DEED ~F TRUST g~,.~..~ii~1549
<br />8I -f5 DEELt OP'['R1~ST is trade this. - ..... 3 of .... , ........... ~....
<br />l4...., aritareta the Trustee..... ~=.h~rl~. [d,. Al;brsgltt,, ~..sisigle, F~rac~t ......................... .
<br />. ..................... .. ..--....-..therein "Horrawzr"),......_.
<br />......... r.~+ra.,t.,€3, Ri . Johas€~ ............................... (herein "Trustee"}, and.-the Beneficiary,
<br />.. - ... - .. &lba State Sank . , ... , . _ . _ ., a corporation orgatiizesL aad.
<br />existing tinder the taws of ...... .................. ~...... ., whose address is~. ~bet~..:....._
<br />........Nebraska ................................................. (herein"LettdeP'}.
<br />BaatKrwr~t, +n consideration at ihr mdebtednrss hzrrin recited and the trust herein creattxl; irrevtxalily grartCS
<br />and conveys to T ~~ trust, with power of sale, the [allowing described property located in tiie,County of
<br />.. . . ................ . . .... . ,State ai Nebraska:
<br />Lot Seventy-tvo (7Z}, and the South Half (S~) of Lot Seventy-one (T1D, of
<br />r3ueaavista Subdivision, to the pity o£ Grand IsL3ru3, M€bratska, c€ pact of the
<br />tifv~t ct Section 2Z: Twmship ll North, Range 4 west of the 6th P.M., excepti~
<br />therefrom a ;sect of Iartd more particularly described in te>rrrartty Deed x~ctsrdt~
<br /> Ragz'ster of Deests as Doc. a78-;J4?450.
<br />wh~h has the address of. 1444 Sout3s vis=e ....Grand Island
<br />,~i1Yt
<br />,herein "pmlxrty st.~.~r ,~
<br />?3Qlu"8aka 68844 f Addrrss ! .
<br />!SIiN MEO ~~O i:AW}
<br />fc~r,€tfteR u-+th ait ttn ,m~rrp~cmcnts raw ,.r ~xr,3tt.r ,rcii~ct pro tin prttprrtr. ;ind .+li easrmcnts. rights_
<br />appurtenances, rrnts tsub~t ha><~rver to thr rights .tnd :+utharrtus c,.rn !:rrr+n to Lettdrr to collect and apply-such
<br />rerttsl. rtn~ahktas, minrra3, ail atu} f'~ rights and profits. water. water rtshts, and water stock, sod al! fixtures titsw of
<br />ite€caher attached to thr property, all at which, ;trcludtng seplat:ements and additions thereto; shall !~ derma( to be
<br />a~i trtsgsn a part a# t_t•r property ccr,~mrrcf bq zb+s Derd .}t irust::sral all of the taragisng. together with std prsaperty-
<br />tar the leasr~t)d estate sC thiA F}exf of -frost f~ ot+ a frast-fsaW ~ any herein rrferred w as tt~ '"Property°;
<br />To Si=cvtt€ to Cruder (at the repayment of the nxlrlYtedness cvxfertccx# by Borrower's trafic dried.-. Dom; .. .
<br />. ; . ~8•. ~(Ihercin "Nate"), m the pnnc+pai Burn E>i.Twenty tag. tom, l:~IrR .~ dam,'
<br />- , . . . ....... . ................ failars. w+th +nterrst thug pr+avtdiag f+x i€y i1~3)hts
<br /><d pri€rc€}ml and interest, with the balance of the incieMedncsq_ sC na baanrr mid: d~ r+no»N. c~-- ° _ = -: -- --- - - -
<br />........ -~~..~., .~Qll, . . - - - • - - , the part of all ~#ser st:a~, rr:s<:.c1::,tii
<br />iw aver fiemvr#h to pmtect thr srcurity a# th+s Dres} +z# Trust: and the prt#orxt€ance trf'tht tx+vcre+rtFa :tnd
<br />+sf B~rtr hetrnt cantair€td: artd f b) the rcpayt€xnt <ri any ftrtorr adva€tccs; xrith itua-rfes tfieteo€i. rtmdc
<br />tt- ~€ #r}+ lr ptexats€ui ttt pa€a8raph ~ l ?te€+rof i heiccn "putuFr Advance") .
<br />t~tzvtrranti Bnrettxwcr ix law#uUy seisrd of th+: r'ttate lrcrehu-c~rtnvel ;try has the right trs >r ittsl
<br />xcs- tlir ~~tya thrt ihr lrtt d tmeta~rt€r€ixvut, <irtd the[ frr+twc~> wick Win: a~ i-*W:. ga+tss!#Y tht
<br />ttttt to sue. ~Y a~t?n±i aB itt>u : drr~nsts: ,ubj,:t-. its .env dts:faxaticnts. ea~ttx^r€ta car its#FrCtschta [i~€ed +tr~
<br />iciF~siale-€~f ~-rts.ctYa~ ir€-any tttlt.snsurahre ptdst:--;~~ +nstfr4rsg i.errlrr.'~ intcrrn} in-thr- Propcr#y:. - -
<br />
<br />_ -.- ? ?a a3 #x~snt~--.,_1.- ik_.-f#Nt~3iiltipf ~lapilfitT
<br />