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<br /> : ' peda�ds d�t l,ender requires. 7Ue inwranoe qurixr:p�aviding the insurmoext►�11 be chosea by Boncower subjoct to l.ender's
<br /> app�arai vrhich sh�l!ta1 be u�usasoarbly witiilleW: if.Bartower faits to m�urttin caver�desciil�a6ov�l.ender may.at
<br /> ' Lender�s optioo.ohtain caveisge w protect Lendacs rights in tEie Pmpec't�r in a�roarrdarfce wuh patagr.�ph 7: �'�` '
<br /> Alt ituu�nct poticies and n�ewals sts�tl:he aceeptabk to I.ender and sbstl inctude a stsu�dat¢t:matgage clause. Lender ,
<br /> ;�sir�1 iiave�he eghc taiaW the podicies and`ttinawats. if tx�r�quires.Bo�ta��shall P�M�'L►ve to Lendcr all�eceipts
<br /> � of ps�id prcmiwns and rr.aewal notioes. In;tlie event of lus�Borrowei shall�e PenmPt noticetc►�tt�e insurance cadier and
<br /> Lrnda. Lendet may make pioof of toss if i�at maAe I�P�Y bY B�wer. . ; ` �
<br /> ' - -iJnkss l�dcc-aad Bon'o�ret.othawi3a�+x in wtitin�,'mC,,,a,,•.•.prppeeds shatl6e appiied:m restoration or iepaa'of —
<br /> _ , tbe praQe�tY dztna�d.if��oiatian,nrtelrair is�1Ey fe�s':65a•and I.enders seauif�is not[ess�aed. I�tl�e
<br /> . restontion or�ep�ur is t►ot eoanamically;,feasi6[e or Lender's securiry woc►Sd.t�e Eessened.tlsa i�ur,uice proaeds shall be ..
<br /> � appli�to the svms seaued 6y this S�.-urity Insttument,whether ar iwt i�:n due.with any exaesspaid to Bortower. If .
<br /> Boimwec abaoda�s the Pmperty..ar dbes•nat.answer withiR 30 dags a rraiae from I.ender Mat:the insuiance carrier has
<br /> offered ta stttk a�claim,tM►Lendsr may collext ti�e insurance pmceeds. f:ender may use the pc�ceeds co r+e�ir or restae:
<br /> �- the�pe�ty or to pay s�uas socur+ed byytliis 3eeurity.tpstnunen�whether orfla4 then.due. The 30�d'aY Penod wi"U begin when
<br /> illt IIOtICt IS$IYClL •�
<br /> -- ttn{�.ss l.uider and Bumwet otliGnwise�agree in writing,any appticatan of pmceed5 ta pi�i�d'st�all not extend or �
<br />--= postpone the due date of the maathly��paYments rcferred to in paragraphs 1 an�2 ar changc tt��nowt of the payments. .If �
<br />^; w�der�a�ph 21 the Prope�ty is�qµued'6y l.ender.Bacrower`s•righe tc►any in.�arance poilFies�P�resuTdng •
<br /> r.�: ' from damage to the Property prior ta�the acquisition shul!pass to Lender to t�e extent oi tl�svias secv�ed b�this Security
<br /> `. Mstnttnent inunediauty pciar to tf�e acx�pisii�on: •°. .
<br />'-:: ' � f. Oocupancy. Preservatiou�;biAiaten�ace and Prdection ot ti�e Property: Barco�er's t.oart Application: _-
<br /> _ . L�otd�. Rorrowa shall oocup}�.estahiish,and sue the Prnpertp us Bono��er's principal cesi�nce witdin suuy days after ---
<br /> •' the eaecvrion of this Security Insaumetu:aztd shall conpnae to o�cuPY����Y�Bntrow�er`s grictcipal r+esideace for at =
<br />__ _ ;: least one yeat aftes ihe date af•awsupancy. va[ess txndes,otherwise agnees in writing.;�avhich caasent shall not be __ -
<br /> �- uo�ea�ably withheld,os unless eactenusting ci�es eaig which are be�tics3 Bortower•�ccxitcai._Be�rower shati not —
<br /> �',• , ,� destray.daa�age oE impair the Property.allaw the Pt�opeciy t4 dctaioiate.ad c�e�.mit waste cnr�i+e 1'roperty. Borrawer shail _ __
<br /> be in default if any forfeiture actiontar�procading„whether civ"uP or cciminsl;is begun that ui;C.euder's ga�d faith judgment �
<br />-- f , couid resnit in forfeiture of the PtaAettyr or atherwise materiaR3y impair the lien created It�tt�is Security Insnument or � ����;_°_
<br /> �: Lender's security interest� Horrower�may cure spch a defputt and neinstate.as provided in paragraph l8.by causing the action �t`w;;_
<br />�-- ' or r�n tobe�stnissed'wiilia,tuU that:inLenders aadfa'ttt�determimation,Prcct�tfe�farfeitvreo€�theBor�awe:'s _ _ �"�"'.s'"-:.
<br /> P S �►8 S .s'•._•.----
<br /> � �#;•�;- interest in the Property or ather materia{:impainnent of the lien created b�this Secaritjr Instrament ar Lender's security �<.:�,^-y�
<br /> ���';� interes� Botrower sha8 aho be iiy�dC€aul! if Borrower.durittg the toan applicatinn pmcess, gave materially falsc or ,:"' ro t
<br />� � •` inaccurate infom�ation or statements ta Lertder(or fnited to pr+ovide Lesder aiih any materi�i rc�ormatian)in connection with � y;�;�}��
<br /> r'" the Toan evidenced 6y the Nate..including, 6ut nat limired to. r�epresentatco�s concemirt�Idorrawer:s accupancy of the
<br /> ,F :• � y.�,.F:�;:;:-
<br /> �'�-�-: PcapeRy as a principal residence..lfUhis Securiiy instr�ment is on a Ie�SehoSl.Boaower shalE�mply wittt all the pmvisioas ,r-�� -'-.-
<br /> �. :; , of the lease. if Borro�er acquires fee title to the Pc�erty,the leas;ehold and�b:fee title sh.a[[.eoc merge unless I.ender agrees ' � '�''�%�=_
<br /> �� : � ta tl�e merger in writing. � � �. � � *..�;,;�..
<br /> ;,.. 7. Protectivn ot I.endet•s;Aigdts in the.Yn�perly. If Borrawer fa�to perfomi tue cavenac�ts and agreemen�s y_�__
<br /> j � Sf�:;� c}�ontair�ed in this Secarity Inssrument,.or there is a Iegai prac�iir.g th�l�may signifipmiE�,;a...��Ixc�cie�'s righ�c in�.�e •.•_=�_�<_
<br />.1.$'` ' t 1.5+ i�U a _
<br /> , pertp(such a4 a proceeding in tian�n�ptcy.probate.far cadd�..catian or fbrfeiture vt to���..�laws ar reaulations�.th�t: :.:.�z;�,,�:;_
<br /> :i='' Lender tnay do and pay for whater•er is necessary to protect t:re value oY tt�e Propeny antl Leniler's icgF:�•in the Prupe:*g`.. =; �:i• :•_-
<br /> -.-�,� =
<br /> ; '' - ';�'. ' l.ender's actions may inctude payirt�uny sums secured by u lien which ha�p�iority aver this Secucny G.s=�r.rs:nt,s�ppearing
<br /> ;H��, � in court.paying reasonable attamay:s'fces and entering on the Property tv m�ke repain.Although L.e�i�e:�.-ay take acuan • _
<br /> ��;y.�.r:�;�. . : under this paragraph 7.Lender dacs n�t have to do so.
<br /> 't``"r"'' Any amountc disbursed by L'ender under tftis parugraph 7 tihall 6ecarne additional debt of Boao�er secured by this , •
<br /> Security lastmment. Unless Barra«�r•aad[,encfer agreo to othcr tcrms oE p��mene.Ihese amoli�r���s'.�:€E�interest from the - `
<br /> ' � � _ date of disbursemene at the Nate mte�nr�d shai6 bz'payable,with interese,upan notice(mm ixr.��r IIa�r:�wer requesting _
<br /> a t
<br /> ' ' f p y S.� Mortgage Insurence lfillender requir�rnortgage insurance a.c�cor�ctition of making tTr��a�.�:cured iry this ��
<br /> ` - ' Security Instrument.8arrower ShatUpay�he premium.�rcquired to maintain the mortgage imurance i::�ti:�-z !f, for any . � , `i
<br /> - .�.�4"�., reayo�, the mortgage ir�surunce cm•era�ge reyuired 6y l.ender L�p�rs or ceases to he in effect. Borrower shall Fag rt:� _ . . •:,��••.•
<br />'.. • : �remiums reyuired to obtain cavernge suhstuntittlly eyuivulrre r�a the moctgage in�urance previousty in effeci,ac w�.�,�. , �'��'`�'�``=`
<br /> ...,� ;,,.u_
<br /> . •.'substantialiy eyuivatent to the cawt�ta Borrower of'the mangage in�urance p�evi�u��y in effecl.Prom An a'ternate morr��: : '•''�� "
<br /> '' � i�surer approved by Lender. li subseuntially ec{uiur,ient mart�e iasurance eoverage i�na1 availuble.Boc;e+�Ci SIIAII Pa}r!U ��`
<br /> x. -
<br /> `Lender each month a sum cqual ta ane•twelflh af a[�c yrarty mnrtg.�ge inw�r.ance premium being paid by ya-awer when the �
<br />' ` insuranee coverage lap9ed or ceased'tu 6e in effect. l.ender will accept,ure an�i retain these payments a.y a tass reserve in lieu
<br /> ,�• �:. , of mangage in1urance. L.a�s rese:ve payments may na langer tx rryuirr�:ab the a�stion af Lendcr.ii mo�g:�ge intiurance � �'�;`'
<br /> � :,,�ir,; covern�e(in the amount and fpr tNt*pcnuci ihat Lcndrr require�)pmvided AS an in�urer;ipproved by I.ender again becomex � 7.:��':
<br /> e
<br /> availabte and is obtaincd HarraHCr��cHall Qay the premiums requircd ta main��in m�.flgagc invurance in cfPect.or to pmvidc a
<br /> �'�'�"`.�''�''�� loss reserve.until tQe reyuirement�fin�mortgage inlurunce end�in accordancrµi�F�any wruten agrcemcnt between 8arrower
<br /> " �`x . . and Lcnder ur�ppticable law. �
<br /> � •A'� �• ' 9 Inspectioa. Lender nr itc agent may mrkc rea�un.�blc entrics upor�and impcctiunti af the Pro�rty. Lender yhall •
<br /> •��' "' � give Borrower notice at the lim�:oF nv�rnur w an im{+ection�pecit'ying reasanabfc r.tuse for i'�e in��xction. � ..
<br /> 7%rFv.c
<br /> ;�-y-��,�•.� , 10� Condemr,�tion. The pr�x�ect�t�!�any�wurd ar clairrc f-�r clamagew.dilece ur caiya;quenti:d.in«mnectinn with am;
<br /> .,; ..
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