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Uu-rotsst Covrleatris. Borrower and letrder cavenam and agree a: follows: 8I.~ +l ~) 1 ~ ~ c7 <br />1. }aEftseN of YtYtdfed turd IaesreM. Borrower shall promptly pay wttan due ttre principal of arrd interest nn the <br />+adehtadtaaea evidettrod by thrNaae, prepaytnaot and late chatgn a. provided in the Note, and the principal of and interes! <br />on an Future Adnacts recurad by this !}end of Tngt. <br />Merle gar's rata ~artutue. Strbjeet w applicable taw or tq a written waiver by t.:onder, Borrower shall pay <br />to Ii,ender on tfie day mamlely ioaallments of ptir~ipaf ~ interest arc paysbk under the Notre, unlit the Note is paid in full. <br />a sttm (frareia °>p[atds°j stftul io a~twaa'€ih d ttte yearly taxes and assec~trtettts which may attain priority over this <br />fined of Trent, ~ groawd ranUt on the Propsrxy, if any, phis one-twdith of yearly premium installttmtts for hazard insurance. <br />pmt one-twditfi of ynr)y ~iwtt inxaffttietns fsx rtts insurance, if guy, ati as reasonably astitnated initiafty and from <br />tittle ft7 time by I:mder ar the foam d its artd bias artd rcasortabk estirrwtts thereof. <br />The Foods shall 6e httM in an ittmittRiort the dtposits ar atcoettttts of wfikh ors imttrsd or guarantced by ar'etkral or <br />rate aaenty frro~irdera f.tvrder if fender is stxfi an frrsituttttttl. I,atdsr sfiaB apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />iatmcarax pean+tues and around tarts. f.ettdtr may trot eterge far ut fto4dittg artd applying the Ftitt~, atialyrang said account <br />a rerifyhg and sdd asasawrsetth artd bills, tinlees Lender pays Borrosvcr imcrest oft i!x-Funds artd ap¢ticable law <br />f_tetder to matte latch a charge- Barrowmr and lsrtder may ogres in writing at the titrrc of execution of this <br />~of Ttva tbn intsvete on the Ftrrrds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agrattrenf is made or applicable law <br />trquuss wCh i to ba paid. Lender abet! trot be tegtrired [o pay Borrower :my interest or earoings on the Funds. [.ender <br />sfiai! give to Bctrroarer, witfmut ehuge, as annwf atxowtsrtg of the Funds showing crsdits and debits to the Funds and the <br />patpeea €ar vthitde eath defsit to the Fonds wag trade. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the strata secured <br />by thie Died of mutt. <br />ff the Mount of tltt Fonds ttNd by I.enrkr, togUher with the iuturc monthly iitstaflments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due darn o€ taxes. assesmrrarts, itsttrattce prattiutrts and gtcutnd rents, shalt excetd tlx ammunt required m pay said taxes. <br />apmwtents, iruittrartce premitrrm gad ground rents as they tali due, such cams shall Ile, at Borrowers option, either <br />pt+gptptfy rtpa[d W BOnower or czzdited to Bortnwer on tnotuhly imtaflments of Funds. tf the amount of the Ftmds <br />ht~d by f..eruierr siwil trot 6e sut€icieat to pay taxes. astessrttcnts, itnurance premiuttu and ground rents as they fall due. <br />$orrpwc shall pap M under any uttount rterssaary [o make up the tfe&uncy within 30 days tram the date rmticc is mailed <br />ttg f.rasder ro @eeronrr~ t~gtwatisg paymani thtueof. <br />L'pmt payrtrr,nt in ftd! of aB stale secut~ fly this Deed of Trust. Larder shaft pnamptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held try t__s±tdar. !f ~ra~r.a, t tt f~,r~:.k p,._r ...,, ,~ ;nu .... ~. o. ,tr^e, ,.::s ^tr-~^Y.;r :"q;:::•~ by ! t ter, f e.^.der <br />shad apply, tto later than icy prraf to the sale of the Progeny ax its acquistuan ny Lrnder. any Funds held by <br />[.estdrr ai the tens d ~ as a rxadit apirttµ tlx sums .oared by thes Geed rat Trust. <br />3. Appilea/r,r hym ttar. l3ntexs appf~abk law pmvrdes ottterwr~, ail paytttrnis received by t.ett~r under tht <br />Note attd parauan3ts 1 artd 2 tttroaf shalt rte weed by f-ender fist +n payment of arreaums payable to !_ender by Borrower <br />under psragtap'"3t~ '3,r. hetatf, then to interest pay an the Note. then sa the p:inctpai of the Nate. artd tttett to interest and <br />prncipal m', arty Ftburtt Adrarr~s. <br />+~ ii3aaa. Bsrrowsr sfiaM pay ail taxes_ assessrrsents and .abr. charges. frees and ~mpasrsfotts attrihutabk to <br />tlee Ttopetty avfiicft max attain a priority over this L~ of Trust. and leaxhofd payments nr ground rents, i[ atty. io tfit <br />tnerear pm-ided tmde~ porttttaeh 2 hermf tx, if trot paid in stx-h meaner. 6y Borrower making natrratertr, when riue, dirtetlp <br />Ea the yea tfitroof. Bvtrtower shaft pttanptly tarnish to Leader alt notixs of atrtounr[ dru under fhts paragraph, and in the <br />event Borrower ahdl rrttdte paytnwt dimity, Borrower shall promptly fro»tsb to Lender rrcerpq evidencing such payrtients. <br />Barflraret ahdi promptly arty litre which has priantY over th€s teed ,rf Tntst; provtetred, that Hnrrnwer shall not tae <br />regtuted m ttischarje any atrctt free so tong as Borrower shaft agra to writtex to tine payment of the obhgauon secured by <br />staefi line in a tttttaaet ereepMahk to Lender, ar sfia#! en gacxl faith contest u€ch run by, r,r deftttd enforcement of such lien in, <br />k~ gs whir3s opera6t to prevent the enfarctrrsnt of the Eten or forte:tort cd the Property ar any part thereof. <br />RiYed Itnaneawoa Bornrnver chali keep the improvcrosats mow cxnt,rrg, ,rr hereafter crztted an €he Property insured <br />»aairtst foot by tfre, (tttzrrt~ included witfiin the tezm "'zsterrdui ~-nveragt". sod such other h:usrds as f_en~r may require <br />am! sa sttcti ~aotutta gad for stab parods as l.ertder map require: provtded. ;hat 1._nder sfiaf! got tequire that the utnourtt n€ <br />stsclf coverag6 exceed that anrottm ~ coverage rtqurrtd to pay rltc sums +rtured >,f this Dezd of Tntsr. <br />Tttt irxet»att carrier prmidieta rite irsurarrcc sbdl he ~ttcncn br fi»rrawer vintect w approval try !.ender: provided. <br />~ sbefi ittx be tmrmontbfy wtthbeld. Alf prrntitms cat itsarartce faaficies stall lac IZtrd in the manner <br />pnsvidad ~l~Fl- 2 Itereat ar, if rot geld to sttctt manner, by Borrovrtt making paymw, when due, dircctfy to afro <br />iatsmaaa Cartier. <br />AU iasuraeiee ptkieies artd restewds thertot shalt tae .n form xrcptabk to i.ender and shall ,rtchede a uandard morigagt <br />efsase in fgvar d arm in fain xeeptabk to f.eader, ta'oder shaft ha> t ibc ntthi to flotsi the pofkies artd renewals thereof, <br />tend Borrosrm strait promptly farrttish to i.eatier si! reetewaf r><ati,,~ and ail recapu of geld preminmx. In the went of lass. <br />Btutttwts abaft girt protryM trntice to the arsaarartts carrttr anci Irmicr. I.titaitr may make proof of loss .f not made prtmptly <br />hY Borrtarrar. <br />Utz i.ts asd 9otrrtswsr autxsvrrr3t xerte rn wntrng, :rautsarxce prods Shoff ?e appf~d th r rcpar.... <br />the Progeny tlanNt®ed, ftmvded stteft ressaratiatr or repair is ecoetomtcaffY teasitge artd ttre stxurrty of ihes DeeJvof Trust , <br />t~ tfiesxlry itttpattsd- ff s.sch raatarafion ar rapers rs not ecsuutmieatty ftasrts#e tx if the ~cunty of this Lhcsf of 'Trust would <br />rte i»tl, tht ittwraixe pettcmds sfiaN rte applitxt to the sutra secured try €tsis !?eetf of "Trust, with she e.:eesx, tf any, p~rd <br />to t3otrovrer, l! the tt"rcrptrrty is ahaadrtntd by Borrrtwrtr. ax if Burrower fails to respond to Lt»drr wtehtn i0 days from the <br />tfate tsatitx a ttteiiad by f.-ender to Borrower tktu tffe attnttance carrier otters to seitfc a r farm far ~tsuntrce 6etrefits. Lender <br />w rtsthariaed to collect and apply tree itaturttope procceds at f.ertders aotiorr ertftcr to restoration us repair of the Property <br />ar to the arras stncxu~ed fryf7end d TrrsL <br />Uts3am f:ssrder ttrd otfierwist egret in writtrtg, any such appficatwn of pra:xds io principal shall trot rttmd <br />or the due lase of the rarteddy ittmalftttrnu referred to to paragraphs I atuf '_ hereof car change the artmunt of <br />sudt i ~wtle tf ttnd6r p~rrtarapdt t let Iteroat ttre Pmpetts rs acyutrrxi hY I.cttdet, all right- title artd interest of flormwer <br />in std to stay inautaaee policm and to and !ir the proceeds ttterenf resulting fmm damage to the Property prior to the safe <br />or actrtafation shah pas to lender to the extrnt of the sorts secured by this Deed ,rf Trtw ,mrsfediattdy prior to sucfi sale or <br />l4eawvalFer toed Meieewee d gatapeetr; ieatt¢Wirc Cartdaraieiretat P6ewatl UaY fJrn/opwerus. Borrower <br />sfiaN kttp ttse Property en gstarl repair gnat abaft roar corrintrt xaste :ar permit ,rrtpaumrnt or dcteriorateun of the Property <br />atreri ttha!! campfy with tit pravixivas of any ktvase if this I3ced t,f Treat ,s on a kauhold, if this Deed of Trust is can a wit in a <br />ninitxs of a p~rtttaxf tutu devdopttxnt- Brrrower shafE warm aif of tkartttsre:'s otstigaitotts »ndsr the deelarauon <br />ea' CMS ctaatiag rtr gtrrsrning the csstadotrtianutr cst planned amt devefagmnl, the try-fawn :end regulateans of the <br />cerdam~aem oe plartated emit dattelopeftot, and eansirtutatt docutnents. if a ~ondomeafum or plrenncd tmrt developmtnt <br />tdas is satecutmd by Hanowtr gad ttcorded togettttr with thra Deed ut Tnxit, the covenants and agrrxrtrents aif sua:h rider <br />shah be it~poraPod itgo and rdatif atttettd artd supptetnerit the ctwtnartts and agreetrae»Lt cat this f?cesf of Trent as €t the rider <br />tel. ~ffsttiacfitre d t,aerp°e 9aesvk7'. if Borrower farts to perform the eoveraMa artd agrcermnts cantaered i» this <br />i3ttati d Teuat, a i# erg atxian ar prarasetfing ss anttenenced which nraterai{y aRtcts [_t:uler`s interest in nc~ Property- <br />hw twt tifd Ea, ernitrcett demon, itsotvenes, cask cntorcmtent, cis arraagtrrtptts nr prtneedings invntvmg .t <br />haeltraptar.beeadem. E[!Qn feeder at L.crtdtr~s option. ttptm ritltrct to Borrower, rtgy make such appearance. disburse such <br />tt~ttsa aka tine-> actwr as is txcetaary to protect faettrietx omertsr. tncittding, twt teat limited to, drshurscment of <br />rtiuanbie aYantett°s tees and tsnrry trpott tfre Prrtaerty w make ..~,:r.. lr !~_: r^t+~re~ .^~ .. . _ _ <br />+xraeat d the sucs~ rry t~ Reed 'uf 'i'rtau, Borrower shaft pay the prcmiurrw required to rnaintam a irh <br />iee~oceaee-ia isa*it s~ [art as the tatuitteateatt for such imutanc~ ttrminaits, in accnradar~t w,th ftarmrrer4 sn3 <br />f~riu's vtte~n ~ ar ~ bfa taw. Botrosver sfiatl pay the stttattnt of at{ mortgage ieururar~e prerntttmr, ,e tttt <br />tewaex _ s. hmao€_ <br />tettetttee IIy t~dEr ptrwant to tfils pat graph 7, with intereaf thrnron, shaft taes:nprc additional <br />irdaarttt# ioena+rxx atterred try this fJaed of Truer, t3tdeas ~ gad l.ettder ague to s#ftet terms of payrnent, such <br />afttttrrte tfteli ha ptyrabia ctpr3e twtitx €ttxa l..asder to Btxrawes rtgttnting payttttm thereof, artd shaft hear ituerest trarrt ttx <br />9YS d ffi tfie rtafra ptsgaLle fmrtttiaaa fa time on cwtstartding prxtctpal ttrtder the Hurt rentals payment of interest <br />at! sauR rani vroNl~ ~ ~ fir ~ taw, in wle4it event s#rch atttdurus shah taear »terssr at the h <br />die, ?:~ ct>~ s'rt trots na igtrtat =.*ate <br />hrstg t~apfi ? sltatf Masse I..c»tfet to tnr:ur snY espeasa or take <br />aulr opine AKwftr4a-, <br />~ !-attrdar stay tsaie cir €itsera to Er rraQa eeattetnatrk rrrtrses uprm artd <nsp+xct,nm rrf thr P'raFittty. ptr,videt <br />m ~ natsce tenor to airy-web at~eetrstn xprcifpfrt# rrasrrtfxtetc calla tttcrcfar rctattd to f.ettdrr'o <br /> <br />