<br />If under paragraph th hereof the Property is avid or the Proprrty is otherwise acquired by bender, Lender
<br />.+hall apFly, no stet titan imtnediateif prior to the gale of tUe Prape>ty or its arc}uisition by lxnder, env Funds
<br />held iav Lender at life time ot" application :ta :a rrrciit. at~ainst the aunts secured by this 1~tort.{~age.
<br />.~ $. Agspliexili~ 04 PaYn%Ywnts. L-inleac applicable taw provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender
<br />under the date and paragraphs 1 anti `Z hereof shtt{l {,e applied by Lender first in payment. of amounts payable to
<br />„~ Letxler by Borrower under paragraph '? hereof, then to interest. lrxvaValr on the dote. and on Future Advances, if
<br />,~ any, and then to the principal of the date ;end to the pt~neipaE ai Future Advances, if any.
<br />4. (7YOi~ Li~ta. Borrat;er shah pay a{; taxes, assessments atxd other charges, :tree and impositions attrib-
<br />`"` uiahia is t e Prape~y wiFieh may attain .a priority ever r{ais 'Mortgage. and ground rents. if any, at Lenders
<br />:~
<br />caftan in the mannrr provided tinder {~arsgraph 2 hereof yr fav Iarrower ttrsking payment. when due, directlp Yet
<br />tht: payee thereat. Harrower shell prornptiy furnish tv L.ender alt notices of amounts due under this p>rragraph,
<br />and in the event Borrower shall tnakc payment direcely. Harrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evi-
<br />+~ dancing such payments- Barmwer she{1 prompt{y discharge any lien which has priariiy over -this iortgage; pro-
<br />~ vided, that Barrawrr shalt net tae rrquired to disc{ucrge ant such lien so lonl; as Harrower shall agree itt writing to
<br />the payment, of the atrligatian secureri by such lieu in a manner acceptakale to Lender, or snail in goad faith'. contest
<br />such hen by, or defend enforcement of =tic{z lien in, legal ;aroceeding<c evhir.{s operate to prevent the anforaemrrtL of
<br />thr lien aF farteitllTE 6f file Property ar :xiFV lagr[. ilaereaF.
<br />5. Hid Inatu>mca. Borrower sisal( keep tit: ;stz;+rovements now existSng ar hereafter erected on the Prop-
<br />erty insured against lass ln• fire, hazards included tritl:iu rite term "extended coverage". rind such other hazards as
<br />1 ~tv7er tnay require anti itz such amounts :end far sues; nerirnls as Lender utay require: proa'lcied, that Lender sha31
<br />not requirr chat flee umotmt +af such cavPrage ,rxcred that ansount of Coverage required i.a pay the sums eeoured'bg
<br />=, hie 1ior~tptsge.
<br />The tn><ara:zce earner;}rovtding fife ,nsursnca shalt !=c chosen b~• Hvrrotver eubiect to approval by Lender;
<br />i,ravsdc'ti. aixst suet: approt°ai shall star ;.~ tatreasanatrs withheld.:1{i premiums or. insurance policies shelf be paid.
<br />at Lenriea s v(attan tt: tt;e ttzant:~r prof t~xe=t :trcier {raraKrapit ~ temaf or by $orrower ;Waking pasment, when due,
<br />direatiy to the snst:ranee ruiner.
<br />In the went any policy ir, trot reneared on ar before ten days of life expiration, the Lender, to protect
<br />its interest, trtay pttaeurr insurance on flit impmvemenLs, pay the premiums and snch snm shalt became
<br />immediately dur and payable frith interrat at the rate art forth in said note until paid and shall he
<br />srcnrrd lay this ~fortgagr. Failurr by Bornawer to comply tray, at option of Lender, constitute a default
<br />under thr terttts of thifi Siortyin>te
<br />:'is. tn~taranre :rraitetes rand rrnewai. that= t t .. .:. } ttsi+ls F,•r:ste :ins+, sttali include a stsndarrd
<br />.urrt~gage c{stt;,e m ta~or o„szt<i an urrt+ ~r<_•rt.a.al .+ 3 ~n it ~;_-t--tt r irai: txa~r tiu• rttiht to ito{a the paiisi~ and
<br />ren,rwals thereat. anc~i Borrower snail tarxanai+t.{c iurniv+h <o Lrn+trr alt renevai naucvs and sit receipts of paid pre-
<br />mzuana la: the c•tettt of ice. Fiar:oxt:<r -i,:ti: ;;,;.~ pratnpe =tvttct~ tc, t... ...._.zra:ire earner atzd (,ender, snd Lander
<br />may makr prrrof :>.:ca~a ;. r,<rt tnacit tzrantpti}' ; : liarmwrr.
<br />[;mesa Lender anti FSarrnwe= :>ttsrrt+:ssc :xGn-r ,r , tats;;.:c-urnt€e«~ ;.r,«•t•e+tn ,nnii lie aNp{ieti to restoration or
<br />re#aasr of ti;e PrepeRy .ianzsden ;zmx'r.!osf s c . •stxarartaz+ :±r r -sir ,. „?rnt aun114 ratsitr(e grid the. eeeurity of
<br />fiats ~iorigage > r.+at thereht : z;}:atrw - ':.. _, m_s~toa:aac~ ~m peg 3s tot n raie•s;lt' feasihle yr tf the security
<br />r,f this ~iartgage.'.°rtu;f# (_.r ;n:t;air~t ..e..n. ;~.~,z , ,,t`acc -._ r ti: sapu.. ' + ttz,• ;utrs secured by fists ?tiortgagr>
<br />Leith theexeeas,.f an*.. tamed to i3erYD~ :- :i ° .= E'ro;k;- c _ _,ttn ~ i ~+y Ficrrrtazsrr or :f Harrower faits to respond
<br />to Lousier wttiiir 3tl lay; s ter a.uts ac ;.can ~er ice F#vr.nw.= fist .-e ..,surano*_° carnNr ot3crs tea settle a chum lot
<br />insurance «rn~lits. i.__e}er ~ s~~tnarttevi !•_> ~ ?..f±t•r :st:t ;:pp!4 ._. ,nsexratece tarvc•e.~ee;s ac L~nurr'~ vptian eitli?r to
<br />estaration or repast ct t t 1 a . r.^.~ r .c tit - ,rs 3rf ' t : z ~(ortgaK
<br />E;tskeas 1 ~narr Est E5 Frro,t~:. t sr~~.=.~ sytrer :., •zr tt.z~...ut ,cr, :,l ,uscatsvn vi proceeeis to l,trineipal shall
<br />not extend or postpone cbt -iur •tatr rf hr :;sot 1 s,t ; ~.n:•=,t 4 re;erre>ti zta ;n ;>araKrsptss f and 2 hereof yr change
<br />the atmaunt of feFeft insielitnenri.
<br />Id ?meker fas~ragraVah fr3 harecst rue k'rapertr s scyzurers tic ;.ersier- .,ti rsr:.^,t. title anti ssrierc~t- of Borrower in
<br />xnd to env srrcrtranrr ;r,~hrte=: a.zd en ais,z sex r i+r ; r•x-r~ - •r =es ., ,..+ : ns^:c =~i *t:c sans H•<-ore+l liy t-his i<'Iart
<br />g~ s~_raatd*~tc t p,:at,r • .. ..., , .... _ - ,, ~+„,, z.xtr..st,- ..«• Pnz}army ;actor to the gale or
<br />scqutsitian sitali l,tsse to bctauer. ' .
<br />6, F><vrarvati~ caul Mma3aesacsco of Prapeety::.aateshoit3a: Ceadosmirsiuaffi. iisarrowcr s{taii keep the Prop-
<br />,~rty an gocui a~paz, x+.c. et...: ;. .•^...< ,. 5 - + - :,z ;,r cr.•rtorauvt: o; tat; Propert.v slid a-hal!
<br />c.autply .th :. :ra•:.,.... ... x .. E , ;mot: ~, ... Y.sc•.t+>,i ': ;n< tfortsa;ge ; ,pn a condominium
<br />tZTttt, Barmwer~s#tttii (sertvrr ~ sit?! i3orrnwt~•r }t itt;ta +rs - -:r.+tr. '€tc =te+aar.-sass of rwzdomutium or master deed,
<br />flit; by-laws stud reguistscrns of fife +.u€;dosntnsuna :.ru...=+ a.u : ~n.utuent darutxtent .
<br />7. pttolactioa o4 S.aader'te Sseuritg. 1. Bvrrawe. _.~. -. :,Frf+arn. thn rovrnants sad :y;rernients contained in
<br />clue Mortgage, ar sf anq action c:: pirace~°~Z;n~, •a €ontn:e:;~cnyi =.;hart; :.xsteris;iy stTrets Lender`s interest in the I'rop-
<br />eny, SnClncding, taut nut fi~itCd ta. eminent +it_nta}P:, :t':.Ut': Cnc'v, i«x{r ~•n:,Jet rt?tent. +;r rirrsnRrmCnts or praC£'ed-
<br />in~ iava{vtng a bankntpt or decerietit, then Letader st i_ender'« npaan. c;;~mtt tsatiee to Fiormwer. nzsy make such
<br />app+aeraaat•rs. <iiabat~~ sue{: stiu,3 Jtrc tyke suCfi ;stsat; exa _.::rr:.sun 'u srater•t I~ncer'-= interest, inc{tiding, but
<br />rren, , t~.d .. ..-.._ _..~tta'~lY ,_-tnrr4•y's __~ an;_ entrc- ~aFKJn rite 1'rnpertp to make repairs. Any
<br />atnount~ disbutsrrdrby Lrndrr~pursuant t,~ this Fcaragra;Ji.'~ '~-ith tntereKt thrrran. shah Iaecamr additional indrbt-
<br />ednesr of i3arrawrr sertst•ed by this ~iofte_ L`n4i~s F3atvn~^er and t"..easier agree to athrr feints of payment, such
<br />an+atiGta s#tait hr. payable ulxan t;atice ftrsnt l.rnder =_v r'3ormwrr regtzesttr.#t ,Jayment.:hereof. and shalt bear inter-
<br />esi firma t<rar <datc Ui ii"s5tas~ ;~; fnt :, _.,......, - .t.~i :.....e tinsn __ _>~ r=xrtrenz «>i trterest at such rate would he
<br />ctmtzargr to app!tcabse taw, ; : wiiicix` event sae{i anao?;t a =i.afi i.rar :merest :at the itighestt rate permissible by
<br />appdisairiE taw. '_`~Otttsng containt'+i sn :.,. +sragra7.{s ' sft:ai' rc-tutrc i_~nuer to ,Hour tiny expettt;r nr do any set
<br />:Ye~+atulrr.
<br />!. (surfer trzar :xFake err cause to %xk= area+ic rnasor,;tnir rs:trte« ~;pen :xtz:i :nsperttons ai the PraP-
<br />»rtp, itravN.deci "3a*_ :,r:,drr =true( pZi~•e F#aarraxer nc~ttrr ~,~rto: • , xt:~' -,t. •: :r;,t.e*c•ttnn -;+e+~tfs•tn¢ reasanahlc cause
<br />-2:srefa; re~tcrd !a 1.erRier - R*er~t ~ Pear,.
<br />S. ~t't.e tares:eed5+«f anp :ttvard tar rlst:^ i.~r :+amagva..ftrect +sr •vzt;~m}ueociat, in rannectian
<br />arttza oar =amirtnnataafx yr .rftaer tuktttr of errs Pro}a~rtt -. .t tar+-rc•rzf..ar ter ~raa4~=.•:anra• zu ilea tai ~ vnclemns-
<br />titin,_ aTE n@7@C}- ad~~ta: ant - sit ~~ a,nid FF ' '~i. •~
<br />la the erettt of a rata. iate.ne t.t +.tt f ram rte, chc t r u et4i~ aa.i :_nr .., vitrn !+; metre rutW~~ scrurrel by tEtis ~Iart-
<br />;e,'hitix €he .-xr.nc~, .:.,nv. f~atei to Lorraxer. lt; the ,=cent +. .. t+arisai t:vKatxt; :si th:• Yroprrty. unless Horrower
<br />+ad l.+rtt~?r otheat+art~ ~tit*_te sc writing; there actual; 6e ao(Jhc'+i r.a ..+. ':utn> =r:umss s,F c{its ~Eostgage surit prapor-
<br />taats of the prof;^rt}s ~ is euusi w that pace;rox~ton which fife amount tai the ,urns ,ecuar,i by this )iratlgS(ge itnntne-
<br />=diaeFg prior tc, ttae vl$tp {,f taktttg ia~asrs tr. ±ia? fair €nnrlciN ,.slue- +ai flue P~rprri uttttzr.itateic pr;ar to the cdate vi
<br />cgiYi33g, ~ ta`a~' =~iseraec ai the tsrrrt:a r: said to F3aaariwe,°
<br />li tie Property :~ a,Yaazts:vrxri by kdaramrer ar :` fetter nattce !„ brW:ier tv Ksart tY+arr titer the eaudemnor offers
<br />'st ttuYk~an awsYSd eau ,~tttr ti zlsiast f,ar+i:ttna~s, fiartexer tat%= rt.+ rs:=}atxtxst '.a t.enci,~r airlifts 3t? =fss•e of the ;date
<br />»{ 'h €zxtti8~_ S,a=tsrt~T :.-. e`«t9;.,rictriY~3 ar, ~~t:.€_ t~ tint; of , to .fir r:fib ~.-..,~ t t,r[•.rs ,ettt,an .~tsa,<,r r„ restaraettm or
<br />rt~air of ; F'xtrayt+Htr as tsar trcfi «utnYt sssrurt~ti hF tiJZ« '.Iee:M~xae
<br />btnf+a~ I~nrSar i Fiaraower a,thertsise m8~' rot hvtrkiug. ao~' sxzch appticataoat ~.at pmcae+ia tea t+ntavttJa{ ;shah
<br />