<br />
<br />
<br />IfVDFVfDU/4f_
<br />D1,lE GfV SAt.E
<br />APTtC1PtAL FtJTtlR1't PrD1F1iF0CES
<br />57r;YfNGS F"G7fVD
<br />#'aR~r NO, 720-474
<br />Loan idUri?ber.._ @t353 - IQtI - l
<br />rYyE-_ _-8lR~Ch-
<br />M ~ R ~' ~ A ~ E
<br />TI•IIS ~aff?+It'TGACtE, made and e~eectrteesf this -- _ ..2~t~t . _.. day of . .. rc~ 1ES7,
<br />19~~._.-,hetweenthe~'[ortgagar, S~eI?hea-.D.,.tiulf and.Pamela_L,.Wolf,, husband and;wifex-----:..
<br />~~sin#r7Y..-aAd..each.-.f.Zi.-tl?l~s-.a-.r-Sh~.a....-..---_....._... _ _-........_ ... _.....-_- --~-------°-.........-~-------°--
<br />af -G.~~t~3...T,~Ira€:d,-, .-. _, County: of -.- .Ha11...-__ ---- ..-, State of . ~telaraska...---, hereinafterrefenceif
<br />to as th€ Sdrrower, and the hiortgffigee, FIRST F'I;IYEItriL :~A;VI1vGS =~NI} LC3A~i t1SStFGIATIOPI dF
<br />LIi*ICt31.,'v, l1..;.5 "V" ~atrrzet, Lincoln, Nebraska fiS~t?7, its sumersors and assigns, hereineft~r rcterznd to
<br />as Lender:
<br />Wr•tzv~sgrzsrr: That the said Borracser for and in consideration of the sum of Firm.-THREE. TEIt7'JSt1ND
<br />.~I(11~00--.~.____.~~...__~~.. _...-----.--- Dollars €LT5 ~ 53,000 OQ-.-_..
<br />paid tsy r-.aid Lender, :#oes hereby tnoztgsge, grant and t-nnvey to Lender, itr succe~ors a$d aseigtts: the
<br />fa#Inwing d~rrriheri property tocateri in the (_`nunty n# HaII ,State of Nebraska:
<br />not :€`'n'eIIiJ-ou: r~}, in ;,,s ei~kts Curti: ~,ui33v~sic~, p~'t caP
<br />*..he :slat %asrr :=n~Y o?' ~alse =3os^.:hs~est >,vax-ter =~r-z,3 0~ ~ecLi.on 11,
<br />'PoxnsL°ip 1.:~ :~tartY,, i',ange iD ideal eat tY~ ~~"- ~.~f., ii3l~ ~otmty,
<br />:.r?b~sir.&.
<br />'1'cx,EZ-trsa with a#1 thrf :mprovcmr~nia nzzw nr heres{ier +<n~r•tc~rl +>n the pm~x+rty, and all ea:;ementa,
<br />tig#st,+?. alspurier;anrr,z, rrmttt, rncaltieo. mineral- nil anti ~,a: nsehtfi and }mztit~, water, water tights, and
<br />wat€~r strzc'~. and all tixturr:~ nrsw rt tserr~a#frsr attach~~i trz t hP lzmprrty. .all ref wftiett, including replaee-
<br />merst~, and additicznx thrzretca, ~:htril hr ±#E!rKned tcz tees and srtmasn n }snit of the lzmprrcy covered by this
<br />4t(nrtt*as~; a r ti! of ths± !nrnntpinw. ±_~~wth€.r ~c~tt2 ~3tr# zmiterti' ;,ar tiv. i.~-~+hrzlz! r'statf' in the vvPnt this
<br />'.t':ortgage is rn n lee.~xhnld3 are hr,r€in refem*cl to as fife "C'm~rt4 .
<br />&rrnswer rxsvenants that, 13orrrszver err lawfully- wNS.~i +,f the ,^atate "tzeretn ,onveti•rYi and has the right
<br />ity mrrrtgage, grain, :end €nnvev the: i'rct>fxtc, that the #'mpert} ay aznenrnsmtu~tt'd, nnt# that 13ormwer will
<br />+varrant attd €fe{sled €ir!rse-rani- thc, tit;c <..n shr• 1'mr€y :rp;ninx€ ,rii riasmv ;rnr# +3emandg.ubjeit to anv
<br />~,¢ernerstr. and rest.rictiona li€tt:er# in a -+~Itrxdnie o{ rxa~etstions an +•ovr•raer in :mti° title insurance Ixslicy in-
<br />',trritzg t_..rsder's iniereat in tfse F'tz~lxarts. r:r t.') attornrt•.; nlasniun •,: ,;€!r• mm xbatract of title cartifierl
<br />ny #rzndrr# a[~#racter.
<br />i~arzvTaxaFi :+s,wa~°s, and th€~, luz{;+~nts tare c=zerested ;znri ,i[fit'e-re€# upon the iollawint; conditions, agree-
<br />mrtsi.~ and oiaiiytstivtrs of the t3crrrowr~r, to-wit:
<br />The fi„r~.~r ages-~~ tc ~; -~, b€~ i,{enrieF, rzr rtrrc;irr. the priere~jal Burn n# F%Fz~. ~H$~$-.Z`ROti~rS~A
<br />+? r3cJ(~is3-.. ---------~ __... __ _ I7oit:irs r E'S .+53.,-004...0.0... }
<br />i'~yab#e as pmvieier# in a notes e+xeeuteci and rl~tic+arrzi, • amc-urrentty herewith, the final irayrnent nl principai,
<br />i{ tttzt rrrxztrrr paid, izn the ~e:.~~t €#ati° of _ -.., . 7fi ~C}],2
<br />I'ivtrristxt C+zvets~,w•r4- t3nmrver and Lrrrdez cxsvenant steel a~reY as ?ollo+bs:
<br />L t a~ "zinci~ uud lsrterarsL lirrrmwr=r =#sall ~,szzmptl}- pa>~ when due the principal of and in-
<br />teav€Rt crtr tine indelst>xtnu~s e~i~irienc•e€i by iiza~ lute. esreifac•mernt .lead fate t:harges as provided in the Note,
<br />'ant tiro` prinsn:iytai ;if aar~i iiatecsr,t ~.~i a~ii s;s.z`rrrtt .yirs~[ic~e~ +er-ureci L)s' t[Yt.S `~7origal;e.
<br />2. Frxrsda fc~ ?axes Sri #~;:ranca. `xu#tjer't to Limder'ti e;ption under paragraphs # artd :~ hereo#. t3ar-
<br />m~seer stsaff lsay trs Lender on tir+e day monthly isrstal#mrnts u# principal and interest :are payatzie rsndcr the
<br />!votes. uatil tare 1ioLr~ i3 paid in full, a :tufts ~iserrin "Panels"r ryrral to tans-twelfth of the yearly taxes and
<br />Gx xvhsrts :nay attests ;rnority over iitix '~iurtgage..rnd ;-round rents rsn• the Property, tf erns niu4
<br />txttr-tae#fth of •.rrAtrls premium inetnttments "ur hazard snsurartce. piuy one-twelfth n{ 3•eariy premium in-
<br />a~ts fr3r tttu33rt~ge irrsurenst*. if any, ail ts:!s rrsa.~onair33• r«.;timated irntially anti fttssn tiros to time tzv
<br />L»reier ran fire z>#tris rzf ~s and bills and t•easnrsatiie esrimart~ tharen#, t end~a^ ;halt trpp€y° the Fantle
<br />;~ lam; tom:. a~mr~rt~. irrsrrra~ l~reatium+ and grossed re,rsts. lxndc:r "hall make no charge for ..n
<br />tale ane# afspiyittg tier Itartds ,x verifyini; and cnmyilsng .,aid a~cesxmenuv anr# hills. The T ender shah
<br />t# t ~ rear, ~i¢i•~ut r~r. ate annul artntin~ of thcr Funds shooing r-r~dits and cEebitzs to the
<br />1~ the #~ #or w#zieh e~r#s debii €o the FrmdR wts~ made, The F'~xnds are pledged na additional
<br />~s for. t~ +€ums ~ ?sy this ~inrtgag~ T#rrr I3urmwer arzr that. the Ftntads may t~ hold `3y the
<br />,xr is--~`p%pi~l~if-i xs#r_ i i~F ie~Et'ts at3J i-'+.>g~ i.eriilaT~ rT4F[r 'uruis areef rizs~ erttrier ntav x~[ti r~±u~t? reams
<br />`~?-~,in ztir vim:! r$tiwu tend the i,tttdar srlaall ncsf ts~ tia6ls for interrsr or drvidenda on such Footle.
<br />tf tt-e aernnrtrt ref Funds. hrtid by Lender, together with the {uxure month#yy instaliment<s of I`'emds
<br />i`!a~' to #ae dues t#a# of tsrt~+, anetrfa, irtrarree prerrsiuar* sad tmausst# rotsta,'sha#! r?xr#
<br />t tzx +~- tom; lest; intturance unittms and grrrund t•anta as try {ai3 flue.
<br />#r r ~ ; at ~°s {r}ttt+ts, $ittr pztrsnptty rn{iaid to iksrmwer rx rrc~Eiltrad to Bnrmw~r on
<br />:r~ _ .
<br />rnrit E .r,#ar rf ~n'±das. L# tltr. ~t ref tha i'zutds held #sy L~r+r#ar shaft not leer ;*uzlteaent to drat
<br />lasses, taw r:tmetr*e ~d ~t rasatta as they fa#t due, Hnt•~rwor Qhsli peso to I.etuter
<br />antaett ~ tv nssakes ap the ~exrey wfthitr thirts• days after notice from I.enr3rs in Iinrrrawrr
<br />~~tt ti~r+aef, szr fitsrrrrasmr +ha{1Ira Pip art in€ttst in snrentfs#y^ itrr#hru,nts ref 3%emrizr rrquitad,
<br />ray @#~ a '~ ~Ya`t~r.°: wttftit5 t`~i§# i'rtrrd Air-i_va4tti~t~it~~ y.L'~aAlxrd.
<br />tYtxas lastrent. ire fall r.f nil xtrrrrs ~er~f h# ;his :4~ttrttiage. t~=rtrlrr +;hail ally' 4•°zsnr#x €reld acs n r re~##t
<br />:ritnr€ ,ti4 ±€nrtxa attrt~
<br />