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EXHIBIT A <br />LEGAL QESCRIPTION - TRACT N0. T 8 1 ~(~~ ~ ~ y <br />k tract of tend comprising a part of the Southeast <br />Five (5}, Township Eleven (1;} North, Range Nine (g4uWestrofsthe 6thsPCM.'on <br />in Ha11 County, Nebraska, r~ore particularly descrihed as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the south tine of said Section Five (5}, said <br />}~~ hu ng 5rx Hundred s~Xty Sig (6{6.0} feet west of the southeast ccrner <br />of said Section Five (S}; thence westerly along the south line cf said <br />Section Five {6}, a distance or One Hundred Thirty (130.0} feet• thence <br />no_rtherlq parallel to the east line of said Section rive (9}, a~distance of <br />Four Hundred Thirty Three and seventeen Hundredths (433.17) feet; thence <br />easterly para11e1 to the south line of said Section five (5}, a distance <br />of One Hundred Thirty (130.0) feel; thence southerly para71e1 to the east <br />line of said Section Five (S} a distance of four Hundred Thirty Three and <br />SP=''nteen Hundredths {433_17)'feet to the place of beginning and containing <br />1-~g acres more or less. <br />l~ <br /> <br />