~1®--t}~ t 0~
<br />Ixutk'•'s u~riuen agrerrttrnt or appiirakle law. Borrower shall pay the amntmt of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner lvovrdrJ uruftr pnragrapfi :hereof.
<br />.Any amounts dichtrrsttf by Lemke pursuant m dtis paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shall become additional
<br />intleh!edncss of Borrower secttrcd by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amt»ints shall t+t pavaMe report ntNice from i,rnder to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall hear interest from the
<br />date of desktrrsemcnt at the rate payahte ; •om time to time t»! outstanding principal under the Nnte unless peyrnertt of
<br />interert at such rate would t+t contrary ro appticabie law, in which event such ameunfa shall beer interest at fire highest ntC
<br />permisrikir under appiicabte law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Censer to incur any expanse or take
<br />any action hercuttder.
<br />8. tracpeetiari. i.enJer may make ar cause to bt made rcasonahle entries report and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that i ender shall give Borrower ostler prior to any arch inspection tperifying reasonable cause therefor related to Vender's
<br />rrrterest in the Prrperty.
<br />4. Coadraiaatksa. The prt?recds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consegrurttial, in connection with any
<br />condemnation nr other taking of the Properly, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, arc Mrchy assigned
<br />anti shah kr paid M bend€r.
<br />to the event of a coral taking of rhr Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess. if any, paid to Burrower. in the event of a partial taking of the Properly. unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing. there shall ere applied to the toms secured ley this Mortgage st€ch proportion of the proceeds
<br />as 's equal to Thar proportion whirh the amount of the sums secured ley this Mortgage immediately prior ro the date of
<br />taking heart t<. ;rte fair market vakre of the Property imttxdiately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower. -
<br />Tf the Prntxerly is ahanttorted by Borrower, or if, after nmice by Lender ro Borrower that the condemnor nBen to melee
<br />an award nr stole :t Claim fur damages, Borrower faits to respond to !-ender within 30 days after tfie date such notitx is
<br />mailed. Ltntkr it mnhorized to collect and apply the procttdx, at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Propcm nr to the tome secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Lnltsc 1 ender and Bnrmwtr oihenvite agree in writing. any such appticarion of proceeds to principal shall no[ txtrnd
<br />ar pottp:xre the due date of the mnnthty i»stallments re/treed to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such mstallrtxmt.
<br />t8. Snrrawrr Nat Retrased. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />ley thrs Mortgage granted by l.encicr to any successor ire i»terttt of Brrrower than nM operate to release. in any manner,
<br />the Iiakility t?t the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest Lender shall not t+e required M cotmnenee
<br />prnrecJirgt against arch success»r or reRree to extend rime for payment rn otherwiu modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured try rhis Mortgage try reason of anyv demand made ley the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />t1. Fralrrutmce by' t.earkr iVot s Wdrtn. Any fonc~aranct by Lender in exercising any right M remedy hereunder. or
<br />otherwise :sffrrrded kv applicahlt law. shall net F,c a wais~er of nr preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />Tltc procuremem of insurance to the paymrnt of rater or other liens or charges by Lender than rte! ltc a waiver of Len~r's
<br />right h, acceicratr the maturity of the rntlehtedtrcts secured by Chit Mortgage.
<br />i2. Remedies Cemtsletire. Ati remeJics provided in this Mortgage arc distinct and cumtdativt to any other right of
<br />error+iv tuxitr this Mortgage or aftnrded kx- law or rquny..mJ mss Fre txcrcicrJ co»currcntly. independently or successively.
<br />t3. 4acressxNS sad Ast~as Bonad; laiat pod Sexual t.iatiBity: Captions. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />kruttartrtJ shalt hint, a»d the rights hercnnder shall more to. the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />sukirn to tkc provltians nt paragraph 17 hermf. AiI covenants and agreement-, of Borrower shall be joint and save! _i.
<br />The captions :u»I heaJinBs of the paragrrpht of Chit Mortgage are tar ron.enienct only and are not Pn ix used to
<br />;rurrprct or Jcfint the perwwiont hereof.
<br />i4. 'tiM/rr, Fa~Yp! for a»y Ri?r!_r: rE'y`:':r@tl .:nJrr .;p~ ttr:thlL Sa'.:' !t: :~ giY2n in anoftt2r ~anfl8r. fa} any nO17Cr !O
<br />th•rmwer pnwrded Cur i» this Mortgrge shall etc givc» by maitinR such padre by certified mail addressed to Bnrrnwer at
<br />tree Pruperlr .AJdrcss ar at arch other atWrcx as &ar++wcr may devg»nte by notice to fender at prtwiJed herein, and
<br />Chi a»:- notice n? fernier shall f>r given by ccrlaficd ma+i. ret:+r» reccrpt requesteJ. to l.endcr's address stated herein or to
<br />such other address ;cs fenxier may designate by nodve to Bnrn+sa•rr as provide) herein. Any notice provide) for in this
<br />Mortgaec shatF t,e tkemrd to have been gwrn to tinrn,wcr ar I ender when green in the manner designated herein.
<br />IS. t'rriform Mortxgie: Gavrrwigt law; S<+erabNily. This form of mortgage combines uniform ctwenants for nations!
<br />use :rod n,*n~u»itarrm cr:venantc with timrtcd varrauont by :u:itd,rGnn to rnrtsriurte a uniform security instrument covering
<br />era) prepares ~17trs Mortgage shalt etc governed ht the taw +,f the iurixsiiction in whirh the Properly is [orated. in the
<br />event that any pntvismn ar ciautc of this Mortgage ar the N,uc conflirtt with appficahk taw. such conflict shall not affect
<br />other pr,++sionc of tkw Mortgage or Lire Notc whra:h ,:an he go-en rticct without the conflicting provision, and to this
<br />rnJ the pro+isin»s of the Mortgage anJ the NrVe are Declared to t?e cevtrakk.
<br />fi. ttom+wris Copy. Borrower than he furnrshrJ a cnniormed copy of the Note anJ of this Mortgage at the time
<br />of cut»tion ,rr after resordatirm trere.,f.
<br />t7. Tran~ftr o4 r!x lrrpeKy, gssitapti~. !f ail or a»y part of tkr Property nr an :nfertsi tktrein is sold or transferred
<br />by Borrower uittr+a+t [.cndera poor wrettcn conunt. exciuJing tat the cmatirsn of a lic» or e»cumbrsnct sahordina[e to
<br />th,s Mortgage. (h! rite creaUOn of a purchase montw security interest far househaiJ appliances rr) a transfer by devise,
<br />Jescrnt .,r kc ..,parauan at !aw uprm the .kath of a tu»tt tenant or
<br />1_enJer raay...t I cnder's optuut. declare all the same secured by thn Mortgage to be
<br />+mrr€c:hatck dnc and payable. Lender shall have w:uvcd sash aptu,n to accrlcratc rf. prior to the sale nr transfer. Lender
<br />anti the pcrstai to ukrrnt the Property is to t?e sat;! ar translrrreJ react? agreement in unung that tt~ credit of sixh per:Kxt
<br />is ,aacfa,ckur to Lenttrr and that the interest payable nn the sums secturd ley this Mortgage shalt !,e at such rats as Lender
<br />that! reyrrrs7. !f [.ender teas waived the +,ption to arreler:uc puwideJ rn Chic paragraph 17. acrd ,f Bt?rrowrr'x successor in
<br />iniercst feat execute) a written assumption agreement accepted in writtng by Lender. l.enJer shall release Borrower from all
<br />a?tJtgattnns a»tfrr th45 Mortgage and the Noce.
<br />tf l.enticr eccrcisrs ttu:h option to accelerate, 1_cnJ,:r shall ma:! tnrrower nonce of acrekrauon in accordance with
<br />paragrapk la terms!. Groh notrct that) provide a prritni c*f not 3ess tkan 't!) days from the date eke ntxirrix mailed within
<br />whrch Borr.+urr may pay eke .oats declare) due. It Borrower fast ro pay such sums prise to ttx expiratwn of such period,
<br />LencStr max-. w:€tx+ut ftrrtkcr nttiirc ar tkmand nn t€orroucr.:nvo}.c any rctru~dies permitttJ k}' paragraph IR hereof.
<br />tiox-Unrtrrsas ('ot'Ftr,sHis. fk?rrawer anJ ! ender further Covenant .rod agree as lollmvs:
<br />t& gcceteratioa; Rrtmrdies, trxcrpi as provided is parbtrppb 17 keno(, aptm lorres+er's Mearb of say ctrveatiM or
<br />t~rremrnl of Sottotsrr is tltkr Mar(gp8!t, iar{adis} tbt rnx ruaott to pay wtxe dtu pay sews sr. peed by ik~ Mor~a~¢.
<br />Leader pe3ar to acrteteralian sbptt rash aotire to Rterret+er pt provided Fa paraRrspb 10 Aereat xptceifyiaK: {t1 ltie Mtacb:
<br />f21 fAe artitm re@ts3rtd to rare Barb txrarb; 13- a die, curt kxs lbsa 3g days from !bt date the notixt k mailed to eermsrer.
<br />by rsbirb sprh tttraeb apical 6e crated, sad 4+1} eMt ftd&trc to scut sartt breach oa or baton the date tgeri5ed in the satire
<br />rrsatt in arcrkratim td toe wars srrurttd by skis !Wartime, forectasarr by (adkipl proceediaR aaed s+de of Me lrapsrty.
<br />'flee nailer thtpB ftatAet itdetr torrower of for rFKbt to rciwatatr peter ticceteratkia sad the r~bt ao assert is tin farecfaatus
<br />ttrw•xdiapyP >br Went-oxiAeare of p dpfsak ar asy ether rkfeawt of ierrorrar to prcekratiap pad.forecioswe. tt the 6tstpclt
<br />h. aof rared.+xa err- batote tbt data ~ is stir tatice, trader ai Leader's gltiua nwy deckere ail of file s~ seraragl try
<br />Hsi+ tfar~agr M lee lmrnedtptriy tear sad dyable wHboiat tttsiber drmwd sad rop=e ftireriosr br jadkipt procrrdit~. t.ewiet
<br />+ be eatltkd to rrilieM is starb proceeding a0i tapeYes at tottrtaeitrr, iarcltaMeB, tqN not tlartted to, casts of dxaeeatwy
<br />ovlr~rwx'r. rdrnrarhr mad Ikie reptsrb,
<br />t!4, Irartpwrt°a txlRktt to ter, Nntwstkstarttlrrig t ctxt{er's aeccterau:*n »f ttlr rums sectutd h}' This Mtutgage.
<br />Itxxro>wrr skate leave the right to least any prrxetdings begun by tx:»der to c»furce tors Mrntga~ discorur»rard at soy urrte
<br />