charges as pmveded to the Noit, and the principal of and intetese <br />rte Future Advances secursd by this ITe~a1 of Trtrst. <br />2. Fade flat 1ltaeraf Yesaraaee. Subject to »pplicablt taw ar to a written waiver by C.eerder, Borrower steal[ pay <br />to Lmtkt an the day mtmthty ittstaltmatts of pttirttipal and interest are payable under the Note, until the ictate is paid in fait. <br />a sum (trertin -`Funds") equal to one-twel[th t,f Ehe yesrly lairs and assessments which may attain priority over Phis <br />Ueecd of Trust, oral grmtnd rents op the Property, if trey, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />,+ r~-twelf3h ~ *,~_.tiy p±+?*atit___. ~nsta!i_~nts for tnettu~oc itssuran€~e, if any, a!! as rcasateahly estim.attd inittaliy ar+d from <br />!i_"„. !tr i4t~ by L2^lle~t oa t[~ bs~ of asaessss>Ertta and trills and reasonsbk estimates tf~:eof. <br />1T+e Fu shat[ tee held'vn an itttgitmion the deposits or accounts of which arc insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />stale aget~y {itclt~ttg La+du if Lerxkr is s•,r+eh an in$itutianl. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay saiai taxes. assessments: <br />i+mrrarrct pttmiums attd ilm~ rents. Lettdtr may star charge for so haMting and applying the Funds, analyzing said account <br />ur verifying alyd ctttrt~ting arrlretrts and bills, unless Le{scfr_r pays 9errower interest an the Funds and applicable Jaw <br />is Lends to malts such a charge. Harrower and [_errder may agree in writing at the rime of execution of this <br />~of Trtssl that imtcntst on the Funds shall be paid to ~rrawer, sad unless such agreement is-made or applicable law <br />rcgeares such iateres! to he paid, Lender ahali not [x required to pay Borrower any snttresi ar earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shat! give to Borravvet, tvi[trotrt charge, an annual acrnttntrng of the Funds showeng credits and deh+ts to the Funds and the <br />purpare far svhit[e eardr ,wit to the Funds was mark. The Funds are pledged as additional secutiry lot the surds secured <br />by this Deed of Trt~_ <br />ff tree attrnant of ttae Fuels held by Lender, together with the faturc monthly ietstatlments at Fends payah[e prior to <br />the due dates of taxis. assesarrents, irtsutance grcmitrms and ground rents, steal! exceed the amount requ,red to pay said taxes, <br />asaaaehcnts, itaoratrct premiums and grtwred rents as shay loll due, such excess shall he- at Borrower's opteon, eit[rer <br />prsraPttY ts;said ~s:awr: a< c,'aEi:..i- .., .,.rcr~r - =~hly nstal[era:rts - Fund.,, ff rti~ n+nsunt of the Fund. <br />tell ray Lender shelf trot ere w€fiCitot to pay taxes, assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due. <br />Brmo*zae shat! gay to Ler+der any artwuat rtce~-essarp to make up the deficiency within 3tT day, from the date notice rs mailed <br />try Leader to Btrrrtswa regerWiag payment thereof. <br />t7pon payment in frill of all sums secreted try rhn [kid of Trust 1_ender short pmmpdy refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. ti urrtra paragraph Eg l,erexaf the Property ~, sell ar the Property ss otherwise acquired by Ltnder. Lender <br />shall apply, na later th~r imtmadtatafy prier to the xale of the Praprny ar sex acquisstion by Lender, any Frrnds held by <br />Lett x at the tirtx of application as a credit agtsinsi the sums secured ray this Qted of "(rust. <br />3. Apptieartiw of tsrsy'aasa. t;nkss aggticabie law pmvtdcs otherwise. a8 payments teceivtd by Lender under rtes <br />[+ttKe acrd paragraphs 1 and 2 hertaf shal€ lac agplred by tender first .n payment of amounts payable to 4.entler by Botaower <br />under paragraph t hereof, then to interest payabe on the Nntc, stela sa tnt prtncipa€ at the date. and then to interest and <br />prt~ an a+ty Fulurc Advarxa. <br />('f J_ieae. BOrrt,wcr shall pay ail taxes. assesamsnis and r,aher ;:harGts, fines and :mt~rtions attributabit to <br />ttse yYta{xrzy yvhkh may attain a ptior+ty ever this [Tad of Trust. and €e:aschofd ¢apments or ground rents, if any, in tfte <br />rttsaaer prxrvtded emda paragraph 2 hereof nr, if no! paid m such manrter. her Borrower makeng payment, when dare, directly <br />to the payte thertot. Borrows! sbaN prmnpdy furnish to Lender all mxtccs o! amounts due under this paragragh, and in ![tc <br />tweet Barrrnvet slsalt maks payment tfit'ectfy. Borrower chaff pmmgtly ferrmsh to i.errder receipts evidsnteng such payments. <br />Borrower shall ptt~ptty dist6ar~c any €icn which has pr,onty river thsv t]ted rat Trerxt; pruvsded, shat harrower shall not to <br />regtttred rn disthatge any sncft Iten sa lang as Borrower steal! egret sn wnunc sa the lrayettent of the ahlreauon cccured by <br />;treh hen io a manner ae~ptable to txndtr, car shalt rn goad earth central ssr~ h €ccn t,y. car cfcfend enforcement of such hen m. <br />telSal pmcttdings rvh~fi operate ra prrvent the errfartc-tnznt .,t six ;ten :,r €r~rfrnarre ni the Prc,perty or any part tttertaf. <br />S. Ragtsi llwarraacc. Borrower stwN keep arts :mprovetruntx e.r.srng .>r hertatter cm•tcd an the Property ensured <br />agaittist Irtss by flit, hazards inettrtfcd with+n the term -~extttuicd ivx,, rav_'-..;nil .;r>tr .rthtr hararcrs ax (.ender may rtquerc <br />aml in stun amounts a~ for vski pctsods ar tinder may require: c:^~~,dr-d. ~ha: i_~.r.;t:r °.hai€ eat require that the amount of <br />attch eoveta~ txtecd ttlat atrrfaune caf :~averags required to par; thr ±umc sri :~rtYi he th;c flecd of Tnrst <br />"flee iaaaratxt carver gmvrditta the insurance ~hatl etc chxren ny I,atr•?xvrr suh:c;t tr. spnnevai ht € ~nd=r pravsded. <br />that sash approval shall trot l,e rsnrraaotrafafp wrthtxhf_ ~l€ prernsums on .nsurance paircits chaff i,t paid in the manner <br />prvended ter petntgrapb 2 teereaf or, sf not ps+d :r. stu:tr +*.ranner, nt Elarrowsr nakmg payment, whsn due. dir~!!y to the <br />s~tatace carrier. <br />Ati inasuansx paiaxa and renewals sfrertaf shall he an farm a.ccptablt sc, ! react and .hall uuiudc a standard mortgage <br />clause in fasrm of aril in farm acceg[atak to tinder E.tnder ;halt have the nghs to hula she €+aaficses .end renewals therrnf. <br />and Brtrrowor shat[ protteptW [urnah m t..tnder au rrtnewaf :xxnt..,nd .lit rtc~rspts :=t s,asd prcmrumx- €n ttte event of €oss. <br />ftrrrrower sl~l gsrt trratnpt notes to ttx snauranct catt:st anS Lender. l.tndtt roes make proof r>t lass :f not made nramptly <br />by Fwrravrer. <br />Linku i.xns5rr and Bortrrwci athetwrse agree sn mrttsng, :nsurance proceeds shah fae applsed ro rts+oration or cepaar at <br />she e°`raperty Damaged, prwtded xttcn restoratuan „r rtparr :c caamamrcafty fessrhtt .red the sec:unty rrf this ITtesl of Trust s. <br />rare tberetsy smpaared, [f such rerioralran ar regaar ss not tc~ua«mtxatiy ttaxrisk rsr :t the +tcs.:nty at this feed „f {"rust would <br />ere rmparred, the smuratrte pros~ds shall tar applied ra rtce sumx secured try this tytc:d ref Cnrxt, with the cxcess.:t any. paid <br />•- ,~tx~s. tf tries Property iv abandsxned t,y fft:raw-:.r..__ :# !tcrr^s:xr rr:is :o ses;err:d to l Winder wtth:r: 3J days rrom the <br />date r>atrce is mind by fxxrder to Brarrtaxer that the :nsursreee carnrr offers to seers a =_€a:m tar insurance F,ertefits, i.endcr <br />r ,trlls^xt~d to sat~t amt apply 'he +:esurarx ;::ac~tds », t.tnskr ~s up:„rn esthcr cu restarauun ar repast <., test Prs,pctty <br />,x to ,~ s . Geared hq tF,n rJad of Trust. <br />Galmx Lender am! Bor» etl,erxrrr~ egret sn wt?lmg, 3 t ~JS ?t u~stton .,r nrrc~ ro pries ipa! chaff not ex+end <br />ar posipeux tttt date lain of the monthly instal€txrcntx rsferrrd to ar paragraphs I Brut ? hereof ar €hange [he ae+tount of <br />such irrstallmertts_ Tf tender p~aragtapfi i x train+t tnc Property •~ a~yuersd €av €-c:rt~r, sh rsght. title and :nter~yt of $orrowet <br />in acrd Fo a=!y insurance palias~ aril m artd ter ttx prcx~erds ttxreaf resuL-m{t !son, damage to the Property prier to the Batt <br />;u acquisition shelf pass to (..ender to the extrnt :+t the sums x^cured m' thes ^t,.tif c?t -i'rus+ rmrnediatdy pilot to ouch sale or <br />Q: Ps'atsers'at3aa ad J4aia6essaasar of ~'M'~Tt lesadtei3s; t~t Pfd [.fait i3tve[o¢tne>~s. Borrower <br />cttaf[ kelp tfvt Pto;ser+y =n gurxi rtpaer and •hati nut .crrnn:ae waste .,. r+crnu: :rnpaermeni c+r dcictuxau<+n cif slit Property <br />sad shall oomph wish the i,rovasiaas at env €tase tf sties iTeut a=f ~rreras :s .,n a itasehahl. if this 3),xst of Trust is on a amt sn a <br />cotrdaminium or a piarmod unu :~vetagr=.rnt, f3tsrn~wer shah pecferm .,ii tit tiorrawer's airiigauuns snider the de> larauon <br />ar covenants crtat[ng ex governmR rtes catadatr»nt,un .:r (Reeved s.nn dtvtiapmem. the by-taws snd segutancros .rt she <br />sx>ittm or ptaaned omt demiopmt»L ate .oe»tstuent doeuttrcnta. Ef a .-ondaninium c:r planned imu deectnpment <br />°:fir ~ extx-irttd by °~eir~s=~es and rscorded ?vetttxr with lhsx i~3rxd n! € rust, the :eves:ants and agreements :,t ~escn radcr <br />s6tfl he inmrparatcd into sod shalt anxrxf oral supgtemcm ttx .o~tnants and agreerteents of thss tTtcd or l rest :u ~f the islet <br />sate a f~ hereo#- <br />?• ?l:alerQloa aE 9.eersfa SseasiF}-. !f Harrower lolls eu Taerrcrrrn she covenants arnf agrtemtnis ~caniamed in this <br />treed of Trttu. ear of saw actiaa ar prner;edrrrg is cnrm:aetrecd ~tesch enatcreatly atTecis (inlet's interest m she Property. <br />srtr3tsdlttg, Fred sad: litrtired to, certinent ~matn, .rtso}ver+cy, aatfc tnreercement, c.r arrangcrnents or practettings :nva€ving a <br />haukrupr errdecedaas, that Ucnder at lmler`s aptsan, ugem rrotrtt ez, t3arrawer. may make such apgearxnces, dixtaurse .rich <br />x[uxx ~^.' -•kr crash actkm as s satrtasary to pratu~t f.~nder~x interest- ;nclulmg. irW eat fsmeted ta, daburxrntn! rrt <br />~e . ~y's fees and erttty upws ttte Pnaperty sa make rcpatrs_ €t Ltndct required mortgage :nsurance a1 a <br />z~! ttf rrfr~itrg the t~tt secured frp the. LTertf of True. [3arrasvu steal; paY ttrt premiums rtttuired to rnarnta+n ,uch <br />tttatarsrtce in-t$}ct turd such tira+s as ttre regvttenrent tar suefr insura„cr ttrmrnaits !v acs~tardance wish tlarrawtr's aucf <br />[.tasf6r's written agmrmpnt of aghk law. f3tanawer M1fiatf par ttrc atawunt at ail martgagt snsurartec. prtmiunxs nr tfte <br />m provided under }xs plr 2 hereof. <br />_ Atsy s dts~y f..and+er ptussrant w shrx paragraph '. wnCt tntereu thertrrrr. +hail •stamt aclditruna! <br />-a9'- $aretatvzr s~dreti by this [)txd of 'Fitts+. t `»teas &rrrt,wer and I.endu agrtt t<, +,ther terms of payment. such <br />arnauetta slis[l he payable up_ an ncrtiec from Lerrder to ilprnav~atr rryuest;rag ppyrtttn! (leer€af. and 4hail Mrar rntrrest draa, the <br />+Sa6s trl rtAfsurttamreat at tlx tali ~yabk (rein torte to rites tan otnstanding prirretgal uredcr ±ht Nc,te units esayenent of interest <br />ar _ r _ra~ !e eoesrarw tax p.~+liraLrtt €ag. to wta+cl+ rven! r,uh arrtersnia ehnt€ (scar saltiest ~r t[!t higltes! tax <br />lath. 'gvebrng ceaniarired to t},is para~aph ' shalt segrnre Ltnder to meat any expense car take <br />tAul [,ezrdtt smy +asitr +u s:aetse to he -'nadt reasanaitic errtt',ct upon and renptctsonv a! else Property. pxasuitl <br />ilrv'r 8arratvsrr nettle prwu La soy vrclt iresprxtrtm stxtrifyinA raasoteabk cattle shetrtrr rr.Ma+ed re, F ender y <br />: rn 2~a fRrw, <br />